Naughty Dog has, for some reason, become an enemy of the Internet – or at least a vocal contingent of social media users. Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet has been attacked unprecedently, despite us knowing very little about the project.
And now Stellar Blade developer Shift Up has had to speak out in support of Hyoung Taek Nam, a character artist who’s worked on the likes of The Last of Us, after some outspoken individuals took issue with his interpretation of Eve.
It all started when the Korean studio sent out the following fairly awesome piece of artwork:
While not all the comments were bad, others criticised the style used. “Never let Naughty Dog make art based on your work ever again,” one post exclaimed.
This was one of two illustrations by Hyoung Taek Nam, and Shift Up subsequently posted the second with a statement:
“Artist Hyoung Taek Nam has once again drawn Eve for us. We’re very grateful for this, but we always welcome fan art in the style of the previous one. It’s not uncommon for fan art to have more of the artist’s style than the original, and we think that's a very important and enjoyable point. It’s been a rough year in 2024, not just in Korea, but around the world. We hope everyone is living in love.”
It’s really good to see Shift Up make this statement, and we know it’s a huge admirer of Naughty Dog’s work; director Kim Hyung Tae and his team took a tour of the Californian studio during a recent trip to the US earlier this month, so there’s lots of mutual respect between the two teams.
And why wouldn’t there be? These are two studios making amazing PS5 games, so the more they can learn from each other the better in our opinion.
Comments 163
I guess I missed the culture war fart cloud this time. Was the problem just that it was a ND artist or am I missing something?
Who are these absolute clowns honestly 😭 Own up if you’re one of these pathetic people I dare you
@AceTrainerMatt Just the usual jobless people making a fuss out of nothing😂
Another day on the internet, huh? I remember being very excited by the possibilities in the late 90s. This wasn't quite how I imagined it.
I remember at one point Naughty Dog could do no wrong. I think the second picture looks quite good, the first one looks a bit like a man though, which is not surprising with it being a Naughty Dog artist lol. Not that I could do any better myself though 😂
@TurboTom what even? That looks like a man to you? Seriously?
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Naughty Dog makes PS5 games? I didn't know! I mean, they're doing one NOW, yeah...
The original art was…not good. At all. I’ve seen some of the memes clowning on it and while they were a bit mean spirited…they were also pretty accurate.
The second one is MUCH better.
Both pictures look fine, she's literally doing an angry battle face in the 1st pic. But these annoying people that have latched onto stellar blade and eve have gotta be some of the worst. I feel bad for the stellar blade twitter account always having to deal with them
Rolling my eyes it the last day of the year I hope some u have better mind set and attitude all this negativity just needs to go. People worry about the most dumbest things that have no effect on your life the art work is fine and great just move on. Happy new year
Both pieces are nice and well done. People just view ND as "public enemy number one" for dumb reasons.
Naughty Dog derangement syndrome through the roof, as usual. It's gotta be so difficult working at ND. You are expected to raise the bar every single release, and even when you do (TLOU PT 2) you will still get eaten alive for years on the internet.
It takes a lot of courage to post something you’ve made on the internet, regardless of your profession. You can tell that most of the people that trash on these sorts of things have no concept of what it feels like to be that kind of vulnerable.
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@TurboTom you mean the shadow?
@meistergeister absolutely hilarious. Well done!
Good on shift up. Too bad there are also people on the other side who mocked Eve's original design for being too sexual. Nice to see them take the higher ground.
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It’s actually so embarrassing to call myself a gamer these days, wtf happened to you lot?
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That's the thing, people who have problems with people that don't even know they exist is people without love.
Once I heard the solution to anger is not love, is the ability to connect with people. We are a social species but people don't even tried to connect with others these days, that's why there is so much hate on the internet.
If you get triggered over some fanart then you've got some serious issues.
Maybe the internet will turn a new leaf for the new year tomorrow?
Or maybe it will double down and get worse
Naughty Dog Derangement Syndrome is real. Even a harmless and cool fan art of a ND employee sparks controversy now. It's pathetic, honestly.
