Remember earlier in the year it was rumoured Suicide Squad developer Rocksteady had been enlisted to help on Hogwarts Legacy? There was word at the time of some kind of Definitive Edition for the Harry Potter spin-off, although it was unclear what that would actually entail.
Now, according to well-connected industry tipster Tom Henderson, we have a hint: an additional 10-15 hours content, available as part of a new bundle or as an expansion for existing game owners.
This DLC, likely due out at some point in 2025, will include quests, costumes, activities, and more. It’s said that the add-on could cost between $20 and $30.
Hogwarts Legacy was a huge seller for Warner Bros in 2023, but the publisher suffered significant losses due to the failure of Suicide Squad a year later. It’s since said that expanding on the franchise is one of its top priorities.
Assuming this is all accurate, we wouldn’t be surprised to see the add-on announced before the end of the year. What would you like to see from a hypothetical add-on to the action RPG? Are you focused on more story, or would you prefer more activities to flesh out the open world? Let us know below.
[source insider-gaming.com, via playstationlifestyle.net]
Comments 57
I hope they make a proper physical edition where at least the base game is on the disc ... not just the intro ...
I really want to play the game and that is the only thing stopping me from buying it
I've been playing this game for two weeks now and I really, really think it's more than enough as is.
Removed - unconstructive
This game had a lot of potential but unfortunately fell massively short. The story was tedious and the gameplay was incredibly dull after several hours of playing and I don't think additional content is going to improve any of that.
Wait what? It's not?
I'll wait for some complete edition then
I loved Hogwarts Legacy so I'd absolutely be up for more. I'm not really sure I want anything in particular though. Maybe let us explore a new smaller school? Or maybe take up some tasks from the Ministry of Magic?
Looking forward to it!
The base game was good fun. I certainly wouldn't say no to some extra content.
Funny to see people criticising the game for being transphobic when they've distanced themselves from the author and there's a trans character in the game.
The virtue signaling is real.
@McTwist Yes, the physical edition for PS4 AND PS5 are useless right now.
@Zuljaras your not in the dark ages anymore get a grip. We’re living in an online generation now. It doesn’t hurt to download an update does it
@Zuljaras Not useless, you can use them as a coaster for your beverage of choice. I didn't know this and since my backlog is huge, I'll just wait for the complete edition to be discounted since I dislike paying to borrow digital games.
@Ward_ting are you talking on behalf of the 24 million people that bought the game. The add on will be greatly appreciated
I enjoyed the game for what it is. But I felt like the open world content was made before the concept of flying came into play lol. End up cheesing a lot of things using the broom stick lol
@Moj500 No, I am talking on behalf of myself. If people are excited about extra content then I'm pleased for them. I purchased and finished the game and for me additional content isn't going to get me interested in it again.
I'm not usually a big DLC fan long after I've finished a game, but this game was pretty special, and I'd absolutely pick it up again for that!
@Moj500 Then just release the game as a digital only title if you can't provide a playable physical copy. @Czar_Khastik is right, this just an expensive coaster.
Im not gonna lie this trend of releasing dlc over a year after release really messes with my trade in plans XD
On the other hand i enjoyed my time with legacy, the missus just liked catching the shiny animals they added so if theres more of them she will want it lol
@Zuljaras if it were to release as a digital only title then you lot will just moan there’s no way to win is there
What bizarre question to ask the answer is obvious........YEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!
So it's a cash grab because their stupid hero-shooter live service game failed. Not because they had great ideas for Hogwarts Legacy, but because they needed to make back their money. Yeah, I'll pass.
Loved the game, will probably get the DLC as well
@Moj500 Ahh so it is a win to release a physical edition that does not contain the game in a playable state?
A friendly advice for you, next time instead of trying to hurl petty insults, THINK before writing something. You will benefit from it
Like @NEStalgia said, I usually don’t like doing DLC so long after release, but this one was pretty special, so I’m down for it. It’s one of those games I loved at release, didn’t quite like where the story went toward the end and I sort of burned out toward the end too because of samey enemies, but darn it, whenever I think about the game, I just remember what a wonderful time it was. It’s one of the best open world takes on an established IP I think we’ve ever seen. Certainly, even with some issues, it’s one of the best games this generation and I’d really like to return to this world.
And it certainly helps that 10-15 hours is basically the length of many games I like to play as well. It’s almost like getting a sequel or an appetizer for the inevitable sequel if it’s got story based content.
I got the plat in the game, and yes, I want some DLC. Nothing too repetitive, I hope.
The atmosphere; the incredible characters within; the fun sidequests; the music; exploring..
