For some reason, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has been painted as a spectacular sales failure by both the media and fans. As far as we can tell, a chunk of this narrative stems from Square Enix’s reluctance to provide sales updates on the title, but we suspect there’s also bitterness from those who feel it should have launched as a multiformat game.
The truth is that, per Circana sales data as of November 2024, the acclaimed RPG was the 15th best-selling game of the year in the United States – and the only exclusive to appear on the list. It’s not the disaster it’s been painted as.
And speaking with IGN Brazil, as translated by Google, bigwig Yoshinori Kitase confirmed as much, stating his company is “confident and happy we are reaching a certain level of sales”.
Not a flop, then, but he did caveat this by adding that “with the modernity of games we cannot be exclusive to a single platform” and that “we need to offer this game to as many players as possible”.
We suspect that means the third instalment in the series will probably launch simultaneously on PC, in addition to potentially Nintendo Switch 2 and even Xbox as well. But it’ll all depend on the contracts Sony has signed with the publisher.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is coming to PC on 23rd January, and we’re sure there’ll be much handwringing over its sales performance on the platform. If it does well, then some will argue it should have launched there all along; if it fails to meet expectations, then those same people will point out the period of timed exclusivity killed its chances.
Either way, the discourse over Final Fantasy’s strong but generally overanalysed sales will rumble on.
[source br.ign.com]
Comments 98
It's because Square Enix and realistic expectations don't co-exist
No more moneyhatting. Good for all gamers.
just remake the game for real FFS
Being third party exclusive is beyond stupid in this day and age. I get they want to make PC ports of games some big announcement as if they’re advertising new DLC at the Game Awards or whatever but just stick your game on as many platforms that are technically possible, it’s just doing your game a disservice.
Have it release same day on PC. PS5 and PC really don’t compete.
But when you look at FF7 Remake, it was released when the majority of people were home on lockdown. Console gaming was through the roof.. that and it was the long anticipated release from the PS3. Its tech demo/ game reveals for ps3 was from 2005..
The game was a great game I enjoyed Rebirth. But it’s kind of hard to think that it being console exclusive to PlayStation for so long that that’s the reason it may not have met their expectations.. when in all honesty its just because 2024 is a lot different than 2020.. the game industry was surging pretty good on all fronts.
of course not. But it's easier to blame Sony and the PS5 than to recognize that the Final Fantasy brand isn't nearly as popular as the internet would like to believe. I hope Sony has learned their lesson and won't pay SE a penny more.
Ah yes because FFXVI really lit up the PC gaming world. FFVII Rebirth will make the bulk of its sales on the PS5 and/or SWITCH U (though only a million of the 30+ million japanese switch owners bought DQ3 HD REMAKE so that's also not really a massive console outside of Nintendo first party).
The fact is Atlus, Sega and Capcom have eaten Square's lunch by simply making better games for cheaper. Sony can afford to spend 150-200 million on a game because they almost always turn a profit and sell the system. Square doesn't have this capability anymore.
@PorkChopExpress You'd only see it if you were on twitter where people with anime profile pics and mostly on Switch and PC talked about it and blamed the Playstation. I think some people give social media too much importance
People act like pc would everything but remake and 16 sold a few hundred thousand copies at heavily discounted pricing? When all said and done the bag sony paid them and the developer support probably is more money than the ports to pc and if they include xbox would be.
The first sentence of this article comes across as completely tone deaf.
This very website has helped spread the narrative that FF7 Rebirth was a commercial disappointment, with multiple articles on the subject throughout the entirety of 2024 since the game's release. All of which were in spite of there being no true metrics or data to back up the claims.
These days I mostly enjoy Push Square for the opinion pieces, but the lack of journalistic integrity in other areas is really astounding.
Wasn't SE president who said Rebirth sales is underwhelming / not reach their target sales in their financial report, which leads to "we're not gonna take Sony's money anymore"?
But now Kitase said they're "confident and happy" with Rebirth sales without providing numbers?
It's really confusing what exactly SE stand for Rebirth sales. But one thing for sure:
SE management is really messed up.
I'm not surprised if in the future Sony give less support for SE. But instead, Sony will allocate more towards Chinese and Korean devs.
I think this statement from Kitase has the sole purpose of raising the price for future PS exclusivity.
SE doesn’t seem to be very happy with the current longtime „PS-first, FF is PS“ deal. Why else are FF characters missing in Astro Bot?