@TurboTom ok, so the shadow.
Both arts looks great for me.
Like seriously, this and the funny christmas video news is a solid proof that some people needs to stay sway from internet / social media and get fking help asap because they have serious mental issues.
There is no controversy.
Someone made a drawing, people gave their opinion, some people didn't like it much, the end.
Articles like this one making a mountain out of a molehill are trying to sell this as a controversy because it's good for business. Money baby.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner It will double down and get worse.
@GymratAmarillo couldn't agree more. Very wel said.
I think it’s cool… fan art rocks!
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I'm guessing if they didn't attach Naughty Dog to their post we wouldn't be talking about this, some groups have made ND their Antichrist since TLOU2🤦🏼♀️
Shift Up seem like good eggs.
@GreatAuk Lol, except it's not just opinions. It's bad faith actions, and ill intent, not just online opinions. Very different things. Every single thing connected to Naughty Dog gets mouth foaming hate now.
The anti-woke cult of 2023-2024 has become the exact same as the woke cult of the 2010s. Completely delusional, nitpicky and actively looking for controversy and things to complain about.
These weirdos should just be ignored, not engaged with and written about.
Pshaw, that's male power fantasy. Women don't even like strong muscular men. Besides, men don't even have feelings so their opinions are irrelevant!
I like this artstyle more than the original one. These pictures show more emotions than everything I‘ve seen from this game so far (demo + videos). And there should be emotions when slashing organisms in masses, right?
The second picture looks fine.
But please, do not try and pretend like the first one does not have male facial structure features. And then don’t pretend that this is not the typical go-to of female character design for ND lately. And then don’t pretend that this isn’t tied to statements from people like Druckmann himself, about trying to make more feminist leaning games. And then don’t pretend that, because of all the previous factors mentioned, that it is incredulous that people would connect all those dots and have a laugh at this.
Should people be downright mean and hateful? No. Are there some people who have just lost their mind in regards to ND? Sure. But there are also those who, as demonstrated by some of these comments, seem to be very disingenuous and want to pretend that anyone having ANY issue is just unreasonable.
Multiple things can be true at once:
1. There are those that have lost their minds when it comes to ND.
2. ND does have, both admittedly and inferentially, a certain agenda.
3. There are those who have legit concerns because of #2.
4. There are those who refuse to acknowledge #3 because they think anyone with any issues are #1, or they’re just being disingenuous. Or both.
Nothing-burger article of some dweebs on twitter. Since we're talking about twitter, let's do something good and donate a few dollars to Wikipedia rather than boycott it as brain rot Elon has demanded.
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This is the huge problem. It's either "take that chuds!" Or "take that wokies!" There is no compromise in the modern landscape anymore, in all subjects. If you aren't in 100% agreement with one side, you are their enemy. You can't sit in the middle and say "these people have a point...but so do these people." We live in a time of extremes. It feels like two opposing teams with delusional fans cheering mindlessly everytime it appears "their side" scored a "point" over the other. There can be no unity when both sides plug their ears and refuse to listen to each other. If they did then maybe they'd realize they're not so different after all.
It’s a vocal minority of miserable people that are LARPing a fantasy setting where Naughty Dog is somehow an abject failure due to perceived ineptitude while also orchestrating mass brainwashing. It’s some of the most pathetic behavior I’ve seen in my life. They don’t have to like Naughty Dog, but constructing a fantasy about them and obsessing over it for going on five years now, is the kind of behavior that’s really needs professional intervention.
@GreatAuk if you’re looking for an overweight man as your protagonist, look no further than Dave the Diver. Sure, he doesn’t meet all of the criteria, but he’s also a diver so that’s bonus points I think
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@TurboTom I don't understand what you're going on about or are you just trolling? 🤔
We've reached peak First World gripes.
So another common "vocal social media" day then…
Both arts look fine to me. The people having 'deep issues' with one or both of them should be ignored.
@CWill97 I love Dave the Diver. I hope he comes out as a gay bear 🐻🤗😍
I mean yeah that face in the first looks pretty bad, but it's not something I'd go crazy over lol.
