The sales of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 were always going to be absolutely fascinating because Microsoft has tampered with the franchise’s tried-and-trusted business model.
Traditionally, the series has relied on strong full-price sales, and then has enjoyed long-tail success through microtransactions released throughout the year. This year is different, however, as the Xbox maker has made the unprecedented decision to include the first-person shooter in Xbox Game Pass.
Our first indication of the impact this may have had emerged as part of the UK physical games charts, where PlayStation accounted for 88 per cent of the copies sold. Of course, with more and more consumers switching to digital, this only provided a very small portion of the overall picture.
Now we have digital data for Britain as well, as shared by Chris Dring on the Games Industry.biz Microcast – and it paints an interesting picture.
Compared to last year’s Modern Warfare 3, sales of Black Ops 6 are up 30 per cent on PS5 and down “two thirds” on Xbox. Across all platforms, both physical and digital, PlayStation accounts for almost 75 per cent of the sales in the UK.
In total, sales of Black Ops 6 are down 15 per cent compared to Modern Warfare 3 and 46 per cent compared to Modern Warfare 2. As Dring notes, it’s important to incorporate Modern Warfare 2 into the picture because Modern Warfare 3 reviewed poorly and was generally considered a weak launch for the franchise.
It’ll be interesting to see whether Xbox Game Pass subscribers have seen a significant uptick as a result of Black Ops 6’s inclusion, and whether members stick around long enough to buy microtransactions.
Either way, with PlayStation accounting for close to 75 per cent of the total sales, and its share actually increasing despite the platform losing marketing rights, Sony will see these results as an enormous win. We’ll now await further information from America and the rest of Europe to see what happened there.
[source gamesindustry.biz]
Comments 123
Down 2/3 on Xbox. Love to see those numbers.
30% higher on Playstation. Guessed right! Love to see those numbers.
46% down compared to MW2 being the last big launch should be concerning for Microsoft if Game Pass subs have not grown substantially, which I don’t really see happening.
We’ll see in the upcoming months if MS sticks to Game Pass or they begin to phase it out.
Those who would sub GP for this will only play the campaign.
@IOI I'm not expecting much of a meaningful shift for Game Pass. There's no way it grows by 5 million.
Of course, we'll never get the data anyway.
Down on Xbox means they probably have new Game Pass subscribers which is probably what they want in the long run.
Considering Xbox only has 25% market share in the UK and they are down 'two thirds', I can't imagine that Microsoft is too worried about it when the bar is already that low.
Game Pass is not good for gamers. It’s only good for MS. This is why they’re willing to let Xbox die in order to let Game Pass live.
@get2sammyb Did Microsoft ever give a specific number of how many subscribers they got from Starfield (the last time they bragged about something "breaking the number of Game Pass subscriptions in a single day")? Or was it just a vague declaration? I've seen the number 11 million be floated out there but I think that was just Starfield's general lifetime players last fall.
If call of duty doesn't boost game pass subscribers then nothing will
Damn, to be a fly on the wall in an internal meeting when they finally reveal if putting BO6 resulted in GP numbers boost..
We'll most likely never know how much it helped (or not).
@RBMango I don't believe they did, but they're generally extremely vague with all of their numbers anyway.
Which is of course their prerogative, it just makes any meaningful analysis extremely difficult when so much is obscured.
I know folks will say MS get the money either way, but if sign ups aren't that dramatic its hardly a reason to celebrate.
Using figures from Feb 2013, plus had 47 million and as of March this year, GP 35 mill. (Those likely changed as we know both stagnated on the subs front.)
The big catch is Sony has massively increased its console base, which likely increased subs as new people pick up the box. MS have done so by a pretty small amount. If COD doesn't bring the subs in, it's looking more and more like they will go full 3rd party publisher.
Nobody wants that as Sony need to be challenged.
Wow I'm so shocked that an audience that's been conditioned by the company to not buy games isn't buying this game
@AhmadSumadi Gamepass is the original DRM they wanted dressed in a prettier dress. Heck, at least the original let you own the game, now you don't even get that.
Didn't Microsoft say that the game has been a sales success across platforms and GamePass subs grew a little out of it? Or am I totally wrong?
