Update: As we reported earlier in the month, PLAY magazine is shutting up shop – and so, subscribers have started receiving their last ever copies of the UK institution.
For many of us here at Push Square, this mag – formerly known as Official PlayStation Magazine – was an enormous inspiration for our work, so it hurts to see it come to a premature end like this. What an amazing final cover to bow out with, though!
Original Article: Another one of gaming's print magazines is shutting up shop. PLAY, Future Publishing's PlayStation magazine, has announced the latest issue will be its last.
Issue #46 features Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater on the cover with a hands-on preview, plus info on PS5 Pro, Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered, Ghost of Yotei, and plenty more. It goes on sale later this month, and then that'll be the end of it.
It's a real shame. PLAY might be a relatively young magazine, but its roots can be traced all the way back to Official PlayStation Magazine, which got started right around the launch of the original PlayStation.
Future Publishing brought us not only this official look at what was coming up on Sony's platforms, but an unofficial magazine, PSM2 (and PSM3) was its more untethered sibling. As noted in editor Oscar Taylor-Kent's farewell message, PLAY was put together by numerous ex-staffers from these other publications.
Magazines like these have been, and continue to be, an enormous touchstone and inspiration for Push Square, as well as our sister sites Nintendo Life, Pure Xbox, and Time Extension. In many ways we owe a lot to the likes of PLAY, and are sad to see another print publication come to an end.
Our thoughts go out to those affected by PLAY's closure; we hope everybody lands on their feet and can continue to do great work.
Are you a reader of PLAY magazine? What are your thoughts as another print publication shuts up shop? Tell us in the comments section below.
[source gamesradar.com]
Comments 86
I'm going to miss the game magazines. I always like reading magazines more then reading of a screen. But times change and magazines are not needed anymore to spread the gaming news.
Such a shame! OPM was my bible growing up!
Used to have a quick scan of this in the supermarket whilst the mrs was shopping.
@get2sammyb especially in the PSone, PS2 days. Couldn't wait every month the read the latest news and put in those demo discs and play each demo to death.
Damn shame. I really hate how everything's becoming digitilized.. Sometimes my eyes need rest from the screen, you know? Reading a gaming magazine was just the best.
Times change... but certaintly not for the better.
Many great memories pouring over gaming magazines, getting exciting news, analysing screenshots and trying out pack-in demos.
But truth be told I haven't bought one since the late 00's. The convenience and on-the-spot info of the Internet claims another victim.
May the staff land on their feet. 🤞
The mentioned official publication is a blast from the past. I even remember the official Nintendo official magazine on newsstands. Was there an official Xbox magazine?
It’s been a long day, so here I am getting emotional about a childhood favourite coming to an end.
I’m saddened by this but having bought every issue of this new Play magazine - I’m not surprised - the retro section in the back added some much needed reflection etc but the main section as with all print media was old news each time - some of the articles inside also questionable especially if your used to the mags of old - sad times - but I was thinking the other day do I stop buying this , least now I can head into the sunset with a clear conscience I supported each and every single issue they put out , shame it didn’t work out
@cardcrusher29 There was the OXM in the UK from 2001-2020. It also offered demo discs like the others. I remember getting a disc with ATV Quad Power Racing 2 demo on it, but that's about all I remember haha
I love a good print magazine and still subscribe to EDGE, there's something about the tangibility of it, I still get excited when a new issue drops. Though to be honest I thought Play/PSM finished years ago.
Hope Edge doesn't go the way of the dodo that's the only magazine I've ever subscribed too and still have going
I actually subscribed to the magazine for 3 months few months ago as I was trying to find ways to get away a bit from the screens and having something physical to read so I figured that would be a good way.
They had some really good features in the magazine and I'm gonna miss it.
Sad times. I remember back in the day going to WH Smith and looking at all the games mags. Used to spend ages in there, surprised they didn't kick me out.
@Xeno_Aura Thanks. By the time of the original Xbox, I was not playing as much and have stopped reading gaming magazines. I still have vivid memories of game magazines for their cheat code listings
I will buy all copies and list them on Ebay bundled together with PS5 Pro 30th Anniversary edition consoles
Absolutely heartbreaking. I still remember combing through an issue for every morsel of info on Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom. I honestly don't think I'd be at Push Square today without OPM.
Another bastion of physical magazines has gone... it's not over though. Shout out to RPM, looking forward to issue 4.
I’d be a hypocrite to say I’m sad to see this go, because I don’t buy print media.
Sucks for those who do buy it tho.
Used to love seeing the photos and screenshots in gaming magazines just after e3 when you couldn't watch it online and had to wait. Great times.
I subscribe to Edge and really hope it doesn’t go the same way. As far as I know there is only Edge and retro gamer left.
