Being the single IP fans most want a return to across its many franchises, the release of Capcom's Dino Crisis as a PS Plus classic should be a joyous occasion. Instead, in an annoying pattern that began with Resident Evil: Director's Cut, it can't be purchased separately, requiring a PS Plus Premium subscription. Oh, and it doesn't have Trophies, either.
PSLS raised this PSA, and it remains unclear why Capcom has opted to go this route, which represents a rare miss for our based Capgod. For whatever reason, the Japanese publisher/developer seems quite shy about adding Trophies to its back catalogue. While the TimeSplitters trilogy initially came to Sony's service without those all-important gongs, they were eventually added. Yet, if Resident Evil: Director's Cut is anything to go by, we wouldn't get our hopes up in this case. It's been over two years since Capcom's most iconic PS1 title came to the Classics catalogue, and we can't imagine Dino Crisis will be getting special treatment.
Are you surprised by Capcom's decision to release its PS1 back catalogue in this fashion? Will you upgrade to PS Plus Premium (if you don't have it already) to secure Dino Crisis? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source playstationlifestyle.net]
Comments 88
Nope. I’m good. Thank you though.
I love how Capcom thought this game is so important that people will buy PS Plus to play it. I think Sony had a hand in this bad idea. I think they just want to shut fans up about Dino Crisis. I guess making money is not important anymore. Just like Sony and Bloodborne.
Well…that sucks!
Well i wanted to try this but capcom seem to want to keep the series dead lol
lol Screw that noise, I'll just play the PS1 Classics version I have on my Vita.
@Ralizah Time to list my vitas on eBay for $2975
This is the same pain Nintendo fans feel about Nintendo’s retro classic games being locked behind the Nintendo Switch Online subscription paywall.
No trophies, no play, simple as that!
Thank goodness for Duckstation. 🤐
I Guess Capgod can't be bothered to add trophies to their classic games.
RetroAchievements clear!
Don't the Nintendo people go through this like every month 😅 this is so dumb 😒
Wait so I can't play my already bought ps3 version on ps5? 😭. I was actually really really looking forward to this
Every time I see crap like this, I'm glad I kept my PS3. Whoever made this decision should go eat a bowl of dicks.
Ive wanted to play this game for a while, so the original announcement was exciting. This is disappointing. I can see them reversing it when they realise it's dumb
@Judal27 Same with Resident Evil: Director's Cut on PS3. You can't get it for free on PS5 if you own it on PS3/Vita, (to my knowledge, might be wrong) it's also only through Premium as well.
Capcom is being weird about this. At least Sony, Namco and some others can at least let you buy the games separately through the store (or honor past purchases through legacy storefronts).
Yeah, it's so stupid to have this game behind a premium subscription pay wall. Tbf, this info has been avalible since the reveal...if a bit muddled.
But if they were just going to release it as is, why not release it into the wild for $4.99. I was hoping this release would help Capcom gauge the market for a potential new game in the series, good luck with that now. Ah well, guess I don't have the same sized forehead as the people at Capcom and Sony. 👨🎓
@nessisonett Just played through Silent Hill 1 with retroachievements, fun to hunt for trophies in these classic games.
I dont care about trophies , but im not subscribing, i like to keep my games long...
As much as I want to play dino crisis again, I will not be forced to pay for a subscription to play it.
Capcom are idiots. They could have made so much extra money by allowing us to buy it.
I really can't believe anyone would pay the maximum ps subscription to play dino crisis but they would have bought it outright. Your loss capcom.
@TheTraditional even Jeanne D'arc was purchasable. I don't understand why they wouldn't allow it. That's a real shame
Understandable, it seems only Sony and Disney published titles get trophies as well as PS2 games
I just sent an email to capcom asking them to release dino crisis from the ps+ paywall.
Maybe if enough people complain they might change their mind.
It's worth a try.
If I get a response i will post the reply here.
Wow, Capcom is trolling lol.
I also wish Namco would add trophies to their stuff too. I’d love to get the platinums on Tekken and Ridge Racer.
@Lavishturtle "I think Sony had a hand in this bad idea"
I don't think Sony had their hand when every single Sony PS1, PS2, and PSP games has trophies, can be purchased without subs to PS+ Premium, and they also crossbuy with anyone who bought the classic from PS3/PSP/Vita.
So, this is pretty much Capcom decision to locked their games behind PS+ subs.
