A demo for Slitterhead, one of the most underrated PS5 and PS4 games of the year, is available now. The free download depicts the full first chapter of the game – including its tutorial – and any progress you make will carry across to the full release, should you choose to purchase it.
While we appreciate it’s far from perfect, we reckon this debut from Bokeh Game Studios has been underappreciated. If you claim to be a fan of Japan Studio, then this is effectively Siren 3 in all but name, with glimpses of Gravity Rush, too.
If you like the demo, the release is currently on sale, and can be yours for £33.59/$34.99.
“Frustrating at times but fearlessly inventive, Slitterhead is an absolute must-play if you’re looking for an original take on the survival horror genre,” we wrote in out 7/10 review. “Serving as a spiritual successor to fan favourites like Siren, Gravity Rush, and Soul Sacrifice, this haunting tale about a body-hopping spirit – who uses humans as fodder to put a stop to the eponymous enemy – is a scintillating albeit occasionally undercooked debut from Bokeh Game Studios.”
[source store.playstation.com]
Comments 22
I bought this one on Steam mainly to support the developer.
Combat is a tad janky and the gameplay loop is a little repetitive at times, but it's still good. It is more risqué than I expected - especially that one cutscene very early in the game.
I think people were hoping for something more "Silent Hill" over something I'd like to call Horrorpunk (I don't think that's a thing...but it should be!)
Does this game have a 120Hz mode on consoles? If not, it should. I seem to recall my PC can max this game out in like the 250+ fps at 1440p. No reason PS5/PS5 Pro couldn't run this at 120. I'm not trying to be braggy or anything, just pointing out the game is pretty light on hardware.
Just finished with the demo.
Control & combat feels kinda janky, graphic definitely looks AA, and the VA is inconsistent sometimes using english and mandarin voice. I'm more intrigued with the story though which the monsters at the end gives some Cthulhu vibe.
Just copped it been waiting for a sale and I had enough ps star points to redeem for ten dollars so I got it for 25 which is 50 percent off which I def think will be worth it. I also had been waiting on a sale for New World Aternum and it being 30 percent off was too good to pass up so I got that too.
@GamingFan4Lyf it has pro support so when it finishes downloading I’ll check and see
Cool, might give it a wee shot.
Anyone know what the pro support entails?
This will be next after I wrap up the demo for Fantasian. I love these throwback games so much.
Definitely downloading the demo. Happy to see this! If any game ever needed a demo, this one is it
So what happens to the poor human you possessed if you jump off a building and switch bodies?
Glad to see more people trying it out. Have about 13 hours in it so far and it is a nice change of pace from triple A games lately.
@Bunchesopuppies They fall over and get back up actually - LOL!
It was one of things I experiment with and, sure enough, they don't become a spot on the ground.
2 "janky" descriptions in a row. Damn...
Anyone who’s played this know if the Pro patch is live yet? I bought this at launch to support the dev and haven’t gotten to it yet, hoping to jump in once the patch is confirmed
Yeah I saw the demo when browsing the PS4 store, I'll check it out. I'm not a horror type, I've tried a few and mostly ones more comfortable with.
Slitterhead I don't know. I've never played Siren but seen reviews and gone hmm good ideas, too scary for me.
So Slitterhead I may give a go as why not with a demo. Otherwise yeah too scary for me to buy it, didn't even think it would release on PS4, or is it a demo thing where it's like a demo for the PS4 but actually Ghostwire like of releases on PS5, wouldn't make much sense as was a visual novel in that case but still. Did randomly cross my mind. XD
For sure I think it will be great but besides getting the name wrong and mixing it with Splatterhouse as Splitterhead yeah I think the game 'hopefully' does well.
Demo is a really smart idea. I've had my eye on the game for a long time and now I can finally give it a try.
Got to say, the mechanic for possession is great, kind of reminds me of Ratchet 2 hypnomatic robots which I liked in that game.