What a non issue
this actually comes across as a PR move by ND to show the world that they can in fact create a "normal" looking anime inspired female character and that they have no issue with it, despite how they have gone about it in their latest works. but that appears to have backfired on them. until ND releases a game of their own which adheres to the more traditional interpretation of video game protagonist, they are going to have a rough time with that 10% of the gaming community i mean, this might get to a breaking point where sony has to intervene and have a heart to hear with druckman. at the end of the day, this is about money and if druckman's vision is going to put a damper on the profitablilty of the product, people at sony are inevitably going to pull the chord. if not now, down the line. its just a matter of how long they are going to allow this to continue. it's no secret that the last of us part 2 underpeformed for a myriad of reasons...
And today on "gross losers' stupid twitter takes"...
JFC, I just can't anymore with the chuds.
ND went from one of the most beloved studios in gaming to one of the most hated in a shockingly short period of time.
Funny enough, I just beat and platinumed that game. I enjoyed the story, atmosphere, gameplay and music. That said, looking at the first pic, it doesn't even look like her if im looking at it from my perspective. I didn't even say anything in the comment section under the post because I don't typically ***** on someone's art like that on twitter lol. That said im aware of the online hate ND has been getting and saw it coming as soon as shift up posted it smh.
Good on Shift Up for being the adults in the room.
We seriously need to conduct a study on the amount of brain-rot this culture war has brought about on both sides of the political aisle. I refuse to believe there are that many just miserable people with nothing better to do.
Not woke enough! Too woke! If you fall on either of these sides I challenge you to honestly ask yourself two questions.
1. Does this really matter that much to me?
2. Why am I being so mean spirited to others because I might not necessarily agree with them on everything?
I want civic discourse to return!
I wonder would shift up eventually get acquire by Sony because they’re to buddy buddy with Sony lately. Shift up studio head is going to every PlayStation studio and hanging out with all the PlayStation executives it very unusual.
@Korgon As a mental health professional, this is the summation of humanity as it is, and more than likely will always be.
The medium that is the internet is an ever growing soapbox that will fuel uncivil discourse for generations to come🤷♂️
The mediums change, but people will always disagree on something, it's just who we are
@Porco "this actually comes across as a PR move by ND to help their image"
I believe ND wasn't the one who posted the artworks but it was the artist who posted it from his personal account, hence the hashtag Fanarts. Then Shift up retweet the artworks and mention the artist is working at at ND.
This culture war stuff is really some people wanting to go back to good old days which only good for people that look like them. I don’t take a lot of the anti-woke crowd seriously because once you start talking to them for to long they’re started to say the quiet parts out loud.
@PuppetMaster if you work for sony or ND, there is a very high chance that it requires approval from the PR department, fan art or not. it wouldn't surprise me if this was an intentional move to calm the storm at ND and generate some "good will".
Miserable people love to make others miserable along with them. Unfortunately miserable gamers seem to take this to the next level. Just ignore them and they can’t win.
The first one has an odd face that doesn't look like Eve, the second one actually looks like Eve.
And all art is fair to criticize, even artists depicting other characters. For example I think almost all of WarnerBros.animated DC movies/cartoons have an ugly art style. Superman has a square head and Charlie Brown eyes. It doesn't look good to me, but the artstyle in My Adventures With Superman does appeal to me.
I've seen Tite Kubo (Bleach) draw Dragon Ball characters and thought it looked great, I also have seen Eiichiro Oda (One Piece) draw Dragon Ball characters and didn't think his style really worked for DB characters.
I don't see how people criticizing this is any different if they don't think it looks good so long as they aren't being nasty or hateful.
@Porco I believe that's only applies for unannounced projects under NDA, not fanarts about games that already came out like Stellar Blade. And nothing from this tweet screams "calming the storm" or "good will" lol.
I know we will always disagree on things as a species. I just wish I understood why we have to use that disagreement as fuel to just try to tear each other down all the time.
I mean the people that attacked this poor guy are probably also fans of Stellar Blade. Like now we are attacking even fellow fans because they just happen to work at a different company that for whatever reason they don't like?
