Insomniac Games has effectively confirmed it's now moved on from development of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and major post-launch support as it states in a PlayStation Blog post that it's not working on any story DLC for the follow-up. As it reveals a PC version of the game will release on 30th January 2025, it also states: "We have no additional story content planned for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2."
The PS5 — and soon-to-be PC — title never launched with the promise of future expansions like its predecessor did, as a season pass brought word of The City That Never Sleeps DLC, which included three post-launch content drops for the first game. Insomniac Games has only ever spoken of the base game when it comes to Marvel's Spider-Man 2, so the lack of a proper expansion comes as little surprise at this point.
Of course, the first-party developer announced Marvel's Wolverine a few years back — which it continues to work on — and last year's hack spoke of a standalone Venom game similar in style and structure to the PS5 launch title Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales. It's not clear yet whether that's still a project in the works or not.
Had you been hoping for more Marvel's Spider-Man 2 story content? Let us know in the comments below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 113
I thought there were plans in place for a dlc with chapter headings leaked?
I wonder whether the hack put them so far behind, they have had to cancel plans?
Such a shame, I really liked the game - thought it was one of the highlights of this generation, and was hoping to see some dlc.
As much as I agree that the writing was bland, I'm still really disappointed with this. I can't bring myself to replay the story again but I'd have paid whatever for DLC.
Ah. Well there’s that then.
Well there it is an underwhelming end to an underwhelming sequel. Considering how broken the game was at launch and how every patch would break something i'm honestly concerned on where they're at. Is Venom happening? Is Wolverine going to be a mess? Will Wolverine come out before next gen? Who knows.
Well that's disappointing
Sounds like the leak dlc plans probably got added into the venom spinoff
This is great news to me. I've grown to hate post launch dlc at this point since it usually comes out long after I've moved on from the game.
@Rich33 Lots of things change during production, iirc God of War Ragnarok started as a DLC, The Lost Legacy too before becoming a smaller stand alone title. The leak might have made Insomniacs change plans or they could just as easily changed plan on their own accords. We might never know ! But it's not something unusual for a Sony Studio.
I was going to say, I wonder if they're just going to make the Venom game.
@DennisReynolds hmmmm? Exactly how was it a mess?
The game played flawlessly for myself and the majority. They added in amazing preset graphical options, including probably the best use of ray tracing and performance we have seen in a video game on a console.
How are they in a mess? They literally held up the first party exclusives for the entire ps5 launch window up until spiderman 2.
They have probably been the 1 developer who's games are the most polished out of everyone and they have been consistent with their output and performance.
I experienced no issues in my entire platinum trophy run. I had a blast game play wise. The story wasn't as compelling as the first game but bits of it were good.
I see people hating on this game a lot. People are dialing up the hatred because of Insomniacs involvement with Sweet Baby Inc@Bez87
@Katsuhono regarding GoW Ragnarok, I remember quite the opposite, that originally it was going to be 2 more full games (making it a Norse trilogy) but that they combined them into the single sequel.
What's strange is that months ago it was revealed through a debug mode that Beetle was being set up as the DLC villain. My guess is that they're probably saving it for either the sequel or the supposed venom game. That, or Insomniac just kinda gave up, and giving the amount of rewrites Spiderman 2 went through during the development as well as the unexpected hack, I can't really blame them, unfortunately. Still, some small continuation of the symbiote would've been nice. Hopefully, Sony will give them enough time for the 3rd game (and please don't force them to rush it, I don't care how impatient Spiderman fans will get)
@Bez87 Yeah flawless launch that's why they were constantly patching bugs post launch then, in fact the last update the game got was a fix for something the last update prior had broken.
I'm fine with this. I wasn't a big fan of this one so I'm happy they're moving on to hopefully a much better game like Venom or Wolverine.
Make no mistake Sony already has the Venom DLC ready, but they will only make it as a make believe full game right along with the PS6 release date as they did with Miles Morales.
We know Sony's questionable business practices already.
They probably decided they can make a ton more money making a Miles Morales-style expandalone game featuring Venom.
As long as Venom and Wolverine come out sooner, I'm happy with what they've done and I wish them good luck.
Yeah personally I'd prefer they focused on Wolverine and that Venom game if it's actually happening.
Well whatever it was an underwhelming sequel anyway. Astro bot was great but there future slate looking less and less appealing
Why sell a $20-30 DLC when you can sell a $50-60 “standalone expansion”? It already worked with Miles Morales (which was in every way a DLC for the first game), and we already know a Venom expansion is being sold as a full game next year (Insomniac’s leak).