Have not touched print media for years, but back in the day, Zzap 64, Mean Machines, C&VG and the odd import copy of EGM were stalwarts I used to live by for my gaming news.
Always remember looking at the NeoGeo ads when a kid and dreaming
It's a shame, but an inevitable outcome with everything so digital now.
This is such a huge huge shame. I know print media has been dying for a while, but it's sad to see. I grew up reading OPM, play, Xbox world 360, OXM and gamesmaster, along with a couple of others. I think only Edge is still remaining and that's only a matter of time
I used to buy PLAY in the 90s when I couldn’t afford the extra three quid for OPM. Sad times
This is sad...
I used to see this magz along with PSM, OPM, Edge, GamePro, and GameInformer on my local book store in the import section. Now all of them are dead 😔. So yeah...RIP Play and good luck to the staff.
I personally aways prefer physical books & magazines because my eyes didn't quickly tired compare to staring at monitor or tablet. It's the reason why i'm still buying physical manga and
books about health, medicine, etc.
I'm also trying to collect some old games guide published by Prima Games and BradyGames. But lately their prices got more expensives. I guess the collectors knows these game guide became rare items. sigh...
This magazine I’ve always wanted but it is obnoxiously expensive (at least in US). Nintendo Force at $5-6 an issue proves it can be done cheaper.
Aww no that's so sad, it was a great miggy.
At this rate I'll have nothing left to read in the pub.
I’ll miss the feel of newsprint between my fingers. At least the last issue has [the remake of] one of the greatest games of all time on the cover. Nice way to go out.
Gonna miss games mags. There's been some classics over the years, for me going back to your sinclair. Bought psm religiously for years, and to someone strapped for cash, demo discs were great. Bought play alot too. I used to spend hours in the magazine aisles, and got told off once or twice ' buy something or leave ' 🤣
Anyway, best of luck to everyone and hope they all have good jobs lined up x
Always sad to see gaming magazines go under. Back in the day, they were our best source of news, reviews, and even rumours. R.I.P. PLAY.
Oh boy. I can't wait to turn 40 and reminisce about all the cool gaming things we used to have
I have not entered a WH Smiths in a long time (ok I was in one just the other day checking how much a bottle of water was) It was my go to for things important on the Playstation and kids in the beginning they had Game Demo's on a disk my favourite was F1 demo around the Brazil track I had no money in them days I could not afford to just buy games on release so these things were important a far cry from today...i'm waffling think Homer warping into a hedge.
@1UP-HUSKY The demo discs were absolute game changers growing up. At a time when I really only got new games at Xmas or birthdays, having something new to play every month was such a huge deal.
@cardcrusher29 there was!
Ah that's is a real shame. Have been a subscriber since the early PS4 days and a reader of video games mags since the Zzap! 64 days RIP in peace Play.
@get2sammyb I remember getting the demo discs in OPM. At the time I couldn't afford games much, just moving out on my own and having a kid so those demon discs introduced me to alot of PS library at the time. I may still have a few lieing around somewhere.
Is print media archaic - a relic of a bygone age? Or is it just because it is too expensive to justify?
I get why costs spiralled. But when your choice is PushSquare for free or OPM for 8 quid then the choice is obvious.
It is very sad though.. A lot of good childhood memories there.
Always sad to see a magazine shut down but with the internet and websites like Pushsquare, NintendoLife, Pure Xbox and dozens of others it just doesn't make sense to pay for a magazine subscription for news that's already a few weeks old.
Well this sucks, I really enjoyed reading those magazines.
Have every issue of PLAY, gutted that they are shutting shop.
There’s something special about a physical game magazine that can’t be replaced by a PDF.
It's not the last bastion, but little sad nonetheless.
I remember begging my mother to let me go to the magazine section as a child while she was shopping.
@BowTiesAreCool The original magazine called Play was from a different publisher, I was surprised they used to same name tbh.
Sad man, but long live EDGE magazine, I'm a subscriber and its a fantastic read, gaming journalism and literature at its finest!
Never read much of PLAY myself but I'm still sad nonetheless to see another gaming print magazine go out.
Hope for the best for all the staff.
Such a shame, the games master magazines and the cheat books that came with it was excellent back in the day.
@EYEBALL Man, I needed some of those guide/tips books back in the day. Used one to get through Ocarina of Time!
@get2sammyb Yeah same. As a dumb kid, I used to waste all of my credit some times on the numbers that was on the back of the magazines/books because i always thought there was some forbidden cheats that no one knew about and also for the hot chick that was on the back of the cheat book 😂
@Maubari yup I agree, but when one thing dies another is born so I think one day off in the future someone will start making these magazines again. There’s a guy that makes playstation magazines, he’s on issue 2 or 3 I think, sacred symbols podcast mentioned his name and brand once but damn if I can remember. Anyone?
