Ubisoft has today revealed it has delayed Assassin's Creed Shadows a second time for all platforms, with a launch date now set for 20th March 2025. In a social media statement, it's said the reason for the delay is that "a few additional weeks" of development will ensure an "even more ambitious and engaging day-one experience".
Assassin's Creed Shadows was originally announced as a 2024 release, but was then delayed to late February 2025 so Ubisoft could put into effect its learnings from the launch of Star Wars Outlaws and further polish the open worlder. Now, it's been pushed back another month so "valuable feedback" can be implemented. According to Jason Schreier of Bloomberg, Ubisoft's search for a potential sale of the company is also a factor.
On this point, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot said: "We have taken decisive steps to reshape the Group in order to deliver best-in-class player experiences, enhance operational efficiency and maximize value creation. We also recently appointed leading advisors and are actively exploring various strategic and capitalistic options to unlock the full value potential of our assets. We are convinced that there are several potential paths to generate value from Ubisoft’s assets and franchises."
Assassin's Creed Shadows now releases for PS5 on 20th March 2025, with little in the way of competition surrounding it — especially compared to February. It was originally competing for attention with Monster Hunter Wilds, which remains set for 28th February 2025.
"We remain committed to delivering a high-quality, immersive experience — fostered by ongoing dialogue between our players and development teams," said Marc-Alexis Cote, representing all the studios working on Assassin's Creed Shadows. What's your reaction to the latest Assassin's Creed Shadows delay? Share your reaction in the comments below.
[source x.com]
Comments 92
Honestly, looking at that release schedule in February, this is probably a good thing for everyone involved.
This is welcome news to me as I have Star wars Outlaws to start and Sniper Elite preordered!
All those who predicted this would happen months ago due to Monster Hunter Wilds can sit back smugly in their “told you so” armchair and stroke their hairless cat
Ubi just can’t have a break from bad news…
@ShogunRok Yep, March is practically a wasteland so this makes sense. Who wants to place bets that there'll still be a hefty day one patch though.
Personally, disappointed because I'm actually really excited for Shadows, but am more than happy to wait another month to make sure they really nail it.
Yeah sure, definitely has nothing to do with it being sandwiched between kingdom come 2 and mh wilds.Keep polishing that turd,but at the end of the day it will still be a turd.
Rather a delay to maybe have a better experience, wasn't planning on getting day 1 anyway.
@Vovander not bad news though, February is an insanely stacked month; and it just ensures the experience is polished to a higher extent, this is only a good thing for both Ubisoft, the devs and the customers.
It just gets worse. This really needs to be a hit, and it does look great. If the rumours are true about Desmond being in the Animus Hub thing then they could possibly strike gold again.
@nessisonett bit of an overreaction with the opening line there, the delay screams of moving the date to simply avoid the busy month, especially given this is a heavily important moment for Ubisoft sales wise, this needs a clear schedule.
Considering how stacked February is launching in march AND an extra month's polish is a good thing imo
Ubisoft has been on a roll lately.
And when I say “on a roll” I mean rolling down a very steep hill.
@DonJorginho shareholders will probably think otherwise) Expect the share price to tank mightily tomorrow, like it did when the first delay was announced.
In the long term, depends on how they use it and how the game turns out.
Damn, game must be in a rough state for 2 delays in a row, but at least I’m gonna play Avowed and MH Wilds first.
@Vovander shareholders won’t care if the game sells anywhere close to Valhalla (which it likely will)
Lots of overreactions here, we love to see it!
Personally the delay is a smart move, the game is looking better with every new look, ride the momentum into a month that isn’t stacked with MH Wilds and Avowed.
I'm fine as it gives me more time to focus on either Trails or Yakuza in February. I'm personally feeling pretty confident this game is going to be really good when it comes out so by all means, take your time and make it great.
A lot is riding on this release so I'm happy to see Ubisoft being careful with it. Looking forward to March!
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@Thatguyoverthere You reckon Kingdom Come is bigger than AC?
Like it or not, AC prints money for Ubisoft.
A last minute delay gives me vibes that this game must be in a rough state.
