A significant – and potentially damaging – leak earlier today appeared to reveal the contents for several Assassin’s Creed Shadows seasons, including Battle Passes and cosmetics.
The goods, planned to be housed in a franchise wrapper named the Animus Hub (formerly known as Assassin’s Creed Infinity), painted a dark picture for the predominantly single player series. While the franchise has had daily missions and an in-game store before, this seemed like a step into free-to-play territory at first blush.
Considering the precarious nature of the publisher, it’s quickly commented on the leaks. The key detail here is that, while there will be regular updates to Ubisoft’s upcoming feudal affair, there’ll be no paid Battle Pass or subscription. In other words, you can do as much – or as little – of the live service stuff as you like, but you won’t have to pay a penny to interact with it.
The spokesperson, writing on Reddit, didn’t rule out the potential for other microtransactions, so we think it’s probably safe to assume there will be some other costumes or weapons you can buy. But as mentioned previously, that’s been par for the course for Assassin’s Creed for quite some time.
Our very own Robert Ramsey was an obsessive player of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla for years, never missing a daily mission. Therefore, while this kind of grind may sound like hell to you, it’s worth remembering some people do enjoy it. We think the key thing here is that it all remains optional, and no paid Battle Pass or subscription is a good place to start.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 28
But will have boat loads of MTX which is really cringe for a single player game.
I’m still contemplating this one. I had it preordered, but cancelled when Ghost 2 got announced. Sort of depends on how the rest of the year looks, but if there’s any game I am curious on how it’ll review, it’s this one right now.
No shade to either Ramsey or AC fans in general, enjoy your games to your hearts content. I wouldn't want it any other way. But that dosen't change the fact that I despise these games. 😉
My hope is that one day humanity can evolve past the point where we feel that any criticism against a game we like = personal attack.
No matter what I think of AC: Shadows it will be a very interesting release, there's no doubt that this is a very important product for Ubisoft.
the damage is already done
@LuXifer If AC shadows doesn't pop then Ubisoft are pretty much done and Ten cent will buy them out and gut the whole studio.
@Oram77 It's crazy what's happened to Ubisoft. The pressure on Shadows is absolutely obscene.
While I'm personally not that excited for the game, I do hope they can stabilise the business.
I know Ubisoft gets a lot of hate, but I think the games industry would be worse without them doing well.
@Oram77 Yeah, it does seem to be an instrumental release for them to stay healthy as a company. So that it has ended up drenched in drama makes for good entertainment if nothing else. 😁
If they just copy the Valhalla model then its all ok for me.
@get2sammyb I just feel that Ubisoft have burned a lot of good will by selling us cookie cutter, colour by numbers, generic open world games so often, I also hate that "Ubi towers" are seeping into another games (Looking at you Final fantasy 7 Rebirth).
The game that’s giving away the season pass isn’t going to throw itself in front of a train? Wow, the train still might hit it mind you, but they won’t be as expidited.
i had the top tier one preordered anyways , and im still going to preorder the new one , the fact that they are going to do free content just makes it a better deal. im still excited for this , hopefully they make some improvements during the delay to clean it up.
I quite like the content added to the Layla trilogy, an extra currency that you earn from doing daily content separate to the main game and can be spent on nice looking armour and weapons and stuff, nothing game breaking but sits nicely alongside the base game.
All that's happening is their original plans are being shown. Based on everything so far, it was clear this would have been a mess if it launched on time. The controversy about Yasuke was only the beginning. It accidentally exposed several other bad decisions.
It feels like Ubisoft may have been a bit humbled after Star Wars Outlaws, which might be the best thing about that game.
@get2sammyb I respectfully disagree. If the games industry would be worse off without Ubisoft, then the video game industry really IS near collapse and probably deserves to do so.
If Ubisoft goes under as a result of lackluster triple-A (and QUADRUPLE-A, let’s not forget that pirate game they were so proud of!) games and a famously stupid (even out of context) quote about learning not to own our games, I will be sad for the people who lost their jobs but I won’t mourn Ubisoft itself for one second.
I read the headline and was scratching my head thinking was Shadows supposed to be live service game and I missed it anyway this game is definitely not for me.
I don't like the game (not gonna buy it) but I don't want Ubisoft to be wiped from the market.
At the end of the day, competition is healthy and the more players there are in the industry, the more likely that players will get something great once a while.
So good luck, AC Shadow?
I don't believe any of it for a second. It will be through AC Infinite or something that steers Shadows players to spend money in AC Infinite. Shadows will have all of the same BS as every other big AAA release, but they will call it something different and it will go through Infinite. That means the game will constantly be begging you to connect, which...no? I put the PS5 in airplane mode when I play games that beg me. Those are my predictions, anyway.
To be clear, I don't want the game to fail and certainly don't care what certain people have to say about the game. If the stealth is good and the SP is offline, I'll pick it up. Ubisoft looks like they are purposefully sabotaging themselves recently. Like they want to sell, but need an excuse. I know not to ascribe to conspiracy what can adequately be explained by incompetence, but SERIOUSLY. Wtf are they doing over there???
Seems to me that they're ready to take the L with this one. Even if it turns out to be good the court of public opinion has already ruled against it at every turn.
@ChimpMasta It still changes the build of a game otherwise it will feel that these payed extras are useless. In the end I only care if they drop the online installation if so I will be good if not keep your game. For me payed expansions when they are good are all fine rather that then a seasonpass or XP boosters. Also with the Expansions from Horizon and Ghost of Tsushima I didn't feel like there was content withheld from the main game but they added quality extra content.
Good 🧐🤌🏿, I'm content they're going down this path instead.
@PorkChopExpress I was with you until the "MTX" one. Lol trust me I wish I didn't care. I straight up won't play a game that keeps content from me behind a pay wall. MK used to be one of my favorite series until it became a skellington what to hang DLC on. I mean it, I wish I didn't care. I very tangibly have to care.
Paid Battle Pass or Subscription on PS5 will not be the problem when it eventually arrives.
Wokeness will be the problem.
I say it again. AC Shadows more and more smells fishy! More like twice rotten fish...
Ubisoft? No, thanks.
Who cares? I was done with this game a couple months ago... No interest whatsoever in the direction
@Oram77 I actually welcome that, so for that reason alone I hope it's a massive failure
I want our games to be good again 😔
The overtly negative will always find a way to bash Ubisoft to suit their confirmation bias. I'm curious to see how Shadows pans out. It isn't my no1 game for next Feb but the setting has me intrigued. If it is bad I will swiftly move on to one of the many other games launching that month.
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