Physical sales represent 9% of Xbox sales.
If GamePass numbers were good, they would shout em from the rooftops. That they don't is in itself a clear message.
@Banjo- these are digital sales
@get2sammyb Thank you, that's what I figured. Even if Black Ops 6 gets them 5-10 million new subscribers, what's going to be more interesting is how many of them stick around. If a lot of those 5-10 million subscribers opt in and out of Game Pass just for CoD each year, that doesn't make for meaningful growth at all.
Pc growth for GP stagnated. Literally no growth on console without shifting units which they are not. Majority of people who actively use xbox and played Cod before already had gamepass or will upgrade from a lower level for no growth.
With Satya eying this release up and seeing Playstation trying to save this game from financial ruin, only more reason to go full send into 3rd party territory
@RBMango theory is people play COD whole year round, so they would be sticking around.
I'm not sure there are many who play COD for campaign (BO6 seems to be better in that regard, but recent titles had like 3 hour campaigns).
@RBMango exactly. Temporary growth means nothing if they are only in for a month and dip. Like Starfield last year, it makes no beneficial change when subscribers spike for one month paying $17-$20 rather than them buying for $70
@Weebleman Physical and digital for PS, Microsoft doesn't reveal digital sales, which means that the comparison makes even less sense.
Not really surprising numbers. I switched from PS5 to Xbox to play COD this year because it's free on GPU.
@mrbone I'm not just playing the campaign.... Why would people only use GPU to play just the campaign? Strange take.
@Cikajovazmaj That's a great point. Let me rephrase that: how many people out of the potential 5-10 million players will play the campaign and then opt out until next year? If you know how to game the system, you're paying $12 or $20 (depending on your platform) to play a CoD campaign. Not a bad deal.
@Cikajovazmaj for those that play it all year round, I imagine they will just buy it as it's cheaper to do than keep a sub running. In the UK at least, that doesn't appear to be happening. It may have got sign ups to try before they buy, but we won't see that for another month or so. If ever as both Sony and Ms are a bit shy on sharing the info out.
I'm glad Gamepass exists for someone like me, who plays over 60 games a year. For everyone else I speak to in work or socially , who play games, you can't really warrant it - even for the relatively cheap price.
The best games are rarely on the service. Tekken 8, Final Fantasy Rebirth, Dragons Dogma 2, Dragon Age, Balatro etc. You get the occasional great indie (Another Crabs Treasure, Pal World, Botany Manor) and of course the chance to play Forza Horizion and the microsoft backlog. But for the general public it's a waste of money.
I think MS have got the strategy all wrong. Cod players generally just play that. In a similar way to League of Legends or Counter Strike. It takes commitment to be competitive in a way single player games never will (unless you speedrun).
Gamepass is unsustainable!
@Banjo- the article is literally talking about digital sales for both platforms.
@Weebleman Xbox digital sales have not been disclosed. Only Microsoft knows that.
@Banjo- I know you love xbox my man, and that's cool, but when there's an article telling you the digital sales are down by an exact percentage and the others are up, it's a little like arguing the sky is green when we can all just look up.
Kinda felt for a couple years that Microsoft's Xbox division will go the way of Sega.
Removed - inappropriate
I will add though. Gamepass does give you that day 1 buzz. I'm looking forward to Flight Sim 24 (my daughter crashed a jumbo jet in the Mersey, which was hilarious in the last one) and with Indiana Jones and Stalker 2, it could be quite a good time for GP.
@RagnarLothbrok @Weebleman stop being harsh on our @Banjo- he's a huge commenter on pure xbox and is always positive!
Love, peace and unity. It's the pushsquare purexbox way (those nintendo life scoundrels though).
Pretty sure IGN had an article today saying
@Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 was the biggest Call of Duty release ever, setting new day one and opening weekend records as sales on PlayStation and Steam jumped 60 percent compared to 2023's Modern Warfare III. Game Pass also benefited from Call of Duty's release, setting a new record for amount of new subscribers in a single day. Call of Duty Black Ops 6 launch last week saw strong concurrents on Steam that outperformed Modern Warfare II and III.
