In development since 2020, the next game from Naughty Dog has finally been announced. It's called Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet, and much like the longstanding rumours have suggested, it's a sci-fi action game for PS5.
You can already feel the budget oozing out of the screen for this one. The game's clearly shooting for a kind of retro feel, with its focus on old CDs and Adidas sneakers.
No release window has been given, but we can't see Intergalactic being too far off given its already lengthy development cycle. The reveal trailer is fully rendered in-engine, by the way.
What do you make of Naughty Dog's next adventure? Whip out your laser blade thing in the comments section below.
Comments 221
New game. New IP which is nice. Product placement is laughable. Remains to be seen whether it turns out good or not but ND usually at least deliver.
Those visuals are insane but not shocking as its ND and they always nail visuals. Excited because its ND but need to see more to get actually hyped. There we go though we now know what ND is making.
If it was any other developer I'd probably have rolled my eyes but this will probably be really good. I was hoping to finally see bluepoint games new game.
I thought this looked brilliant. I can't wait to learn more.
Kumail Nanjiani!
The concept looks spectacular, can’t wait to play Naughty Dog’s vision of a sci-fi world, that being said… I didn’t like the trailer very much and there’s too much Sony products placement lol
Love it. Uncharted is the reason why I'm a PS fan so I trust them blindly.
Can’t say I’m hyped for this but it’s still early days…
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I just hope it's fun and feels like a game instead of an "experience."
Looks great. Unfortunately looking at comments on YouTube and Bluesky the nutters are already out in force.
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@DadJKP wow. The bravery to say that. Bold.
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Pretty excited, I knew straight away (was joking saying to my friend on chat "Ooow, it's Naughty Dog's next game") and it just set in/hit me as I started putting the Sci-Fi rumours and stuff together in my head, then we see the "from the Devs of: Crash, Jak, Uncharted, TLoU" we absolutely lost it
Was also digging the product placement. If done right it actually helps ground the thing in our/the real world. Dig that our ship is a Porsche.
Also I've heard/seen the name Intergalactic The Heretic Prophet like a year ago, I believe a trademark was filed. May have been on Sacred Symbols from memory 🤔
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I can’t wait for this game naughty dog is one of my favourite studios they showed me what games can be with the last of us I went crazy when the trailer started I thought this could be the new game from them and I am so happy that it was
Naughty Dog generally have a good track record so I shall keep an eye on this one
Finally, something from Naughty Dog that isn't The Last of Us or Uncharted related.
Looks great. Can't wait to have a space game that's better than Starfield.
I can just tell her whole personality is going to be snarky, just like that girl from that recently flopped Star Wars game.
Y'all know the drill.
Protect Tati Gabrielle at all cost.
Can't wait for more info.
And they got Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross
So, is it safe to say that Santa Monica next project will be closing this gen?
It's about time they announced a new game after all of the remasters and remakes.
Given how big of a fan I am of Mass Effect and games like that, and how big of a Naughty Dog fan I used to be, I'm definitely looking forward to this.
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I honestly don't understand how anyone could be excited by this trailer, apart from the Naughty Dog label. I think people should try and be more objective and think about whether they would've liked the same reveal if it were a different studio.
This gave Cowboy Bebop + 80's vibe so count me in.
@Toilet_Goat but it's not, it's Naughty Dog.
Druckmann. Blegh.
@DadJKP @Fartingale Time to end this discussion now guys. Don't want to have to be removing comments or issuing bans.
When the trailer started at the awards show, I thought for a moment they gave Concord another shot.
While I have very mixed feelings about the trailer itself, I'm definitely interested in this. I really like the art design even with the annoying product placement.
Looks promising. Gave off a Guardians of the Galaxy vibe.
Naughty Dog. Sci-fi.
Already sold.
a bit underwhelming to be honest. been waiting 10 years for a new IP from ND and this didn't make the best first impression. it's likely going to turn out fine based on their track record, of course, but have to be honest... it was all a bit...trite... also, as @nessisonett mentioned, the product placement was a sony relying on some new revenue streams to pay the bills? that was uncalled for. as for the lead character, i got lev vibes all over again... this is certainly a ND game huh?
I'm sure it will turn out as an excellent game again. And I'm also certain for some it's already decided that it's trash because of how (what I assume to be) the main character looks. I know it was never going to happen anyway, but I'm still sad that we're likely just never going to see another Jak and Daxter. At least not from them.
@EchoRange that's my issue. They've made some of my favourite games ever, but I want to judge this based on its own merit, not what they did in the past, because I'm not a zealot. I'm not giving them a free pass because they're ND.
@nessisonett I agree that the product placement looked out of place. But I think it can be done in a nice way that enhances the immersion or adds to the experience. One example of that were the early Pikmin games, making it clearer that we were playing on Earth. Maybe here the intent is the same but just not communicated very well?
Excited to see that it’s ND, in whom I have a lot of faith, but retro sci-fi again?
I want to know more. Combat will probably look amazing with all ND’s animation prowess.
Starlord wants his jacket back.