Should I really go on? If you think ''it's little better than generic Ubisoft slop'' then I really, REALLY pity you.
This game is easily one of my top games this generation - I have a few 100% playthoughs under my belt and will still play through again sometime after pro is released.
@NEStalgia said it right, it was special.
As for what I would like to see-
Higher difficulty in end/post game, but not forced by making enemies invulnerable to certain spells / mechanics. Just have larger, higher level mobs more frequently.
A continuation to Sebastians story, or maybe a large story arc set post game/companion questlines - where a group of Ranrok / Rookwood loyalists are set on revenge against you (and your friends), which involves all companions and lets you pick and choose the accompanying companion for a number of the missions.
Expecto Patronum and Dementors added.
Plays let the s squad team far away from the hogwarts game.
@Zuljaras it’s a free update included grow up disc guy
I'll be honest, I would rather a sequel so far after the launch of the title. It's really difficult to drop back into an expansion when you have subsequently played multiple other titles in the gap, and forgotten most of the controls and other intricacies- particularly where the DLC is often harder.
I think Hogwarts Legacy was an excellent game - they nailed the setting, although the limited enemies and slightly weak story pulled it down a little from achieving its full potential. They have an amazing canvas to build off though to tell future stories in the world and I very much look forward to playing more
You missed the excellent combat and near flawless performance lol.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.. but imo this game is damn near perfect. The combat was incredibly fun and the performance was solid.
The only thing that really sucked imo was the collectibles that you find in tombs; more often than not can you not use it at all because you are already too powerful for it. But this game is still a solid 9/10 and probably the best open world game I've played since Skyrim
Great game but far too late for me to be interested in dlc unfortunately.
I was planning on getting it soon. Thanks for making me dodge that bullet. What a bunch of nonsense
No sarcasm (at least not to you - maybe a little bit to the person who thought it no better than ubisoft / outlaws).
The combat system was fantastic, and i loved the curse mechanics once you filled the skill tree.
Performance was a high spot for me - it launched in a great state, and after an improvement patch last year (during late summer i think), it ran at around 80fps a fair amount of the time (providing you have it uncapped and can use 120hz).
Agree with the small tombs, but part of the reason i liked the game is once transmog was added, and providing you had your beasts sorted, it was easy to upgrade all your gear whenever needed. There was no - do i hold onto this or that item of clothing because it looks good, or has x unique effect, etc you see in a lot of games.
@Pat_trick Everyone has the right to feel a certain way about something. Freedoms of speech is not to cater to a certain group. I have seen good reasons why people don't want to buy game not a bad thing having standards and coming up for your rights to be who you want to be.
@Moj500 Why would I grow up from having standards? You want to do a physical release then atleast include the bloody game on it.
@Flaming_Kaiser I agree 100%.
It is also my freedom of speech to criticise people that say they won't buy a product because of someone who's not directly associated with it anymore.
They can criticise the game, and I can criticise them for what I think is hipocrisy on their part.
@Flaming_Kaiser you lost admit it the game is on there just download the bloody update which takes 2 mins it’s not like every game is like this damn
I thought that this game was really quite charming in a simplistic way. Really enjoyed my time with it.
I really love this game. I'm not a Harry Potter fan but the game just looked awesome enough for me to warrant a purchase and I loved everything about it. The games devs catered to everybody but it still wasn't enough to stop people from trying to cancel it. More of the same is something I'm looking forwards to.
-I have bought the game perfectly legal, disc version in a videogame store (physical store:) in my country b4 christmas on middle of december, I've just opened today for the install and play for couple of hours.
Beware! The disc only contains the demo or intro-whatever you want to call it. WTH man?The person who came up with this idea is insane. Never experienced something similar on my ps4 carrier.
Game was full priced AAA and the disc only contains 40-50 minutes of play...
I was happy to final get my hands on Hogwarts Legacy as my first PS5 game, when i put the game disc to my ps5 waiting to install then i saw the remaining time is very high, i was shock that it take so much time to install a physical game disc, way longer than ps4 game.
-Turns out the game disc contain few mb or gb of data only which it required download to install the full game.
Nope the game isn't on the disc it's a glorified launcher.
@Flaming_Kaiser you are correct. It has the introduction to the game on the disc and then it takes forever to download and install the rest of the game. It didn't stop me from enjoying the game but it's not the only physical release that does this and there's too many to list.
@Northern_munkey Actually, on the top of my head the only games that I know of this crap are Hogwarts Legacy (ofc) and the latest Ubicrap titles - Star Wars Outlaws, Avatar, The 2 Jedi games and possibly Assassin's Creed Shadows. We are not counting games that require constant online connection like Diablo 4. (those are not even games, those are services )
I am trying to remember of other games that do not have the playable base game on the discs for PS5 (and couple of PS4) but that is it.