I just don't get it.
@PuppetMaster not likely as you would be playing with fire in allowing employees to express themselves without a filter (everything is perceived as political these days), which in turn could have a negative repurcussions to the business side of sony as a company. yes, i did say this PR stunt backfired for them.
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This is honestly on par with bad fan art. They both look a bit rough, which is surprising coming from ND (a studio I love). The composition on the first one looks really "off" imo. I don't really care in the end its just art and its subjective, but I'm not a fan of these pieces.
That art is fire! Eve looking fierce in the middle of combat, I really can't see how someone would complain about it.
Y’all are some miserable mother🤬ers!
I don't feel like commenting on this topic anymore. because I see again how comments are being diligently deleted here....
The elephant in the room is still being ignored and people are instead looking for other excuses as to why so many games flopped. I guarantee you it will continue next year.
and Naughty Dog has earned this reputation itself.
Its not upsetting but kinda funny though , dem shotgun nostrils
I love the PushSquare moderation. You guys find the exact right line to draw here
@Jedihillis what does that have to do with this?
I’m sorry I can’t read 70+ comments - but are there some babies in the comments crying because a studio is making a game including women with muscles?
Absolute turnips going on the attack on a brilliant studio for such a pathetic reason.
Ffs stop concentrating on the minority who say stupid crap and making it news. Seriously, it doesn't deserve all this attention from the media and the sooner it's ignored the sooner it lessens.
It's not something that will ever go away because of human nature, so concentrate on stuff that's worth your time. Unfortunately, it's negativity that attracts attention so here we are talking about a tiny minority of people who have a problem instead of the vast majority who appreciate the effort and the art itself.
It's so frustrating, a vicious circle. An article gets posted about some people on reddit, or wherever, being foolish, the comments are full of like-friendly comments denouncing them, dehumanising them as being beneath them in some fashion, which validates the article, and nothing changes, rince and repeat.
How about we don't promote the rubbish some people come out with? How about we talk about the fan art THAT I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT until it was newsworthy simply because a minority criticised it, which is their right in an open society, even if its unfair? Rude people exist, it's not news.
@Korgon Literally first world problems. When people dont have to worry about making it through to the next day anymore , they get bored and search for any kind of silly causes to give them purpose or to make them feel special and different from the masses.
@naruball you're right. I totally misread this title. Apologies. I took the post down.
Here’s hoping that the twitter incel rage brigade ages out of gaming at some point soon and goes off and finds another hobby to ruin.
@KawakiisaFraud Yeah ND has earned a reputation for making incredible games that sell really well like their last new game The Last of Us Part 2.
The first artistic impression of Eve is not very flattering for sure imho but maybe the weird pose and rough looks is what the artist had in mind? at least in-game Eve looks more like her real world model, unlike Kay Vess's real world beauty her in-game model looks deliberately downgraded.
Ack. It's best not to signal boost complainy internet trolls. It's just endless with these people.
This isn't really a story though, is it? If you do anything on the internet, anything at all, someone will have a gripe about it. It's been that way since the Internet was created.
@Deadp001 It feels like at least 50% of gaming journalism is now reposting Twitter posts. Then you frame it as a big deal and have people comment on why it shouldn't be a big deal, even though it's only made into a big deal by the journalists. I remember reading EDGE back in the day and it would've been so weird if they had loads of articles on what a random man said and how it's bad and wrong, followed by dozens of reader comments about how it is indeed bad and wrong.
The first piece of artwork reminded me of bayonetta to be honest. I asked my wife her opinion because she is an actual professional artist and she can work out what all the fuss is about. She is very much for individual artistic interpretation. On a personal note I really don't understand what the fuss is about as well and I find it pretty sad. I can't wait for intergalactic (everytime I see the name I have the beastie boys singing in my headspace) and I'm hoping it's going to be epic.
Lol Eve looking like a lost Mario brother with that nose in the first picture.
@spaceghost All because they killed Joel.
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@AceTrainerMatt that's literally it.