So is this Concord 2 or
@Toilet_Goat We are excited because we know the types of games Naughty Dog makes. They typically have well written stories, fleshed out characters, stunning visuals, and very solid gunplay (or action in general). They hardly ever disappoint so that is why we are excited — Naughty Dog delivers.
Looking forward to it but also hoping the last of us 3 will make it this gen. Not willing to buy a PS6 just to see that story finished.
@Toilet_Goat It’s not the best trailer I’ve ever seen, but it’s got nice vibes. I like the retro-future aesthetic and the music.
Beyond that, we don’t really know what the gameplay or anything will be like - but as far as trailers go, it was pretty good. Your mileage may vary, of course - but there are reasons beyond “zealotry” to be excited by this.
Thank God it’s not more Last of Us! Something new is way more exciting. Looks good, too!
@Sondheimist I'll wait for the gameplay reveal before fully judging it, yeah. My point is basically just that when using a 'veil of ignorance' approach, I don't think this cuts the mustard, unfortunately.
Something new from Naughty Dog, thats awesome! Looked great! Cant wait to see more. Does it have a release date? I didn’t catch it
Aside from the awful, cringe product placement (Porsche on the spaceship, wtf?) , this looks really cool. Love Naughty Dog and a good sci-fi setting.
@Kraven as I said, Naughty Dog has made some of my favourite games, but that doesn't mean I'll excuse what, in my opinion, was an incredibly poor trailer which has received a polarising response online. It seems that most, but not all, people providing positive reactions are saying it's because this is a studio they like. This is a highly imprudent viewpoint, in my opinion.
People complaining about Product Placements, it actually made a lot more sense once I read the article just posted from the NY POST with Druckmann that stated how Cowboy Bebop, Akira and Blade Runner were all inspirations, 2/3 of those also had insane product placement, it's part of the whole retro future 80s aesthetic.
So far I loved what I saw, definitely excited.
I don’t get the problem with the female. It’s good to have some protagonists that look kind of different and not typical.
The product placement I found actually hilarious, it made me chuckle. I see it with humor.
@Kidfunkadelic83 *Spike
I'm beyond excited for this, Akira/Cowboy Bebop vibes with ND doing the story, Sony providing the budget, and Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross doing the score? With an amazing cast on top of that?
DAY ONE. The usual suspects will cry over a bald female protagonist but I'm sure the game itself will do the talking, seems like they're really gonna level up the open ended design and melee combat loop from TLOU2!
Very excited for new IP, especially from Naughty Dog.
Am I the only one who felt like a little disappointed by the "80s Sci-fi, Guardians of the Galaxy vibe."
Isn't this the same thing that people used as a negative against Concord? Is it okay because it's ND? What if Concord didn't die? Sony pushing two games in this aesthetic so close together?
I'm pumped for the game, don't get me wrong, but I have questions lol. Just seems too familiar. Is it because of the GotG mainstream success now everything needs to be similar to that?
@charbtronic Marathon too, that’s three retro sci-fi games!
@DonJorginho THANK YOU!!! (Michael Scott meme)
"You can already feel the budget oozing out of the screen for this one"
Yup it's the first thing I noticed, polished to the most minimal pixel. Some might not like some of their most recent writing (not me though) but I don't think anyone can say they are not packed to the brim with talent.
Finally, some good f-ing food.
Looking interesting - super happy it’s a new IP
This looks fantastic. Loving the retro 80s vibe and I think they've nailed it.
Hopefully they lean into some of the grittier aspects of things like Blade Runner, but this will probably be a day 1 buy from me.
Still waiting on my next Uncharted what ever happened to that secret studio that was supposed to be working on it.
Day one 👍🏻 nuff said!
Loving the vibe ( alternate but oh-so-familiar retro) and should be a very well fleshed out story.
Ignore the naysayers, bring it on ND!
You know it's gonna be great , its a naughty dog game,I hope the five aces she's looking for, are more watchmen than guardians of the galaxy, so five aces = 5 biomes then, im just making stuff up now 😂
We will be buying day ZERO
No you aren’t the only one, first thing I heard of this game was hearing how it’s inspired by Cowboy Bebop I thought maybe they would go for a for a fresh new visual style that isn’t obsessive CG like realism so I was immediately turned off by what it looks like visually, the Concord comparison is going to haunt this game. Wouldn’t surprise me if the Cowboy Bepop and Akita namedrops are a deflection against the GOTG comparison.
Day one for me! Love the character they showed, the setting looks interesting, and TLOU Part II is my favorite game so I’m expecting a quality story here, too
I have faith Naughty Dog will deliver but I hope it’s not edgy to be edgy. Not every game has to be super dark & heavy now from them. I’m sure it’s going to be fantastic. I’m hoping it stays linear too
Looks great but they missed an opportunity to play the Beastie Boys song.
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@DadJKP you could always watch some runways shows. There. Problem solved.
Looks cool! I really liked the atmosphere. Will need to see more gameplay though.