I thought the reason it was painted as a sales flop was that SE themselves said it didn't meet expectations and had a weaker start than FF 16? Or am I tripping?
Sony is kinda screwed, isn't? Most companies don't see the benefit of doing third party exclusives anymore while Sony itself don't have enough studios do produce multiple exclusives per year.
@ED_209 They have exactly enough studios to publish the game that won the most GOTY awards in 6 of the last 12 years.
Simple logic: I won't buy middle chapter alone. I'm waiting for whole game (meaninglessly separated into 3+ standalone pieces)
I don’t think the sales are FF7R’s problem. It’s how much it cost in the first place.
Fun game, but too big for it’s own good.
I will play this once everything is out.
But please let this third part be the end of everything FF7 related.
Been following this discourse for a while, SE shared nothing new)
In the absence of solid data (production+advertising budget, sales/total income generated, exclusivity fees from sony), it is impossible to say how this game performed.
However, the majority of factors point towards underperformance. It is not a Forspoken/Concord level of flop, but if one of the highest-rates games of year, a remake of arguably one of the best games ever fails to sell more than the latest ff instalment (ff16), I can’t see how this can be painted as a success.
@Steel76 "annoying amount of forced minigames" Really? pretty sure majority of them were optional.
@PuppetMaster yup takashi kiryu, their new CEO who btw loves blockchain stuff---wasn't this something a bunch of sheep on the net whined about as well?
Just my opinion but.... Sony should have just bought Square lmao and Square can just decide to make the games multiplats or something, and they'd still get that Sony 1st party budget/polish.
A small sample of either full or timed PS console exclusives from 2nd and 3rd parties for 2024: Stellar Blade, Black Myth, Helldivers 2, Silent Hill 2, Rise of the Ronin, Pacific Drive etc. etc.
Some of these have/will also come to PC - just like Final Fantasy games - but it's pretty clear that plenty of non-Sony studios are more than happy to sign deals with Sony to produce timed or full exclusives for them.
All this while a parallel universe has a 3rd person semi open world stealth shooter with rpg elements, about Laguna’s journey from Winhill to Esthar to rescue Ellone.
@Strikke Is it not a bit ironic to whine about it being sheep hating blockchain stuff when a bunch of morons literally just lost money after a rugpull by the Hawk Tuah girl of all people. If anything, blockchain and crypto nonsense relies on sheep to be worth more than £0.
Square themselfs said the sales did not meet expectations and this very website reported on it
Lol game sold exceptional on PlayStation 5. Switch can't handle it. PC players pirate and Xbox don't buy games. If PlayStation doesn't meet their expectations nothing will.
@ED_209 With Microsoft putting their big exclusives onto Playstation they won't need to get as many third party exclusives going forward. It's not Sony that is screwed.
As a recent PC to PS switcher I just don’t get JRPGs. I’ve tried but can not get it. What am I missing?
"The Final Fantasy brand isn't nearly as popular as the internet would like to believe".
I mean FF XV sold over 10 million copies, FF XVI sold over 3 million copies in just it's first week and FF7 Remake sold 3 million copies in as many days at the height of Covid lockdowns. Sure that's not quite Call of Duty numbers but that is still pretty damn popular.
Not every genre is for everybody. I love FPS games but apparently 90 percent of this website has some kind of irrational vendetta against anything that is first person.
@Strikke That stil would not have made the development costs any lower that is why they were complaining.
Plus the PS5 version was badly optimised for a platformexclusive no idea how they screwed that up.
Plus Square-Enix who was complaining the whole time about how much it sold. As much as i love Final Fantasy the games never sold like a COD.
If they want to make the games work moneywise then they need to cut costs by being more efficiënt less filler would do that.
They could have released full remake faster with less money by making a real more streamlined remake.
As remake with the new controls that was better looking with some new stuff extra weapons, new summons not summons locked behind a expensive edition.
Maybe a complete CE that would have been a nicer way to make some extra cash.
One thing people say multiplatform is needed i know multiplatform is good for a few things.
Less optimised games, its certainly not cheaper and will a Xbox version sell that great plus a Switch version will hold back the looks and will need extra costs to be optimised.
@PegasusActual93 Not with the amount of money they spend otherwise they would not complainined about every release they did. And ofcourse it has not recurring monetization.