I ditched Premium with my latest renewal 2 months ago, lack of games I want, and I prefer to download for superior performance and image captures. Dino Crisis is not enough for me to add Premium again.
I was hoping for a graphics and controls upgrade to give me incentive to repurchase DC if my PS3 purchase was not honored. I never could play the PS3 version because it lacked an option to use the sticks for movement.
Locking it behind a Premium pay wall, with no option to purchase individually seems like a silly move.
But not having trophies is a complete none issue.
Some of the best games I've ever played don't have trophies and I'm perfectly happy with them the way they are.
Are they a nice addition to a game? Yes of course.
But why anyone would refuse to play a classic game (if they genuinely love it) just because it hasn't been upgraded with trophy support just blows my mind.
Very strange behaviour
Someone at Capcom hates trophies. I’ll always be salty about Village VR
Well, when I run out of great games with the additional trophy campaign I’ll start playing great games that lack them. I am quite positive I’ll never get to this stage though.
I knew this game was going to be locked behind premium with no option to purchase it. It was on the cards since its announcement.
@TheTraditional Resident Evil was available to those who owned it on PS3, so Dino Crisis has been treated differently in that regard
I've nothing against a game having trophy support, I fully understand the pros and cons.
I'd just never personally prioritize trophies over my actual enjoyment of a game that I love.
At the end of a day a good game is a good game and I'd be a fool to deny myself the pleasure of playing it just because it doesn't support trophies.
Just my opinion of course for what it's worth
I don’t know what I find more confusing Capcom refusing to sell classic titles individually or people thinking that Sony is somehow behind this because a 25 year-old PS1 game is somehow gonna do mad numbers for premium subscriptions.
I'm starting to see the horrible garbage PS3/360 era CAPCOM rear it's ugly head again
I couldn't care less about trophies, but just let me buy my games. I don't subscribe to PS Plus since I don't play many online games, and locking games behind a subscription won't change that.
Are there any other examples of titles like this that added trophies at a later point?
@PuppetMaster I think some Ridge Racer and Tekken games were initially locked behind Premium, but they later started selling them individually. No idea if the Premium requirement was Sony's or Namco's idea, though.
@Lavishturtle considering Sony's own classic games are all available to buy on PS5 and the only other Capcom classic on PSN (I believe) in RE Directors Cut is also locked behind a paywall this seems like more of a Capcom thing to me.
@KoopaTheGamer same trophies don't rule weather or not I buy a game, just make it available for God's sake.
I'm fortunate to still have my original disc copy of Dino Crisis and Dino Crisis 2 in the cupboard and still play them via my PS2 (with a RetroTink) or my PS3.
This does suck though. Even though I have those I planned on buying this but I won't subscribe to any PS+P or GamePass service.
I don't know what capcom are thinking here or whether Sony have any say on distribution. If this is going to be a market engagement test for interest in the IP then any future potential for Dino Crisis is already extinct. And I've been whining for years on capcom forums and pages for a reboot as many have.
@Member_the_game No trophies and hiding it behind a subscription is a double nono it's lazy and dirty.
The subscription thing I fully agree with but Trophy support (or in this case lack of) would never impact my decision to play a game or not.
A good game is still a good game whether it has trophies or not
Better to play it on an emulator. Granted I am hoping GOG gives it that Resident Evil 1,2,3 treatment. Hopefully Code Veronica as well. I am crossing my fingers.
And yet a game is often enjoyed for the challenges, and trophies give more of them, so separating trophies from enjoyment is…strange to me. Of course, if one is playing only for the story or social aspects that’s different.
It's not about separating them, it doesn't have to be one or the other.
My point is that a good game can still be enjoyed regardless of it having trophy support (or not)
Its the flat out refusal to play the thing that I just get my head around.
If it's a game you really like and have fond memories of it, why deny yourself the pleasure of playing it again just because it doesn't have a few trophies to collect lol
Btw I should add that when I say a game you really like, I don't specifically mean you personally, I'm talking about people in general 😂
Yes, that’s why I changed my “you” to “one”, even though it made me sound poncy lol.
I’m not a trophy hunter, my completion rate is about 40%, which is below some people who don’t even look at trophies. Reason being that I drop a game if I’m not enjoying it regardless of whether I have trophies or not.
Despite this I will usually avoid a game that doesn’t have trophies, or where trophies are broken or unobtainable, just because I have no need to have a game without a trophy campaign (which I often enjoy more than the narrative campaign) when I have hundreds of games I’ve still not found the time to play.