EDIT: Of course no actual number for the new subscribers
Gamepass is still one of the best things in gaming and adding cod onto it is a great win. I'd normally be paying 70+ for it but just got the vault edition upgrade much like everyone I know who got it on gamepass ans I'm willing to spend abit more money on the BP which I imagine is the same for a wedge of people.
They have already said it drove a big old spike for gamepass and the amount and the most successful cod launcher ever (think they mean day 1 players).
It's also a great game that's going to sell real well and make most of it's money from skins and the BP so win all Round for the multie trillion$ that is MS
@themcnoisy no harshness intended, apologies if it came across that way @Banjo-
@Weebleman yeah same no harm intended from me either lol. Not sure why it was removed, just seemed like baiting
Basically everybody played COD where they usually play it and the way they usually play it.
Meaning, those that had GPU in the UK played on there and those that an Xbox console only paid for it.
Basically it sums up percentage of Xbox console owners, meaning very little and probably GPU subscribers, which are not that many as well.
Basically Microsoft are not doing much Xbox console wise or GPU wise.
Their biggest income Sony consoles and PC.
It’s sad to say but they might as well leave the console market and become publishers.
Then think what to do with game pass as well.
I sadly left Xbox a little while ago and been with them since day one original Xbox. My series x got sold.
Microsoft are the most disrespectful and disappointing company out of all three.
They are not saying if any games are exclusive to Xbox only like gears or halo and hanging loyal Xbox fans on a thread.
Well they have taken the piss out of me for to long, so I left them.
The fact they won’t even mention Xbox exclusivity for halo and gears etc, tells you what’s to come.
I would not p*ss on a single Xbox top dog if they were on fire.
@Nexozi Because that's what a lot of people say in IGN comments. Of course, that does not mean all people. But those who will only play camapign will sub for a month or even tiral. That's not a strange take, a lot of people sub on and off.
@themcnoisy Thanks! Truth is, Xbox digital sales are unknown because Microsoft hasn't reveal them and nobody has access to the Xbox store numbers, that represent 91% of Xbox sales. That's all I wanted to say. Anyway, I don't want to argue with Sony fans, I am just glad that the game is a critical and commercial success on all platforms, because it's awesome. The campaign has become one of my favourite shooter campaigns ever. I think that last year's game was almost fine, but this is a thousand-year ahead.
On PC, it's one of the best-selling Call of Duty games ever -not just compared to rushed Modern Warfare III last year- and on Game Pass is, obviously, number 1 worldwide. Over half of all daily active Xbox players (52%) played it on day one in USA. The previous record for this metric was 34%.
"those nintendo life scoundrels though" 🤣
@Banjo- just wanted to clarify I'm not a Sony fan only, I enjoy games on all systems. Again, apologies if it came across that way man.
@Weebleman Apologies accepted. 😊
Sony must be laughing right now, don't have to pay the marketing deal anymore but still get the better version and their sales are have increased whilst their competitors are declining. That gamepass boost best be BIG otherwise I'd expect another price increase to gamepass within the next 6 months.
@mrbone Ah, I thought u meant everyone subbed to GPU would just be playing the campaign. 😂 I'm hardly ever on IGN nevermind looking at comments. So if ppl are just wanting to play the campaign then 3 month sub is the way to go. for me I've never played COD just for the campaign and been done with it.
@Weebleman I would call it the “Netflixification” of gaming. I’ve always been against it.
Remember when only Netflix existed and it was cool to have a streaming platform? Would get all these shows for $7.99 a month and we dropped cable. Here we are now paying roughly the same (or more) to have all streaming platforms. In the end, we didn’t save any money.
I expect all the big devs (EA, Blizzard, Ubi, etc.) to release their own streaming platform at some point. Then we’ll have to pay upwards of $80 monthly to try to play all the games we wanna play. And not ever own any of them. Just not a good model.
But why are you still saying it when we know what they are?. Chris Dring, the guy who reports these statistics as part of his job, obviously isn't sharing incorrect or inaccurate data.
These are the first week numbers for the UK, retail & digital, comparing the last three titles.
@McBurn this reminds me of something I’d say regarding a certain politician but I won’t name any names.
Stats seem rather pointless to me? You have to buy it on PS5, you can play it on Game Pass on Xbox, so less people will buy it on Xbox?
