It seems like nothing is sacred after all, with arguably the greatest game Xbox Games Studios' ever published, the immaculate Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, seemingly set to charge forth on PS5. More specifically, it seems the game is currently being played on PS5, which lines up with earlier reporting from The Verge's Tom Warren.
Over on the always-thrilling GamingLeaksandRumours subreddit, an image of PSN users in an AoE2 lobby has caused a stir amongst normally placid armchair generals. Of course, it seems like most of the Xbox back catalogue will eventually come over as we enter this strange new age, and Tom Warren (who is considered a Tier 2 - Generally Reliable Source) had previously reported that the iconic strategy series (which changed the life of this humble scribe, introduced via cereal promotion) would be coming to PS5.
Warren said around the time of his original reporting, almost six months ago: "As part of Project Latitude, Microsoft has also been considering launching Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition on rival consoles in early 2025, and its upcoming remastered spinoff, Age of Mythology: Retold, could come, too"
What do you think? Would you be up for some Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition on PS5? How about Age of Mythology: Retold, for that matter? Max out your villager population in the comments section below.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 53
This would be a nice get for sure. Played a fair bit on Gamepass so i will happily buy when it hits PS5.
I always thought this was a PC classic which got ported to xbox later but I guess it's better to say the "xbox" version.
Only a few ms games I'd ever actually want. This is definitely one.
I guess the current Xbox will be the last
Yes yes absolutely yes! Hopefully they haven't re-recorded the questionable William Wallace voiceover for the tutorial campaign from the (1999?) original
The playerbase for this game on pc and Xbox is probably pretty saturated by now and it's not a system seller so I'd say a ps release is a net positive. Switch 2 would be icing on the cake
Looking forward to it. A great game.
Not really what I would choose from there catalog, but ill take this as a sign of more to come.
Something often forgotten is the original Age of Empires 2 was also on PS2 as well as PC
I was always a much bigger C&C fan, but I would love this.
BITD, Age of Empires II was released by Microsoft on PS2.
There is a C&C bundle on Steam for less than £6.
I have an old laptop, so I think I know what I am going to do this weekend
@silverspeed Enjoy! I just used to play Red Alert skirmish on repeat, on PS1, and a lot of Generals later on. I am going to get a Steamdeck in the near future, wonder if it’s compatible 🧐
AOE 2 was a good game, its probably the peak of the series, which is why its still being played to this day and gets more attention than its sequels.
Its much more of a PC game imo tho as its designed for M/KB, but happy for people who enjoy these games on console.
@Northern_munkey I came in to say the same thing. It's really weird to refer to this as an Xbox game, sounds like he isn't familiar with gaming history (and I often get that impression from his articles). It's like calling Sonic "a classic Playstation series".
I am still waiting to see what is happening with Warcraft 3 Reforged as its getting an update but they are being very quite about what is actually happening with it. It looks like its going to land on Gamepass, but with it being the 30 year anniversary of Warcraft I have a feeling they might do something else within that new engine.
Personally I am hoping they add in the the WC1 and WC2 campaigns as DLC since those games are mostly unplayable. Either way it will be a good grab if it lands on GP as it was always my favourite RTS.
I will be playing endless amounts of regicide games like I did in my youth. Awesome news.
Considering the original was on PS2 this isn't hard to believe. Had a lot of good memories playing that. I'm more interested in AoM this time around since it wasn't on playstation and I had to play the original version on PC.
Played the original Age of Empires to death back in the day, you could even play over LAN.
Also loved Mythology, both back in my PC days.
"Xbox's Legendary Strategy Series Seemingly Set to Invade PS5"
This game was on the PS2 before any Xbox console even launched, the game didn't even launch on an Xbox console until 20 years later.
Originally a PC game and then Microsoft bought the studio in 2001, whilst Konami published the game on PS2 later that year as it was already in development, it's funny how history repeats itself
Cheese steak jimmy’s??
I'd buy this one. One of the few games Microsoft did really well on. I think it's one of the few studios they left to get on with it after buying them, rather then having a capitalbro looming over them 24/7 chasing the upward line.
Also see this as a classic PC game. Didn’t even realize Xbox owned it since 2001? Anyhow, this would be a very welcome addition
Ok XBox, now we're talking!
Go play Pentiment too y'all. It was a really good historical thriller.
That’s a day one buy for me. Easily. Love the radial menu system. Now if they keep going with StarCraft and Warcraft 3 I will be utterly thrilled.
I might give this a shot actually. Still looking for a 4x game, that vibes with me. So far I only like Tropico and thats not exactly that^^
@kyleforrester87 C & C generals zero hour. My favorite of the series.