I’m in the US and subscribed bc there were no other options despite the high cost. It was a great magazine that got me to try some games that weren’t even on my radar. Now there are no options left. This is a sad day for me.
It is such a shame but it was always inevitable that magazines/papers were going to be a thing of the past. I used to work at a printing company that printed local papers as well as the Daily Star, Sunday Sun etc and in the 4 years I was there I just saw we were printing less and less bulks as time went on.
I used to buy OPM during the PS1 and PS2 days then starting buying OXM when I got the OG Xbox. Times have changed and now we have sites like this that have made those magazines redundant but I do miss the days of going to the shop every month for a new issue of a magazine and picking up some snacks and a milkshake for when reading the magazine.
$10 or less provided a years subscription along with a disk with demos and other stuff..."those were the days."
The only print media I have purchased the past ten years are hardbound novels.
I mean, I read both PushSquare and PLAY. Some of the features in the mag were good. At least there's still some patreon-funded mags left, at least for Nintendo. Haven't seen any for PS but would support one.
Somewhat ironic... it is free online media such as PushSquare that were the reason these publications died (that and convenience). I just don't understand why they couldn't have tried a digital only version. I don't think people value things meaningfully these days (I will resist a GP swipe)... but also there's something so mentally healthy to be able to read something slowly, without feeling the need to race to the comments section to share your opinion (vent your spleen). Ironic all around.
The reality however is the world has changed - for better or worse. And I'm also part of the problem, as I've not bought a print magazine in years.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
I always bought a OPM it just hits differently then reading online. This is kinda sad to see the printed magazines die out. 😢
I grew up in the magazine era (80s-90s) and up until a few months back when gameinformer shut down, id always had a sub.
Im in the US, so not sure play was even an option but as far as I know, there are no longer any print gaming magazines available. Its sad because i love the feel of the paper over a kindle or website, even if the news was dated it was still a nice way to read.
Kids are going to really miss out when all books are eventually replaced.
They will be missed, well time to archive websites more and more these days I guess or if unofficial prints exist instead?
See if reprints of this stuff sticks around like video game history foundation or others or whatever have done with older magazines to reprint.
I’ve had so many PlayStation magazines since my childhood, many of which you listed I remember being subscribed to over the years. I do have a Play subscription too, so yeah, this hits hard as it’s sort of historic really its roots that is.
Actually really upset by this, I know that sounds pathetic, but yeah, cuts kinda deep. When I had little to no friends these mags were my best friend telling me all about the things I loved.
Well, time I grew up and read more online to satisfy to keep the opticians in business I guess.
Much respect to all the writers and hope they go on to great things.
@Czar_Khastik make sure the plate is white while the console is grey so people know you’re authentic
Such a shame. I love magazines and it seems the last remaining manstream mags left are Edge and Retro Gamer.
I sub to Retro Gamer and have tried many times to enjoy Edge but I can't get into it. It's too artsy hipster up its own arse for me.
Play was a nice read.
At least there are indie options out there like fusion, switch gamer and the soon to return Sega Mania magazine.
Been a subscriber since the OPM days and always enjoyed reading it.
Guess this is kind of inevitable seeing how it will always be behind the curve news wise by it's very nature. For example the last edition had an article previewing Concord by which point it had already died a death.
Huge shame. Will miss reading it
Sad news. I still have many of my OPM issues. None of the discs, though, I always gave them to friends after I'd tried them out.
damn i'm currently subscribed! had no idea! so will there be no playstation only magazine coverage going forward?
Man, does anyone remember PSM magazine? That was so cool. There's just nothing like print media.
Very very sad indeed. I brought it every month for years. I’ll never forget the review for In Cold Blood for PS1.. I’ve never wanted a game so much after reading a review before or since. The way they did things was just better!. And as a funny little twist a work friend of mine today brought in some games he had grabbed for me for my collection off his facetube and low and behold in the bag along with MK3/Max Power Racing and a copy of 18 Wheeler was… a pristine copy of Decembers 1996 OPSM… on my kids lives 😁😂 . RIP OPSM ❤️❤️❤️❤️
We've gone full PaaS (Publications as a Service.)
Down with Hookshot, I say!
Might have to get this one. Big part of my childhood but I moved away from print magazines years ago
It’s sad these video game magazines are closing down. I get why, but still. The money just isn’t there. Maybe instead of a weekly/monthly mag (if it is that. I have no clue), it could be seasonal so every 3 months. The quality could’ve been better with more games to write about and more time to gather interviews and what not. But again, the money isn’t in it either way.