Looks insane !!!! I did hope for
Part three but this looks incredible , I don’t understand why people don’t like strong female characters ? This isn’t the 80s action hero anymore lol ( even though the game screams 80s nostalgia )
I like the ancient scripture bit at the start saying 1986 ..:. I feel really old now
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Glad to see something new. That enough considering modern ps, is reason for hype enough
@HashtagTrowel 80s had great strong female leads too. Especially in SciFi. Ripley in aliens, Princess Leia in Star Wars, Sarah Connor in T2 (technically 1991 I think).
@nessisonett There comes the defence force. I do not play games for sexualised protagonists but I will say that I rather look at Elana Fisher than this girl (or Ellie). Maybe you should respect people’s preferences?
EDIT: I’m not calling her ugly btw
Hahahaha Concord is alive
Haha, a stunningly beautiful women gets a shaved head and some tattoos and the incels are out calling her ugly as if they don’t look like Orcs and live in their mum’s basement.
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While i prefer female character with hair and asian face but this mc face doesn't look ugly imho. At least her design kinda looks cool with the red jacket which definitely inspired by Kaneda's jacket and a saber.
But bald female protags reminds me of Ripley in Alien 3 and Evey in V for Vendetta.
ND hasn't made a FUN game since the internet decided it was immoral to kill people in video games. Circa whenever Uncharted 2 came out. The tongue wagging really got to them, and culminated in TLOU2 being an endless exercise in self-flagellation. Lots of very pretty and technically impressive games, but I haven't had fun since Uncharted 2. I tried all of them, I really did, as they are gorgeous games. But I struggled to finish TLOU and gave up on TLOU2 I dunno, the third or fourth uber-brutal, gut-wrenching, guilt inducing murder in.
Nothing in this trailer signaled a return to fun.*
*I don't consider BRAND NAMES fun.
The last bit of the combat reminded me of Xenoblade chronicles
It's almost entirely 100% guaranteed to be the wrong take - but this just seemed like a Concord-like Souls-game (coined here every-one [edit and to explain... I meant, put out a cinematic trailer that gives little to nothing away about what it is as a game... because all the social media buzz will 'of course' drive up expectation). I know it's entirely silly to look at a single CGI trailer... but given it's almost entirely cinematic (if not entirely), the vibe I had was it was the same sort of cut-scene-narrative-heavy + slightly retro futurist "scoundrel" bounty-hunter game - with laser swords - looking for revenge. I didn't see any amazing game there... instead, it looked a lot like I was watching an episode of Secret Level...
It left me mostly bored - and that says to me, it's relying very heavily on the ND name. Hope to be wrong - but I can't even tell if this really added much to the crap first Concord trailer earlier in the year. The point being - there was absolutely nothing that made my heart-beat that little bit faster... in fact... if anything, my anticipation for the game went through the floor (TBH).
Sometimes canned cinematic trailers can kill a game before it's even had a chance. This is getting pretty close - so they need to do a lot of work. Unless it's really just product-placement-the-game. And I suppose that would be ... nah... if it doesn't have Monster Drinks... I'm outta here.
Edit - it's crazy seeing how people are projecting what they want on to what was shown. It was pretty lame cinematic trailer that said very little... but oh... the context of playing cds... or brand-names... this will be the next-coming-of-name-your-genre. Guardians for loners?.... [And yes... that was being a cheeky troll... but it goes to the level of projection that people are instantly grabbing at - and being critical of anyone that might think it looks surprisingly mid]
Damn people here like like to spread their negativity all over the place. If you don't like this, just don't play it, we don't need to hear your anti-ND/Sony propaganda to be honest.
I think this looked great, I hope it's in the vein of the first Surge game, mystical story with great robotfights. That would be great.
I look forward to it, at last a 1st party Sonytitle that can bring back a little of that great PS4-era!!
@Sanquine maybe spend less time telling people how virtuous you are... when talking about personal preferences.
I wish they had revealed a bit more. It looks kinda generic without more details. We have a ship, we seem to be like a bounty hunter type, etc. Though to be fair i guess that's how the recent Naughty dog ips have looked, Uncharted was called dude raider while Tlou looked like a generic zombie game. Lets see how it looks the next time they drop some details.
@DonJorginho I think we all need to give this game space to breath - however... there's somehow this view these days that we should judge games by the ancillary [social] marketing as much as the actual marketting. If ND puts wall-to-wall product placement in the very first cinematic game tailer (not even in-game footage)... that doesn't speak to "homage" to classic sci-fi movies. That speaks to a fundamental misunderstanding of media, advertising, and what those movies were actually saying.
People should never need to do homework to understand trailers. And it shouldn't be about speculating something better than was actually shown.
@IamJT yeah that’s very true , maybe it was the 90 it was all steroids lol I think the days of big action muscle men are over , the combat in this game will be ace if it’s anything like part 2 wise because I think that’s got the best game mechanics still out there , call of duty can keep the hop skipping and flying at million miles a hour
I'm definitely Interested because naughty dog although I thought we were abit past all the whole 80s aesthetic and the product placement is......
