Before announcing Astro Bot as Game of the Year 2024 at The Game Awards, Larian Studios founder Swen Vincke, also director of last year's winner, Baldur's Gate 3, gave a poignant speech. Vincke predicted that the game that wins 2025's award would be developed by a studio that "didn't have to meet arbitrary sales targets" and that "didn't treat their developers like numbers on a spreadsheet".
For some reason, this speech has activated die-hard fans of Black Myth: Wukong, who have subsequently decided to review bomb Baldur's Gate 3 in response (Astro Bot not being available on Valve's platform on which to vent their spleens), with hundreds of negative reviews appearing on Steam after the show. These bitter reviews stand out as BG3 has earned its position in recent memory and enjoys near-universal acclaim from fans and critics alike. As you can see in the graph below, it seems like Vincke's speech (12th December) struck a chord, seemingly inspiring even more positive reviews, so we imagine balance will be restored in due course.

Black Myth fans aren't doing a great job creating the sort of community casual onlookers will want to join in the future, but perhaps that isn't something Game Science is concerned with. What did you think of Swen's speech and the subsequent Steam response? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source store.steampowered.com, via thegamer.com]
Comments 70
Unhinged losers
That's all that needs to be said.
Is it really that important to win the award compare to selling well and received positive receptions from gamers?
But i guess some gamers are just a sore loser huh 🙄
Nerdery at its finest
Maybe the translation was confusing to them 😵💫👀
What an embarrassing joke. They are probably following the lead of their CEO, or the devs crying when they didn't get their trophy.
Well it's good to see Chinese gamers are just as petty, inexplicably angry, and ridiculous as those of more prominent markets.
Welcome to the annoying, dysfunctional family, China! We have the best holidays.
Wukong was not that good for the mass amount of outcry at it not winning GOTY. It’s like what happened with Spider-Man 2 last year, but this time with the devs seemingly fanning the flames. Wukong shows such an inability for the average gamer to expand their horizons. They assume any 3rd person action adventure game with high fidelity visuals are the peak of experience, no matter if there’s better stuff that year.
Even as someone who would have preferred Metaphor to win GotY, can't help but be glad that VGA dodged a bullet by not awarding Black Myth Wukong GotY. I think the game's good but its community is another thing.
Are the PlayStation community the chill guys right now? Everyone else is in meltdown mode LOL.
I heard that Chinese players are upset because it his statement was mistranslated which completely misconstrued Vincke's message. Don't know how true it is but I hope that's what happened rather than gamers being gamers.
I don't have a PS5 yet but cannot wait to play Astro Bot. Looks so good.
I would rather be without such non-sense dribble in my newsfeed.
It is not news, and all it inspires (reading this) is intense dislike for Wukong, China and Chinese people.
Kind of a bizarre thing to do, since it wasn't Swen Vincke who decided the GOTY.
Whatever your grievance with a game may be, can we please stop with the review bombing tactic?! I actually depend on reviews to inform my purchases…
Again anytime you see a gamer say Audience reviews and Steam reviews are the only ones that matter, remember the bombing and counter-bombing fans will do.
Because they took it as an insult to their country when it didn't win GOTY. 😂
The country is filled with such extremists and people who play Genshin Impact would have experienced it.
Removed - inappropriate
Astrobot won cuz it was fun and u could literally not say anything negative about it every other game nomination had faults including my own goty ff7 rebirth
Vincke's words were clearly about the current state of AAA game development, a large part of which takes place in Western countries. Clearly something must've been lost in translation over in China.
This whole episode is another reminder of how pathetic the gaming community is in general, though.
I never payed much attention to Black Myth, it’s not my kind of game. But it’s all I hear about now after the game award.
@Drago201 Dont we all just want fun games now man i miss my Donkey Kong Country, Super Metroid, Mario Kart/World times.
My PS1 brought me a lot of fun to Legend of Dragoon, Legend of Legaia, Twisted Metal World Tour, Final Fantasy 7/8/9, Breath of Fire 4, Koudelka, Metal Gear Solid,Tenchu.
And yes im missing so many more fantastic small and big games.
Black Myth is fine, a good game, but not GOTY material, kind of overrated.
This year the real posibilities were astro, ff7r or ReFantazio
Also, the world need more games with such love like Astro, is a game that you can like it or not but you cant deny that every inch of the game is made with a lot of love and care.
That certainly is a choice...
The kind of disgusting behaviour you can expect from the Wukong fanboys. Ahh well let them get all angry and upset, they'll get over it.
To their credit, they’re not critiquing Bag3 for being ‘too woke’ - this is more the sort of silly pettiness we used to have, it’s almost nostalgic.
Well this is petty and childish. Guess China’s really getting into 2012 level nonsense.
At least they’re not review bombing every game that had a character cameo in Astro bot.