@Banjo- You’re completely wrong here. Microsoft has always shared digital sales for this data. It’s Nintendo that doesn’t.
I'm both flabbergasted and amazed the obvious happened.
Think this will be bad on Xbox side, a lot of those "lost" Xbox sales will be existing subscribers, any new subs will likely be 1 month campaign and done, unlikely someone will pay monthly allowance for a year to play CoD when it's £70 one-off (excluding @Nexozi of course whose happy to pay £180 per year + cost of Xbox - PS sell price to play CoD for free!!!)
Good news for PS, based on those figures they will not want to remove it from PS in 10 years or whatever the guarantee was on take over!
@RBMango I'm almost certain the 11 million "bump" to GamePass numbers that occurred around the release of Starfield is actually attributed to the fact they rebranded (and slightly re-jigged) Xbox Live Gold to GamePass Core.
@MrPeanutbutterz this is correct. They initially announced the had just over 35 million subs. It was then clarified that this included those rebranded from core. Actual gamepass subscribers declined slightly when the core folks were removed.
@DzarkGaz You do know they add other games to GPU don't u? Plus I've never actually paid full price for GPU since it was launched. Two 3 years for £1, EA play conversion and also MS reward points... I've paid very little. I've GPU up to COD 2026. I sold my launch PS5 because the PS5 Pro is arriving this week. I didn't sell my PS5 because COD is free on Xbox. 😂😂
So MS make more money because they now own it.
Sony are making more money because they are selling more and no longer pay for marketing deal ( I’m assuming this point)
So win win for both.
@Nexozi hard to argue it's a bargain you have there. Problem is using the loopholes (which, let's be honest, you should use if they are there) doesn't bring money in for Microsoft that they want from subs.
@Nexozi - ah thanks for the clarification, makes more sense and I am aware you can play other games on GPU, just reacted to your statement - " I switched from PS5 to Xbox to play COD this year because it's free on GPU." 😊
@DzarkGaz No worries 😁 Yea, just switching over for COD. PS5 still my main console. Main reason for getting the pro is Ghost of Yotei. Put soo much time into Ghost of Tsushima. So hoping it'll be worth it.
@Weebleman Totally, though they're cutting back on the loopholes. MS rewards seems to be the only way to get it free now.
@Nexozi roll on Thursday, not a CoD player get my FPS fix from Apex, interested to see what "pro" improvements are happening, getting the pro cos I cannot help myself when new tech is launched!
@Nexozi yeah, they pulled a lot of the cheapest ways. To good to last really
Well i had 2months of points so got a month free of gamepass, pretty much done with it already tbh, if i owned itid probably dip in and out of mp. If it wasnt on gamepass id have probably bought it on ps5, so thats a no sale and no paid month of gamepass, probably a lot might have done the same. Going to save the other month of points for indiana jones, while building some points up. Be interesting if we had the numbers of paid gamepass and how long they sub although we never will. I just dont know how they make money off gamepass.
Did anyone find it a tad odd and perhaps a purposeful decision that it said, 'The biggest franchise on Playstation' on the physical box?
@MrPeanutbutterz Oh, that's right! Thank you. I completely forgot about that.
I have a PS5 but playing COD6 campaign on PC via Gamepass. No need to pay for it on PS5 for me.
MS have been as vague as usual reporting things like “best first day gamepass subscriber numbers” or something, which lets face it they really should have for a “free” game of this magnitude.
Is interesting the franchise seems to be on a decline overall. Fatigue set in for me about 10 years ago, guess I wasn’t the only one.
@get2sammyb Yup, that's what I think too, and the only way to revert this loss of sales is to stop prioritizing games on subscription services, we'll never hear MS say this but with the fact they only have day one games on Ultimate and the recent significant price increase is pretty obvious something ain't working.
Gosh, another my box is better than yours argument/article to cater to many on the site that think their self worth is tied to an ecosystem that makes them feel better about themselves in their personal lives. Enjoy games no matter what system you are on, whether it be PS5, Xbox, Switch or PC.
@DzarkGaz Would like to think there'll be some good improvements for Apex. Will be interesting to see how much it improves older games. Loads of PS4 games still to play through.