@get2sammyb I’m convinced that Venom started as an expansion for SM2 and since Miles Morales sold so well they’re instead selling Venom as a standalone experience, for more money of course.
I'll go back to it and platinum it since there won't be more. That's disappointing.
Probably working on the remaster instead
@IOI The leaks already told us what the 3 expansions were and they weren't Venom but the Carnage one was setting up the Venom game. So yeah think what you want but the leaks already told us what the plan was originally.
Personally i fully enjoyed my time with Spiderman 2 🤷♂️
I wonder if we will start to see more studios back off from post launch dlc. With the time it takes to make new titles these days, it's probably worth putting any ideas into a sequel instead.
Personally would like to see Insomniac work on something new next rather than just becoming a Marvel factory - as much as I think wolverine will be a good game
I desperately want Insomniac to get back to their own creative and colourful IPs, not this done-to-dearh Marvel/dork bait. Ugh.
@DennisReynolds Yeah but in the same leak those expansions were not in the roadmap so maybe they were already cancelled for the Venom game, who knows but I also can’t shake the feeling that SM2 ended up being disappointing, I recently replayed it in NG+ and tbh I struggled to finish it, without the hype I realized many flaws with the game but specially the pacing is much worse than the first one which I’ve played like 4-5 times.
I agree with a few other commenters, I do wish Insomniac would go back to focusing on non-Marvel titles. Spidey 1, 2 and Miles Morales are fun games, don't get me wrong, but they're kinda stuck as the Marvel game studio for the foreseeable future, which is disappointing.
I have no doubt a Venom spinoff and the Wolverine games will be good, but I do wish for another Ratchet and maybe a new wacky, zany ip from Insomniac.
Ah. Oh well. The game was fun, I will admit. But the story was way too short and the ending was lousy. I’d be interested in maybe seeing some more suits in DLC. I don’t remember the game being super buggy at launch though?
If there is to be no DLC and development has ended, surely that increases the chances of it going on sale sometime, eh?
@IOI Venom was always going to be his own game. The character is really popular so it makes sense to give him his own game instead of making him DLC. From what we know the Carnage DLC was going to basically be a prologue to the game with it having Eddie become Venom and set the stage for Carnage being the big bad of his game. Actual Venom DLC where we play as Venom was never on the cards, they most likely decided very early on that they would do a Venom spin off especially with his movies doing really well around that time.
Honestly shocked by this. Especially since the first game had some pretty great DLC. Seemed like easy money.
I wonder how much of this decision is because of the massive hack they had. I enjoyed Spiderman 2 but some dlc would have been welcome.
I can see people want them to move on from Marvel, maybe theyl go back to resistance XD
@DennisReynolds Cyberpunk was broken at launch, Spider-Man 2 wasn't. There's a difference between having a few bugs then being unplayable.
@AdamNovice Just because one game was more broken doesn't mean SM2 wasn't broken.
Eh. I enjoyed playing the game, and probably would've paid a coupla quid for DLC but I think I'd rather their focus be on Wolverine and I'm beginning to become optimistic about a Venom game (I'd prefer a smaller game than DLC for MSM2) There could be a lot of fun in that, especially if it carries the air of the films.
Before all that though, I'll NG+ it once the Pro enhancements kick in. Gimme summink to do over Christmas I guess....
@LavenderShroud Must admit I enjoyed playing the game, but the story coulda been filled out better and the ending was kinda... Wait, how did it end again? I (genuinely) can't remember. Can't have been very good at all then!
In contrast, I remember all 3 endings to Stellar Blade, and the variations in which I played them...
I had a couple of issues, suits turning into squares/cubes and getting stuck inside a building or two on occasion, but it was nothing major, more likely than not because I have this awful habit of leaving my PS5 running between sessions.
oh well…& the arkham games reign supreme
They are moving on.i guess wolferine is coming along.word up son
Spider-Man 2 was disappointing to me, but broken? No chance, I had one minor glitch on my end and in my 35 hours getting the platinum it was pretty damn smooth sailing.
I’m glad they’re moving onto Venom/Wolverine as SM2 is not going to age well at all in terms of its story and open world.
@DonJorginho Exactly. I don’t remember it being buggy or anything just the occasional glitch like any game.