But I look forward to eventually seeing more
@Bingoboyop I think it's worse than generic... because I really don't think Sony marketing have learned anything from Concord. This seems just boring to me... like, we're meant to lap it up, becuase... ooooh ND is working on a new game. Well pop-the-mother-f'n-corks.
Sony needs to understand that they actually have to put their best foot forward first - otherwise in this market, they're likely to kill a many 100's of million dollar development through lazy marketing that has gone so middle-of-the-road, that only 1% of gamers will actually find it interesting.
Concord 2.0
The flops keep coming
Hope it has a create your own character. The music is nice.
Trainers. Not sneakers.
Sony, please just take my money and give this game to me now. Stoked!
@Stickleman "thought we were abit past all the whole 80s aesthetic and the product placement is"
80's aesthetic never die and it stay pretty popular with 90's aesthetic. But in the last 4-5 years, 80's vibe became very popular again which I'm personally really happy since i was born in early 80's. It's just nice to see young people discover 80's music, tech, or everything from the 80's for the first time.
My hats do go off to all the people commenting from the UK... I'm sure if you watched it live, you are well and truly commited. Or should be committed.
Very mixed. I’m loving the ship design and enemies, but the whole guardians of the galaxy retrofuture thing is way overdone and the main character comes off as a bit arrogant. Still, it’s ND so I have faith it’ll be good.
@Oz_Who_Dat_Dare I just woke up 😂
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Somewhat hyped for this, and I haven’t really liked uncharted or last of us.
I think it’s because I’m a bit of a sci-fi nerd, plus the weapons of a pistol and sword mean it’s unlikely to be a tiresome stealth focused game and could have some fun combat.
Not hating on the aesthetic either. Although the earliest planetary stuff looked poor. I mean outdone by 20 year old TV series poor, the character model looked very good.
Yes, it’s another androgynous non-sexualised woman as some have said (even the wife’s getting annoyed about it now and wants a power/beauty fantasy), but I think it actually fits well with the fact that this is obviously a harsh universe for humanity. Plus she’s on a spaceship, so possible she wouldn’t see anyone for very extended periods of time.
Hell, we got Eve, which I never thought we would again, so I’m happy for the generation anyway.
The Porsche product placement put me off a bit, but the rest not too much. This places the game in near future territory. Loved the 80s electro pop soundtrack too, fit well.
This might just be the first Naughty Dog game I pick up since Last of Us on PS3.
Not that much to go on but I'm loving the vibe of it. Some might say it's been overdone in recent times but I'm always a sucker for a good retro sci-fi atmosphere. That snippet of action at the end has me intrigued.
Wow does this look generic and bland.
Also hate any kind of real world brands in games, there's no quicker way to shatter my immersion.
I'm sure it'll be just as mid gameplay wise all ND games are but will still be applauded to hell and back just for their name.
I LOVE the retro vibes.
I hope they announce the remaster soon.
Yep, it's single player Concord alright, at least they don't have to pull the plug on this one. Hmm, but wasn't Santa Monica Studios working on a sci-fi game while Naughty Dog was working on a fantasy game?
This trailer felt very… underwhelming. Over four years without a peep about a new game and over ten years since a new IP and this is how ND re-appear on the industry stage? Very poor showing for me.
Top-notch presentation and soundtrack aside, the characters, the dialogue, the setup fell so flat for me. This trailer made it all seem very 'Mass Effect / Guardians of the Galaxy / Concord'-esque. Been there, done that. Not a patch on previous reveals of theirs.
Hopefully the next trailer will be all about the gameplay and… well, anything more exciting really.
Product placement puts it off to a bad start. And I wonder how the story will play with Neil having so much power and a LOT of talent now having left the studio.
Bet it’ll be the usual third person action game from them. And it’ll be remastered at least five times!
I am…. cautious about this game. At this stage I’d be excited to see a new handheld from Sony with physical media, but I know any handheld they make will be digital only now.
Well it looks like one character managed to escape the Concord universe before it was destroyed 😅
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@Artois2 Well that also means getting away from sales and money, so wont last...
@DadJKP Thx, one to keep on the banned list then
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@Shakybeeves You not seen Aliens then son?
@Lavishturtle Yeap, Uncharted had perfect women, not overly sexy or overly plain. But then Neil didn’t have full control of that one. ND has lost its spark for me, I’m cautious about the game but won’t be surprised if it’s generic.
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@s22222 The lady doth protest too much
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One of the greatest trailers I've seen in ages. Loved everything about it, the Bebop vibes, product placement, incredible music, great acting, and love Naughty Dog is going to create something more melee!
Not sure. Naughty Dog make some great stuff.
Like the product placement in the game, buying into a name alone doesn’t mean anything to me if they want my £70.
Looks like a mix of Concord and Star Wars: Outlaws and the boss looked like General Grievous.
My main issue is that it looks ‘generic’ and done to death all before.
We will see!!!
Also, as long as it’s respectful, everyone is entitled to their opinion.
YES!!!! Goosebumps!!! This looks amazing—exactly what I was hoping for—sci-fi! Awesome trailer; fantastic music, little easter eggs, and the setup for a great mystery. And Kumail! Just WOW! Cannot wait!