@greengecko007 So much this. One writer here has had a drum to bang and bangs it loudly to the detriment of the entire site....
@Cloud39472 @greengecko007 Couldn't agree more with you guys. There is definitely a massive increase in sensationalist articles here, border-lining on rage-baiting, which is a big shame.
@Titntin Robert.....
@nessisonett Ikr? lol
This reminds me of when FFXVI has been out for three months and in an investor call SE's president that the game was profitable but "hadn't met the high end of our expectations". And everyone reported that as "FFXVI hasn't met SE's high expectations" and claimed the game was a commercial failure.
While it's clear that many SE games aren't meeting the high end of their expectations, that doesn't mean they're commercial failures.
If FFVII Rebirth failed, they won't expect the third one to succeed and therefore won't make it. But as far as I can tell, cancelling that game hasn't been considered, so Rebirth probably wasn't a disaster.
@Flaming_Kaiser "complete CE"? Remake and Rebirth had Collector's Edition though--but it was kinda dum for 7Remake when it made the version 1 of Cloud Play Arts Kai and Square just recently announced the Version 2.0 at that time.. and for 'extra cash' several merchandises related to FF7 were announced after the release of 7Rebirth like... another Aerith 2.0, and Yuffie and I think there was another Cloud Strife with an extra head and most recently they rebranded the toyline to "Play Arts Shin" starting with Vincent and surprise, surprise...... Noctis Play Arts Kai Shin(this time with the red eyes)
@greengecko007 "We're all trying to find the guy who did this" - Push Square
@Strikke Just a nice case with the complete game no nonsense. Maybe a PlayStation sleeve like they did with Wipeout. A nice artbook soundtrack on CD im not talking a €300 edition.
And there still is no complete physical edition with content summons locked behind a expensive edition. The Yuffie content also should have been in a disc.
Its a pity lets be real the most sales would have been generated by the nostalgia crew. As a massive fan from FF7 it was my favorite they somehow managed to make me lose interest.
It took way long and it made dissapointed the constant complaining from Square-Enix didnt make it any better.
@Cloud39472 because it’s their job to report news, and it was rather astonishing that such a highly-rated game did not sell well. If it was breaking sale records, PS would be writing multiple articles about that.
@Flaming_Kaiser "nice artbook soundtrack" the soundtrack, you could purchase the physical disc and digitally thru iTunes(OST Plus still TBA and an acoustic arrangement track is set for March, 2025) or stream it on Spotify, as for the artbook, they recently announced the FF7 Rebirth Material Ultimania, the japanese version was just released, and the NA version next year probably.
@Cloud39472 same goes for when the media who wrote that the Black Myth Wukong devs were "salty" that they did not win GOTY and yet they misunderstood the director's message and only highlighted the beginning part..
Exclusives = low sales = lower profit and failure. Thank god square enix are finally realising that. Look at Sony and their exclusives, big hits yet but pocket change to them from what they could make if they'd stop this exclusive crap. Glad to see square wise up and ditch the exclusive crap
@Strikke Still cant get the complete edition of the game on a disc.
I’d have gladly bought a copy if that worthless game director had curated an acceptable trophy list. As it stands, unless they patch it I wouldn’t throw a nickel at Hamaguchi-chan if he was starving in the street. Devs need to learn to put the gamer ahead of their own selfish interests.
@Flaming_Kaiser Complete Edition oh you mean when they made the International/Final Mix versions of their games? I think they stopped doing that, with FF7 Remake Intergrade probably being the last one. They aren't going the Atlus route of making Persona 5 then making Persona 5 Royal lmao
I think a big reason why it didnt do so well initially, is because it released so soon after FF16. These are two big FF titles releasing just 8 months after each other. While both good, I do remember hearing so much news about Rebirth so shortly after FF16 and thinking ‘this is too fast, people will get FF fatigue’
Anyhow, these titles generally do well long term so im sure it’ll keep selling
@cburg Yeah, no more moneyhatting, they should just buy Square Enix and get if over with lol
Removed - inappropriate
The whole PS5 exclusivity is ridiculous. If they want to make any kind of money for these games, they have to be released on PC and Xbox.
@greengecko007 Couldn’t have said it better, the first line is just pure hypocrisy, they could’ve phrase it better like “sales have not been in line with Square’s expectations” instead of calling out ‘media and fans’ for painting the game as a “spectacular sales failure” which is a term I have never seen anywhere else regarding this game, and it’s exactly what Push Square been doing since the game launched.
