Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 picked up a couple of richly deserved trophies at The Game Awards this year, but it launched with barely a whimper. While it’s not a perfect metric by any stretch, the Ninja Theory sequel debuted with less than 4,000 players on Steam, and its inclusion in Game Pass likely kneecapped its full-price sales.
To make matters worse, the previous game, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, originally launched as a PS4 console exclusive, with its narrative-driven approach appealing to players on Sony’s system. Following the Cambridge-based developer’s acquisition, the sequel skipped the PS5 entirely.
There have been murmurs of a port now Microsoft is bringing much of its catalogue across to rival consoles, and Xbox snoopster Jez Corden has claimed on social media that he’s “heard it considers Hellblade exclusivity a mistake”.
While it’s largely an off-the-cuff comment without any evidence to back it up, this wouldn’t exactly surprise us. The game did little to boost the fortunes of the Xbox Series X|S, and likely would have sold handsomely on Sony’s machine.
It remains to be seen whether a conversion will ever arrive, but as Microsoft has pointed out recently, this is more about developer resources than anything else right now. If Ninja Theory has the time, then expect a port at some point.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 66
Get it on ps5 asap. I want it now
Still need to play the first one, but it's something that's always on my radar. For some reason, I put this series and the Plague Tale series in the same category in my head...
Xbox is pretty much done for at this point.
@Steel76 Agreed the first 30 minuets is just holding forward, which is kinda bad in 5 hour game...
Not my cup of tea and will never play it.
It is a fancy tech demo.
If it does ever make the leap get it on sale.
So many areas worse than the first game and it has way less impact.
5-6 hours and you are done.
Honestly, PS5 users are not missing much if Hellblade 2 never makes it over. Visuals (assuming XSX) and audio are great, but there is a reason people are referring to it as an experience instead of a game. There is no gameplay in there, you keep forward button and occasionally press another. Fights are scripted and not challenging at all.
I've said this before, but for a walking simulator with limited interactivity I've enjoyed Nobody wants to die way more, produced on a fraction of a budget.
I love the pun 😊
The first game had incredible audio design and lackluster everything else. It does not surprise me the game didn't do well sales-wise, even without the Game Pass effect. Should the game make it over to PS5, this will be a PS+ game eventually.
Hellblade 2 is my game of the year I found it very thought provoking just like the first game
Removed - off-topic
I don't see any evidence that PS5 users would've jumped at paying £50 for this in any great number.
Xbox can keep it.
Is this a subtle way to say it didn't sell and also people didn't play it on gp? Because it sounds like it.
@JustCameHereToSay Its not hitting 60fps on console. There's a reason its so linear and has so little to it and its because its the only way to achieve those visuals.
I still don't like how Xbox and Ninja Theory only released a Series X/S version of the first game and not a PS5 version. Hellblade sold over a million copies on PS4, and they could've shown some appreciation to those players by at least offering an upgrade of the first game, even if the sequel was going to be an Xbox exclusive.
£50 for a 5 hour tech demo? No thanks.....
I don't mean this as some kind of hot take/edge lord nonsense but I think the mistake was just making the game. It's a deeply disturbing and beautiful piece of art. A fun and enjoyable game though....that's a stretch. Whatever level of pre-production the game was in when NT was acquired should have been scrapped and the assets that could have been salvaged should have to support something different. Just my opinion of course.
I didn't play the first one to be honest and have no interest in playing either game. Maybe if it comes to playstation plus then I will give it a try or big sale or something. I remember when Microsoft unveiled this game at the game awards with the series x console, i remember thinking phil Spencer looked like he had ***** his pants when he came on stage 😂 maybe Microsoft thought this would be a answer to playstation exclusive quality on Xbox, and no one bought it in the end lol
It didn’t even make the top 100 selling games in Europe in its first month, and apparently it wasn’t even in the top 20 most played games on Xbox despite being on gamepass.
I imagine this is one of the moments that really pushed Xbox execs towards the 3rd party publisher route. The game was likely reasonably expensive to make and was received well yet it just disappeared into the abyss.