Damn. The pet shop boys soundtrack alone make me hyped for it. Can’t wait to see more
I´m really looking forward to seeing more in the future about this new IP. Uncharted and LoU games are one of my favorite games ever. I love sci-fi in general, so glad for this change - hope it will end up being great game
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I love how some people are saying it looks generic but those same people wouldn't have said a game where an American guy travels the world and shoots people is generic when ND made Uncharted.
@Fartingale IDK what Naughty Dog did to deserve such bad comments at YouTube. Every single game they made is perfect, including TLOU Part II. I just hate people sometimes, they are destroying the game before it got a chance to show itself. Anyway it's day one purchase for me based on their previous games.
From the creators of Conc- wait , this is a naughty dog game?!? i should’ve known
The vibe and style of this looked immaculate. Obviously need to see more, especially gameplay, but they definitely have my attention.
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I'm looking forward to this. I'm not a fan of fantasy settings, which there seems to be absolutely loads of games out or coming out in that setting. So yes this I'm excited about to keep me going until mass effect 😎
I think the product placement is supposed to be part of the ridiculousness.
Again, a dystopian, already, future where corporations have complete control of government.....
Why is her target being targeted, why is the product placement so relevant....Hmmmmm
@Zeke68 it’s ironic that fans get exasperated when they hear criticism of an unreleased, incomplete game that was only shown to us for advertising purposes, citing “a need to play the game” before bashing it, and yet they have no problem doing free work for a corporation by joining in on the vocal marketing hype of said unreleased game. Pro bono corporate shilling will always amaze me
Cool, another protagonist who I don't have any interest in playing. No wonder comments were shut off on the official trailer reveal.
@nessisonett With budgets of 200 million plus and no recurring money how would you like to pay for these games?
Im really sick and tired of the snowflake antiwoke crew who can handle anything but a white guy its sad.
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Everytime people get excited over a game trailer that has no actual game footage, somewhere an Ubisoft executive is nodding their head and laughing.
The sucking on the straw scene was really annoying, I hope that isn’t representative of the character’s personality. I do like the blade runner/bounty hunter theme though, could be a promising game
Probably the most underwhelming reveal imo.
@DannZan Corporate shilling gtfo rofl. I liked what I saw and unlike you I can actually have good feelings and hope it will turn out great. I'm the "live on my hope"-kinda man. I don't think in politic terms like you seem to do. If I'm wrong and a game turns out to be pure poo, I'm the first to admit it.
Lighten up and let some hope get into your life. You'll be surprised how often things turn out better if you have a little positive attitude/hope and don't see everything in black.
I get it's cool to hate on Sony and their games, including Concorde and Naughty Dog's releases, but don't ever think I get into that trend. I dream of cool, fun games like in the PS4 era, the best for me personally so far. I'm 56 but I hope to live the day Playstation get their ***** together and releases BB remake and Bloodborne II. As I said, I live on hope that great games will arrive every month, year etc.
Yeah lots of people don't think about why they think the way they do. If you want to call that politics, cool! Regardless, a corporation has weaponized the hopes of you and millions of other "fans" so that you'll do their job (marketing) for them for free. I have lots of fun with released games, but personally I've never enjoyed a game before it's been released.
@DannZan Marketing, you speak like a true american. You know, I'm from northen europe and here (up in the northern woods) nobody cares about your "marketing" then typing a comment in a forum noone cares about and your "corporations". Only time we care about those if they pay your monthly salary lol.
This is a hobby and I will continue express hope and joy if I like what I see. So, as I said gtfo with that american BS view on life and stop trying to project that crap on me. I don't live in the same world as you, that's obvious. It's a hobby ffs, lighten up.
"but personally I've never enjoyed a game before it's been released." - tell me where I said I already enjoyed it?!! I'm waiting!
@Zeke68 : "Sir, this is an Arbys"
Got it. G'day mate.
@DannZan And just a personal question, I'm curious, you are living in the "great" america with "freedom of speech" - why are you so hellbent to work against that right on a gameforum?
Makes no sense. We don't need to agree, but stop spreading lies about why I post anything here, because you have clearly no clue as you call it "shilling".
@Dorfeus unfortunately the game is gonna be a massive magnet for the worst people of the Internet for years, it has a woman of colour as the lead so
thats gonna bring out the racist and the misogynist. It’s a PlayStation exclusive that’s gonna bring out the trolls and Neil Druckmann is involved so even more trolls and antisemites.
They know cinematic trailers. Looking forward to more.
Hello there fellow gamers.
A brand new game from the GOATs Naughty Dog Studio?
And it´s Sci-Fi? And Akira and Cowboy Bebop inspired?
That is a DAY ONE purchase for me for sure.
Loved the vibe and aesthetic of the trailer.
And the soundtrack by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross is going to be amazing.
Did I say this is a day one purchase? Because it is.
Cheers and happy gaming everyone
Naughty Dog still knows how to make masculine chad characters at least.
I want to play as Colin Graves, the character on the protagonist's screen in the ship.
That guy looks like a badass.