If I finished all the games I wanted to that had trophies, or if trophies were suddenly removed from all games, I would be sad about it but still keep playing. I’ve been gaming since the C64, so I obviously have enjoyed gaming seperate from trophy challenges. I just don’t see the need to deny myself them.
I've never quite understood the trophy deal-breaker, but not making it available for individual purchase is absurd. Don't they want my money?
I know it sucks for people that already bought the game before but I never played this game and will be checking it out this time on my premium subscription. It makes a lot of sense for them to do a remake but I guess they are focusing on other projects
A very odd choice considering the vast majority of classic games are available to purchase separately. You lose out on potential sales and I highly doubt the ability to play Dino Crisis would move the needle much on subscription numbers.
There is no upside to doing this so I'm a bit baffled.
Yeah I never understand the not playing a game if hasn't got trophies. I am guessing all these people dont date/marry unless there partner gives them a gold star for taking the trash out, washing the dishes etc.
The upside to doing this is that those of us who subscribe to premium get a game we might want to play?
Capcom never said they were going to release it or do any work on it, so releasing it as is on a service meant to be able to reply old games is fine. Stating they 'hoodwinked us' is just awful journalism, Push Square standards are getting much worse.
'Not playing without added trophies' is also something that strikes me as ridiculous. It was a game that never had trophies, so it's offered in its correct original format. Capcom don't care if you are stamping your feet demanding trophies, play it dont play it.
For those of us who care enough about access to old titles that we sub to premium, it's a nice bonus. For the rest of you it's no change.
I expected to be able to buy it. I don't plan to subscribe for one single game I'm interested in. I'm so tired of these subscription services. I'm sure im subscribed to stuff I dont even use anymore since there's so many to keep track of. Oh well atleast I can buy Siren and play that. Really disappointed in capcom and sony for this nonsense. Cant wait until all future ps5 turn out to be ps plus exclusives.
@AFCC Trophy bros really have the oddest of takes.
Never cared about trophies.
Too bad you can't just buy the game.
If you don't own a disc, and you have a PC, just emulate instead.
That way you can also render the game in higher resolution etc.
I sold my disc, a long time ago, but I modded my PS1, with X-station, so I don't have to deal with overpriced original discs anymore.
I hope we get a remake, just like the RE games, or a brand new game.
Capcom is definitely going to remake this. If you want authentic retro, why do you even care trophy? Personally, these retro games controls and graphics are not holding up and will wait for remake. These retro availability are blown out of proportion. Only a very few people play them for nostalgic reason. I tried to play twisted metal and syphon filter on premium, 2 games i loved so much in the past but the controls are not good enough.
@KoopaTheGamer I never hear any news about Sony required 3rd party devs to put their classic games behind PS+ Premium paywall. And no Sony PS1/PS2/PSP classic games locked behind the service either. But i guess Sony gave them the choice to do it.
Cool to see, fair condition of things I guess.
If only Under The Skin, (PN03 I know is a GameCube game but still) Auto Modellista (make them unlicensed instead, expand on it) or others. Even let Remember Me for PS3 be on there an older Dontnod title left behind, that glad I own now as it's really good, ah I miss games like it, the mechanics sell me on it, fair experience for the time like other action adventure games, holds up well, trick memory segments but still great experience.
Capcom allow your niche IPs to have a place. Under The Skin with the RE3 content would align still and offer a good multiplayer experience with fun disguises and party game fun, offer this game online it never had it in the PS2 original release, this game NEEDS a port/remaster, the cell shading looks great, singleplayer is one thing but multiplayer is what it was made for, gameplay is still chaotic and hilarious, the sound track is great. Why is this stuck on PS2 Capcom? Do something with it please.
Annoying, but not terribly surprising. Surely this is why they created this service in the first place? To sell subscriptions with old games people want to play. What’s weird is how they pick and choose what games you can actually buy. Capcom seems to be playing some part in this decision…
Lol wow. Nope. I'll just pop the disc in to my PS3 and play it that way when it's time to go back to it.
Capcom seem to be the only ones that do this. Happened with RE1 too.
I don't think they recognise how well Dino Crisis did to gamers back in the day, DC2 was more of an arcade shooter it felt at times but was a decent game. Then it went really far off rails with it going to Xbox and into space that game was just awful the camera angles etc.