@DonJorginho people are properly hungry for it to fail. Every AC sells over 10million, especially the later ones that "no one likes"
I'm personally glad it's delayed for selfish reasons, in that KCDII is far more important to me. But AC Shadows is still a game that I'm really looking forward to, and f*** what "everyone else" thinks about that haha.
@Ravix I’m in the same boat, glad it’s been delayed as have time to play MHW, Avowed and indeed KCDII!
But yeah even Mirage sold like 5-7m copies, this series prints money, Ubisoft are simply ensuring it’s in a perfect position to make the most money possible, more eyes on it, means more marketing etc.
Scared of Wilds later in month but also it was releasing the same day as Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. Nonethless still of no interest to me with 5 games of note in march alone for me
@DonJorginho The game’s been delayed several times now, that just isn’t a good look.
@DonJorginho being one of them, I do hope you will be proven right😉
Rename the game The Sunk Cost Fallacy and fix your toxic work enviroments. kthanks
Never cared much for AC either way, but one of them would break the camel's back.
Ubisoft is on a vanishing act and i can't say i'll miss them at all. Their games have felt terrible for the past 10-15 years.
@BusyOlf now now, don't get bitter.
Totally agree release a top quality AAA game or don’t bother at all.
Would be funny if the Switch 2 releases the same date now.
@Thatguyoverthere I mean, it's been sandwiches between them for a while now so why would they wait til now?
@nessisonett twice?
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Yes it does but currently they need all the money not just some money.They have to make up for the disappointing sales their last games had.And even if it sells good it's not great because it's not enough for them.If KC 2 sells 1 million it will be a success because the studio is small,shadows needs to sell at least 10 Million to be a succes and make up for their past mistakes but due to their recent controversy regarding the game I doubt it will reach that milestone when players have better stuff to play.
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The usual internet ubi hate bandwagon exists here as well i see...yawn.
Weird how people here seem to consider delays a bad thing. I bet if Sony delayed Ghosts, everyone would be praising them for taking their time.
Delays are generally a good thing. It might throw marketing for a loop, and is usually indicative of out-of-touch money men. But it always means that at-release product is going to be better for the consumer — and sometimes that developers don't have to work 7 day weeks.
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@meistergeister just enjoy something, it can't be fun saying this over and over again.
@Carck they do seem to be creatively bankrupt for the most part but PoP lost crown was one of my games of the year last year. I know it's the way of the internet but maybe don't tar everything with the same brush.
I'm sure it'll be another mid errand simulator like all of Ubisoft's open world games have been lately. Fun if you like to check of chores on a map.
The budget for this one is not going to be reclaimed in sales. It'll sell, obviously, but my guess it'll be way under the target. Better get making deals with the subscription services! I wonder why people aren't looking fondly on it 🤔
Such a good time to be a Kingdom Come fan.
KCD2 was originally gonna release in 2024 but they delayed it (one reason being cus they didn't wanna compete with AC Shadows) to February. and then AC Shadows was delayed to february aswell and now AC Shadows has been delayed AGAIN to March while KCD2 release date was moved up from Feb 11th to 4th. Absolute cinema.
Glad this is in March as Feb is stacked for me. I will be picking up Ambulance Life and Trails Through Daybreak 2 alongside the big hitters.
Why not delay it until 2029? Just imagine the day one experience we’ll have.
I'm all for this delay, I'm looking forward to Shadows and more time to flesh out bugs ect is only a good thing. I hope this game does really well for UBI.
@DonJorginho I'm looking forwards to it personally. I'd rather them delay it and release a better game than just rush it out and patch the arse end out of it.
Smells like skull and bones all over again. Don’t get me wrong I was intrigued at least but another delay? They don’t want to compete with other February games, I get it, but Ubisoft has done this with every single release. They aren’t confident. Neither am i.
@Northern_munkey exactly chap, I’m never gonna be angry over devs taking their time.
@Llamageddon while true, Ubisoft shut down that developer. Because a good game isn’t of interest to them if they can’t monetize the hell out of it.
@Coffeeglitch I don’t know.. the gameplay snippets being shared in recent weeks are looking FAR better.