@Rich33 i'm also guessing that the hack / leak was never for confirmed stuff , it could have been ideas just thrown around , which is why i always took that stuff with a grain of salt.
Well... the original game DLC was fine... just fine.
So I actually dont mind the sequel (which is inferior to the original game anyway) not getting dlcs.
You may be right. I seem to remember (buy i may be getting mixed up) a bug in the game that leaked early dlc plans.
But my thought is that maybe the delays they have had due to the hack, which i think were quite substantial, literally caused them to get so far behind that (as they hadnt done much work on it) they cancelled their dlc plans.
They're in full throttle to complete Wolverine and release it next year while a lot of people are still in hype after Deadpool x Wolverine.
A little surprise not so much pretty much everyone was under the assumption there was gonna be dlc
All this says to me is that Sony decided to take the DLC and have them fold it into a full-fledged VENOM game or SPIDER-MAN 3. Of course, with that ending, maybe we will get a SPIDER-MAN: MILES MORALES 2....
For months now fans have been really really vocal about wanting news for story DLC for Spider-Man 2 and I remember some leakers claiming that there will be 100 % even TWO separate story DLCs, one for Carnage and one tied in with Spider-Verse.
And on every new Sony streaming event, showcase, state of play etc. fans were telling Insomniac to finally make some announcements or give some news about it and Insomniac remained completely silent about it.
They KNEW that people were really hyped up about it. Look at the comment section for every single Insomniac post. Its flooded with story DLC comments.
I mean Insomniac knew that people were waiting for story DLC news and announcements for MONTHS. They knew they were hyped for it and grew more and more frustrated that Insomniac did not say anything about it. They could have told the fan community MONTHS ago not to expect any Story DLC instead of letting the fake hype build up. They deliberately exploited this. They could have been upfront, honest and fair with their fanbase, announcing from the start that there would be no DLC. Particularly since of course fans expected DLC after Spider-Man 1 had three of them. Yet they said nothing and kept fans in the dark and in false hope.
Now only when they announce their PC port do they finally let the spider out of the bag.
Insomniac is getting worse and worse as a developer since they have become a Sony studio. Like when they added the No Way Home costumes only for the PS5 version of Spider-Man 1 (at a time when you had to buy the Miles Morales Ultimate edition to even get the PS5 version of SM 1). I already said back then that they have become shady and greedy AF.
and the way they now handled THIS only really confirms me in that opinion.
Probably still gonna buy their Venom game next year (and Wolverine PS5 is of course a day one must buy) but as a developer they have lost a lot of credit and sympathy with me for treating their player base like this.
You can tell it was rushed. The pacing was completely off compared to the first game. They gutted the story and missions. The confirmed Daily Bugle attack would have been amazing. Out of nowhere we have the symbiotes running rampant. Compare this to the slow build-up in the first game to Doc Ock breaking the villians out of the Raft and the resulting chaos in the streets. Then the mass hysteria due to the Devil's Breath outbreak. That game just kept escalating. Felt like a true Spider-Man comic book storyline. In comparison, the second game rushed Miles and Pete's arcs. The culmination of the symbiote takeover should have been epic. Instead it felt like it came out of nowhere. Okay, I'll stop ranting.
I don't think even the Venom spin-off is happening. After the layoffs, they probably want to get everyone at the studio focusing on their big projects and release them ASAP (Wolverine > SM3 > X-Men).
Now we just wait and see if Wolverine might end up being a 2025 game (which would be insane)
@Atreus97 I feel the same. Don’t get me wrong I don’t dislike the game but I felt disappointed when playing the game. Too much of the same. I do regret spending £70 on it. Such a shame as I usually have nothing but praise for Insomniac games (maybe not FUSE though).
@motorrik6 who? 🤷
@Bez87 there were some documented issues at launch ESPECIALLY, but not only, on the unpatched version. Personally I had a FEW issues, nothing too bad, but it did feel like Insomniacs least polished game imo, I had to reload several times to fix minor bugs. YMMV.
But the whole thing was blown massively out of proportion because there were videos circling from disingenuous gamers who were going out of their way to break the game e.g. running the unpatched disc version (there was a day 1 patch that fixed a lot of this) and running around the world in the intro section, with Sandman, where the whole world map was deformed. This bit was not polished at all and NPC behavior was often completely broken as they weren’t programmed how to behave with all the sand obstructions leading to some very odd/funny/broken behaviours. Most people would never see that as the game was patched and they wouldn’t go off the critical path, but it did exist and videos were flying around socials.