I liked Hellblade 2 but nothing more. Visually and technically it was a marvel, the best facial animation I have seen in a game. But in both gameplay and story it felt like a large backwards step compared to the first game, and just as it was ramping up and getting interesting it suddenly ended. Tough to love.
I'm personally not going to be picking this up. A game that's 5 to 7 hours for 70 dollars is just insane to me.
Also, from what I've heard, while the story and graphics are great, the gameplay is not engaging or interesting at all.
@ApostateMage lol, whut? I feel like FF16 is the game I had to press the most buttons on ever in the history of gaming. Like 4 million special moves per boss fight 😂 yes, it's not the most challenging of combat, but it certainly requires input galore to make that screen fill up with particle effects 😛
Certainly an interesting decision to make something like this a big tentpole release. Have to imagine that GamePass devoured most of the buys.
With that being typed, I'd still give it a try if it comes to PS5. Just sold my Series X because I haven't touched it in over a month.
It's a 5 to 6 hour walking simulator. I'd say that's a big part of the reason why its sales were cooked.
@Brawl4002 If it plays anything like the first game, then I've played tech demos with more engaging gameplay.
As other have said it felt like a glorified tech demo and it really shows that they didn’t know how to come up with a sequel but they did it anyway.
Meh playstation only gamers not really missing anything.
You could watch a YouTube play through and get pretty much the same experience. There's very little gameplay
Fine for GP, Would be hurt if I paid more than 10 quid for it though
@JustCameHereToSay Yeah its why its 30fps in the first place. They put everything into those visuals at the cost of everything else.
They sure did. Unlike majority I feel like they should ship their games to PS with normal price tags and have their game pass have it on day one.
However I also hope they are not going to stop with hardware and maybe transition slightly more into cheap gaming pcs if actual console market isn't doing it for them, so Sony can't start slacking and start punishing player base.
Maybe do cheap gaming pcs that you can upgrade with modules, like nothing phones do? Give it a bit more freedom to be utilized as an actual pc?
In other words, I also wish Sony would benefit from wider player base and release their online games or even some less known games on team green too. There is no reason why Helldivers 2 can't be enjoyed if someone only has Xbox and doesn't have pc that is capable running it.
@Ravix It's just my pathetic attempt at trolling.
Love your Santa Henry.
@ApostateMage Jesus Christ Be Praised 🫡
Has KCD2 won most anticipated game yet? 😁
HARD pass for me
I really wish Xbox was more competitive and had some great exclusive titles. By the way the industry is going PS6/7 having no exclusive games is very believable.
Absolutely hated the first one, I have never been so bored playing a video game. I saw that 2 is more of the same but prettier, that said I want it to come for the people that liked the first one and only game on PlayStation.
"Has the time". Lol
It's more if they want the money or want to outright close the studio.
"Senu-oh no"
Someone's hit the Christmas sherry early at Push Square towers
I think a overall lack of marketing hurt this game much more than anything else. We also have to look at the selling price of the new one vs the first game which was almost double the price for the same length of game. Even worse, it didn't review as well with gameplay and narrative both being criticised by many people.
The combat was a surprising step back. With Senua only fighting one enemy at a time now and the controls were simplistic. For all the nonsense people throw at GOW or TLOU those games have a lot of walking and talking bits but they also have some of the most polished combat systems in modern games.
I hope their next game is more gameplay focused. Their DMC game was very good.
I loved the first one and was super bummed that the sequel was going to be Xbox exclusive so I'd love to see a port.
I know it seems the general consensus is that the original was better but still. I'd like to judge it for myself. Wouldn't be the first time I loved a Ninja Theory game that most seemed to dislike.
Well the first game came out on Playstation first so what did they expect?
Just get Nixxes to do it.
Oh wait.
I probably would have bought it at launch on PS5. I really loved the first game. It’s one of those games that you can think back on years later and remember how it made you feel. Those games are rare.