Really disappointed to see this site turning into a fanboy echo chamber instead of being professional and sticking to report news surrounding PlayStation.
@IOI @greengecko007 I read the article as acknowledgement that this site is part of the media who have painted it as a failure, and then saying this is understandably in large part down to a lack of data transparency.
@Romans12 Without Sony it would have never been made that is something people tend to forget.
Goes without saying, I think, that Final Fantasy XVII and 7-3 (lol) will be multiplats. Hopefully also DQXII. Sony's PS4-era lockdown of AAA Japanese content is pretty much entirely gone at this point.
If you have a big game and it's not on Steam at launch, you're missing the bus.
@nessisonett Depends entirely on the type of game. A multi-hundred million dollar epic like FF7 Rebirth? Stupid not to put that on as many modern platforms as possible.
Small projects or little indie titles that might stand to massively benefit from the increased visibility gained by access to first-party marketing and inclusion in big livesteam events like Nintendo Directs or State of Plays? Entirely different story.
@kyleforrester87 They were moaning about it themselves that the sales were not What they wanted. It was with all the games they released lately?
@greengecko007 the truest comment I've read in ages regarding this game, this website ***** all over this at every possible point, yet look at any polls etc, FF7 pretty much comes out on top with readers, no idea what's up with the staff here,
Your comment about the first sentence in this article..top class call-out
Square Enix only have themselves to blame for low / luke warm sales due to the various turn offs the game has:
1. Changes made to the original story (started in Part 1)
2. Blurry graphics, bad enough to make headlines.
3. Various reviews stating the game was very bloated.
4. FF16.
5. The fact that its a trilogy to form 1 complete story.
6. Hearing how it 'hasn't met sales expectations' just makes it sound like its a failure.
Not saying its not a good game, and now Pro has fixed its graphics I may well buy it during a sale / lull, but points 1 & 2 in my list were enough to persuade me to buy a different game every time up until now. Being exclusive was its biggest + point for me.
@devildragon2k23 Yeah look at Sony and Nintendo and their 10 million+ selling exclusives. 😂
Yeah, I'm sure Xbox is going to make up their sales expectations lol.
Maybe if it wasn't a minigame simulator it'd sell better.
I bought it at launch as usual, but I tired of the format around chapter 9. I just can't bring myself to burn through the game and certainly can't recommend it to anyone.
To be clear, its not a bad game, its constant minigames really wear you down.
@Rich33 Agree with most points, however, disagree on the story part. I am firmly in the camp of having them change the story. I know the original story, played it when it came out, and many times since. Im tired of the original story. Mix it up and bring us something fresh. Not saying im sold on this story, just that I am happy they made adjustments.
As for it being too blurry to play, it was always fine in fidelity mode. You dont need 60fps on an RPG. I have a pro now as well, so its the best of both worlds, but lets not fool ourselves into thinking it was bad before outside of just the unnecessary perf mode.
Release finished games. That demo was a disaster visually which didn't help. Yet, it Still hasn't been corrected. No game at that level of visuals should be the blurry unfinished mess this was at launch.
I say again: Release finished games. Many of us are no longer accepting the idea of giving you full asking price for an unfinished, corners cut, rushed out the door product.
Maybe don’t waste money on consulting firms to “diversify” your game and don’t bloat your game with pointless mini games and other nonsense. Maybe you should’ve made one solid remake instead of getting greedy and creating essentially the video game version of the Hobbit movies.
This is only part of the interview apparently , according to gamesradar final fantasy won’t be an exclusive any more. https://www.gamesradar.com/games/final-fantasy/final-fantasy-7-rebirth-producer-says-the-jrpg-sold-well-but-future-games-cannot-be-exclusive-to-a-single-platform-anymore/
They made a mistake splitting it into 3 parts. The games have been good so far, but they are definitely bloated. It's typical SE though. They will never understand that sometimes less is more. In their mind growing the FF brand can only be done by going bigger in every sense of the word. More releases. More spinoffs. More remakes. The whole FF brand is just bloated overall.
And I think they struggle with the fact that many of its diehard fans from the 90s/2000s are now grown up and expect more mature storytelling and imagery. I feel most my friends have left JRPGs completely and would rather play something from CD project red or whatever.
