Black Myth: Wukong developer Game Science still has "some surprises" up its sleeve, indicating that all shall be revealed before the end of the year. Speculation is split on whether this might mean the inevitable Xbox release (obviously less relevant to our target audience) or the announcement of an expansion or DLC. Having just secured Ultimate Game of the Year at the Golden Joystick Awards and shifted a mind-bending 20 million copies in its first month, we'd say the world is currently Game Science's oyster.
Speaking of the Golden Joysticks, it was at the show that studio co-founder Feng Ji addressed the audience in a pre-recorded message (thanks, IGN). Ji implored those who have not purchased the game to do so, and for those who already have, teased this: "Of course, you might have already completed our game. That’s perfectly fine, too. Keep following us, and there might be some surprises waiting for you later this year."
What kind of "surprises" are you hoping to see from Game Science? An expansion seems like a no-brainer with that kind of install base. Is there any direction you'd like to see hypothetical DLC go in? Let us know in the comments section below.
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Comments 20
I'm betting it's an Xbox release considering we had new ratings appear for an Xbox version recently.
Yeah, I'd be suprised if they aren't planning some kind of dlc/expc. Even if only 20-30% of install base picks it up it's still a sh*tload of money to leave on the table.
Embrace monke. 🐵
Feels too soon for any substantial DLC 🤔 Maybe a few in-game items or a single quest or something. One of the surprises could be a PS5 Pro patch perhaps? Maybe some sort of crossover? Anything could happen these days 😅
Maybe a Pro patch or hell maybe they could actually improve and fix the PS5 version instead of ignoring it for months. Its a good game but its laughable its even being talked about as GOTY worthy.
I've taken a little hiatus from wukong and I've been playing the HZD remaster. I'd like to see an expansion for this even though I've not finished the game (near the halfway stage of the last chapter.) I'd also like to see a pro patch for those who purchased the ps5 Pro as I think it would benefit from the extra grunt.
@DennisReynolds not sure why you think that as it performs better than elden ring does now and that was a goty nominee. And it looks better too.
@Northern_munkey Performs better though not really as Elden Ring feels better due to Black Myth faking the 60fps. Its also got awful over sharpening on performance mode that ruins the visuals. Digital Foundry do a fantastic breakdown on the many visual and performance issues the game has on PS5.
I also disagree it looks better then Elden Ring why? Black Myth has no real art style its just generic forest, generic desert/rocky area and so on. From a technical sense it looks better i guess but art design is way more important and the art design of ER is fantastic especially in the expansion that has some incredible sights to behold. That said the bosses and enemy design of Black Myth are really strong in the game and a clear high point.
@DennisReynolds fair enough and I can see your points. Thinking about it elden rings art direction is a lot stronger than wukongs..maybe I got a bit burned out by elden ring after the platinum trophy dropped.
With the wording it sounds like dlc, else if you have completed it what’s worth following?
So probably dlc and Xbox release,
@DennisReynolds i love the game but i do agreed with you. Over sharpening and invisible wall is the most i hate
@amatmulisha Yeah don't get me wrong its a really good game but i feel its carried hard by the pretty stunning boss fights and combat and not much else (on console at least).
@DennisReynolds Agreed. I'm really surprised they've said nothing in regards to patching the game out. Especially the performance mode. It's all well and good for it to be praised and nominated for GOTY. But come on, Game Science could at least polish it up.
Seeing he says if you completed the game be a few surprises that to me is DLC
@DennisReynolds "Black Myth faking 60fps"
Remember in terms of GOTY nominations they're not just looking at the Playstation build but the game itself. Which is primarily a PC game that doesn't fake 60fps.... (Actually irritatingly it does default to framgen being enabled even on PC, but doesn't need to be on "current" hardware.)
The PS build is indeed lousy, but that doesn't hold GOTY back if it's a multiplatform game that performs better on another platform (and is the main platform it sold on.)
IDK if it should be GOTY, but I can say (as a PC player) it shouldn't not be.
@NEStalgia Quite frankly it could run and look like a dream on PS5 and i would still say its not GOTY worthy. Poor level and art design really hold it back from that in my opinion, combat and boss fights are its only highpoints and granted they are big highpoints but its still a 8/10 game.
@DennisReynolds I can understand the view on level design. I happen to love the exploration, but I can see it's simplicity being conflicting (though I'd level that same charge against GoW2018 but everyone seems to go nuts for that), but art design? I thought that was, if anything the one thing it did have going for it!
@NEStalgia My issue with level design is the invisible walls and how they appear in spots you would think you could go to. GoW always made it clear on where you can go and can't go
@DennisReynolds Yeah, that's fair, there's definitely been spots I've tried to go and just got magically blocked by invisible walls.
A Pro patch to maintain 60 fps would be a welcomed surprise
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