Lastly i’ve forgotten which game it was but another exclusive game had recently launched on Xbox and Sony fanboys had gone to town pointing out the bugs and so Xbots were giving it back in kind for this amplifying it all. Tribal warriors being dicks again, making everything worse.
@Octaslasher To be fair the developers have no control over publishing or PR statements they make the game as directed by the management and production teams with heavy oversight of the higher management teams.
It's not like any developer in the world thinks I can't wait till monetise and chop up my work in DLC packs.
How the games sold and the communication of future plans are handled by "suits" as far away from the creative process as possible via managed marketing "hype" cycles and pubic statements. Sony dictate now and when information is released not the studios.
The developers at Insomniac have single handly carried this generation in first party output I think they deserve more credit.
I'm fine with, not really a big of fan of DLC, would rather see a brand new smaller spin off game in the universe, like the leaked Venom title.
Very disappointing, was looking forward to DLC
SM2 was probably buggiest PS5 game ever, at launch. Later fixed after numerous patches. An underwhelming story and a dull af post-game experience, I regret paying launch day price for it
The whole thing seemed extremely rushed, unlike the first two, so it's even more disappointing they're not going to flesh it out like they did the excellent first game
The Venom gameplay sections were quite poor, so won't bother with the Venom spinoff either. It was just about five in those small doses
Sadly, just a case of waiting to see how long Wolverine takes now
@DonJorginho You couldn't have bought it launch
It was the most buggy, glitchiest PS5 same far, which kept qutting the game and booting people back to PS5 homescreen, it took several patches to fix
@Cloud39472 💯
@Arthur_Morgan single handedly carried this generation ? Are you sh*tting me ? GoW Ragnarok, Astro Bot, GT 7 ? Hello ? Also Spider-Man 2 wasn't even very good. They completely ruined the Venom story. Insomniac have become greedy AF.
@Bez87 Lol, it never played flawlessly for the majority at all
It was a complete mess at launch
Took about 5 waves of patches to stop it quitting the game and returning to PS5 home screen
I've never played such a buggy game
Luckily the gameplay was fun enough to persevere, but the whole thing just felt rushed with very clumsy writing, terrible paxing and an uneven story that's wasn't a patch on the original
@Octaslasher You've listed one PS5 game there and two PS4 games
@MeatyVeg omg are you people really this dumb ? Just because a game was also released on PS4 it suddenly no longer counts as a PS5 game ? So RE 4 Remake was no PS5 game either ? Lol...seriously I just can't with this BS hahahaha
@Octaslasher you seemed to gloss over "first party output" and gone with I hated Spider Man 2 and other games have been released.
I didn't care for SM2 either, the fact is in the time Insomniac put out SM:MM, Rachet and Clank: RA and SM: 2 many studios have either published no games or one title.
My point is the developers have an amazing pipeline and are obviously very good at what they do. Personal preferences aside! That deserves recognition.
Insomniac like them or not have been a major part of this generation.
@Bez87 perhaps just Dona quick Google search, insomniac even did a public apology due to the amount of bugs in the game the biggest being one that corrupted the save data... I too had no issues but we are rare cases, this game was notorious when it launched due to the amount of bugs
@WhiteTrashGuy I remember how it seemed like it was really good. I don’t have it, but I watched my brother play and took a few turns myself. Then all of a sudden I noticed how it said we were like 85% done with the story. It was barely starting, and then we were at the end?! I also felt the last part of it just completely ripped of Web of Shadows. I was so enjoying this game, then was completely put off and just irritated at how lousy it was…
Seems like you are part of a very small elite of smarmy conceits who are wrong about the game - all games receive patches, even the ones that offer most users no problems at all.
@MeatyVeg I never saw problems or glitches. Nor crashing. I remember hearing it was bad at launch, but had zero issues gameplay wise from what I saw. Guess we were just lucky.
One my most disappointing games ever so I'm not gonna lose too much sleep over it. Although I will say that I'm in the minority so many people wanted DLC for this game and saying no we're not doing it then announcing a PC Port of the game instead was pretty tone deaf if you ask me
As far as I remember, the dlc of the first game was not part of the main game and largely forgettable. Therefore, it is not a great loss, but it will accelerate discounts and thus accelerate when I pick this title up to play - if I can even be bothered with the two sequels Ragnarok and Spiderman II. They are on my to-buy list, put in the gaming cellar of my hypothetical backlog.