China and South Korea will become the new leaders of the Game Industry in a few years time. Happy gaming everyone.
I can already see this as, what Star Wars Outlaws should have been.
@Toilet_Goat knowing the quality of naughty dog and their take on something completely different is exciting and Interesting.
I'm sure it's gonna be great. Horrible character design IMO. Boring.
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Hard Pass on Concord 2.
Looks interesting. I will definitely keep my ear to the ground for this. But I will ignore the crazies that will be out in force over this.
Just used this article to put a few people on the ignore list. Can't be bothered with the internet discourse anymore, I think it is just time for me to chill out a bit anyway and this game looks right up my street. I'm definitely looking forward to it, hopefully it is not too long before we see more.
I've watched this trailer a couple of times now and I really want this game. I love the art style. Bring it on..
I'll give this one a miss.
If we needed further proof that ND died when Bruce Straley and Amy Hennig left this is it.
@yazzika To be fair to concord, the actual trailer gave off a great vibe and felt like a welcome addition to a playstation exclusive which was a little different to the father son/daughter vibes we've gotten for along time, less serious, more fun.
What killed it for Concord was that it was a pretty standard 5v5 hero shooter with nice cut scenes.
Concord would of blown up, if it was a third person action adventure because that's exactly what the trailers made you feel.
The marketing for that game was just awful for the game we actually got.
At least with Naughty Dog we know it's going to be a third person action adventure, we know they are great story tellers and we know finally we have something different than a ground dead serious grounded game.
It's refreshing to see something new.
Naught Dog have literally spent 2/3 consoles doing the same 2 IPs.
It's been a long time coming.
This looks terrible. More sweet crap. Why does she even have to shave her head? And her personality is terrible.
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I'm usually not too bothered by the stuff that seems to get others up in arms about characters and her design seems OK, but yeah, the edgelord annoying know-it-all teen thing is not something I'm keen to spend 20+ hours with. I get enough of that guff in real life.
The advertising is gross too. Is this a full price game?
@RedRiot193 Hopefully you can customise the character so she doesn't look like Riddick on a bad day.
@Matroska To be fair, a lot of people did say that when Uncharted 1 came out. The series wasn't generally well received until the sequel. A lot of people said generic dude raider/ Indiana jones rip off.
Well hey, look on the bright side, at least we got to see a Sony legend reveal their highly-anticipated next project.
I'm talking about Fumito Ueda of course. This game and its protagonist look pretty bland, pedigree aside.
I'm down. Although they're going to need to work to sell people on that main character design, but I'm really happy to see something just... completely different from them.
I don’t like Naughty Dog games generally, but this aesthetic is cool. Might be right up my alley. Fire me up some Pet Shop Boys, boys!
@lindos We can only hope.
@Ralizah “ Although they're going to need to work to sell people on that main character design.”
Why’s that?
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@Matroska it looks “generic” because there’s no jiggle physics. The focus of the game needs to be how scantily clad you can make the main female lead. Sound familiar?
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@FreasurePlanten honestly to me this feels like the closest thing we'll get to jak and daxter type of game from them. and yes i know we haven't seen much and we haven't see game play yet, but looking at the weapons she had with her, i'm expecting a rachet/jak type of combat
@twitchtvpat I've seen some other piece of news stating that it's going to be closer to their action/adventure titles and less like TLOU. I'd be very up for that, they do it very well. Let's see where it goes! I don't doubt it will turn out to be a great game anyway. But I miss Jak and Daxter specifically. I've been replaying them quite a bit recently for the nostalgia.
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I like the retro-futuristic theme. I don't like the protagonist. Another bossy, pert, manly looking woman waving a sword 5 times heavier the her... 🙄
Well, for now it looks as good as a synth wave video clip. Let’s see what actually the gameplay is.
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@The_Elder Its sci fi bro, if realism is ur thing. Why not complain about the flying spaceship instead of a woman carrying a large sword.
I feel like some of the discussion about this and other games being woke is close to going into sexism and xenophobic territory.
We know nothing about this game. Are people hating it because it has a female lead or do people just dislike seeing other races in their games? Is it about the masculinity? I mean, what do you expect? She’s supposed to be a dangerous bounty hunter in space, ofcourse she’s a bit masculine.
But she doesnt seem any more masculine or muscular than some of the women in my gym. Same as people hating on The Witcher for getting a female lead. How is any of this appropriate?
So many games out there with white male protagonists, why not have other races in games. I for one like to see other types of people in games.
By the way looking at the picture on the wall jn the trailer, the other characters in the game do include the traditional badass white male character that some are apparently looking for in their games. So something for everyone.
I’d advise everyone to not show so much of your truncated and intolerant views. Its ruining gaming as much as the ‘wokeness’ youre complaining about.
@Ralizah I dont see anything wrong with her design personally. Is she considered unattractive to people?
@RedRiot193 You judge peoples personality from a few minutes of seeing them? You must be a delight to hang with.