I can only play these RTS games on a PC. I’m not sure how people play on consoles.
@Vaako007 I didn’t play too much of Zero Hour, which is a shame because I was mad for the base game for quite a while. But by the time the expansion came out I had kind of moved on. Generals is pretty underrated IMO although I can see why fans of the old games might not have gelled with it. The soundtrack for USA got me so pumped!
@kyleforrester87 ah man it’s definitely a shame! Zero hour was such a great add on that there was no reason to ever go back to the base game. Yes generals was very underrated. I didn’t like any of the follow projects in the C&C series. Yes the soundtracks were great!
I still have my original CD (and the jewel case) of the game on PC...all the way back from 2000.
I thought about playing it on my current laptop...until I realised my laptop doesn't have a disc-drive.
I have fond memories of the game, and hope it plays really well on console.
There is literally no downside to make this port.
RTS on console is niche genre. Nobody will buy a console brand "because they have RTS games." So it's essentially free money for Microsoft since they don't have competition in this space.
I expect Age of Empires 4 and Age of Mythology Retold to follow.
Im just wantin a forza and killer instinct.
Everything will be on PS5 soon sadly
Wake me up when we get news on a Master chief collection or Gears of war trilogy 👍
Who plays these games with a controller? Odd.
Ah so Playstation are getting back a game that was on Playstation anyway before Microsoft acquired them?, gee thanks Microsoft.
@Vaako007 I prefer console for nearly everything (I usually just avoid PC only games entirely); but RTS games (and their ilk) are the one exception I make.
As for C&C Generals; I felt it was the start of the decline of C&C. It wasn't terrible but it certainly wouldn't be anywhere on my top list. RA2 for me being "peak C&C".
@captainsandman Not sure. There have been RTS games on consoles as long as the genera existed, from Dune 2 (Genesis) to C&C and Warcraft/Starcraft on PS1 and N64, to the most recent (in my memory) C&C RA3 on PS3? And all of them (other than Dune 2) played terribly compared to their PC counter parts. I wonder if its just people buying them hoping that someone has done the impossible and made a great controller interface (like FFXIV did for MMORPGs) only to realize that no, no they haven't.
They'd be stupid not to. It's not a system seller, it's a niche market, nobody is going to abandon their xbox/pc to play it on Playstation it's just extra revenue for practically no effort.
@UltimateOtaku91 totally forgot it was on PS2. I played it on PC like a good boy.
@thedevilsjester we are very similar in regard to console preferences. I only use my PC for RTS games, despite it being more capable than the current crop of consoles I own. For me I prefer to play in front of a big TV and sit on the couch.
RA2 is what got me into the C&C games. A great RTS.
Very strange.
Considering this is a remaster of a very old PC game which is probably the best in the series and spent hours playing but as always it's dominantly a PC centric game Any how.
I'd rather boot up my PC and buy it on there.
Xbox should really be pushing some.remastwr halo or gears. I'd be in then. Only 2 franchises worth a dam from xbox. In house exclusives anyway.
I mean what else is there?
Everything else are from established 3rd party developers, who's best games are already 3rd party.
With every PS5 release it feels like we are closer and closer to the end of Xbox as a traditional platform.
I wonder if Steam might try and jump in that space again or if we might see a Google console in the future
Sounds good
Making up the word count
This series is much more known on PC and not synonymous with the Xbox brand. The day Halo, Gears, Forza and Fable go to other consoles is truly the day Xbox hardware dies.
@UltimateOtaku91 How about all the playstation games that were on Xbox? PS going to port them back as well. What is your point. Another PS good MS bad comment?
@cburg What are "all the" Playstation games that were on Xbox before Playstation acquired them?
@UltimateOtaku91 I should have said other platforms.
I didn't know until now that Red Alert was available on PS1 too.
Good news, both of us enjoyed the same two games.😀 I never completed the campaign as a kid, I always played skirmish mode, and it was great.
And yes, both games work on SteamDeck, just started a skirmish game to see. 👍
I assume you will have a lot of fun soon with the series again.🙂
@silverspeed Yes, both Red Alert and Retaliation were available on PS1. So when I hear people complain that you need a mouse and keyboard for games like Age of Empires 2 I know for a fact that is not true as I used to fly around on a D-pad back in the day! Interestingly, you can also play RA on the Vita through the PS1 Classics catalogue. But now that I mention it, from memory it had difficulty processing the music without lag... Hmm..
Good to hear they work on the Deck, looking forward to playing them again soon. Enjoy!
Rare replay please! Sure I have Conker's Bad fur Day & Perfect Dark still with my N64, but Rare replay would be must buy! Look what happened with Sea of thieves when it came to PS5, huge success.
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