Unfairly criticized? Even if you dont take part in the culture wars, the original art is awful to many, and i agree with them. I've seen tons of better fan art.
Now, if you liked the art. That's okay and ill never say you "unfairly enjoy"🤔
@Dalamar What a weird take
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Unfairly🤣🤣 it was awful honestly
People getting unnecessarily upset in 2024? I don't believe it. Hopefully, people learn to calm the F down in 2025
Unfairly criticised? I think it is fairly criticised, lol 😂
Just looks at marvel rivals vs overwatch 2 to see how much characters design is important to games, the games characters has to be pleasing to the eye, the west seems to have understand this before 2016, but now they we're deceived that gamers didn't want this, concord characters is the only characters design they want to make. Oh well at this point I don't care anymore since I only buy AAA asian games now.
Stellar Blade and Wukong fandoms in the misanthrope Olympics.
This is the kind of behavior expected from the weab bewbs kids. These comments sections are like a list of who to ignore, so that's helpful, lol.
@Dalamar what an incredibly stupid thing to say.
@Fartingale that's optimistic. I'm thinking there's more of them than, um, smart people, in this space.
@Jay767 or twist themselves around so much trying to hide their intentions that they do a 180 and don't even realize it. Like the people complaining about just how super offensive incorrect architecture or tori gates or battle flags are in AC Shadows, but who also decry a firm like Sweet Baby Inc...whose whole ass job is screening for things like that, lol. It's pathetic.
Another reason to leave
@wiiware It’s just fan art, though. Like Shift Up itself says, part of the fun of artwork like this is exploring the characters in different styles.
@get2sammyb great subheader
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@Porco I highly doubt that this is a PR move from any studio.
I work in animation and have worked on shows for Nick, Disney,…. And know people who work on games too as there’s a lot of overlap between certain roles.
People working on these shows or games often make fanart of things we enjoy without ever having to check with anyone about posting.
Studios usually aren’t afraid of us going online talking negative stuff cuz, even if we don’t enjoy something, we know it took a lot of work, effort and heart to make something and sometimes things just don’t come together.
All that to say… this more than likely is just an artist making fanart of something he enjoyed getting retweeted by the studio (or more specifically the person in charge of their twitter account) who’s excited over people liking their game. Not to mention that stuff like this is basically free advertising for ShiftUp. As they could mention he works for a studio with a high pedigree.
This is all so tiresome
Whenever someone says words like woke and agenda, I know I can ignore them
@Porco I dont believe they have the authority to say what you can and cant post under your own name? Or is the US like some police state this would never fly in Europe. As long as you dont openly be something like racist to make a example.
I mean, I’m living in love and all that jazz, but we are seriously just going to gloss over the face of the first image?
That face needs redoing. 😅
@Kienda You mean because on that picture, Eve has a visible nose and a mouth bigger than my left nostril? You’re right, these are totally male characteristics.
I hate how these typical Asian waifu designs (and the original Eve is 100% that) with their tiny faces and small hips scream „Please don’t, he is too big for me“.
It was ***** as it was. No need to make a big deal about it.
@DenzelDM Don't bother. For whatever reason, Porco is deadset this was a PR stunt from ND 🙄
Not me I like the original. Also, there’s a reason for that. They partially gave it away the trailer but you find out within the first minute of playing the game and then directly said possibly 20 minutes later. She has way more emotion when she gets into towns and talking to people. Her personality is calm and collective like Trish from devil may cry. She comes across as confident on top of that you always see her from behind or when she’s flipping around after an enemies been sliced up.
But there is a reason why she doesn’t make all those faces or why there’s no emotion when she’s fighting and it’s not just because she’s concentrated or professional. There’s an actual reason.
You do know that the exact same thing you said can be applied practically everywhere, especially in the UK or other countries and political groups singling someone out and trying to stereotype them isn’t making you look altruistic
That sounds more like a personal thing to me. It seems like you watch that type of content for normal people that don't it look at that, it's a stereotypical Asian design. Let's see crafted from a real person's body that is a model, was made by women and men who are Korean.