Alas, according to the comments here, this sequel apparently doesn’t capture that same magic and so now I feel less enthused to try it. Will probably still bite if it comes over the PS5 at a discount. Or on PS+
hellblade 2 was a bust sales wise for xbox and was quickly forgotten.
Why do people come to a comment section just to be negative about a game? I Just don't understand this quirk of humanity. I can guarantee you that the people that do this don't ever clcik on a comments section to be positive. Get a life folks.
Is this means that Xbox playerbase never that interested for games like Hellblade?
But say next year MS decided to port this game for PS5, i personally don't think it will sell well especially with how stack 2025 lineup.
The first game was a very immersive experience, and I would say a definite-play game... with the caveat that it was both short and the combat was kinda annoying, simple and repetitive after a while. It really is a memorable experience. However, I think I was satisfied by the end of it, so I'm not sure how well it will sell (especially after a very luke warm reception on Xbox)
Ps5 has a custom engine for sounds this would've been amazing to play on it such a shame
The first 1 held my attention and was a decent play, albeit it very slow. I could not stay interested in 2. It just seemed tedious. I tried to stick it out but gave up after only a few chapters.
I know it didn't live up to expectations sales wise, but realizing they made a mistake shouldn't keep them from porting it to the PS5. I'd still gladly play it even though there's obviously mixed feelings about it amongst players.
It (along with Fable) is the only game that makes me wish I had an xbox or a good enough PC.
i played this game for almost 15 minutes and literally, i was just walking and watching cutscenes.
a snorefest.
this will be a big no for me on ps5, but i'm waiting for avowed or fable (and gears, obviously).
To make up to us give us a physical release a LRG just for preservation of the game.
Bravo MS. You are captain obvious. Of course , it is a mistake. A BIG one. I was still with impression it was not released since I heard nothing. If that was on PS5 ... ohhh there would be lots of noise....and money. But noooo, Game pass hahahahahahah
Loved the first one and was quite sad when it skipped PS5
Well, Sony was right all along, Gamepass and wanting to make a profit doesn't work, and now that Microsoft want Xbox to make money all those big 3rd party games that used to appear on Gamepass have dried up.
The first game was one of the worst things I've ever played why anybody give it so much praise I will do not know the combat was basic and boring you're basically just running down a corridor with pretty visuals just tapping a button every now and again thank god it was a short game because it was a slog trying to get to the end
What genre do Xbox players like? I have a pretty clear idea for Nintendo and Sony, but I'm not sure what the Xbox audience actually enjoys, except for Forza and Halo.
@Jay767 Xbox console* isn't long for this world imo, but the xbox brand isn't going anywhere
I wouldn't mind playing this beaut of a game!
It was ok. Didn't leave an impact as much as the first one unfortunately. I don't think this one will be as well remembered.
In other news, the sky is blue.
Nothing but an interactive tech demo and a boring one at that.
I’m interested in giving the second one a try. That said, I tried running the first one through my external hard drive on the PS5 and started out with a warning saying that running this game through the PS5 may cause problems…and that’s exactly what happened…it glitched out after about a half hour. Does anyone know if it got patched to fix the glitchy problems? Maybe I just need to go back and try it again and it could work? Or, I suppose I could always just run the game through the PS4, but my PS4 is so old and laggy now…seems to take forever to start things up and get ‘em going—and it’s not just because it’s a PS4. I need to defrag it or something.
Anyway, I did enjoy what I played of the first one and I’d like to see more of the first and, of course, the second. Bring it to PS5, Microsoft! I dare ya!
@Medic_alert I hated it , convoluted nonsense , looks impressive but absolutely no game, put it on for my mate , he plays games but not really a gamer , more of a drinker 😂 , his words "what a load of boring shi*te" i agreed and put tekken 8 back on.
@EquiinoxGII the first one was tied to a mental health charity and raised plenty of money for it, was a good thing they did , it only got the publicity because of this , the second one people didn't care as much, and realised it looks great but they just forgot to add a game.
It’s got to be the most stunning game I’ve ever seen, but it’s barely a game. Was so bored, I couldn’t even bring myself to finish it. The first one was a much better “game”’.
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