Falcom has announced Ys X: Proud Nordics — a "significantly upgraded" version of the recently released Ys X: Nordics. No prizes for guessing the fan reaction...
Featuring a new storyline set in a new location and "numerous new elements", Proud Nordics is set to release next year in Japan. Platforms haven't been announced yet, but we assume it'll be coming to PS5.
At this point, it's worth noting that Ys X launched in September 2023 in Japan. It took over a year for the action RPG to reach Western shores; it was published by NIS America just a couple of months back, in late October.
With that in mind, this announcement of an enhanced re-release feels more poorly timed than it actually is — but it's still a kicker for those who paid full price for Nordics in the first place.
Re-releasing a relatively new game is a rarity for Falcom, as the developer is known for its annual release schedule. Comparisons to Persona developer Atlus are already being made online, as we're all well aware of that company's obsession with re-releases.
It'll be interesting to see if NIS America confirms a Western launch for Proud Nordics. After all, most of the localisation work is done — but the publisher will obviously need to be careful with the timing of such an announcement.
What do you make of this? Did you ever expect to see Ys X get an upgrade? Raise those sails in the comments section below.
[source falcom.co.jp, via gematsu.com]
Comments 47
They literally killed Ys X in the west. I know for sure I'm not buying it.
And? What exactly is upgraded? It really depends on what it is and what it adds and if it's added as DLC for the main game.
Wow. F*ck you too Falcom.
I hope they offer DLC (unlike Atlus) cause otherwise it would be a punch to the face of everyone who bought the game within the last 2 months
Man even Pokemon (who was known for its rereleases) started doing DLC instead, why can't Atlus and co follow suit
Bit of a gut punch, as I've just recently finished it, wonder if there's a change of leadership, with the president of falcom, passing away recently, that caused this shift. To be fair the story is a bit bland compared to previous games
F***K Man I just finished it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Daammm you !!
@Dragon83 president of Falcom is alive and well, it was the founder who died. There was no change of leadership.
Good thing I didn’t buy Ys X yet. The Ys series will now join any Atlus game in the “I’ll wait 2-3 years for an updated version to come out and go on sale for a few bucks” corner. Crazy how games can be updated with new content or DLC can be released but these JRPG devs rather make people buy their game a second time to get new content.
Finished this a week ago so this has not gone down well. The story felt complete and is no need to add extra content and possibly change the story completely.
The pointless PS5 versions of Cold Steel 3 and 4 were clearly just the beginning!
I love Falcom but this is not cool. I kinda expected this move from ATLUS but not them. The only saving grace on this news is the fact that I haven't purchased the original YS yet because of Metaphor (ironically), so I guess this is a welcomed news too.
This is an incredibly bad look for Falcom only two months after the western release of the game. NIS America must be pissed since this will just flatline the sales of the game. Even Atlus usually gives a couple years after their "vanilla" version releases.
I'm glad i cancelled my day 1 buy for this game. But yeah, i agreed this isn't a good look for Falcom games in the west and their relationship with NISA, especially when NISA just released vanilla version like a month ago.
If Falcom didn't give free update or at least make the contents for Proud Nordics as DLC with reasonable price, a lot of people in the west will stay away from Falcom games until they get the updated version.
I'm planning on buying Nordics because it will be a long time before this new version comes to the West, if ever. I will assess at the time if this upgraded version is worth a purchase or not. P5R was basically a whole new game to me vs P5 so I wasn't bothered by supporting the developers again. There a much bigger things in gaming to be upset about than an optional upgrade.
I don't have X yet, and really want to beat IX first. But this is not even confirmed to be coming west yet, right?
@ButterySmooth30FPS Nope no confirmation at all for the West.
@Dalamar ahh my bad, ok the founder then. It's just a strange thing to do. Unless they are struggling , with the evinony as uve been playing there gsmes since the 90s with legend of heros: dragon slayer and played practically all the ys games
@ButterySmooth30FPS it's possible, it might not come west, to not alienate all those who already bought it. Remember the zodiac edition of ff12 never came west, when it first got released, took a decade to come over here
I love you Falcom, but come on man! Don't go down this route!