@wiiware same here and it's not that I don't want to buy Western games? but their character designs are either ugly, uninspiring, stereotypical or boring plus there workers seem to have a habit of constantly making interviews and telling us their personal opinions on politics, which I'm not interested in or making comments about dynamics of society.
People overlook the fact that the game was criticized because they didn't match the characters personality, so other people are defending it by saying that she should be making faces in battle when there's an in game reason for that and also there's lots of characters who don't make weird faces or angry faces when they're fighting who are women in games.
Imagine taking princess peach that's always displayed as lovable, cute and nice and friendly, and then when you stomping on a Goomba making an angry face or put an angry face on Luigi and Mario when he's just hopping on a turtle, completely changes the character. People seem to be looking only at the mean comments, and either don't know, haven't played the game and just blocking out any criticism associating it with the bad ones just because
@PuppetMaster fair. I gave up, before ever trying, on the “she looks like a man” people cuz those are forever lost from reality.
But Porcos theory was so easily debunked by logic that I forgot this is the internet for a moment…
Except Bayonetta isn't doing angry face and I'm a fan of her. She's always smiling, laughing, throwing kisses, bubbly and overall seems to enjoy herself. Even when she's angry, she cracks a smile in a flirting way. Even when a demon, the size of a skyscraper pops in. You claimed the Bayonetta made those faces she never has.
"unfairly criticized" Art is art. Art is subjective. You make it public it is meant to be critiqued and/or praised. No matter who the artist is. And yes, it looked terrible.
@Max_the_German I never said anything about a man’s face. I think you are mixing me up with another commentor.
The face is misshapen and deformed. It’s not good (imho).
@get2sammyb People are just laughing at western studios now, the fact that western studio can't (won't) draw good looking eve unless they're heavily critised on twitter is just so... western, lol.
Art is open to criticism like all mediums. BUT you must form a critique and say what it is about the piece you don't like in terms of the art itself. I looked at both of them and proportions are good, first is from a very difficult to draw angle and 3/4 face in the second is trickier than it looks. Basics are down, figure is still there along with size of the breasts so I'm leaning into "this doesn't look like a sex doll" for some of the crits. The face is small on the first due to the angle so it limits what you can do along with the artists own style (which is the bit I don't like personally) and as they have gone with a more realistic approach instead of the typical anime where everyone female looks like a teenager until they are deemed old.
This ugly thing is crazy to me. Attractiveness is like art, subjective but with so many wanting photo realistic games why not add the same realism to the characters? Of course this invites discourse when it comes to female ones because they have to stay the pinnacle otherwise they are "ugly"
Aloy isn't ugly, Jill from Resi 3 remake isn't ugly, this art isn't ugly. Geez, it seems unless you draw a women looking like Pamela Anderson from the 90's you may as well insert the elephant man.
@wiiware No one is laughing at western devs except lonely incels and grifters. Get off the culture war train dude as you're exposing yourself hard.
I'm going to analyse the problem instead of bash these people (We'll call them group A): For many years, petit women have been favoured by media, but probably around the 80s, the standard became even more specific, with disproportionate female forms being desired in art and roles. Many people noticed the issue, though and occasionally we got other body types and such, but nothing too far from it. These people who are complaining probably just got used to this standard and when writers started to question the morality of this practice and challenge beauty standards for women, Group A were suddenly in new territory that they could not accept. There is of course a lot more to it than that and I do believe people the rising problem of porn has exasperated the matter and now younger people outside of Group A have decided to join the crusade in requesting a very small margin of character body types/faces. We can call them Group B.
This leads to the people of Group A and B being ridiculously protective over a popular product which features (and sells itself on) the sexualisation (including a generically attractive face) and particular body type of it's character. So, now they will hiss and scream at anyone who interprets that character in any other way.