But even when it came up in their top 3 most wanted games they never seem to acknowledge it and if they were honest would rather do another Devil May Cry game than a DC game
@bindiana Hahahah loved this post.
I fear they do that to Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain. I played almost all games of that series in the past, minus BO 1 and 2. It will be the very 1st time I will enjoy the start of the story. I hope I can buy it separately, and it come with trophies.
My money is ready but they don't want it.
I’d rather have no trophies than poorly designed ones.
Tekken 2 originally started out unavailable separately, but it came eventually. Other than that, I'm not really impressed with the new emulator. Wild Arms and Legend of Dragoon stutter like crazy. I'll stick to the PS3 for these titles.
Trophies I can live without, always nice to have but by no means a deal-breaker for me. But why they don't let you purchase the game to play without Premium is mind-boggling. I paid for a year of premium and wasn't planning on renewing. Does the game have save-states and rewind features?
Guess this means I use duck station with retroachievements. Yes Sony, no effort - no reward. Consumers don't owe you nothing.
Actually these classics should be sold by Sony as dem drm free ROMs that function on any emulator. Then we would actually be purchasing games again instead of just licenses.
Just let people buy things!!!
One of the reasons my Wii U is still hooked up is because of the number of Virtual Console games I have. Switch online is a very poor substitute for retro gaming.
@PuppetMaster Either way, Sony has to be paying them something if the games are a part of Premium. And if these games are not sold separately at all, it has to be more than they figured the game would sell separately.
It's a weird situation for sure.
Please sign my petition regarding trophy support on Re:DC and Dino Crisis. Will it do anything? Not sure but it doesn't hurt trying.
@Member_the_game I already finished the game a long time ago and the trophies will make me go back because of my limited time.
It's fun for me personally to have something to show for it. A little challenge to get some trophies are one of these things. Otherwise I still have the a PS1 copy at home.
The sad thing is gaming will never be as fun when I was a kid for the simple reason time or better said the lack thereof. It's still a good game but implemented trophies will make me go back faster.
So dumb. Was looking forward to playing this but I won't ever be subbing for this, or any other game.
I already sub to Nintendo and I'm not having Sony stick another wallet IV into me for syphoning funds every month.
Them not adding trophies really pisses me off. I emailed them yesterday about this and Resident Evil.
The paywall is for the whales, it will be made available later I bet. Trophies are mostly dumb anyway.
I hear all of that and absolutely take on board all of your well made points.
However I'll stand by my original point that I'll simply never understand why anyone (not necessarily yourself but just anyone) would skip a game that they like just because it doesn't have trophies.....
It almost smacks of cutting off your nose to spite your face as the saying goes lol
You probably won't remember but we've actually already had this same discussion a few months ago.... So at the risk of us simply going around in circles I think it's best that we just respectfully disagree on the matter and move on with our lives 😂
Not sure I understand. You need PS+ to purchase it. But once purchased, what happens to the game if your PS+ subscription stops? Do you lose access until subscribing again?
@Member_the_game I agree and yes i totally forget things I said months ago.
reading the comments , i mean didn't people complain premium didn't have enough value? they are adding more games to it, now people complain they have to pay for premium to play it?
Currently there is no way to purchase it, however if you subscribe to PS Plus Premium tier you can download it and play it for as long as your Premium subscription is still active.
There are plenty of classic games that do allow you to purchase them without a subscription so it may well change in the future, but for the time being at least it isn't possible to purchase it
@twitchtvpat Nononononono, there was NO mention of this being hard-locked, or premium only. None. Sony is clumsily trying to imitate NSO, which is also terrible, but very succesful. This type of predatory door-in-the-face marketing is actually illegal in some countries.
They’re out of their greedy, ever-loving minds if they think I’ll pay for PS Plus Premium to play this game - or ANY GAME for that matter.
Nope, nope, NO 👎
A shame about the trophies. But still, bring on Dino Crisis 2, loved that game.
This is so crap. Paywalled Dinos…..
@Member_the_game Thanks for the explanation!
WHY??? SONY??? :-/ Let me buy it + the lack of Trophies is stupid to :-/ When the TimeSplitters games came out they didn't have Trophies & I had to replay TimeSplitters 2 again to get them(well I didn't 'have to' )
@KoopaTheGamer That's correct, there was a delay with the original RE becoming available 'for free' on my PS4 as I owned the PS3 version so maybe that will be the case here.
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