Today is an incredibly important milestone for PlayStation, as it represents the 30th anniversary of the console we love. It doesn’t take a genius to realise Push Square wouldn’t exist if Ken Kutaragi hadn’t convinced Sony president Norio Ohga to take a risk three decades ago.
Originally announced as a CD-based extension for the Super Nintendo, the biggest betrayal in gaming history led to one of the greatest consumer electronics brands of all time. While older executives initially rejected the PlayStation project, Ohga shifted Kutaragi and his team to Sony Music, where he worked on the system in secret.
Sony Music’s influence would play a big part in PlayStation’s early success, as the manufacturer treated the business like a record label, empowering talent and stealing developers away from the incumbent market leader, Nintendo. With its cutting-edge 3D graphics and CD quality sound, the PS1 was a revolution.
But there was more to PlayStation than its great games. It was a movement. Sony embraced counter-culture, becoming the yin to Nintendo’s yang. The PS1 could be spotted in nightclubs, and its marketing was surreal, perhaps best illustrated by the infamous Mental Wealth campaign which ran in the UK.
Its biggest titles also felt more “adult” than anything available on competing consoles, too. WipEout, a futuristic racing game inspired by Mario Kart, had a soundtrack featuring The Chemical Brothers, and its controversial magazine poster showed DJ Sara Cox with a nosebleed.
Through the likes of Tomb Raider, gaming characters like Lara Croft became larger than life, featuring on the covers of 90s lads mags like Loaded.
And the great games just kept coming: Tekken, Ridge Racer, and Metal Gear Solid – many of the greatest games of all time released on Sony’s system.
The true testament of PS1’s impact is that every fan has a unique memory attached to it. Whether it’s running down civilians in GTA, gobbling down Wumpa Fruit in Crash Bandicoot, or setting a fastest lap in Gran Turismo – it was a remarkable console.
And for that reason, to mark the occasion, we’ve brought together our in-house staff and a selection of contributors to share some of our memories of PlayStation. Look forward to those stories going live right throughout the day.
We should also stress that, while our focus will be on the PS1 today, this 30th anniversary is a remarkable moment for all of the consoles in Sony’s catalogue. The brand has grown up alongside us, and it remains as relevant as ever today. While there have been stumbles, it’s truly remarkable for any entertainment product to have longevity quite like this.
The fact that we’re writing this and you’re reading it speaks to the enduring popularity of a platform that means so much to all of us.
Never underestimate the power of PlayStation.
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Comments 67
What a 30 years!
Now; about that Showcase you’re going to surprise us with this Thursday with announcements galore… pretty please?
@itsfoz Are there rumors?
The update is so nostalgic. Don't get rid of it sony! Looking forward to seeing what they do next year.
Well what a day, it’s PlayStations 30th and the Mrs is going into labour haha, it couldn’t be today could it? 😗 wish us luck …Here’s to another 30 PS🥂
Congratulations to Playstation and on the big 15 for Push Square, great site with great members, been some amazing gaming memories, here's to another 30 years of gaming 🍻
@Mikey856 Good luck buddy, if it is a boy will you call him Astro
So glad Sony entered the gaming space. They changed the face of the industry. Some of my favourite gaming memories have been on PlayStation. Brilliant 30 years.
Loving the update. That PlayStation boot up music reminds me of being a kid all those years ago getting my first PlayStation with V Rally and Abes Oddysee. I had to pick up a memory card a few days later to not keep playing from the start of Abe and to save my lap times.
Good times. Here’s to another 30!
Good luck @mikey856
Happy 30th anniversary Playstation 🥳
Here's for another 30 years 🍻
It is still possible to see olf pusquare news like https://www.pushsquare.com/timeline?page=2155
The oldest possible news page.
@Mostik he is a boy! And Mason Astro Mahoney, kind of a ring to it 😊
"Originally announced as a CD-based extension for the Super Nintendo, the biggest betrayal in gaming history led to one of the greatest consumer electronics brands of all time."
It has been revealed in recent years that SEGA turned it down too. Anyway, we sure lucked out there. Nintendo wouldn't have gone for half of the games that Sony did.