Some characters feel slightly different but in a Knack way, cool when he expands/shrinks but feels it's missing something. I feel the same here with characters movement and other things. Minor but not much to care (unless illusion). In racing games you feel it more.
The directional deflecting is cool but feels like it will be forced in the same way Skyward Sword was bad for forced directional swings when Red Steel 2 didn't need that. It feels strange. Still I do like the multiple deflection options it's just how it's used feels cheap and sad. But I do appreciate the more options of deflection it's just with motion controls from 10 years ago it felt more immersive and engaging then 4 quadrants deflection. Also timing, easy to die, but with 'successful deflection' it slows down.... Not very helpful.
Right stick for arms have been since PS2 like Pitfall Lost Expedition no items/collectibles needed it besides up and down drink/fill or aim/throw type actions, they never used it for more freedom of movement but I mean animations have always been possible for it these days so why the primitive 4 directions? Better tracking? Understanding for the player? I don't get it.
But for a horror game I think it's cool. So don't think I'm completely downplaying it I see 2 sides to this. I'm thinking about it not being 100% negative. I look at all sides besides my outcomes being not be all, just odd thoughts nothing more. Not an opinion just thoughts. Context.
See I can do that and not be negative but see it from different angles of agree and think it needs improvement.
Memories to collect, I did 5 (walk over, look up, next target was kind of fun) and nothing just more vague dialogue for the spirit aka the player, no visuals just dialogue..... kind of seems a bit odd, if each has fair memories sure but is it the spirit 's memories or the human memories?
Wow a trail to follow, fun gameplay for more vague dialogue/spirit realisation when jumping humans/working itself out as if I didn't already get that impression minutes earlier/many posessions ago game designers. Put an arrow instead. XD
Sigh symbolism/direction or fair pacing but not necessary. It's why in films or tv shows I go yep used to this but we have characters going what, like I always hate those characters but then I play games so simple and go it's for those people that react to anything isn't it. Even though horror fans that are fairly skilled or interested would play this anyway and go oh cool.
So for boring gameplay tasks developers, get it right please.
The red scent for the dog in the beginning the particles are too thick and confusing at times.
Combat is fair as a human. For horror games normal I think (not many to go off of).
Possession distance is fair for how short is it. Short but balanced.
Animations and world details are good but man the rendering through the cutscene shot of the city on PS4 I could see it updating the render/lines. It's minor though.
The dog/humans to possess are kind of boring and the tutorial is very scripted. I get it it's familiar/real life immersion but I find them more boring them immersive. Sorry sorry platformer animals moveset bias and fiction focus then realistic looking/acting bores me in some areas depending how it's done. Hence I wouldn't play Goose game/Little Kitty Big City/Stray.
Like Lego Batman was suits, other humans with items like a Zelda or others are fun then basic movesets.
The possession mode is very restricted which is fair. Flight is good, but limited range sure, only target to target and no free flying is garbage. Why no limited health in free flight at least come on. At least give us that as a challenge, a health/distance bar. It's too restrictive and simple to be engaging. Unless abilities later I don't see them changing this.
Jumping between beings in combat is cool but no free flight is a deal breaker for sure.
It's like playing Fantavision you HAVE to bind it to something, in a puzzle game sure.
But no free flowing movement how restricted for a cool mechanic can they do, why Bokeh you can do better then this. Sigh mechanical depth overly simplified tutorial or not WHY?
Also you ascend and descend why would I stay in a being to easily get chased seems stupid but scripted and has to happen, took me out of the experience super easily.
Linear can be done right but not overly scripted of a monster chase even for a tutorial, it made it less scary because it's so scripted. If the rest of the game is this way then pass even besides the scares not the other themes it being R rated is fine with me to offer good scares, themes and more as a good horror game with great pacing can do and of course Siren was a good duology of games, I've seen footage/reviews and respect but could never play them.