@Weebleman I'm just trying to max out the MS reward points every day now. Try to keep the sub going using them.
@Nexozi I dropped off collecting them, for no particular reason at all. I really should start up again
@Weebleman SEGA are gonna stealth release the best console of all time, just watch (in my dreams) 😭
@Stale-Bread 😂 we can only live and dream
Hey I'm 33 and give no cares about CoD but I have a genuine question: if people are still buying the game, regardless of the split, why do you actually care about the split?
Do you armchair game devs own stock in Sony? Actually, knowing the brand "loyalty" on this site, that make sense.
All I'm saying, Xbox, PS, PC, who cares? Play games wherever, however you want. Don't be a console warriors for the sake of clicks. Actually share news, it'd be a nice change of pace.
All my friends are playing PC/Xbox gamepass don't know anyone who has payed £60 for it!!
@Weebleman Doesn't someone have the buy the things anyway? I think MS gets there money regardless because you would be shocked how much Sony unironically relays on MS. Just saying.
@palmab @Weebleman I have the top paid lists on Xbox and everyone is buying the 99.99 dollar bundle or the $30 bundle upgrade in the US.
I think MS got money
@Weebleman Last time I checked I have to install a PS5 game off a disc too so PS is not much better, my guy. Also, thank Steam for the digital game purchase hype.
@Trojan well, someone hasn't read all the comments. Nobody is being a console warrior, nobody is denying MS have the money. What we are saying is if they don't get the uptick in GP subs they want then it could push them further into the realm of being a publisher. Which nobody wants.
I have no idea what you are on about in your last comment. Literally no idea.
@Trojan As for brand loyalty, I just commented above yours saying I need to start collecting my MS points again. Because I play on xbox. Surprise.
@Shakybeeves No, I remember the back of older CoD games like Modern Warfare 2 (OG on PS3 in 2009) or maybe it was Black Ops 1 the following year (heck... Probably BOTH) said the same thing 🤷♂️
Of course this is the case. Anyone who wants to play this on Playstation has to pay Microsoft to do so. Anyone who wants to play this on the Xbox has Game Pass. And any Black Ops 6 sale is a Microsoft sale. Lol.
@AhmadSumadi Since Microsoft owns the ip Playstation just made Xbox alot of money. Plus all the other streaming that now has access. 3 months Gampass still cheaper then 70. Also you can still by the game w
ith a discount with gamepass.
People seem to really enjoy saying how bad GPU is for cod and for gamers in general. Quoting the price of GPU for a year instead of buying cod. Which if you will ONLY play cod.... Fair enough.
I've had GPU on and off as things that interest me appear but I mostly game on a ps5 for mainstream titles.
For me gamepass allowed me to play and fall in love with franchise's that I hadn't even considered buying on sale. Starting with Yakuza 0 I was able to play through 700+ hours across Yakuza games a d now buy new Yakuza games day 1.
Another 100+ hours was slay the spire that I never thought I'd play. Another 200+ hours on Disney dream light valley for some time with my partner on its release. (She's since bought it for herself on the switch and my god the poor performance hurts me).
On top of this I 'shared' my gamepass with my at the time financially struggling younger brother and he appreciated being able to play on his own Xbox with his friends on games he otherwise couldn't.
Finally my best friend has 2 hyperactive children with the attention span of peanuts who each have an Xbox, shared game pass and devour every remotely new game that pops up until they quickly tire and move on. While he enjoys games like age of empires on his pc to his hearts content.
These were the people gamepass was made for originally. (So they said) A low price point of entry to see and try a multitude of games you otherwise might not. The constant price increases and the recent change to exclusives day one on GPU only have hurt that image greatly for me.
But I am still confident that the original idea was actually just to start this gateway to the world of cloud gaming platform for the next generation of gamers. Not for me or for most of us who use these news sites and only see our own opinions reflected back at us.
I just appreciate being able to play this on my PC with my subscription instead of having to pay 70£. I am not a shareholder in MS or Sony, so i couldnt care less about their metrics or declaring a “win” for one or the other.
@Intr1n5ic interesting. But what is the source of the sales figures you posted? I couldn’t find them anywhere. Usually they release percentages but not exact sales numbers to the public.