SE is inFamous for having unrealistic sales expectations, not surprised it sold bellow them. lol
I still don’t understand why they expanded the game to make a trilogy. After completing Remake, the first thing that came to my mind is that they should have cut 50% of it… for example the whole Wall Market chapter is just painfully useless and boring. So yeah, I understand why people are no longer excited by this trilogy and don’t want to spend $70 on Rebirth
@KundaliniRising333 the performance mode has lower resolution. You can play in quality mode.
The game is absolutely massive and polished, certainly not “incomplete” by any stretch.
@KundaliniRising333 Whatever gripes you have about the IQ in performance mode are valid, but to claim this game is unfinished is nonsense.
It's interesting how many self-loathing "fans" want exclusives and new hardware to fail so badly.
Even if it was multiplat, the game wouldn't have hit the numbers SE wanted for it to be considered a massive success. The suits at that company think every game has to sell like Call of Duty.
@cburg Tell that to microsoft, the king of moneyhatting games
Sony just buy Square Enix already!
It could be the Alan Wake 2 scenario: sales may have been low, but a third party (Epic/Sony) underwrote so much of the development that the cost to break even was low for a AAA game.
Sam Lake said as much about AW2.
More telling is how many copies they sold of DQ3 remake on what had to be an iota of the budget. Imagine if they could do HD 2D remakes of FF1-2, 5-6, and sell it as 2+ editions for $59.99? Cha ching.
@MrPeanutbutterz @Carck
I consider a game unfinished even if what's unfinished is on the technical front. Many others do as well.
You two keep making excuses around performance and fidelity modes. However this game is by no means pushing graphical limits. The fact that it has random low res textures, terrible pop in, and is a blurry mess has nothing to do with resolution. It is entirely the choices, engine, and level of technical polish they put in.
@KundaliniRising333 I didn't actually excuse it, I said your criticism is valid (and for what it's worth, I wholeheartedly agree with you there).
You're conflating "unfinished" with "unpolished". It's a finished product, just not a necessarily polished one (even if it is actually well polished outside of the low resolution and typical UE4 asset issues).
Because the model of release is fundamentally backwards. Make the game for PC players first. We'll mod and patch what we don't like. Release on consoles have the game supported by DLC mods. Consoles were always for the low IQ or those that have vast collections and buy limited editions. Now it's going digital it's just left the low IQ.
For me there is no PS5 vast library and I don't think they'll be a PS6 as the physical content just isn't their.
It's the end of the line.
People still salty about it being three games and being very different fuel my desire for the third one
@MrPeanutbutterz I hear ya, I do. I think we just have different versions of finished versus polished.
I will say it's a little bit of a bummer for me personally though because I haven't touched the game beyond the demo; specifically because of its level of technical polish. I love the series and 7 holds a very special nostalgic place in my heart. However, I don't want to play it in that state and I certainly don't think it's valid to have to buy an overpriced midgen upgrade console to makeup for a game that is technically unfinished in my opinion.
I, like a lot of others, only play performance modes in games, and I (literally) ignore any mode not running 60fps or higher when determining what games to buy (it doesnt matter how slow or fast paced a game is to me).
Anything much less than locked 60fps gives me headaches / makes me feel sick (something more and more common these days, possibly due to how newer TVs work, amongst other things).
In this case the performance was absolutely fine - but the graphics in this mode were not good.
I didnt like the direction of the changed story in part 1, and I know a lot felt the same, though unlike the graphics this wasnt a major issue for me, it just made the game less essential.
I was not saying that everyone would not buy the game for the reasons I gave, Im sure some were happy playing it in quality mode, some could ignore the performance mode visuals, and some were happy with the story changes. My point was that all these things that I previously listed (and probably often in combination with one another) could have contributed to the lower than expected sales - with other games vying for our money.
People think the sales of FF are bad on ps5 because Square Enix started that idea not only putting unrealistic financial goals to their games but also publicly blaming the ps5 sales for those numbers lol.
If they want their games to be multiplatform that's cool they just need to give back the money sony paid for the ff7 trilogy + compensation to end the contract.
@Romans12 Not really. They were paid handsomely to keep this game off Xbox. They 100% sat down, estimated their profits from releasing on Xbox and decided that the big bag of cash that Sony waved at them was more profitable.