I would like to include myself in what I will call Group C. We are people who don't really care for the long idealised body type/aesthetics of characters/movie cast. We just want progression and egality. Because, what many don't realise is sexualisation of men also started to materialize during the 80s and has been running that steady course, also (See Chris Hemsworth/Peter Parker and a whole host of other casually shirtless actors/characters). I have heard a small vocal minority cheer this sexualised male art whilst berating games like Stellar Blade, which IMO is just as ridiculous as Group A and B. At the end of the day, all that matters is interesting character development and clever writing. If you really need to have your mind engaged with your idealised version of beauty, just imagine yourself up a girlfriend/boyfriend and stop projecting your desires on other people's vision. At the end of the day, Eve can look like she did in the creator's eyes and she can look like she did Taek Nam's eye and so, too, can other characters. No one should be dictating to either side.
Let's be real, her face looks like she has a serious case of flatulence and she's about to blow off big time and that rear end is projecting into next week lol
@wiiware This artwork was drawn by a South Korean artist, not by ND or western studio. It's a fanart and that's why Shift Up retweet the artwork.
@DenzelDM I completely agreed with everything you said fam 🤝
Ngl, I don't think either of them look good. But maybe I just have a different taste in art style.
"Anything created by someone I might possibly disagree with politically is woke."
I'd suggest everyone, press included, to just ignore loud mouth misogynists on Twitter (and other social media). They do not represent people who play games.
The first one kinda looks like the goth lab tech from NCIS... The second seems more tranquil, but both are good. Far better than the stick-Eve I could just about manage....
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@Frmknst Yes, I so want another gritty third person shooter game with a Blockbuster B tier storyline.
No I don't hate ND as I am interested in their latest game. However, ehhh quality, them? Nah.
I swear if Mother Theresa were alive today she would be getting ripped to shreds daily on the internet. We should be celebrating each other but instead it's just constant whining and negativity. Touch some grass people.
"Unfairly Criticised" Based on who Naughty Dog is as a company. We cannot trust them to do things in good faith. This picture was a slip up, however they(ND) have a history of doing things in malice in the past. So they have to build back good will. So far based on their recent release and them turning off comment sections and not answering questions. I would say they have learned nothing. This artist however has shown some backbone. Respect to him.
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Lot of willful ignorance in the comments per usual, game and company is getting mocked because of self sabotage which is happening constantly with AAA games and why most suck, lot of people here got humiliation fetishes that much i know.
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They killed off a likeable protagonist and now they just roll with the fem protagonists. Their recent game trailer was a bit on the dull side and the fem protagonist came off a bit irritable but it's only really a sneak peek. I just wish they had option for male or female protagonist or character creator. This is just my take though, every gamer is different.
Difficult when preferences vary broadly speaking.
@Elitepatriot "a history of doing things in malice in the past"
Perfect profile picture.
@torquex True, there are legitimate concerns people can have. Such as AC Shadows, I understand the Japanese complaints about the carelessness with the way their history and culture was presented. It's one thing to call it fiction but the game was not marketed that way. But to have people complaining nonstop because of someone's gender, skin color, or sexuality is exhausting. I'm so tired of hearing the word "woke" and these ridiculous complaints.
The first art they released was objectively terrible. Second was redemption.
It's that plain and simple. It wasn't unfairly criticized, it was just criticized.
Right? All women should smile for you and have bubbly cute behaviors, just the way you like.
Women and their variety. The shame.
LOL. For decades we had no female protagonists (or, very very few). Video gaming was a male dominated industry with little deviation. It was male power fantasy all the way down.
Now we have more women than ever in gaming, and god forbid they want any sort of representation or stories that they can relate to. We have every incel with a keyboard demanding more boys.
I am an older gamer, and this sort of shift in the culture where gatekeeping and whining have taken over the discourse is just so baffling to me. We used to just want everyone to play and have a good time with us.
Now male gamers just want to wave their dicks around and have a sweet sausage fest in their games AND communities? WHY?
@symmetrian yeah, but your example is pretty stupid because you're missing the point completely. Your deviating from the characters personality. Bayonetta.'s character that's just the way she is. Eve from stellar Blade has her own serious personality never angry so what's your point? Nothing other than you're trying to create something that doesn't exist. If you read any of my previous comment to the other guy, I strictly pointed out that everybody has a different personality. If you draw the character a different way outside of that personality it's no longer the same.