@Banjo- GamesIndusrty.biz specifically always has data for both physical and digital in the UK, Nintendo is the only exception.
@AhmadSumadi ”Game Pass in not good for gamers” WHY?
As a gamer it’s great for me, I get FAR more value from it than what I pay and if that changes I can just switch and buy the games instead, choice is good.
I accept it isn’t good for everyone, but nothing is, perhaps it’s not for you, that’s fine, however saying it’s bad for all gamers is false.
@Weebleman also another thing too is that MS recently got rid of Xbox live. They forced Xbox live players to get subsidized gamepass recently. There are a decent percentage of people that only want to play online games and aren’t interested in GP. If Microsoft offered an online only tier that is cheaper I’m sure it would bring them some money too.
@AhmadSumadi How can it be good for Microsoft when every push square article on game pass talks about Microsoft allegedly losing money due to game pass?
A lot of people got to try it on game pass and see it's a buggy broken unfun mess that isn't even a real black ops game it's a modern snorefare with the black ops name plastered on it.
The only people who game pass isn't good for are those who are playstation exclusive and do not have access to it, game pass is so good that when sony announced ps tiers i still remember people excited thinking it was the playstation equivalent of game pass.
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate – Ultimate 1 Month £14.99, that's not bad for campaign some multiplayer and zombies, that's something I would do, quick blast for the month job done.
@torquex So then ur not using it just to play the campaign...
@Randinator123 I signed up to gamepass but not for COD (its not a game that would make me sign up to anything as I just find its utter *****). It was Hellblade 2 I signed up for (subbed for a month for 6quid then blasted through that), and it was worth it, fantastic game. Now that im playing through Metaphor ReFantazio on Steam (then Another 2 games after that) im holding off on GP resub until im done with all of those. If Persona 3 Reload is still there by time im done I might resub for that.
hilarious clickbait, as 70% of all of those sales goes to Xbox. so who is dominating here? lol in addition to 100% revenue from Xbox consoles and Microsoft store, Xbox also takes 70% from PS5/PS4 and steam. plus the number of game pass subscribers in 1 days was at an all time high like never before, already confirmed that there are more BO6 players on Xbox than PS lol Xbox has never ever been more successful or dominating COD like they're doing now.
► Xbox share down: that means PS share is high? that means Xbox makes more money from those sales
► Xbox share down: that means high game pass subscribers, as confirmed by the CEO, BO6 caused a record breaking subs for XGP
► if xbox shares were up or go up? Xbox makes 100% revenue.
game pass subs
► Xbox not only takes most of the revenue from PS sales, but also from Game Pass's record breaking subs
it's all Win Win Win but only for Xbox.
@alienwithin for Microsoft you mean. It's not win win for xbox if they don't pull in enough users to their console, as there won't be one and they'll go full publisher.
Edit: you got a link to that highest players on xbox stat you pulled up
@themightyant Apologies for the late reply, mighty, I just woke up.
The data was compiled by a user on the installbase forum named Astral_lion02 - https://www.installbaseforum.com/forums/threads/uk-sales-week-43-2024-oct-20-oct-26.3142/#post-285208
It was calculated using the Gi.biz podcast with Chris Dring.
Also discussed here - https://www.resetera.com/threads/gbiz-uk-digital-physical-sales-call-of-duty-black-ops-6-sales-down-15-on-mwiii-46-on-mwii-xbox-67-pc-18-ps5-30.1026924/
I haven't listened to the podcast myself but the thread has generated nearly 400 replies with nobody disputing the figures. There's obviously some rounding as the numbers are too clean, but this appears to be an accurate depiction of week 1 performance.
@Blauwe_Chimay these are only physical sales there is no info on digital sales of gamepass subscribers, what we do knows it's one of cods biggest ever launches and is making Microsoft a ton of money
@themightyant he means it's not good for Sony fan boys
@UltimateOtaku91 they just lost 400 million on concord don't think they are laughing
Game sales are great and all but it's microtransactions where they make most of the money these days which everyone seems to forget about, there was one skin on world of war craft that made more money then star craft 1 and 2 combined sales
@Intr1n5ic No worries mate and thanks for sharing the source.