Here's to another 30 hopefully!
Big shout to Pushsquare aswell, the only gaming news site I’ve ever needed! ❤️
I still have my original PS1 in the box from 28 years ago. The box is a bit battered and not sure if it still works but remember getting it in a bundle from Toys R Us for an early Xmas present back in the day.
Happy 30th anniversary to the Playstation brand!🥳🎈🎉
And congrats on 15 years Push Square!🎊
@Mikey856 I like it All the best to you and missus buddy!
The PS1 is my original console and I look back fondly on everything PlayStation until the PS4. I hope Sony will recognize their creative, risk taking, diverse and gamer/consumer-centric history... course correct and reclaim some of that magic.
@LifeGirl Yup Ken Kutaragi being stubborn (a compliment) and not giving up definitely was a boon for all gamers!
@Jswift56 The next celebrations will be 2034 for the 40th anniversary.
Congrats to push square and Sony. Some truly amazing gaming experiences have been had in 30 years. The PS1 got me back into gaming 😀
Christmas 1995, I saved enough money from my Birthdays and house chores and Christmas money from grandparents, my Dad took me to Toys'r'us in Bolton and I got a Playstation with Destruction Dery, Wipeout and Rayman. Best Christmas Ever!!
I remember booting it up, that wonderful noise it made, Wipeout was my game of choice and that first race in wipeout was introduced with The Prodigy, Firestarter....awesome!!
What a run it's been!
Hard to imagine the gaming landscape without PlayStation's iconic consoles and industry-defining games.
Dec 3rd is also my birthday and I'm happy to share it with our beloved PlayStation 😍
@Mostik thank you buddy. Much appreciated love to you and yours ❤️
@Mikey856 Congratulations pal!
Boys name: Jay-Station
Girls name: Kay-Station
@Mikey856 Good luck!
Can we have the T-rex tech demo? I will never forget that badboy!
Two of my friends got a PS1 the first Christmas it released and I had to wait over two years to get mine; saving pocket money and combining my Christmas and two birthday presents making a deal with my Dad in order to get one (money was tight).
I would cycle to Toys R Us and play on their display models, once or twice getting told to leave because I was there too long (although I always let other kids play and was a mini sales person for them).
I even remember having dreams that I had a PS1. I would wake up excited to play and then feel sad I didn’t have one. I must have been 9 or 10.
When I finally got it, it was glorious. And that start up sound effect became a gateway into escaping the troubles of my little world and enjoying countless others.
Only had a couple of games. Final Fantasy 7 being my main game. I remember getting to the end before fighting Sephiroth and then restarting the game again because I didn’t want the journey to end.
Good times. And I’m still having them now 30 years later.
I remember some homebrew games from PS Magazines made on the Yarooze console allowed for AudioCD swap to have your own music playing in the background...then the PS2 came with DVD movie playback later to be superseeded by PS3's BD playback which got butchered two gens later by a 4K drive tied to online activation not even supporting DolbyVision. Home entertainment legacy killed just like that Who knew?
@LifeGirl Yeah it was that reason that Sony wasn't keen on letting Nintendo control the game library. Not only was it a mistake on their part but they had to get in there with the N64 before thinking Disc the following generation for Gamecube.
I do wonder now though if Nintendo would have considered Goldeneye if Sony hadn't brought pressure to the market.
@Mikey856 Congratulations! All the best to your family!
I’ve still got mine (and all the other generations). Ah the mid-90s, lad/lad-ette culture, rubbish beer and Wipeout (replete iconic 90s music).
@Mikey856 Congrats! Train him on the PlayStation and train him well!😄
Until PS4?
How do you mean my friend?
@ozkrmz think Sony was still pushing gaming forward with the PS4. PS5 is still a good machine to play games on but plays it too safe and are betting on trends that'll not distinguish themselves from others (like the live service f2p stuff that can be played anywhere else). Hope they still pull it together and bring that creativity front and center. Astro Bot was a good step. Just my opinion however.
Happy birthday, the last 7 years weren't to my taste but it has been an interesting ride.