Indeed. A lot of these same people would preach inclusion and respect towards everyone in other articles but are ironically behaving very bigoted and racist towards an entire country here.
@Ultimapunch hope you get a ps5 and Astro soon, such a great game!
First off - how do we know it's BMW fans... secondly... how do we know it's not a state-organised action... and thirdly... why does anyone care (I mean, literally, why does anyone care?... BG3 doesn't need STEAM or metacritic anymore, and hasn't for a while).
The thing that people don't understand is how much of a thing the release of BMW was in China (in terms of it being a widespread western/global release). It was a HUGE deal. So, unfortunately the downside of huge pride in a country's success, can be a lot of negative jingoistic (or propaganda-based) nationalistic displeasure. Overlaid by a State-based campaign to push the success of the game. It's the sort of thing that causes devs to start long rants about .... anything to deflect the fact they didn't win a silly (and I MEAN SILLY) award show.
I think the phrase "Go outside and touch grass" is very appropriate for this situation...
What a bunch of sore losers. BMW was lucky even to be nominated for GOTY imo.
"Vincke predicted that the game that wins 2025's award would be developed by a studio that "didn't have to meet arbitrary sales targets" and that "didn't treat their developers like numbers on a spreadsheet"."
Sounds like a good thought to me.
Toxic Dev and toxic fanbase.
@Deoxyr1bose Let's be honest most of Black Myth's fanbase have never even played a game like this before because China is so mobile and gacha focused, for many Chinese players this was their first "real" game that wasn't mobile, a knock off or gacha.
I really enjoyed my time with Wukong - put in around 30 hours, finished the standard ending over the weekend and currently stuck on trying to finish the final secret ending. But in my mind it is not deserving of GOTY - dodgy optimisation, relentless invisible walls and some really poor level design. That being said ots still a good game, great even, but its own fans and it's own developer have really let it down
IMO all major review sites should require a link/sync to whatever platform you use so they can see if you own the game. Don't own, can't review
@Hyena_socks BG3 escaped the woke backlash because it wasn't woke. In fact the CEO of Larian was so based that he advised developers to not let politics influence their games during the game awards. We need more people like him in the industry. Better games AND less layoffs.
BMW is a ‘fine enough’ game… but nothing ground breaking in my opinion, moreso a cocktail of clear inspirations from other genres/games. BG3 it certainly ain’t…! (A very worthy GOTY)
Whilst Astro wasn’t my personal pick this year (#1 Balatro, #2 Nine Sols, #3 Lorelei) I’m personally really pleased Astro won. It’s a great game, and a brilliant example of ‘fun for all the family’ - immaculately presented also and making great use of the hardware. Nice to see a bit of competition vs Nintendo in this regard, who would usually monopolise this genre. The Astro dev speech was great as well, calling out Big N as a clear influence (I like that kind of thing)
The sore loser discourse from the BMW team however, just pathetic
The speech was great. He said what so many gamers feel about the modern industry which is driven by men in suits filling spreadsheets with forecasts, targets to ensure the line on the graph goes up.
But as with any business if you focus too hard on the line you forget what made you successful in the first place. It certainly wasn't a man with a spreadsheet.
wukong has a 81 on metacritic the fact it was even nominated as a goty candidate was a insult..
Oof. I was thinking of giving Wukong a shot here soon but with the way the devs and the fanbase is acting at the moment...I think I'll just steer clear for now.
Chuds and incels just can't help being the sewer rats of gaming. Let them fester.
@Korgon just to be clear. Some angry chinese people does not constitute "Black Myth fans". If you're refusing to play based off this then you're not much better than them.
I got that game on launch and platinum'd it in the same weekend I think. The community was great as was the game though not really GOTY. The 81 metacritic score is lower than it should be. I don't think Astro is GOTY either.
I know its not everyone that bought and enjoyed the game. However like I said it's not just these specific toxic "fans" but also the way the devs have behaved since the game awards that's putting me off personally.
Now there is the chance that their words were mistranslated which is why I simply said I'm avoiding it "for now". If it comes out someone really screwed up on translation (and I hope that is the case) then that might change my mind then.
@Efyi Edit: This post has been severely edited, due to my misunderstanding of your comment completely. I see now that you’re critizing the article. I wrongly thought you were saying it created a dislike for Chinese people on your part. If you somehow still read my original post, i apologize, i may have been a bit harsh..
You’re right and if anyone truly does develop dislike for Chinese people after reading this i’d suggest they not judge a group of people based on actions of a few. Thats simplistic and reductive thinking, not to mention racist, and exactly the kind of thinking that can lead to unfair stereotypes.
These are just a minority of gamers, just like how gamers from the West can make stupid and immature comments online all the time
It's just embarrassing behaviour really.
@Spedfrom or it was translated wrong
Wukong was pretty bad on consoles tbh. Blurry or more blurry with input lag at 50fps, same with Rise, they're the exact type of game I like the most but didn't buy either because they both looked and felt so rough when I demo'd them.