I remember as a kid getting the Nintendo one and reading them on the toilet. My parents always wondered why I took so long on there… well, blame Nintendo and video games in general. At least I didn’t bring my Gameboy in the bathroom… maybe
That leaves Nintendo Force and Retro Gamer as the only two left standing as far as gaming mags for me. One is Patreon-funded, the other deals in past eras and doesn't have to worry about keeping up with current news so hopefully both will last many more years.
@Teldoestofu - Hi there, you were saying you were surprised WH Smith didn't kick you out..? - Well if you look anything like your Avatar I think there-in lays the answer. - Full Credit to any Magazine still able to output in this digital age, gone are the days of a rolled up copy being kicked around the Tea Room
As much as you might love them, all magazines are dinosaurs.
The very nature of print media means that magazines are old news by the time you get your hands on them. Any news they might manage to break will be spread online before you see your copy - like plot spoilers, but for news.
We're past the time of demo disks, so they don't have that going for them.
I'm old enough to remember PC magazines with lines and lines of BASIC for you to type in by hand, to recreate some game or tool - I've enjoyed generations of computer and gaming publications, and I've watched them all vanish. Sites like this are their replacement - so enjoy them while they last, they're bound to be replaced by something else in the next 20 years!
@RobN Arguably Youtube and Twitch have already replaced sites like these. Don't get me wrong - I love sites like these. Like you, I am a veteran magazine reader and this is the closest to the experience that you are getting. But some of those video creators have millions of subs with hundreds of thousands of views per day. I would be surprised (pleasantly so) if this site gets that many hits.
I'm old I remember buying a Commodore 64 mag called RUN
Then during my Sega Mega Drive years it was Mean Machines, SEGA POWER and GamesMaster until around 2005 I think where the price went up to like £5 and you didn't get much for it they even stopped doing the cheat books. My brother founds loads I've saved on a shoe box in my parents loft/attic some people buy them on eBay lol
@LifeGirl Good point - there's a whole generation that's more likely to get news of all kinds from YouTube than from reading anything, anywhere. Why read a review of a game when you can watch someone play? Bonus points if it's someone who has become something of a celebrity you're following over time, across games.
I'm not sure I'd compare something like HermitCraft or the Twitch streams of various players to a game magazine, but they likely scratch some of the same itches, and are certainly wildly popular! I think my wife listens to "BDubs" more than me.
I remember waiting every month for this. Awesome magazine. But yeah, times change.
@RobN @LifeGirl I think the bigger problem is a generation that doesn't know how to read and only watches videos....
Personally I can't imagine using videos for news in the Internet age unless you specifically want to see or hear something in motion. They're so slow and inefficient to sit and watch through to get the info vs just reading text. I liken that to the people that watch home shopping TV and sit through an hour of product sales rather than just reading the Amazon description in 20 seconds.
An end of an era. Ashame stuff like this is vanishing.
This has happened to quite a few of my favourite magazines in recent times, unfortunately print media is dying, everything is moved online and I'm conflicted if that's a good thing or not, I can see the benefits of both forms but alas I digress
Sad times
Such a shame, it's a pity PlayStation didn't let them keep the licence for the name, and under current market conditions charge them less to do so.
@Batesy125s Retro Gamer is doing well, luckily!
@romanista I need to start reading that. I've enjoyed the very few issues I've picked up over the years
Ah, no way! PLAY was the first PS mag I ever read (before that I was a Mean Machines kid) — I had no idea about the whole cancellation/revival/replacement with OPM; by that point I'd pretty much stopped reading mags on the reg altogether
They must be having a mass cull over at Future Publishing; Total Film just announced that their current issue will be the last
@PuppetMaster Edge is still going. It is now £6.95 so who knows how much it would be outside the UK, but it is still around...for now
@Runex2121 Edge is still made for now in the UK. It is Future as a whole. They really are struggling to make money or at least profit to please investors, which is not a surprise when the only thing they really care about is Youtube channels and websites low effort high yeild. I suppose it comes down to cost. No print runs and distribution. I buy magazines occasionally, but not on the levels it was in the 90's where I would use part time job money to buy one nearly every month. The official UK Playstation Magazine at it's peak would sell 250k copies at it's height. Now I would suspect Play would be selling 2000 if that.
@Andee there was some management speak saying to maximise profits they have to cut what isn't doing well (I paraphrase, but it is the gist I got). They did this about 6 years ago with the official Xbox and Nintendo magazines. I suppose at that point Play/OPM was turning a profit or had enough subscribers to warrant keeping it going but again things get more expensive. Yet Future can spend money acquiring sites like What Culture which basically is every magazine wrapped up in one website (wrestling, video games, film, TV, music). Its low effort, high yield as there is no print runs and no distribution cost and they can swamp it with as many ads as companies are willing to pay for.
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