Cyberpunk 2077 patch 2.2 has been revealed by CD Projekt Red, and it's a big one, weighing in at 9.6GB on PS5.
The theme of the update is customisation — players are getting more ways to "express themselves" through loads of new options. This covers character creation and vehicles.
What's more, photo mode has been significantly expanded, and you can display your favourite shots in V's apartment.
Oh, and there are ten new vehicles to buy, so you better get saving those eddies.
- In-depth car paint customisation
- Scan any car in the game and apply it to your own car
- Changing your car's colour can throw off police chases
- 10 new cars to buy
- Johnny can join you in the passenger seat when driving
- Johnny will appear more as the game progresses
Photo Mode
- Loads of photo mode improvements
- Drone mode lets you move the camera around the scene much more
- Spawn spotlights to provide different lighting angles and more
- Spawn other characters and various NPCs from the game so that they can be in your photos
- NPCs can be posed in photo mode
- Upgraded photo mode UI
- Gallery menu lets you save photos in-game
- You can display your photos in V's apartments with new wall frames
Character Creator
- Over 100 new options in character creator
- Includes new skin, eye, makeup, tattoo, and scar options
- New facial cyberware options
- Added a randomiser that can be tweaked based on your tastes
CD Projekt Red has also posted the full patch notes, which we've included below.
Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 2.2 Patch Notes
New Features
- Rayfield's CrystalCoat™ technology, initially designed for Rayfield vehicles only, has now been adopted by other car manufacturers. You can now change the paint jobs on Herrera, Mizutani, Quadra and Villefort vehicles. Pro tip: Use CrystalCoat™ to fool the cops and lower your NCPD wanted level!
- Kiroshi presents TWINTONE™! As CrystalCoat™ continues to in gain popularity, TWINTONE™ takes your paint jobs to the next level. Simply scan a car with your Kiroshi optics, switch to the TWINTONE™ tab, then save the vehicle's color scheme for a small fee. You'll then be able to select the scheme in the TWINTONE™ database under the CrystalCoat™ menu. There, you'll also find generic color schemes for all CrystalCoat™-compatible vehicles as well as unique color schemes exclusive to the vehicle model from which they were copied. Please note that color scheme cloning is not authorized on vehicles that are linked to quests, belong to the NCPD or that are incompatible with CrystalCoat™ tech.
- All vehicles compatible with CrystalCoat™ and TWINTONE™ are marked with a spray can icon on Autofixer.
The ten most requested vehicles from the streets of Night City are now available for purchase on Autofixer:
- Mizutani Shion MZ1
- Mizutani Shion Targa MZT
- Thorton Galena GA32t
- Thorton Colby CST40
- Archer Quartz EC-L r275
- Quadra Type-66 640 TS
- Quadra Type-66 680 TS
- Mizutani Hozuki MH2
- Villefort Deleon V410-S Coupe (Phantom Liberty only)
- Mahir Supron FS3-T (Phantom Liberty only)
- Following Act 1, Johnny will now sometimes appear in the passenger seat while V is driving to comment on and react to what's happening.
We've overhauled Photo Mode and added multiple community-requested features:
- Drone Camera is now a free camera instead of an orbital camera centered around V.
- Increased camera range.
- Full Collision (ON/OFF) - determines whether the camera respects in-game object collisions.
- Lock Camera (ON/OFF) - locks the camera to avoid misclicking and ruining the frame.
- Precise Camera (ON/OFF) - slows the camera down for easier aiming.
- Aspect Ratio (PC-only. Custom-resolution screenshots are not available on consoles. Console systems can only export images in the standard 16:9 format.)
- Characters tab: Spawn up to 3 NPCs for your photo, with a list of over 20 characters to choose from. You can adjust their expression, pose and position.
- Lighting tab: Spawn and adjust light sources.
- Fixed the Depth of Field ghosting issue.
- Added an Effect Intensity slider.
- SmartFrames™ by Kiroshi allows you to display your Photo Mode shots in-game by interacting with the picture frames in V's apartments. Browse your photo collection in the new Gallery menu tab located alongside Journal, Shards and Tarot. The Gallery pulls .png images from the screenshots folder on your PC or from your console gallery. For more details on SmartFrames™ and the Gallery, see this Support article.
Added more character customization options:
- 32 eye colors
- 18 lip makeup types
- 17 nail colors
- 10 cheek makeup types
- 16 eye makeup types
- 4 face scars
- 5 eyebrow shapes
- 4 face tattoos
- 2 body tattoos
- 8 cosmetic face cyberware options
- Upgraded the Character Creator randomizer to feature a new Plain-to-Punk slider. Whether you're aiming for an understated, casual look or a bold, edgy style for your V, you can now use the slider to strike the perfect balance.
- Added more secrets to discover in Night City.
