18 years after the PS2 original, Capcom has announced it's developing a sequel to Okami, with Hideki Kamiya as game director. Check out the trailer above. All of the official details from Capcom are as follows: "Okami sequel project is underway!! Okami is a game critically acclaimed for its unique world, heartwarming story, and exciting adventures. Now, a new adventure in the same vein as Okami has been set in motion."
Comments 34
I never thought this would happen. Speechless.
Yeah this wasn't on my bingo card haha
I only just tuned in about 15 mins ago, but I've seen a new Onimusha and now this? And there's a sequel to Clover studios called "Clovers???" Dude. Capcom is Godtier. They have ascended. What is even happening.
My wish has finally came true!!!
Just need a Asura’s Wrath sequel too.
Anyways, Capcom is on fire.
This is proof that God exists and he loves us.
Yes, yes, yes! I've been waiting for this moment! Okami is back!
This wasn’t on my bingo card
This and Onimusha were very unexpected.
Dino crisis fans broken though. Let's hope that still comes to pass.
Genuinely did not think a sequel would happen when clover studio closed.
There's already a sequal of sorts on the NDS. But still, this'll be awesome
am I f***ing hallucinating
I....I just....I have no words to describe how completely and utterly stunned I am that this is a REAL THING that is ACTUALLY HAPPENING and not just some decade-plus-old pipe dream.
they announced this in addition to Onimusha coming back too I think I'm gonna pass out
I still need to play the first game! I'm actually looking for a game to play now, so I might buy it.
absolutely insane! kamiya departing the sinking ship that is platinum games makes a lot more sense now. have to give it to capcom for venturing back into the realm of "experimental" and "artistic" games again they have been playing to safe with sequels for a while now, but THIS sequel is something to gasp at.
Reinstalling Okami after seeing this. 💣 😈
@ApostateMage i'm ashamed to admit that i never played okami all the way through... been on the backlog forever, but this announcement will certainly give me the push to finally correct this shameful behaviour
I need to do the classic and slap myself to see if this is a dream.
New Okami game, and Kamiya working with Capcom again?! Lets go!🔥🔥
Of course Capcom showed up with it's A game, they have been unstoppable since the PS4 era began (after a very mixed PS3 era)
With this Geoff redeemed himself
Kamiya is back. Okami is back. Clover back. This is a EPIC WIN!
So Kamiya leaving Platinum games actually had some positive. Dream project!
I'm speechless. .....I'm without speech🤐
For the longest time I've wanted a new 3d Zelda style game, so Capcom comes in and announces a sequel the best damn one?!! This is just, more than I could have ever hoped for. Wow
Wait are we switching from the doomer timeline to the hopefull timeline? All I ask for is no BS with this one capcom please. Okami holds a very special place in my heart.
Eh, hard pass. Wake me up when they bring back Viewtiful Joe.
Oh my word. Absolute dream stuff. I never thought I'd see a new Okami game. This could be something very special indeed.
Okami 1 is in my top 10 games of all time ever since I bought it on PS2, and I think I have bought every remaster released since. Very special place in my heart this one
Holy heck, I didn't expect this, and with kamiya as game director too! Good job, capcom 😃
Damn man. Im so happy for this 😆
@Nem It's only a matter of time, surely?
LETS FUGGING GOOOOOOOO! Amazing news. The stuff of dreams
Haha the title has a typo. It says an Okami sequel has been announced! 🤣
@Bentleyma if you do buy it you're in for a treat. It's like the best Zelda game not named Zelda. Gorgeous visuals too
Whoa. Is there any way Capcom can secure the rights to Bayonetta next? A man can dream...
Been a long time but still happy to see it. Look forward to seeing some of the gameplay.
I need this to be great.
Hello there fellow gamers;
Okay, listen...... Bringing back Onimusha was something I´ve been wanting for years and Capcom is doing that.
But OKAMI????? For real???
And Kamiya-san is the director??
This is beyond amazing.
I´m starting to think that DINO Crisis and Breath of Fire MIGHT actualy have a chance of coming back.....
My friends @Fizza @Zeldorf @WanderingBullet @Ichiban, we are living in the right timeline and it´s absolutely glorious!
Cheers and happy gaming everyone
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