Isn't that hardly 6 titles and 1 of them is not even released?
So physical games are still in an "ok" state. That is why I am so frustrated at such releases.
@Zuljaras If you have to download a patch bigger then the game it's bad for me. And I had quite a few of those. 😆
@Pat_trick You damn right you can just as much as I'm in my right that I think it's nonsense that you can fault people for sticking up for their own rights.
@Flaming_Kaiser You went from politely disagreeing to being extremely rude very quickly haven't you?
I guess you're ok with free speech, as long as people are agreeing with you.
I'm surprised they didn't release DLC sooner.
They must know it would sell like chocolate cookies.
I've just bought the deluxe edition from the last sale for about 20 EUR.
Guess, i'll scoop the new content when sales drop
@Flaming_Kaiser Sure it is bad. There are some game that are optimized so badly but still you have something functional in hand
I grew up reading the books, enjoyed the films so I consider myself a Pothead.
Hogwarts Legacy is a decent game...decent, not fantastic or excellent in my opinion.
The developers have built a great foundation with the game, and for a first attempt at this type of game for the IP, it's great.
I would never place it on the same level as something like Skyrim or The Witcher 3.
It was my first PS5 game, and the first 10 hours or so are really amazing. After that point though, I experienced a huge drop-off in enjoyment (the story is uninteresting, most of the side-quests are boring and there are no real consequences for your actions).
I stopped playing it around the 3rd Keeper Trial, and honestly, I don't think I'll get back to it.
This DLC will have be to on the level of The Witcher 3's Blood and Wine DLC for me to even have any interest in it.
Just needed optimisation, not more content.
@Yagami It's the most high-profile Harry Potter game ever made, by a wide margin, and fans of that franchise have been wanting to play a Hogwarts simulator forever.
Personally I'm not a huge HP fan but the ones I know adore this game because it gave them what they wanted for a very long time. They're the type of people that identify with one of the four houses and are really excited all that stuff is in the game, the type of people who wander the halls of the school just to look at the details.
SW Outlaws does worse in comparison because there have already been several dozen great SW games so it doesn't benefit from any pent up demand. Outlaws is also very mid, Hogwarts Legacy is a slightly better game all other factors aside.
Absolutely, more points for Ravenclaw 😃 With any luck will have more save slots for characters as completed with all four houses.
@tangyzesty free DLC is a cash grab?
@Pat_trick That's always the excuse I hear but is it really like that. The right wing is one of the most small minded people there.
Religious people are also really funny we should be nice to each other and respect each other. What you are gay you have no right to be yourself, you have other religion thats wrong.
Hardcore gamers hey this game has a female lead I can't accept that, all women are not models woke, the girl is not perfect they have a agenda.
I never said you can't have a opinion but for me i don't agree thats my personal opinion. So you disagree that people can't fight for their rights? If not tell me whats rude.
@Flaming_Kaiser The right and the left wing are as closed minded as each other. The only reason you think the right wing is more close minded is because you have more affinity for the left wing. Both groups are closed in echo chambers of agreement and unwilling to hear the other side.
The religion rambling makes zero sense. Religion doesn't dictate tolerance, people dictate religion and therefore tolerance based on religion. Religion is created by humans and people are tolerant or not, the institution is just a reflection of who is part of it.
Hardcore gamers what? At this point you're making zero sense. Calm down and think a bit before typing. A lot of hardcore gamers love a female protagonist, Samus is a clear example of that. You're focusing on a loud small group that most people, including me, dislikes and don't associate with.
Where did I disagree with people fighting for their rights? I just pointed out that WB did show respect for trans people and questioned what more could be done by them.
You're clearly emotional and biased about the subject. It's very hard to hold a conversation because everything I say is treated as if I'm personally attacking you.
I have nothing against you as a person, I just see a lot of flaws and holes in your argument. You carry a lot of biases against certain groups and opinions, yet preaches freedom of speech, and at the same time show incredible frustration if the person disagrees with you.
@Pat_trick Let's be real here ultra right or ultra both are horribles close minded people in try to stay in the middle with a more social mind towards freedom to be who you want to be if you don't harm or discriminate.
Also the environment is a important thing to work for. I don't believe that racism and hatred towards other just because they are different should be tolerated. Free speech is nice if you have people with somewhat of a brain and respect towards others.
Free speech in the US is mostly used to hide behind if you are a racist. You even have maniacs who attack parents of a school shooting telling that it's all fake.
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