To get the third game on Xbox that would mean adding the first two as well. If Square Enix are so driven by sales how will they feel when all three entries end up on GamePass? They wouldn't be sold at full, or even half price.
@KundaliniRising333 "It is entirely the choices, engine, and level of technical polish they put in." THIS I think is possibly the culprit... while I love the game, there's some bad lighting on it especially in cutscenes wherein their high-res model is used(for ex. in Gongaga after you meet Zack's parents and Cloud & Aerith talk outside and the lighting on Cloud's face just shines all over it lol) Remake WOWED many especially the demo but since it wasn't an open world then I can see why it looked nice esp. on PS4/PS4 Pro, and with Rebirth being "open world" then it is probably the scale of it
Bonus culprit: Rebirth is not directed by Tetsuya Nomura, a perfectionist, who would have possibly polished it better under his direction lmao
I mean... you say "for some reason" when this website ran articles saying so.
Can't act innocent when you have literally been doing it. 🤷
I'll get to buying it. Pinky promise, Square.
It is just daunting to begin a game where you are afraid to spoil or alter childhood memories.
What if the game is just a big marathon of 'Wow, that mysterious wall of ghosts is preventing me/projecting me to a certain place'. It is clever to have like a meta-layer to the narrative and have the medium itself be aware (to an extent) it is a representation of a representation. But you can't be overly punitive or excessive with it as a mechanic to gate players.
I still can't forgive the team at Push Square after they tracked down every copy of Rebirth they could, smashed them to pieces, peed on them, then buried the remains in the desert.
@Rodimusprime1313 Its released a over a year and three months later with consoles being closer together then ever. I hope it runs better for them and its been polished since then.
@Rich33 None of those are turn offs to me, aside from the blurry graphics. (which I didn't notice, cos my TV is old, I only ran it 1080p and it looked fine).
also FFXVI? what do you mean by that?
@EfYI As a huge FFVII fan since release, this is something i hear and really don't understand. How can it spoil childhood memories when the OG still exists and is widely available? The remake won't overwrite your memories or anything like that, don't worry!
Im not saying that every point would apply to everyone, but they did influence sales - I myself am probably well within their target market, and had bought and played through part 1 to completion (including dlc), yet Rebirth just didnt appeal enough to me - even on sale - for me to buy it over other games.
1 of my major issues in the blurry graphics is now solved as I have a Pro, but even then Im not rushing out to buy it - though as I have said, if there is a lull I may be more inclined to now.
FF16 was divisive - some loved it, some hated it.
For me after playing the demo, I found the performance so bad, it didnt just put me off the game, it made me wary on a technical front of anything SE do in the future - it will take a lot of time for them build back my faith in them (and I have bought a lot of their games in the past).
On the other hand if you loved FF16, there is an argument to say Rebirth was launched a little too soon afterwards, and maybe a few months later may have helped them build up more excitement.
@Rich33 I get your point, thanks for the detailed response. I enjoyed both games despite any technical misgivings, but I've always been quite forgiving in that respect. That's not everyone though, and that's fair enough. I'm a huge FF fan, I enjoyed 16 but definitely a mid-tier FF for me. Still a very good game overall.
FFVII rebirth i really loved though, FF is genuinely the only series I buy day 1, I'm a patient gamer otherwise. I hope you grab it at some point and enjoy it.
No problem - my original post wasnt aiming to say this was a bad game - I dont believe that at all, in fact quite the opposite. Just that there are an unusual number of decisions / issues / distractions (eg SE comments post launch), that could at least sway someone "on the fence", and that SOME of these were unnecessary, or unusual choices.
[They really could do with spending a bit more effort on technicals though (in general) - SE are not a small or inexperienced developer after all, and they really could do without the headlines - I may be glad Pro fixes Rebirth, but I dont think it necessarily needed the Pros additional power to fix it - StellarBlade (like the game or not) is technically a similar game, with similar structure, but runs very well on base PS5, and looks good].
“Our sales numbers are great, you don’t have to look at them or even discuss them!”
“But we will be launching the next one on multiple consoles…totally NOT because of those secret sales numbers!”
They’ll remaster the remake and rebirth, release those everywhere, then launch the last one multiplat.
@cburg What's moneyhatting? Sounds kinky
@PSDeckSwitchOwner I will.
Peaked at 31k players and TORRENTED by over 200k pc mustard race LMAO
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