@RoomWithaMoose I agree in most circumstances, but Ubisoft has had a track record for many many delays and very marginal difference in regards to polish. That’s where my cynicism comes from, this is a company that really doesn’t want to be around big releases. Outlaws was this way, Skull and Bones was and even Mirage was. It’s a red flag with ubisoft, though recent footage does look much better
@DonJorginho they do for sure. I just am reluctant to suddenly shift to optimism given their track record. I was going to grab it day one but now I’m not so sure. October was pretty busy and they delayed it out of that, February is too and they’ve delayed it again. March is empty for now but if Nintendo goes and announces the switch 2 for that month or April, well…here’s hoping they don’t delay it again.
Will this game ever come out? It’s been such a rocky development, I honestly do want to see this game succeed beyond all expectations.
Pee pee pants city at the guillemot residence , tencent buyout imminent, who wants to buy a game with the same floaty garbage combat as valhalla? Ubisoft should pay me to play this like they'll be paying all the reviewer's and shill YouTubers who probably haven't brought a game in years to claim it's great and cajole all the children into buying it.
@Coffeeglitch It's also true that everyone on these sites cry out for AA games only to not buy them. We wonder why we keep getting sequels and remakes.
@LavenderShroud me too! Once upon a time I was a massive Ubisoft fan and didn’t mind a lot of open world stuff. I just haven’t been impressed by the recycled and hyper monetized structure they’ve been going for the last few years
@Llamageddon I prefer indie (AA) games most days and will always go for them if they pique my interest. My problem is that a lot of recent games just chase trends instead of doing anything unique or interesting. Nine Sols, Wayfinder (despite its rocky development), Lies of P, Stellar Blade, Hades ll, etc are all amazing because they take existing formulas and make something new and creative.
Ubisoft sadly doesn’t like to do much new, a fresh coat of paint on the same thing is why they’ve been struggling. It s a sad situation because they used to be a company that no one wanted to compete with, now they’re the company that doesn’t want to compete against others.
I totally agree with your points, I'm much more an indie gamer myself. I agree AAA Ubisoft has become a bit of a copy paste machine, but lost crown was unexpected and a great metroidvania in my opinion.
Personally I hope Ubisoft pull it out the bag because I could never hope for failure knowing people's livelihoods are on the line.
2025 is looking like an exceptional year for gaming for all tastes from indie through to AAA, the issue will be finding the time and money.
Hope you have a great 2025
This just keeps turning more and more into a ****show.
Thats fine by me February is stacked with a lot of games.word up son
Good because Feb was already packed what with Monster Hunter, Kingdom Come and Tomb Raider.
Imagine how bad it must have been for the original release date.
I hope this AC is good, but the last few have been trash.
@JustinTimberlake Valhalla is one of the best selling entries so clearly the majority don't share your opinion.
@Llamageddon the studio that made PoP has been shut down by Ubisoft. So keeping Ubisoft around in the off chance they publish a good game every 10 years isn't even a good option, since they'll just shut it down it seems.
And don't feel too bad about any livelyhoods, the good developers will find better jobs at different companies. Hopefully to make better games!
The only people crying rn at Ubisoft are the shareholders and board administrators that are pushing these terrible games and shutting down the studios that make the good stuff
Ah that’s a bit annoying. Really looking forward to this game. Comfort food at its finest.
I’m sure the comments in this section will be as constructive as usual due to the “cool to hate Ubisoft” movement going on right now.
@Thatguyoverthere yaaaaaaawwwwwn
Just as soon as I was starting to think that I might buy it again too. I dunno, man… I’m sort of in a weird place where I don’t really have anything of interest for me the first couple months of the year, and I was contemplating getting Shadows since it’ll likely be a nice fat filler game that’ll keep me occupied til something more my taste releases, but now… jeez, by the time it’s out we might actually be close to a release date for Yotei or MGS Delta or DS2 or… maybe even Judas and GTA6 if I’m being delusional, so that window may have passed. I mean, Split Fiction may be my March purchase instead.
@KillerBoy still here commenting though
At this point, Ubisoft is going to be bought pretty soon. It is just worth over 1 billion. It does own a lot of well known IPs. Sony should consider to buy it but the problem is it's bloated employee size.
March sounds like a wise decision, although personally I would much rather play Atomfall or First Berserker Khazan.