Quests & Open World
- Rephrased objectives for quests that tell you to wait a specific amount of time to progress. The game is designed in a way that doesn't always allow players to simply skip in-game time to advance the objective, instead requiring them continue playing to trigger the next event.
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: Where the Bodies Hit the Floor - Fixed an issue where no shard could be found on the cyberpsycho's body, blocking progress.
- Dream On - The Trauma Team AV on the roof will now be properly hidden in stealth mode.
- Heroes - Fixed an issue where the quest, despite being completed, could remain marked as incomplete in the Journal with the optional objectives "Talk to Padre" and "Talk to the Valentinos."
Phantom Liberty-Specific
- Balls to the Wall - Fixed an issue where it was impossible to exit the elevator and talk to Yuri because of an invisible wall.
- Firestarter - Fixed an issue where fast travel could be blocked if the player saved the game soon after exiting Reed's car.
- Gig: Waiting for Dodger - After being freed, Bill and Charles will now be more mindful of their driving and avoid running over Dodger’s goons, preventing any unnecessary combat.
- Hi Ho Silver Lining - The VIP section in the Heavy Hearts club will now be accessible to players who couldn't meet with Mr. Hands due to a keycard being required to use the elevator.
- I've Seen That Face Before - The garage door preventing players from reaching the meeting point will now be open.
- Run This Town - The elevator in the Heavy Hearts club is now back in service, so V can finally meet with Mr. Hands.
- Somewhat Damaged - Fixed an issue where the prompt to unplug the cables from the Neural Network system was missing.
- The Killing Moon - Fixed the issue of a wall blocking the path when carrying Songbird to the shuttle.
- Fixed one of the katana finisher animations so that it properly decapitates enemies.
- Iconic Synapse Burnout and Iconic System Collapse quickhacks will now be properly affected by the RAM cost reduction buff.
- The icons for Tier 5+ and 5++ Behavioral Imprint-synced Faceplate will now be visible on the HUD while driving.
- Fixed an issue causing the Synaptic Accelerator to stay active indefinitely if the player is detected while not in combat.
- The car horn will no longer honk when the player reloads a weapon during vehicle combat while playing with a controller.
- Fixed an issue where the NCPD could stop functioning properly after V engages in a shootout in Pacifica between the Voodoo Boys and Trauma Team.
- Fixed an issue where TV program sound was muted or too quiet.
- Fixed an issue where CrystalCoat™did not apply properly after entering a vehicle.
- Due to popular demand, we've lowered the Trauma Drama high scores.
- Adjusted V’s mouth movement in various scenes, including the endings.
- Fixed the issue of voiceover cutoff during the Ebunike station announcement on NCART.
- Fixed ray-traced shadows for V in Photo Mode.
Will you be returning to Night City for this update? Customise yourself in the comments section below.
Comments 43
Well that was a load of dookie water…
This is the type of free dookie they should have been doing regularly for the past couple years instead of fixing the game.
That was the definition of "this should have been an email" for those of us who sit through pointless corporate calls in our job.
I hated this game at launch but absolutely loved after complete overhaul....
Just hope they add third person also in part 2......
Honestly all that is fine... but please let us respec more than 1 time... why the limit? Like at all? I don't get it.
I burned my respec early, not realizing that I only had one to burn. And now never again? Really? I'll trade you all 10 cars and customization options for infinite respecs.
Cruising around Night City with Johnny Silverhand sat in the passenger seat. Nova.
For the folks hoping for more substantial updates, I suspect these random ones are just coming from a small handful of devs who have a cool idea and their supervisor just goes "yeah, sure, until we have something more important for you to do."
@wildcat_kickz it’s just the fact they hyped it up like it was going to be a game changer when realistically it’s just all customizational options that people have modded in on PC already and the character creation thing is cool and all but you HARDLY ever see V to truly care unless they would have added 3rd Person
why on earth did they hype this up as much as they did? what a nothing burger.
@danzoEX hyped up meaning the algorithm sent you a notification on this. It was clear that this wasn't going to be anything big.
@Juvenlast This is actually my biggest critique of the game. It makes no sense.
They proved they can let you do it. It's not archaically hard coded or any some such nonsense.
I expect they want people to replay the game to try new builds but the fact of that matter is: people have lives. They have other games. Hard limits on a game forces all players to replay, and many very well may, but many (like myself) will instead DRASTICALLY reduce their potential engagement.
I simply will not replay a massive RPG. Especially those with big moral choices. I play the game, initially, how I would make choices. The "role play" element is me inserting myself into the game. That's the fun. To have ME exist within the game world. (I could never replay Mass Effect because I EARNED that story. I don't WANT to be any other version of Shepherd in that story.)
Forcing me to replay to try a different build won't happen. I don't want to re-experience the story because I'd again want to make choices AS ME. I, for one, don't want to essentially "act" or role play as a completely different person. That's not fun to me (I know for some it is).