Even on a discount, I find games expensive now a days, but you get definitive, patched, discounted and expanded experiences often with DLC if you wait long enough.
Considering I noped out at the second MJ mission, for me, nothing of value was lost.
News I've been waiting for! I can comfortably start this game now, knowing this.
That’s a surprise. Honestly expected some dlc but whatever. If it means the next game comes quicker bring it on
That’s a huge disappointment. One of the problems with Spiderman 2 was that it was too short and DLC would have fixed that
Better you don't know mate.@Bagwag82
Anyone saying it was flawless at launch is lying. I encountered a couple of game breaking bugs that needed a restart as well as weird graphical bugs. They patched it several times 🤷♂️ still thoroughly enjoyed it though and will go through again on PC
@Dampsponge 😂😂😂
That’s unfortunate to hear. I wonder if it was cancelled because of the hack or if they never really had plans for it to begin with 🤔
I’m assuming someone will end up looking into it eventually 👀
They nailed it so well with the original that I was kind of jaded by the time the second one came out. Here's hoping Insomniac come back with something fresh for their next game.
This means the development cost of the DLC wasn't worth time.
Well that and probably the main team responsible for Spidey is focused on Wolverine right now, given that we got few updates to Spidey two after it released.
@Octaslasher Honestly, saying Insomniac is getting worse and worse because fans have been yelling for DLC just sounds so ungrateful. Their output of games is almost unmatched. And their games are of high quality. Let them cook. And if those “fans” are upset. F em. Patience is a virtue
I got it and I haven't even played it, I also haven't finished the DLC for the first game I only need to get 3 suits for it's plat but I can't stand the challenge tokens and Screwball it's one of the worst things about 1.
My girlfriend played 2 but from the looks of it I really can't be bothered to play it
I wish they would bring back Resistance
@Octaslasher "I already said back then that they have become shady and greedy AF"
Sorry to say this but you're not making any sense here when you blame Insomniac for not moneytizing Spidey 2 with paid DLC's from the get go but then called them 'shady and greedy af' despite their games doesn't even have MTX.
Heck, Insomniac could put price tag for those FREE costumes DLC but no those costumes still stay FREE.
The hate this game gets sometimes feels almost like its politically motivated, but I have no idea where that comes from.
When compared to most games released this generation, this game is technically top of the pile, polished, well produced, and just an all round good game. You dont always need sweeping changes to make a good game, and I certainly didnt think SM2 was a downgrade from SM1.
Was it perfect, No, but I would much prefer spending £70 on a new game in this series every couple of years than on most new games released this gen.
As someone who got the platinum in Spiderman 2018, I couldn't force myself to beat the story of the second. Absolute cringe of a story.
@DennisReynolds What?? SM2 was broken at launch???
Guess the dlc from the first didn't sell as well as they expected
Gameplay-wise, I loved this game, but as a big Eddie Brock Venom fan, the latter half of the story was a huge miss for me. I've been awaiting DLC to see if he'd get introduced, or if they'd "fix" Venom somehow. I guess I'm just going to have to accept that I hate what they did with Venom and move on.
It's disappointing as I played the first game several times (and Miles twice), but haven't felt the need to return to this one, even as pretty as it is. I guess I just won't be. Oh, well.
@DennisReynolds you're definitely from a different timeline to say the game was broken at launch. "How broken" in your words. I played day 1 and got the platinum in that very week. I didn't encounter a single bug. Not even a slight glitch 🤷
@fabio78 Good for you but the patch notes say otherwise.
@Rich33 "The hate this game gets sometimes feels almost like its politically motivated, but I have no idea where that comes from."
Of course it is. 100%. The Last of Us Part 2, Silent Hill 2... You see people going on incredible tangents and mental gymnastics to criticise games when they don't want to explicitly say what they really are or don't know how to articulate their insecurities and sexual frustrations. So we know where it comes from, actually: straight from the incel echo chamber and the followers who are not equipped enough to form an opinion for themselves.
@DennisReynolds 🤷
@DennisReynolds just went through the patch notes. Yep, you're certified from a different timeline.
Spider man, spider man, he spins a web
And makes money where he can.
@fabio78 Did you read them? The last update the game got was fixing something the previous update broke. Fact is the buggy launch was well documented and even on here around the launch people were commenting on it. Compared to R&C and the previous two Spidey games its technical state was a step down, the NG+ update even left in the console command screen by mistake what if used could brick your save.