I read the article, then came to the comments to post what I thought would be an “unpopular” opinion that delays are a good thing these days in a world where big games get pushed out early and half-baked and polished months or even years after release. I’m very glad to see that most of you on actually on the same page and realize it’s better to wait for a more refined game. We’ve got plenty to play anyway. Happy gaming!
Too bad, as this kinda was the only game I had been looking forward to since Silent Hill 2. None of the big releases in February excite me, except maybe Lost Records. Most of the games I’d be interested in still don’t have a release date to this day, probably because of GTA VI...
Nothing can save this game.
I also saw today they re-instituted their pricing structure that Outlaws originally had. Ultimate edition is $129.00 USD to get the full game. I'm not supporting this greed anymore, I don't care how good the game is. Would rather play Ghosts of Tsushima or Rise of the Ronin instead anyway. At least they did their homework on Japanese history.
I was really hoping the game would release next month, if only to finally put a stop to all of the "drama and attention" seekers around the social media.
Can't wait for launch day and all the useless whining about this game to be over.
@Steeleye50 Get 1 month of Ubisoft+ Premium for 18$ and play the game on launch day (usually in this version they include all the digital content found in the Premium edition of the game, so you'll miss nothing)...
And if you want to buy it, get the full game + DLC's after about 2-3 years, for about the same 15-20$ price.
"This is the way!" to work around Ubisoft's greed and still enjoy one of their games at launch.
GTA VI to shadow drop on Mar 19.
Controversy aside, this is probably the game I’m most looking forward to. We wait such a long time for games these days, another month isn’t going to kill me.
Personally I thought outlaws was superb so I’m a little more hopeful shadows will also be decent.
Works for me. It's less crowded a month later. Also, with roughly two months to go, it's not like I can't fill up the extra time with something from my backlog.
@Carck you make fair points but to say they are 'terrible' games is disingenuous. The AC origins, oddysey and Valhalla all have a critical score in the 80's with mirage just below. So they may not be to your tastes but are you suggesting the vast majority of critics are wrong and you are right?
Your opinion is perfectly valid but it certainly isn't fact. They're not masterpieces but I know plenty of people who enjoyed them.
Lastly you might be right about the devs finding better jobs but it must still be disheartening to have people dumping on their hard work constantly.
@Thatguyoverthere KC2 needing less sales to be a success for the devs/publishers is here nor there in this conversation. The conversation is about how many sales of KC2 will directly impact sales of AC Shadows?
Seeing as KC2 is ultimately a niche, hardcore RPG and and AC is one of the biggest franchises in gaming for over the last decade-and-a-half (with the sort of brand recognition that you can't even buy), the answer is "not a lot".
That sure is a bunch of LinkedIn words
@Shinnok789 thanks that is a great point. I did consider that but I hate streaming. I have fast internet at my house (I work from home), but for some reason game streaming is hit and miss for me. That's ok. I bought several games on the PS sale in December so I have plenty to keep me busy for months. Besides, I've played almost all the AC games and I'm pretty burned out on them, considering they just use the same formula over and over as well as the same pointless fetch quests. That's why I didn't care much for Outlaws either. Take care!
@Steeleye50 No problem. However, Ubisoft+ doesn't stream, you download the whole game on your device and play it. As usual, you just have to be online while playing, and that's about it.
It's exactly like the games from PS+ Essential or from Game Pass (didn't try Ubisoft+ on my PS5, but I used it on PC 2-3 times, for other games).
And since you already have a good internet connection, downloading the game will also be easy.
@DonJorginho Mirage is the best game they've made in years
Why does Ubisoft hates Japan this much?
They are releasing the game in same date the Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack turns 30.
2022-23 fiscal year, the company generated about 1 billion euros in net bookings via the sales of digital items, DLC, seasonal passes, subscriptions, and advertising.
Ubisoft now holds the cloud streaming rights for Call of Duty and all other Activision Blizzard titles releasing over the next 15 years.
Assassin's Creed.
Best-selling Ubisoft gaming franchise based on lifetime unit sales.
They're terrified. This is a make-or-break release for Ubisoft.
@torquex I guess it'll be a boost for their sub service but fall short on sales then. Initially, anyway.
@Shinnok789 thanks for the info. Going to take a wait and see approach, but really kind of burned out on AC. Take care!
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