If you've been paying attention, you might have already realised this, but Sony's PS2 emulator for its classic PS Plus Premium re-releases appears to be improving.
Eagle-eyed fans of Sly Cooper have spotted a better image quality in the game since the latest update. With the most recent patch installed, the original Sly adventure does appear to have a sharper image.
We checked this out for ourselves, and can confirm that there is a boost to the image quality. If you compare the below screenshots, the one on the right (with the latest patch installed) has cleaner edges on the character model and level geometry:
Obviously the differences are fairly minor in the grand scheme of things, but there is an improvement here.
It's encouraging to see Sony is committed to not just bringing some classic games to modern systems, it's also putting in the work to ensure the emulation software is up to snuff.
Have you noticed any improvements to your PS2 classics on PS5 and PS4? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 28
I might check these out because the PS3 trilogy had a lot of issues, worst of them being hard locks and the sneaking sound playing at completely random times
Well it should be flawless given the fact it's a Sony property with plenty of resources to make it happen.
That's great to hear, but I would also appreciate having the option to use original resolution with integer scaling to get super sharp pixels. PS2 games were designed with certain resolution in mind, so this would help make the image more cohesive. Besides, options never hurt.
A lot of gamers want the virtual console that Nintendo had back. Although virtual console is gone on the Switch, it lives on for PlayStation gamers.
I've downloaded the "new" Jak & Daxter, but not had time to compare the two yet. Hopefully Ape Escape 2 is next, as the current emulation it's pretty awful on PS5.
Does it share the same trophy list as the PS3 hd releases?
Its a sad set of affairs when my phone and pcsx2 will run this better than the current gen console of the company that the game was originally on.
You wanna impress me someone come up with an N64 emulator that runs any game flawlessly and doesn't require a high end PC to run in any acceptable fashion.
@ButterySmooth30FPS I played the first title in the PS3 remaster not too long ago and I didn't notice any issues. Unless there are major, recurring bugs, I'll stick with the 60fps PS3 versions any day.
@Topov81 I agree with you I’ve gotten into the ape escape series recently and would love to play ape escape 2 and 3!
For clarification, are we talking about a system update or one to the game itself?
@xDD90x The PS2 versions did a better job of hitting the 60fps target, too, in my experience. The PS3 versions certainly look better and control better, but too many bugs and terrible sound quality for me.
Did Sony fix Jak 1 & 2 and Rogue Galaxy frame rate? I wanna replay them since my save files was gone.
I thought the PS2 originals were 30fps. Good to know. Thanks
Still need to finish the series on the Vita. Got about half way through the second one ages ago and just haven't gone back.
Sometimes I forget that I have this, Jak, and Ratchet trilogies for my Vita. Usually, when I remember, I disappear for a while.
@tameshiyaku I don't believe so. Few missing off the top of my head. 99 coins one is definitely missing.
Sony should of release a sly cooper remastered collection.word up son
@playstation1995 agreed. Im definitely will buy it on day 1. Love sly cooper so much
@Rodimusprime1313 The comparison image just compares the new patch to the original release. But anyway, the new PS2 emulator they use has some new features like rewind and save states compared to the old emulator they used. I think emulation makes a lot of sense especially for games that would likely never get a remaster/remake.
I missed both Jak and Sly games when I had PS2. Some games were not easy to get a hand on where I lived, and I also owned original Xbox at the same time so I had too many things to play. I remember these games got raving reviews. Now so many years down the line, I wonder if they can evoke same feelings inside me as original players had in 2000s. But I definitely want to try.
@playstation1995 Jak and Daxter, Dark Cloud, ICO, Ape Escape, Medievil, Legend of Dragoon, Wild Arms, Legend of Legaia they have so many cool games in the back Catalog. Heavenly Sword or Infamous, ICO, Beyond Two Souls and Detroit Become Human, Infamous. Its a pity Sony became so mainstream.
@Flaming_Kaiser. Yes sony had a lot of fanstastic games.resistance is easily one of my favorite franchises ever along with syphon filter.word up son
I had a bizarre glitch occur in the Rajan boss fight. The camera went crazy and suddenly the game threw Murray far below the level. I was still in the arena with Rajan, but I was just the camera, and I could exit the boss arena and explore the level at my leisure.
Shame it doesn't download the game when I put in the disc like the Xbox does
@playstation1995 Forgot these two awsome games i even loved Resistance 3.
And Syphon Filter really need atleast a control update to make it fun playable again damn the PS1 version was rough to play.
I have no idea how i was used to the old controls on PS1.😆
@Flaming_Kaiser. Im used to playing old video games its all good.resistance and syphon filter are 2 incredible video games.word up son
@playstation1995 I thought so to but Syphon Filter has shown me that some things should stay in the past for me and thats ancient controls.
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