I'm not a horror person but weak mechanical freedom or depth is just sad (unless upgrades later in the full game, if not then nah on that alone pass even if I wasn't going to buy it because I suck at horror games, but played the demo out of curiosity as I always thought it looked cool with its concept/mechanic).
I hope the game does well the scares even for a tutorial and creature designs are great but if it's bogged down then even Siren besides it being camera angles & still humans in a traditional area then a city, the city & scripted-ness makes the cool mechanic & boring movesets of generic humans/animals super unengaging/stick out more.
I don't find it immersive, video games can be anything coded to feel & act like anything yet we get familiar things for what reason? I don't find it immersive, yet it is for others, I'm too video games can feel like anything focused I guess that's not a problem is it?
To me it's just lacking more depth, regardless of being a tutorial. It's not immersive to be overly scripted & offer familiar locations recreated.
I find them unengaging/unimmerisive compared to the rest of players/normal people sorry.
Better use of worlds even if linear/fair open world design is immersive just a bunch of buildings, signs & more is fine but mechanically I find it not immersive besides being yes a spirit with possession ability I find it immersive or engaging.
Sorry my better uses of fiction/mechanics meter is goes off like that sometimes (never coined till now) & grounded stuff for mechanics just becomes boring to me.
I want this game to do well so don't see it as me hating on it. I just can't wrap my head around it as a gameplay first person not writing most times unless it's really intriguing in its themes, so for generic tasks I find them boring/nothing can change that immersion gameplay wise for me.
It's why I get bored with open worlds the tasks are not fun in most I've looked at or played, very few make video game tasks FUN then thematically make sense but boring to do. Theme fitting doesn't change how boring it is.
For horror it works this game it's excellent at that, for a mechanic it's insultingly lacking potential. Sorry.
Blood weapon durability is a fine idea it's no Oneechanbara blood on your sword limiting your attacks and that's fine, or limps of Splatter house 2010 or other games with limps but it's something due to durability.
But more deflection timing, for durability to time it right I suck at that so I mean it's a fair option and part skill so I give them that even though to me the timing was same direction many times then opposite and I went nope, because sure enemies can attack that way it's perfectly viable I just find it too hard to read when the prompt to time it is too small a window for me at least besides the time slowing apparently being there but I didn't notice it afterwards, successful deflection sure but messing up it got harder.
But yeah I'd suck at it for sure and depending how that goes in hard difficulty (I played normal for about what 5-10 minutes or so, the first few scenes of the game and second combat arena) good luck there. If it's more health then I mean eh design there, just numbers up not better AI then nah. I assume they wouldn't. But some games do feel like just numbers up higher and that's it.
But if it's enemies overwhelming in any difficultly then I mean hmmm a challenge. A fair decision but seems weird compared to the rest of the game.
Reminds me of Space Marine 1 with the stun for health that 2 made more simple with health potions as well the mechanic in 1 is probably too hard for some people I guess even if in 2 the other would have been nice as a between option and especially if none near by to pick up between encounters. Sigh.
It's like Biomutant animal abilities and vehicles all over again, things to fill gaps I personally find would help games but maybe it's how I play I guess as they feel empty without these things I end up coming up with to fill in for the gaps I see myself.
That's my demo review. I like the game and hope it succeeds but it's also very very restrictive and gameplay hard to find compelling. It's too modern game design simple and I find that boring.
Thought that was Regina and it had something to do with Dino Crisis finally being on PS+
Finally, I can actually give this game a try without wasting money
FIFY: "Perfectly rated"
Now that I've tried the demo I can certainly say it is fun. Possess mechanic is interesting, deflect system is actually surprisingly good(Something Callisto Protocol should be taking notes from), and the combination of the two in combat makes it very interesting and enjoyable. It is certainly janky but not as much as I thought it would be and I'll most likely pick this up soon if there is a physical copy. Please devs, be like more like this and include demos, especially at launch. Letting players get a feel for the game is very important!
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