There are now way too many gamers with way too many things to complain about during way too much time of their day.
Looool literally we just got the vanilla version two months ago
@mariomaster96 Persona 3 Remake did go the DLC route, will need to wait and see how they go with Metaphor though.
What the fudge?!
Glad I didn’t buy the original then (there were so many other games I was buying). Still, not cool Falcom.
@ChrisDeku I honestly completely forgot about that. Tbf though it's (overpriced) DLC for something that was already in P3FES
I almost bought it this week but went with Tekken 8 instead. Glad I made that choice.
I want a discounted upgrade option.
What??? I bought the game last week and I am playing it those days!
Oh, great... Maybe I can ask Steam for refund...
@belmont As others have said it isn't guaranteed to be releasing in the Western hemisphere yet, so maybe keep the pitchforks ready, but don't pull them out just yet.
Interesting to see all the rage without the actual info about how it's gonna be released. I for one will keep an open mind until I know what's what.
Didn't even bother to make a DLC for the new content before announcing a complete version?!
I didn't buy it yet, and now I'm starting to think I should hold back on buying Falcom games when they first come out in future.
@MikeOrator this is a perfectly legitimate thing to complain about
I guess there is always something that is going to ENRAGE the gaming pitchfork mob. Granted complaining about DLC or Remakes is better than the usual misogyny and racism that plagues the "community".
Falcom were also scummy with Ys 8. They didn't offer an upgrade path (paid or not) from the PS4 to PS5 version.
@McBurn Yeah. There is no mention in this article about how this will be available in Japan. It's just compared to Atlus and Persona. If there is more detail on how it will be available, they should have included it in the article.
@MikeOrator it's not dlc there re releasing a game that just came out at full price because they decided to add to an already completed story
Wow, I was so close to buying it but glad I waited. Really strange timing to announce this.
As I said. Whatever we decide is the aggravation of the day is I guess I am glad it's this and not more complaining about bald women or the censored bloomers of girls of questionable age.
May not be a popular opinion, but to me this is another indicator that the JRPG genre (both action and turn based) has not evolved enough over the years, in general at least. Based on reviews, and some purchases, many still use the same generic plots, lame dialog, and unimaginative combat mechanics. Not all, but too many. Just my opinion. Too each our own.
Now I don't just have to worry about buying a psychical copy relatively early lest they be turned over to second hand sellers that balloon the price... NOW I also get to flip a coin on whether or not Falcom will make it redundant with new version two years later. COOL!!
Glad I didn't buy it, lol.
NISA can't be happy about how this'll impact sales of Ys X.
Oh dear... Never would have expected this from Falcom.
I'll echo what others are saying... F**k you, Falcom. I bought the original release day 1 since these games tend to go out of print within a few months or so here in the US. I'm not buying it again no matter how much I love the series.
@Thumper That's a little different though. That's something that a lot of publishers have done this generation, so while I get why it would've been nice to have an upgrade path, it's not surprising either.
This is literally just a blatant cash grab. Some would argue the PS5 versions of some of these games were that too, but they were improved versions, even if most of it was minimal. There is 0 reason to release Proud Nordics. Such an ironic name in a sense too...
@MindfulGamer "this is another indicator that the JRPG genre (both action and turn based) has not evolved enough over the years, in general at least"
Not sure what kind of evolution that you want from JRPG in general and action RPG like Ys series nor i don't know what it's mean for "unimaginative combats" because what i see & played from Ys series is the combat looks & feel very imaginative.
But if you follow Ys series from the very first game, the combat actually evolved really well. I mean, from this simple but quite challenging Bump system
To this fast pace hack & slash
And to the current one where Adol has a party + guard & dodge mechanic + tons of combo variation with super move
I didn't get it because the pop-in is inexcusable. If they fixed that, I might check it out...with a note to wait a while before picking up their next release.
@Cloud39472 yup. SMT V was the last straw, and I should've known better ages ago. Still waiting on Metaphor.
Will the "significant upgrade" still contain the sailing mechanics? Why I didn't mind, I think it was off putting to some players. Although, that seems like a very core thing to remove from Nordics, unless the upgrade is just one one island, like a previous Ys game.
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