They must have misunderstood, I'm pretty sure the speech would have been in their favour, "...a game that does not already exist.."
I'm happy for them. If they get so upset over an award that doesn't affect them personally, then that must mean that this is the only thing bad happening right now. At least I hope that's the reason.
@PuppetMaster some people seek validation only through the means of material things.
I thought we were all in agreement GTA6 was winning GotY next year? I guess his comment was in case it gets delayed to 2026. 😂
Bunch of Circus Clowns nothing more nothing less. These idiots should be blocked from using the Steam Review system indefinitely.
Jesus christ. Can you imagine knowing somebody that would actually do this? The second hand embarrassment from even being aware of somebody doing this would be crippling. I cannot even fathom being the person actually doing it. What an incredibly sad existence.
"Black Myth fans aren't doing a great job creating the sort of community casual onlookers will want to join in the future"
I honestly don't think 90%+ of consumers even consider that factor for even a second. Maybe for MMOs, but not single-player experiences like Wukong or Astro. They're just buying a product to enjoy, not auditioning 'communities' to join. That sort of stuff is confined to online, where only the most active 10% of users (probably still overestimated) are taking part in discussion.
TLDR: Casual onlookers almost by definition are not worried about community toxicity because they don't join online discussion at all.
It's not a great look by the fans, but it's also not really worth a dev going after them for it. It won't hurt their bottom line whatsoever if the game itself is quality.
I was going to get Black Myth, now I could care less.
What a bunch of losers.(I would give my full opinion but I'm a rule follower so I can't do that)
It's weird that Black Myth Wukong became the thing a bunch of people were willing to totally embarrass themselves over. I could at least get it if it was something great like Metaphor ReFantazio or Treasure Island Dizzy. But these lads are embarrassing themselves over a pretty whatever monkey game. I mean come on.
That’s funny, I felt revulsion when BMW won Best Action Game. The combat/gameplay loop in BMW is…pretty mediocre. It isn’t bad, per se, but it didn’t ’wow’ me in the slightest. Stellar Blade got snubbed big time in Best Action Game category, it should have won hands down. The combat/exploration/gameplay loop/visuals in Stellar Blade blow BMW out of the water; it isn’t even close. Tell the frenzied denizens of a certain people’s republic to put that in their opium pipe and smoke it.
How pathetic. Some corners of the gaming community are always intent on embarrassing themselves.
Good, keep crying.
@Balaam_ about BMW or SB? WHICH SHOULD THEY SMOKE?!?
I don't get what he said that would anger folks. I liked what he said, he seems like someone that cares about the people he works with.
Pathetic muppets.
Well... Swen is right, so too bad for them.
Sore losers. I am glad Wukong didn't win.
Surely they should be happy astro won and has been the success it has, it sends a message to devs and publishers that gamers want more of this type of thing,than another souls clone ,my heart sinks when I see another game trailer with the protagonist walking through some run down castle,forest,desert and they start hitting things with a big stick,sword,scythe ,then start rolling about the floor, as the massive boss knocks half their health off with one hit,enough now please.
Low IQ response to Swen's anti corporate/marketing statement in favor of devs just making games lol. Way to take an L gracefully, really makes me want to play your monkey game.
GOTY.... the first "G" literally means GAME, what does it say when a fricken DLC is up for GOTY? Slim pickings that's what.
DLC is not a game regardless how good it may be,
And wukong.... Yet another Souls like and they're losing their mind over that?
It's truly pathetic I can only hope that it's just a simple matter of a bad translation but I doubt it. It's more likely the same story of toxic fanboyism.
Wukong is a really good game, but tbh if people want to know why it didn't win, they need to look no further than Swen's speech: "a game that hasn't been made before."
3D action adventure isn't really something new. Nor is Sun Wu Kong. Black Myth just happened to be made by the right people, at the right time, that it made so many gamers happy.
Astro Bot, on the other hand -although 3D platformer is also one of the oldest genre in gaming, but the way they incorporate nostalgia and easter eggs into the game is definitely something that many people hasn't seen before. It's kinda similar to Avengers Endgame that rewards people who followed MCU movies for 10 years, Astro Bot rewards people who followed PlayStation history for 30 years. It's a unique feeling of satisfaction that not many devs has tapped into.
Anyway, review bombing a game. Because the head of company that made the game. Said something in an award show. Where your favorite game happened to lose... Goodamn, these losers are really desperate. It's like kicking a dog, because the owner of the dog, is the father of a kid, who is the brother of another kid, that's a friend of another kid, who said something mean to you.
Wow, a game considered good or even very good but not great by the critics didn't win the Game of the Year award voted by those same critics... what a shocker.
Its fanbase is as toxic as its misogynistic developers.
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