I have listened to the GI.biz podcast and Dring doesn't give any specific sales numbers (he never does as far as I recall, I think that info is all NDA'ed), he only gives percentages vs the last two CODs and on other occasions he gives chart positions.
So i'd take those precise sales figures with a large pinch of salt, they aren't verified figures, only roughly extrapolated from other numbers. The trouble with doing this is that the two datasets might not be an apples to apples comparison and it's easy to make small mistakes here that can compound to create less accurate data.
@Weebleman Xbox is NOT just the Console these days and hasn't been for almost a decade now. After the disaster that was the XB1 launch, that almost killed Microsoft's 'gaming' division but they changed their business model.
Now they have multiple ways in to the Xbox 'ecosystem' and Game Pass. The Entry point is NOT the Series S, its the Cloud. Whilst it might not be 'good enough' for hardcore gamers, its 'good enough' for Casuals. But that means XB1S gamers don't 'need' to upgrade to Series S to play Starfield for example and Casuals can play games without a Console at all so why spend $300 on a Series S...
The Series S is the entry point for 'Hardware' and at $300, its the cheapest option. Series X is a premium option to compete with PS5 on Quality/Performance etc, but both are built for those that either don't have the budget or prefer the Simplicity of Consoles - that Plug and Play ease...
However, they also have the PC market - all their games release Day 1 on PC. That means that PC gamers have no reason to buy an Xbox at all and haven't really since the 360 days. Now a PC gamer is much more likely to buy a Playstation or Switch for 'exclusives' (Zelda or Spider-Man/Wolverine) they can't play on PC day 1. That also means Handheld Consoles like SteamDeck or RoG Ally PC Handheld are 'Xbox Console' alternatives too in a way. Spend $300+ on 'hardware' to play games - well maybe a Handheld suits them better. Don't need a $700+ 'Console' to try and compete with high end PC's when high end PC's are part of your ecosystem. Don't need a $700 Console to play CoD or Indiana Jones at higher settings when PC's already offer that.
Microsoft will likely continue to make Console whilst there is still demand for 'cheap' Hardware based Gaming. As I said, the cheapest 'Hardware' to play modern/new games is the Series S and the Series X is as cheap as a PS5 with Similar specs - they exist because PC's are more expensive and people want 'low' cost gaming hardware.
Game Pass though can be on EVERY Hardware option - from Mobile phones to High End Gaming PC's, in fact, the only Hardware its not on is Playstation/Switch so you don't 'need' a Series S/X to get into Xbox Game Pass. You buy a Series S/X because it offers the 'experience' at a price your willing to pay. Cloud - is the 'entry' or 'budget' tier with PC the High End tier with Consoles offering a Low Cost Hardware option which I expect will continue to be offered until the Market for low cost Hardware disappears. They don't 'need' to sell a Console to sell you Game Pass as PC and Cloud gamers may buy it too
Sony are in a different Position as their 'ecosystem' is their Console only. They don't have their 'own' store on PC so they 'sell' on Steam (not on Windows Store or on Xbox) only once that Game is NOT going to hurt their Console - to extract whatever extra money they can from those who would not buy a PS anyway. They also need you to buy a Playstation to sell you their Playstation Plus Subscription but Game Pass is available on more Hardware...
As for this - why buy something if you already have Free Access? Of course Xbox Sales were always going to be lower, but if they manage to get more people 'in', then that is potentially more Battle Passes sold, more Cosmetics and CoD points sold etc.
I have seen reports stating the top 2 biggest selling titles on Xbox Store being BO6 and the BO6 'Vault Edition' Upgrade for Game Pass BO6. That tells you the game is selling but also that the Game Pass edition is Popular - popular enough that people paid to upgrade it.
It was never going to sell more on Xbox - More PS5 users and its too 'expensive' to buy a Xbox just because MS has the marketing etc. If more PC/Xbox gamers sign up to Game Pass - its a win for MS - if they choose to 'buy' though, its still a win for MS. If they buy on PS5, its still a win for MS - its just not the disaster for Sony the deal 'could' have been.