I dont even understand the question “why does she even shave her head?” I mean, does she need a reason other than “she wants to”
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@LogicStrikesAgain Compaing a video game character written by a person to a real person is
"She wants to" Again assuming a video game character is a real person making their own decisions is a weird take. It's not real bro.
Also nice job getting personal over a video game.
@RedRiot193 My point was being ironic, im judging you based on a small snippet of interaction, just as you are the character. But i do apologizes for getting personal, you’re right i do get a bit upset seeing where this discouse is leading to. I am not one for xenophobia and sexism. (Not directed towards you by the way, just the way some people are talking in general)
To the rest of your points. You’re the one complaining about her personality, and asking why she would even shave her head. Now you say its only a game and none of it is real. Well yeah 😂
Naughty Dog doing work representin' women with alopecia. ❤️
@LogicStrikesAgain I never said anything about her sword. This game is inspired by akira and cowboy bebop and it pales in comparison with this character design and her personality. This is what they thought was good enough to show what the character will be like. I don't like it. The bald part is dumb and unnecessary. And unless this has some sort of character customization I won't be getting it.
@RedRiot193 Why is it dumb and unnecessary? Some choices are just stylistic, without a necessary purpose, its all fictional after all. You dont have to answer that by the way. Maybe you just dont like bald, and that’s fine, it’s all subjective.
About the Akira and Cowboy Bepop inspiration. We’ve hardly seen anything of the game, i feel its a bit early to say, but hey thats just me. Also, from my understanding, there are more playabale characters in the game.
But I respect your decision. I’m really not saying you should get the game or anything. If you dont like it, thats completely fine.
Last thing i want to do is judge people on what they like or should be interested in. Im only interested in how people come to form their preferences and opinions.
@LogicStrikesAgain Because it's an artistic choice and she is the focus. Being fictional makes it worse because someone thinks it looks good. First thing people will do when they get this game is give her hair if they could.
Well the jacket is from akira and it has the retro future style.
Cool. If she's not the only playable character I'm curious to see how they look and behave. Right now I'm just a spectator. So I'll be paying a close eye on this one as I grew up with naughtydog as did most people here I pressume.
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I'm already more tired of this anti-woke thing than I was of the actual woke stuff. I wish people could be more supportive of other people's work instead of criticising every minute thing. I know it's weird voicing my opinion about how I'm tired of other people voicing theirs but the negativity is just everywhere. People work really hard making these games and they end up with an undeserved onslaught of negative criticism. If you don't like it just don't buy it. You don't have to explain to everyone else why everything sucks. Every thread on every gamer site and YouTube has exploded with people just looking for a particular kind of character. If the game isn't catered to them specifically then the game surely is woke. As for this game, I found incredibly aesthetically pleasing, from sound to graphics to art direction. Looking forward to seeing more of this. Also nice with a new IP!
cool caracter. one of the guys type, not some bimbo with big tits in a dress, i
i hope the story also have great voice action and hard felt emotion in it, not always over the top cool acting caracter.
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I would bet money that the original plan was to release this video with an announcement at the end that the main character was now playable in Concord.
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Hopefully it's better written than TLoU 2.
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Looks cringe, zero interest. Whole vibe feels extremely dated. Feel free to call me any number of names ending in -ist, don't care. I tend to play as buff Japanese dudes in most of my games that don't have a character creator, but I'm not exactly a buff Japanese dude IRL. I'm also not whatever this trailer identifies as. Hopefully that helps people understand that, actually, not everyone who dislikes whatever this trailer is trying to go for is a bad person.
@Golem25 Why would anyone who dislikes this trailer be a bad person? Someone who makes sexist and xenophobic remarks might be a bad person, not someone who dislikes a game.
If you dont like a game, thats fine. But if you dont like certain games specifically because it has a female protagonist or a person of colour, thats sexist and xenophobic. When the dislike is specifically and only tied to gender or race, and not about anything game related, its wrong. See the difference?
Im not saying you do btw, but im sure you’ve followed some of the discourse lately, not only on this game, but many other games including other types of media such as movies. A lot of what people are saying dont have anything to do with woke anymore. Some are just blatantly hating on females getting leads in a video games for example. Or having other races than white be protagonists is automatically considered bad and woke.
So why would anyone call you anything -ist? Do you think your thoughts and opinions might be going in that territory?
I really enjoyed the trailer. I liked the air of mystery, the nods to 80s sci-fi and real world brands. It all looked amazing and gave us a little bit of incite in to the protagonists motivation.
I loved Uncharted, loved both Last of Us games, so I'm really excited to see what they give us next. From the sounds of it we're to expect action adventure with some depth to the writing. No idea if it'll actually be any good until we're shown a bit more gameplay and what that involves, gameplay loop etc.
What I find odd, is that there are people moaning about the state of the games industry and then clearly wanting this to fail because they don't like something about it.
Don't like the look of it? Don't play it.
Don't like the setting of the game? Don't play it.
Don't like the lead character? Don't play it.
Personally, I'm not a massive fan of Fantasy RPGs or media set in fantasy settings. By that I mean Lord of the Rings type stuff. I simply don't play them or enjoy those kind of worlds. But guess what? I don't spend hours going on YouTube videos of games I don't enjoy, telling everyone why I don't enjoy those games.