Has absolutely nothing to do with my personal preference Eves/Bayonetta I liked the original art, design, personality of the character that was given to them by their creator. They never did it for me. They did it for themselves and what they saw the character should be and that's who I liked. Changing the characters personality will turn me/fans off because it's not the original. This is why people didn't like the original Eve never make angry, overly emotional faces, and there's an ingame reason as to why.
You seem to be bringing a political aspect of feminism into this arguing meant by claiming men or I want the character to behave a certain way and can't imagine them doing something different. No, completely wrong in her anime, cartoons or artwork and all the games she's been in she has one set personality. She comes across as confident, in control, playful, and enjoying herself. You see all these traits as a man trying to say she can't have any other emotions. You refuse to see the positive aspect of her personality and why people like them.
Bayonneta/Eve is not a real person. Her personality was set in stone when they created her. Again, if I would've take any character made by Nintendo or another company and make them have expressions that don't match them because they never had them everybody would be critical because it changes the personality of the character and can ruin the artwork.
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Removed - flaming/arguing
@zhoont TLOU2 did absolutely not raise any bars.
What even is the issue here? Ugh people suck... 🤦♂️
@torquex That would be much more appealing. At that point though might as well allow create a character.
@PuppetMaster The artwork is done by naughty dog character concept designer hyoung taek nam.
@DennisReynolds It's boring, can you react any other ways? At this point nobody cares anymore with that label, be more creative please.
@mountain_spider Modern western politics kill western studio. Gamers around the world is okay with normal politics like war (mgs series), clashes betweeen kingdom (usually big empire vs smaller kingdoms), etc, but they didn't care about identity politics, like who care what you identify is when there's frigging zombie apocalypse around you lol.
I already lost hope for western studio, their future is being bought by tencent or going bankrupt, the only exception is gameplay focused games like cod/fortnite.
@wiiware Yes but it was a fanart aka the guy draws it because he enjoyed the game and not a job from ND nor this arts as official represents what ND wants for Eve. That's why he posted the art from his personal account. You understand the difference right?
@wiiware Its stating facts but hey at least you aren't denying it. Here's another fact ND's new game will sell far more copies then Stellar Blade ever will.
@PuppetMaster You would think these people would love the fact a ND dev is making fan art of Stellar Blade.
@DennisReynolds And the art doesn't bad either but somehow these people are acting like it's the most ugly fanart in the world just because it came from a ND artist. The brain rot is real and they also let TloU 2 rent free inside their head for 4+ years.
@PuppetMaster Yeah i agree and if fanart triggers them that much then maybe they should really look at their life and think it over haha. Honestly it could be the worst fanart ever who cares its just fanart it doesn't really matter. The fact this comment thread has over 150 comments with many removed is wild. ND devs like Stellar Blade that's a good thing be pleased at that.
@DennisReynolds Maybe, but tlou 2 which is a divisive game sells less than tlou 1 which is beloved by many, this new game come after tlou 2 which means gamers are more wary of ND games. I think it will sells about 5-10M, even less than tlou 2.
Also I don't care about some random people labelling me, maybe about 5 years ago I will explained why it's not the case but now I understand the tactics well, just slander slander slander and hope people back off and not criticised the games, that tactic doesn't work anymore.
@PuppetMaster Just because it's fanart doesn't means gamers can't criticised it. And well, after gamers criticised it he make a new, better art, so it's better for everyone involved 😃
@wiiware How many re-releases has the first game had? Yeah no wonder its sold more. TLoUP2 is still sold a crap ton though.
@wiiware He already drawn the second picture before brain rot people see Shift Up tweet and made a fuss about it.
And you can critized the artworks but so far i don't see any legit criticsm for the picture. All i see is d*mbass troll comment about "Eve face looks like a man" 🙄
@DennisReynolds He's comparing TloU 1 remaster sales who already out for 11 years vs TloU 2 who's 4 years old. SMH 🙄
@_John_Doe_ I didn't ask you . You probably haven't even played it
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