That aside this anniversary is better then other games anniversaries I have been disappointed with. Cough GT6/7, FM6, probably others.
The themes are a nice touch. The sound effects especially.
Sad the themes don't move but the effort for what is there is still nice what is there then what's not.
The OSTs are..... good games but very stereotypical selection of audience appeal. I think it's a bit hilarious. Like no LBP, or other audience appealing to games at all of OSTs..... no others to mix in there for other audiences.
Like GOW games of old, Unit 13, Resistance, Twisted Metal, MAG, Starhawk are great but even if whatever licenses they could get or files they still had like that's the best they could do?
A stereotypical audience selection of game OSTs. I mean if Sony wants to be that way sure but it just gives off weird messaging with just those games.
Happy Anniversary!
It's a good time to think back on those 30 years, and all the fun that it's generated... they were special times. I still remember the fun of opening up the PS1 box for the first timea and plugging it into my TV... as a sadly dressed, and often a few pints over uni student. Not the same as the Christmas Tree memory, but it was a fun time and I still remember playing lots of games with my friends... a time when games were just games. Simpler times indeed (and more couch co-op available).
I hope our children get to really enjoy that magic too...
Dear friend @tameshiyaku
I am happy that sony not trying to kill PS4 yet.
I decided to not buy the PS5 right on the announcement.
It is way to chunky, heavy, extremely expensive and it's cpu & gpu combo is way too weak. So much so, games like Lords of The Fallen can run only at 648p...
I am very happy that, I skipped PS5 era alltogether.
Can not be more happy with my PS4, PS3, PS1, Xbox One S, Xbox 360 Halo Reach Limited Edition, Xbox and my decent pc...
I'll continue to enjoy my time and have a look at PS6 when it is announced.
No need to rush for me
'Persistence'? Indeed. That is either a crappy joke or a big hint
Long live the king of gaming. Happy 30 anniversary PlayStation and 15 to you too Pushsquare.
@Mikey856 Best of luck and congratulations!
Syphon filter and crash bandicoot is my 2 favorite ps1 games.i remember i had a sega genesis in 1995.i had a sony walkman before.and when i heard sony is making a video game.i was extremely happy.me and my other friends was also.in queens new york we enjoyed sega genesis more than Nintendo.so i was happy that sony was making the PlayStation.i was like cool name.the rest is history.my name PlayStation1995 is that i was with PlayStation since day 1 in 1995 here in queens new york.playstation is the reason why i still play video games.i started playing video games with Atari.but PlayStation is the g.o.a.t. 🐐 👑.word up son
@ozkrmz I always applaud anyone who smartly reflects his consuming habits and votes with his wallet.
There are too many here who just blindly swear allegiance to corporations and turn to tribalism. We saw it with the release of the ps5pro. Any call to reason or to think how that kind of consumer behaviour opens the gates to more corporate greed lands on deaf ears or dumb replies like "don't tell me how to spend my money" or completely miss the mark and blame someone for being an undercover Xbox fanboy, which is completely childish.
I'm also hopefully looking to the ps6/portable, not as much for sheer hardware power but for gamer centric innovation and fun, rather than the last of us remaster #x in 8k and ray tracing.
Christmas 1997 was when my Playstation journey began.
I had little idea of how integral the platform would become to my source of entertainment throughout the years.
@Mikey856 Damn dude, you're bring back memories from when my wife went into labor with my two girls. I was playing Ghost Recon while she got ready for me to take her to the hospital. Lol. Good luck brother and congrats!
Happy 30th anniversary. Got to admit, that I am a PS fanboy (but hey, I'm also a Nintendo fanboy tbf). Started my journey with PS1 and since then, i've played all of the PS systems. PS1 still holds up as my all time favorite gaming console with the PS4 in close 2nd. Lots of games that I love even to this day started mostly on PS1, e.g., FFIX, FFVII, MGS1, Castlevania SoTN. While those series didn't exactly started with PS, it's what introduced me to these amazing series and the reason why I still love them to this day
It’s undeniable that Playstation made gaming something more than a child’s toy.
