Elden Ring: Nightreign has a huge focus on co-op, although you can technically play it offline and in single player if you like. Despite this, FromSoftware is not offering crossplay in the game.
“Similar to the original Elden Ring, there will be cross-generational play but not cross-platform play,” director Junya Ishizaki told IGN. “So PS4 players can play with PS5 players, and Xbox One players can play with Xbox Series S and X players, but not between platforms.”
Crossplay has become much more commonplace across all of the biggest multiplayer games, breaking barriers between which platforms people play on. This restriction means PlayStation owners will not be able to team up with pals on PC or Xbox, which feels like a shame in the current day and age.
Of course, FromSoftware’s online implementation has always been archaic, to put it politely. We’re assuming it’ll be a little easier to meet up with friends and play together in Nightreign than in the main Elden Ring game, but the proof will be in the pudding.
If you’re still not sure what Elden Ring: Nightreign is, and how its fast-paced gameplay loop functions, you can find out more through here.
[source ign.com]
Comments 20
Well that seems odd these days. Maybe Bungie need to help them with their capabilities once they join PS Studios 😗
Well, that’s not GotY quality, is it now. 😅
Good to know. The lack of crossplay sort of ruined Baldur’s Gate for me because I was left behind by my PC master race friends (I say sort of because it was actually the bugs after I tried playing it solo that actually ruined it).
I’ll let people know… although I’m not sure how many people I know are going to want a third Elden Ring experience so close together either. I’m sort of torn on it, considering I thought Erdtree was good, but not essential.
IMO that's unacceptable nowadays for an online product. Simple as.
I dont tend to do online multiplayer at all - but of the people I know who do, none of them like cross play - in fact most find it abhorrent due to cheat software / modding, which still gets through anti-cheat software.
I dont know how much this could affect a game like ER as its not a shooter, but until things change (if ever) if I were Sony, I wouldnt want it or allow it in any game unless there was an easy option to turn it off (& was off as default).
(I watched a couple of my family play an online shooter (maybe COD, maybe not), a year or so back, and nearly every match was ruined by someone who appeared to be cheating).
I was already on the fence with this one but since my homies are all on PC I definitely have no reason to get this now.
Haven't even bothered playing online with PS players some years now let alone crossplay. Wondering if this game is them testing Monster Hunter waters.
Cross Play should be standard by now, especially as those on xbox will find it harder to find players than those on Playstation/PC with less install base.
As much as I love Fromsoft, the online systems for their games have always been very odd indeed. Considering online seems borderline essential for this game they would do well to make some improvements on that front.
No crossplay in this day and age though doesn't inspire confidence though.
I absolutely hate to say this, especially as a loyal advocate of 'all things FromSoft', but I feel that this endeavour is a big mis-step for the studio.
For me, they have always been uncompromising in delivering on a clear vision.... maintaining a consistent quality output, for a core fanbase.
Nightreign (dreadful name also, right?) seems like a real trend-chase, almost like a mish-mash of Hades/Helldivers/MonsterHunter..... I'm cringing at the very thought of Fromsoft utilising 'skins' and having pre-determined hero builds.
For my 2 cents - it would have been AMAZING if they had instead worked to create a native/official version of the already existing 'seamless co-op' mod available for PC players... and also made this cross-play. Just imagine how great that would have been!
I am probably gonna be playing MH Wilds as a live service game of choice next year. Oh well. That has crossplay.
@Loamy LOL you got me there
Add full co-op where outside players can’t invade my game. I just wanna have a good time with my friends.
@CJD87 I agree. Nightreign looks like some sort of E-Sports venture ordered by the suits upstairs rather than a great From-Soft product. If this was a straight optional DLC for Elden Ring, i might have picked it up and tinkerer around with it. But a stand-alone box price? Nope.
An option should always be given, that being said I’ll most likely end up playing in single-player as I continue to refuse to pay for PS+ after the price hike.
Uhhhhh what. I might wait til this is cheap.
@Xbox_Dashboard This is probably one of the few examples ever where I think the product they are pitching would actually BENEFIT from being pushed out as a F2P/live-service. Personally, the idea of spending a 'standalone' premium £££ on this concept has me a little cold. I would have liked the chance to jump in via a F2P model, and discern from that if it is 'for me' or not.
Why on earth are From not investing resources instead in making the 'seamless co-op' mod a native/built-in official update patch? That would be so awesome.
I really hope they pull it off, but this doesn't feel like the FromSoft I know and love. I'm all for innovation, but this seems like a push from the corporate suits upstairs - in an effort to capitalise on the good-will and branding associated with ER
@Rich33 Same for me and the people i know. We hate cross-play as it opens the world for cheating on consoles. I don’t play MP unless i can disable cross play on my PS5.
Family members, friends, anyone i see or met doesn’t like it.
I think a small percentage of gamers do like it, especially gamers on computer and xbox as they want a healthy server for their game. Look at the replies, all people with computer gamers as friends, strange, I don’t know. But one thing is for sure. Those people you’ll see here hyping up the cross play all the time.
Yeah - in console terms, I can see Xbox users wanting cross play as a matter of necessity due to the much smaller user base, or potentially PS users where games are very niche (again due to small user base), but even then its a trade off - more users but accepting potential cheating.
I rarely, rarely play MP, but unless cross play is off, I just wouldn't bother.
Im sure Sony used to ban cross play (I might be wrong here) - the thing is, I suspect if they found a way to poll only PS players (eg those with active PS Plus subscription - I know this would eliminate some without active subscriptions, but its too easy to set up a PS Plus account without subscribing just to vote), Im sure the result would be overwhelmingly to ban it (again).
Yeah, but being "Elden Ring" and "From Software", they'll get away easily with just a breezy verbal display, won't they?
No backlash, no social media drama, just business as usual.
If this would have been another title/dev, all hell would have been broken loose...
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