@fabio78 Same here, bought it day 1. Not one bug or glitch. Not exaggerating. Zero!
Also, reviews at the time and even Digital Foundry who did a tech analysis didn’t mention anything about heavy glitching or gamebreaking bugs as far as im aware.
Really don't get where people are getting this from. Platinumed it with zero glitch
I would love that Venom game so bad. He's my favourite comic book character. Miss the the Spider-man & Venom days on the SNES
Maybe they just decided to put those planned DLCs into the planned Venom game, to make it more of a full fledged game. I really hope that Venom game does go through though
I couldn’t be happier. All too often devs put out a game with a well designed trophy list, only to come back to it 6 months later with some dlc content packed with god awful modes or additional ultra nightmare hardcore difficulty settings with new trophies attached. This is a cardinal gaming sin. Not everyone likes low effort, tacked on wave survival trash, and not everyone wants to slog through a game they’ve already played all over again on some absurd difficulty just to get their trophy percentage back to 100%. There are games I never would have bought or played if I had known what the future doc would be (looking at you, Days Gone, Little Big Planet and Uncharted 2-4). Knowing Spiderman 2 can be done and DONE trophy wise frees me up to tackle the next great game without obsessing over whether they’ll shoehorn in some poorly thought out trophies.
@MeatyVeg I played it from launch and got the platinum within the same week 👍🏼
I actually wasn’t a huge fan of the DLC story content from the first game. I’d rather them focus on another grand story with whatever comes next (Wolverine, Venom, etc.). So I guess I’m one of the few people that sees this as good news.
Don't be sad about a lack of Spider-Man 2 dlc - just like Miles Morales, the Venom game will be its own standalone title.
@Rich33 I would totally understand that if you had to change stuff remake content in the end its probably not even worth the costs.
Yeah, it could easily be that they would have needed to change things here so made it less financially viable.
But I also read somewhere that the hack had put the studio behind significantly overall - which to get back on track meant either significantly pushing back release dates of Wolverine or a venom game (if it exists), or cancelling dlc for SM2.
If the dlc for SM2 was not too far in development, and given the timing of the hack would have pushed it further from launch than they maybe would have liked, maybe this was the thing to go. If so, its a shame for all those that enjoyed the game and wanted more.
I can't bring myself to play Spider-Man 2 more than 5-7 minutes without the desire to turn it off and play something else. This is especially disappointing because I played through both Spider-Man and Spider-Man Miles Morales twice.
At this point I'm a bit worn out on the gameplay and I find the writing and themes of "social justice" to be tiresome and boring.
Maybe one day I'll be able to complete it.
@Rodimusprime1313 "Sony did comment that they were not happy with Spider Man 2 sales"
I can't find any official statement from Sony that said they're not happy about Spidey 2 sales. On the other hand, they said the game is "a great success" in their financial report.
As of this April, the game already sold 11 million copies and it's still selling as we speak. Not just it manage to break even but also brought good profits for Sony in less than 6-7 months after released.
@Rodimusprime1313 Lol no way Sony expect 20 million copies in less than a year when the first game needs a couple of years to reach 20 million copies and that when PS4 has bigger userbase than PS5. And no Sony 1st party games sold that numbers less than a year either, not even GT, GoW, or TloU.
A big company like Sony can't lie about their financial report. If the numbers match with what they claim Spiderman 2 is a big success then it is what it is.
The most disappointing game Sony has put out In a long time, I'm glad they are moving on and hopefully Wolverine will be much better when it launches.
@MikeRobT101 To be fair I did have the bug with the voice acting not coming into cutscenes. Quite a few people I know had that. Or the one where Spiderman was a cube. I had a couple of crashes too. It's well reported online the patches they had to put out in the first weeks of the game being out. It was a software issue not a hardware one.
Spiderman? I did from a far, she got a restraining order
@DennisReynolds the lack of likes for your complaints vs how many Bez has proves how in the wrong you are
@Rich33 Yeah I think that this happend but in the it shows that hackers ruin it for everyone.
I'm on my Hard playthrough right now. Harry just helped Pete in the iron refinery. It says I'm 66% done. Ludicrous. I remember thinking "It should be at MAYBE 40%." Especially considering it's telling the stories of two Spider-Men, Harry returning, Pete getting the black suit, and Harry becoming Venom to take over NYC. I mean, it felt like a lifetime before Doc Ock was fully revealed in the first game! And yes, the last (third?) totally rips of WEB OF SHADOWS.
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