I just think Sony has just got to open the appeal of the PS5 up to more than middle aged men’s hero fantasies, and I say that as a middle aged man.
I got my PS1 in 1997 or 98 from Toys R Us it costs £299 came with 2 non analogue controllers, 2 official memory cards and 5 games. Rayman, Actua Tennis, True Pinball, Total Drivin' and Worms. But I remember watching TV and the advert came on for Final Fantasy 7 with the most amazing music ever
I wanted this game so much I traded in Pinball, Tennis and Worms for a used copy without a manual but the guy at Games station saw the excitement on my 15 year old face and gave me a copy with the manual. I was still at school and let me tell you with FF7 I had some late nights and being half a sleep during lessons. I feel blessed to have experienced gaming from the late 80s throughout I really do Sega Master System, Mega Drive, Game Gear, Gameboy, NES, SNES, N64, PS2, GameCube, Xbox Original, PS1, Saturn and Dreamcast etc but back then the launch of a new console the hype etc. Games mags like Sega Power, Mean Machine, GamesMaster and the TV show, Nintendo Official mag, Playstation Power oh man what a great time to be a gamer.
"It has been revealed in recent years that SEGA turned it down too."
Didn't know that. Wow.
To think Sony then used their big money to undercut the Saturn by selling the PS at a loss.
That's cut throat business.
Worked on me, chose the PS and still have it from back then - needs turned upside down, propped up at one side at a 30 degree angle to read discs but hey, it's old and got used a LOT.
I must admit, I wasn’t that bothered when the first PlayStation came out, though I’m glad it did, as it definitely helped the gaming industry mature and become more mainstream. My favourite PS was the PS3, though I still enjoy picking up my PS4 now and then.
I prefer gaming on a different platform these days, but well done to Sony on all their hard work and changing gaming for the better, all those years ago!
Happy birthday PlayStation. It's been an adventure. 🎂
Pity these awesome system themes will be needlessly removed after a week. What a stupid decision. Probably came from the scum that decided to limit the 30th anniversary Pro to a paltry 12K units to satisfy scalpers and screw over decades-loyal fans.
I'll always remember the PS1 as being the first console I bought with my own money. Well kind of, I'd collected all my birthday money and went and bought it myself if that counts.
It was summer of 1996 and I was 14 at the time so not quite old enough to "earn" my own money.
The reason I remember that it was 1996 was because I remember buying it during the Euro 96 Football tournament.
The 2 games I bought to go with it were Adidas Power Soccer and Ridge Racer Revolution.
I played those games for hours and hours and also got a surprising amount of milage out of the Demo disc that came with the console, it had Destruction Derby, wipe out and Jumping Flash to name a few (all of which I eventually went on to purchase as full games)
I grew up with Nintnendo but I still remember how I loved to go over to my cousin's place to play his PS1.
Those were such great times.
Happy birthday PS1 ! 😄
PS1 was my teenhood back in June 1998.
I grew up by games like Dance Dance Revolution games, Magical Drop 3, Punky Skunk, Pepsiman, Bishi Bashi, FF 8, FF 9, Monster Rancher 2, Disney Magic Tetris, etc.
And now I have PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5 and PSP games.
Still of course... Kids games rules!
Got some great memories on PlayStation none of them from this generation
@Balaam_ or you can pay to keep them
Happy 30th Playstation! Practically grew up with Playstation through my life, going back as early as the PS1 with Ape Escape, Crash and Spyro being what I played the most as a kid.
Also I love the aesthetic of the original Push Square design.
Happy Birthday Playstation!!
Spent part of my student loan on a PS1 and WipeOut when it arrived and I was blown away by it.
But it was TEKKEN that really stole my heart, an arcade perfect port that allowed me to practice and then beat many fellow students on the TEKKEN arcade that was present in the NHS bar.
Fond, fond memories.
Congratulations - any thirty-year-old needs to be on the top of their game, and I think this might be true of playstation. The best is yet to come, no matter how many great stories (games) that has already been.
Dear friend @tameshiyaku
Can not agree more...