@themightyant I've tried to pinpoint exactly where the sales data on sold units is coming from here as installbase appears to be a thorough platform with regard to data and market analysis, but I can't find anything other than the dataset comparison as you've mentioned. It's likely not far off, but you're absolutely right that these kinds of calculations are open to mistakes and inaccuracies.
@Intr1n5ic I appreciate that and I hadn't heard of Installbase so thanks for the heads up on that.
I don't think you, or they, are trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes, their numbers may be bang on, but it's impossible to say without more info on their methodology. I just know it's very easy to miss some minutiae that then compounds when doing these sort of calculations and unwittingly put out inaccurate data.
I really just wanted to confirm if it was from an official source.
@Contimaloris Depends if you really don't want to sell anymore games and go the complete subscription route.
@Trojan Calm down calm I know its important for you that a massive corporation like Microsoft makes more money. For me not so much but who am i.
Microsoft wants to go full subscription as fast as possible so they can completely strip anyone making money besides them.
How great will it get that they pull the game whenever they and say yeah you enough fun you only rented game anyway.
The figures are exactly what were expected. I’m only surprised that anyone is surprised by it. What I would say though is that when we talk about Game Pass and sales that Xbox will make via PS and Steam, that money is being made by Microsoft rather than Xbox.
You only have to read Satya Nadella’s comments recently - he regards to the ‘Microsoft gaming division’ rather than Xbox.
He can’t wait for Xbox to be scrapped and have Microsoft Gaming as the brand once and for all.
I play on Xbox mainly but am not so blind as to see that Xbox is moving away from hardware totally.
@themightyant Purely speculation, but I suspect some of what gets published there comes from sources who can't publicly disclose their position. It's an interesting forum though.
Anyway, I appreciate your input, mighty, you're always unbiased and level headed with your comments here.
Are you looking forward to Michael's video on the pro tomorrow?
@Intr1n5ic No one is unbiased! But I try to be a little more even and scientific than some who seem to let their hearts rule their heads too often. But we all do it occasionally. Mostly I just hate BS, that's when theMightyRANT comes out... like a moth to a flame when I see it. lol
100% looking forward to the video, he's the best in the business imho, or perhaps just my kinda science and facts first tech nerd.
Interesting speculation about the forum. I look forward to having a deeper delve when I get a moment. Happy gaming.
@themightyant Same to you mate.
@GADG3Tx87 Didn't they also say that Hi-Fi Rush was a success in every meaning of the word and metric?
Why would ANYBODY believe them at this point???
@themightyant what I mean is this will lead to the "Netflixification" of gaming. Where we'll have every studio starting up its own streaming service so you can play games from them. So now, if you want to play certain games, you'll end up paying multiple subscription services a monthly fee. Basically that's what happened to TV.
@Flaming_Kaiser I think that is what their plan is. Xbox is playing the long game. Eventually everything will be streaming.
@AhmadSumadi Perhaps. But I don’t see them closing the option of digital stores anytime soon, it would be business suicide alienating too much of your audience, therefore if that ever happened we could just return to buying games individually. Which I still do in addition to Game Pass and PS+.
Much like physical and digital - I buy BOTH - choice is good, and I’ll advocate for keeping all choices open.
@themightyant I hear you. I also like for there to be choice. Myself, I think I've bought about 3 or 4 games over the past few years. I play a lot of games on PS+ now. Never even wanted to get Essential until my son convinced me he'd use it if I'd pay for it.
@Weebleman Exactly right, It was a smoke and mirrors action to make GP appears to have more members despite actually having declined year on year. At the time I did say I fully them to pull the same trick again with other subscriptions so they can bundle it all under the GP name.
GP - WoW for example would allow them to boost the GP figure substantially when they want to obfuscate numbers in future.
I doubt they care what console anyone's playing it on, still more money for Microsoft.
Does anyone really care?
What? £14.99 is far cheaper than £50+ for the sp campaign. Did you mean something else?
@torquex My original reply was to a comment saying people that have GPU would only play the campaign and nothing else.
46% percent down despite the 30% increase on PS5... I think gamepass has to experience at least a 40% surge in users to recover the losses here (assuming that the profit margin is almost twice the game, or the userbase is almost twice the COD userbase which I highly doubt).
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