So if I can't easily respec, I play it once and never mess around with anything else. If I can respec, I'd be making my own fun trying new things, replaying what I can (depending on the game), etc. THAT is what boosts my engagement.
And what irks me is that it's a simple fix and DOES NOT impact anyone who does want to replay a game from beginning to end in order to respec/re-experience it. They can still choose to do that if respec was made easier/allowed infinitely. Players can FORCE that guard rail upon themselves; no one is stopping them.from making a new save. But if the option to respec indefinitely is not available, it cannot be REMOVED by players who want to play the way I (and it seems you) want.
It makes no logical sense to me. At all.
If they were adding the cut casino or New Game +, sure, keep it a surprise. Nothing wrong with what is in this update, but I don't get why they didn't just announce it was focusing on customisation yesterday.
This is going to be my Christmas break game so I'm glad they're still updating.
The only update that would interest me is 3rd person mode
Like The Witcher 4? that's apparently being made on the Unreal 5+? it could be disastrous if they bodge this title.
Return to Night City? I never left mate.
You can on pc but it looks a bit janky to me, best cyberpunk2077 is this imho https://youtu.be/D04S2vHpXws?si=7C9MmgH_NGIE8U3r
@torquex I suspect the devs putting out the Cyberpunk 2077 updates are actually the folks in Boston (USA) working on the sequel, but I might be wrong. Pretty sure the Poland team is fully working on Witcher 4.
Oh ok good stuff I didn't know that I just assumed there was one big studio working one game at a time.
Oooh push square comments now show the message you reply to instead of just tagging a person. This update was more worthy of an hour long presentation than patch 2.2.
@torquex Yeah, CDPR is actually pretty massive. Their website says they have 5 studio locations: 3 in Poland, 1 in Canada, 1 in USA. And that is totally disregarding the parent company, CDP, which I think includes GOG.com.
@torquex @wildcat_kickz It sounds like this update (and maybe future updates, if there are any) was actually outsourced to a third-party developer in France. I forget the name, but it was mentioned on the stream.
So when CDPR said no one's working on 2077, they were telling the truth.
I'm into this because I love character creator nonsense, even in a game that desperately needs more third person scenes so we can actually see our character.
One thing - in the bullet points at the top it lists new hair options but then in the more in depth bit below there's no mention of new hairstyles. I'm not being nitpicky, I just care about hairstyles in my games.
@ShogunRok Thanks for the info! I hope it continues (fingers crossed for W3 too).
Still no NG+ or PS 5 Pro patch..
@ShogunRok 2 different articles about cyberpunk but both comment sections are the same...could you sort this out please so they have the relevant comments restored?
Still no skip option to skip the intro story quests, like I want to see Jackie die over and over.
Yes, this stuff is fine, and the photo frames sound cute - but hardly worth a press conference.
That's uh .. 2 years old of that embedded video right there ..
Anyways, could look at these updates as a sort of NG+ either ways 🤷
Gonna snap a pic of my best choom Jackie then put it in the SmartFrame above V's bed after the heist.
lol and of course I literally just started this game like 5 days ago. After sitting in my backlog since launch, I finally did it. The update for character customization is annoying in particular because you don't seem to get access to every option when you try to change things in the apartment.
@Veritas7Ax - I think the idea is that you can only customise 'realistic' things in your apartment, like make-up, hair-style and hair colour, while you need a ripperdoc for actual plastic surgery.
@ApostateMage preem, choom, preem. The game still crashes hard occasionally and I discovered it has to do with the number of autosaves I alow it to create. If I take the time to prune out the numbers, from time to time, by going to load and delete the old autosaves and quicksaves the game stays stable.
@Bunchesopuppies plot spoiler..and i do believe that there is a way to save Jackie so if that's actually a thing it would change things up. There are also a lot of things to do in the section you are spoiling for those who have yet to play it..
@Northern_munkey by the time your on the 3rd or 4th play through, it gets old. Things don’t get interesting until after the job, and no you can’t save Jackie no matter what.
@Bunchesopuppies plenty of vids on Youtube say otherwise..have a look.
Maybe they can finally release a real ultimate edition on disc instead of the nonsense they pulled with the Last edition.
@KillerBoy pretty much this, I haven't bought the game because of it.
Is that so? I'll have to take a look next time. I'm still learning things. And yeah, to clarify my original post, my "frustration" (and that's already a bit strong) is just the timing of me starting the game and literally a couple days later, them adding more customization options. Because you don't have the same number of options at the mirror as you do when creating your character. But I'll check out the Ripperdoc and see, like you said. Appreciate it.
@Bunchesopuppies OK I've watched a few "save jackie" vids and I get your point. They don't really save jackie but just show a glitch and the different option for what to do with his body.
Tom's Diner being full of cops is definitely new. Nice little addition.
Quite liked the braindance missions looking for the clues, unfortunately i traded in my ps4 disc, I can download the ps5 version/upgrade but need the disc.
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