Regarding to "corporate greed" you mentioned;
It is not a secret that "nvidia/amd/intel" trio established a "price fixing" triopoly probably since 2017 or 2018 They managed to corner (and abuse) us (end users) with their corrupt policies. They stopped compete and forced the ceiling prices to all of us. That is why I stopped buying graphics card as my firm respond (not just for me, rather for the people who can not afford). I got R9 380 (4 GB) installed my pc since 2015 and I do not plan to upgrade it until I see honest competition returns to market and price fixing crime ends... They (nvidia/amd/intel trio) first managed to degrade and than eventually managed kill the graphics card market. I have spend total of 0 (zero) penny for any graphics card since 2015 as an end user reaction... You always reap what you sow... And for us "patience always leads to salvation"... (Yes! my graphics card will be 10 years old in 2025 ) No problem. There are many good games waiting in my backlog
@Boucho11 if only they would keep it as a permanent option. When I turned my playstation on yesterday I was so surprised
PS1 was the first console I had I was only 4 years old and it was just that and my Gameboy until I got an N64 later on. My dad took it to work and had a guy tinker with it so it could read burnt discs and they went ahead and pretty much got me every game in the library. I still have the system to this day unfortunately the laser disc reader finally went so I'm going to try and fix it because it's like my first child lmao.
Good Times man, I bought my First PS1 in October of 1996 with Die hard trilogy and Cool Boarders...
Although I cant go back to play old PS1 games because they actually really suck and terrible to play, but I do have fond memories of that console.
@Mikey856 congrats!
I’m late, but still celebrating!! Happy birthday PlayStation!!
Special mentions for the PS1 and PS2. The game libraries of those two systems are absolutely bonkers amazing. Really wish they’d find a way to have it all available digitally and maybe even on their upcoming handheld system.
But until then, keep riding the PlayStation wave!!
My first PlayStation was a PS2 Satin Silver, and my first PlayStation game was the exquisitely terrifying Silent Hill 3.
Fast forward 20 years and here I am in front of my PS5, finding myself summoning up the courage to finish my first playthrough of the exquisitely terrifying Silent Hill 2 Remake.
Some things never change… and I couldn’t be happier. Long Live Play, indeed. 😸🎮🌟
I'm sure Sony are massively enjoying Playstation's 30th birthday.
They've been raking in the money by the shipload this gen.
And all at the expense of the people who have been posting all these lovely messages.
Am I the only one who is prepared to call them out on here?
They have been abusing the trust, loyalty and goodwill of players for too long.
I have a lot of fond memories of Playstation's previous generations, but not one from the PS5 era, which is now drawing to a close.
Most of the great games this gen have been playable on previous hardware or other platforms.
There simply haven't been enough current gen/PS5 exclusives this generation.
The PS5 Pro is obscenely expensive, especially when you have to pay a lot more on top for a disc-drive and a stand. Many games also currently run worse on the Pro than on the base console.
Sony should never have let the devs get away with such poor Pro patches/optimisation.
Playstation's switch of focus to live service games has been an unmitigated disaster.
Their flagship live service title Concord pulled in so few players that the game was closed down and refunds had to be issued.
Sony's decision to charge full price for the game was a major factor in its failure.
Many of their plans for future live service games have now had to be cancelled.
Having created PS Stars to reward players for their loyalty, Sony have since nerfed the program, making it a lot less rewarding.
They also continue to raise prices for all tiers of the PS Plus subscription without players being able to feel the benefits of any extra investment, while many extra features are still locked behind the more expensive tiers.
Sony's greed, laziness and ineptitude have come at the expense of every player who has invested their hard-earned money into the PS5.
The hard but simple truth is many would have been a lot better off sticking with their PS4s, myself included.
I will definitely be waiting a long time and thinking very hard before even considering investing in a PS6.
So celebrate everyone, while Sony continues to fleece you for your hard-earned cash.
I for one will certainly not be celebrating.
Damn so many people replied to the comment about the baby and I never replied back. Having just going through old notifications I’ve found your lovely messages and it’s much appreciated still now! For the record everything went fantastic and he’s already a little chunk, we decided on Stephen for the middle name though after our Grandads lol. Thanks everybody ❤️
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