Having a preference is fine. Being intolerant is a problem.
As for the trailer and what I think, I think the game character design is ugly and has an attitude problem. I see zero appeal for me.
That's my personal opinion that I think we're all entitled to.
The aesthetic doesn't look that good either to me, and I liked both parts of The Last Of Us, so this isn't just a random Naughty Dog dunk.
It looks a bit too stylized? I'm not sure if that's the correct term. I liked No Man's Sky but that game had the same type of stylized look that I see in this trailer and I wasn't a big fan of it in that game either.
An easy reference for what I'm referring to is looking at the ship. It just looks too shiny and smooth.
Weird that a fairly run of the mill teaser could be at all polarizing but oh well I guess. I will say, I never found Mario attractive so I'm not sure where this requirement came about.
In any case I never got into Crash or Jak and Dexter, likewise I do not understand the appeal of the Uncharted games but then there's The Last of Us which I love... like a lot. So it's hard to say based on Naughty Dog's past output. Additionally it's such a short teaser, who could say. The space setting isn't too appealing but I'd have said the same about a post apocalyptic zombie setting as well.
Oof! Definitely not buying that. Graphics look high quality. Everything else looks awful. When they release more info and gameplay then I'll give it a fair shake. Debut trailer was so unappealing to me.
@JackPimiento I understand your point about those who dislike a game just not playing it rather than being vocally against it...however I think the vast majority of players already do that. Internet comments are not the majority of the audience by any stretch.
But back to your 'don't like it, don't play it. don't like the look of the game don't play it. etc' We have seen that actually play out in several high-profile cases thus far and it's a big part of why all these layoffs are happening. Concorde bombed worse than any game in history. Star Wars Outlaws under performed badly. Suicide Squad only shambled on this long due to contractual obligations for DLC.
So 'don't like it don't play it' is a double-edged sword. If it's just haters online, it's great. If the general audience takes that course of action a studio is going bankrupt. The mixed reception this trailer has received should seriously concern Sony and Naughty Dog. At this juncture no AAA studio can afford to tell many customers to take a hike, they're all walking a precarious tight rope.
I'm loving the cyberpunk space runner synthwave theme. The intro makes me think elite dangerous though, while the second of gameplay looks like another standard over the shoulder melee and guns game. Not sure what to make of it. I've never been an ND fan so I'm not hyped like many are. Their last open freedom game was jak1 and jak 3. I'm hoping this one isn't just another movie on rails with mashy combat which ND is wont to make because it could be so cool if it offers more freedom.
Looks awful, a tired retread of the girl boss trope, this is no longer novel and was never really very interesting.
Finally watched the trailer. This looks bad. Cringe dialogue. Main character is as expected with Drukman. It's getting destroyed on the official ND YouTube page. They had to turn the comments off. Got failure written all over it.
Hope it bombs political activism and agendas need to stay out of gaming period. I don't relate to this character at all and most games also won't who are straight males.
I think this was a missed opportunity for a Latino or black male lead character personally and not a angry awkward annoying bald gi Jane lesbian
@rick1987 “I don't relate to this character at all and most games also won't who are straight males.”
“angry awkward annoying bald gi Jane lesbian”
I get that the character might not resonate with you, but why say things like 'angry awkward annoying bald GI Jane lesbian'? I’m sure it’s not your intention, but that kind of language comes off as really negative. You put a lot of emphasis on straight males in your comment. Do you have an issue with gay representation in games, or do you feel like they just don’t belong?
Also, dont you find it a bit ironic that you are against a political agenda, but seem to be pushing your own agenda by favoring straight Black and Latino male characters over a lesbian character?
@Apollo2212 Sad if this fails because of a character people don’t like. Honestly, im not even sure what people dislike about her? I have a gut feeling that if this was a male character people wouldnt have any complaints about it.
Games used to be judged by its story, gameplay, (art)design and what not. Now whole games are being dismissed, because some people cannot relate to one character in a teaser trailer. Only because they think she’s annoying? Talks weird? Or that she’s gay? Or a woman? Or too muscular? Or too ‘exotic looking’? Bald? I dont even know anymore, it’s indeed sad that that is where we’re at.
You're probably right about most of what you said. On my part I dont really mind what gender the character is. Some of my favourite characters are female and if it's an rpg then they usually tend to be gay as I'm male and heterosexual so even as a female character I still tend to romance females. For me it's the virtue signalling of Drukman that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
@LogicStrikesAgain I'm entitled to my opinion and I'm entitled to voice it friend. The majority of gamers are men, more so the majority of gamers are straight men following this the majority of gamers are fed up of virtue signalling and woke direction with agendas and activism and politics. As a gamer I game for one reason and one reason alone - to escape and In this I want to be entertained. I don't want to be distracted or thinking about what is clearly a lesbian shaving her head and ND who have been on the woke crusade a few games now and it's boring I don't care. I simply do not care about LGBT and many gamers don't care either they care about a story and the gameplay (and graphics
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