Lead developers at Square Enix have revealed that the story for the third and final part of the Final Fantasy VII Remake project is now complete, and production of the game is on schedule. Speaking to Famitsu (via Eurogamer), the director Naoki Hamaguchi said that development is going "very well" and progress is going as planned "without any delay".
Turning to producer Yoshinori Kitase, it is explained that finishing off the remake project was given to Tetsuya Nomura as "homework" while "respecting the original and providing a sense of satisfaction that wasn't felt in the original". Kitase continues: "That was finally completed at the end of the year, and the scenario for the third instalment was completed there."
Kitase then adds that he's "very satisfied" with the story for the final part and he's "sure the fans will be satisfied with the final chapter".
Square Enix previously said it hopes to stick to a similar cadence in terms of how long it takes to develop the final part of Final Fantasy VII Remake. If it manages to — and is currently on schedule to per Hamaguchi's comments — then the third game could release in or around 2027 or 2028. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth dropped its PS5 exclusively today with a PC port.
[source famitsu.com, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 43
I'm so hyped for this game. Rebirth was my favorite game of 2024, easily.
Hopefully it comes out in 2027, but I'm guessing it's more realistic to expect it around 2028.
Easily my most anticipated PS6 game!
I think we're definitely seeing it in 2027, heck go ahead and release it January 31st. 30th anniversary, and they typically like to release these early in the year.
@AlexPorto agreed on both fronts.
I don't just want it. I need it.
I'm hoping part 3 is still coming to PS5 first because I don't trust Square Enix to properly optimize it for multiple platforms.
Really hope they streamline it a bit more. Let's have a lean, mean sprint to the finish line. I really liked Rebirth but man, did it suffer from excessive bloat!
Also I'm really not jelling with the story this time round; I think it's time Nomura took a long vacation and stay far away from FF in future haha.
I wonder what unexpected turns this will take. I love the creative freedoms Nomura took, rather than abiding to fanboyism. Also, bring on the mini games, they were great!
Like others are saying, this is my most hyped game!
@AdamNovice I think SE have learned their lession with Rebirth only being on PS5 (which was a really silly move on their part)
If only they would write off Chadley, but we gotta get develop new materia (and yes, I’m using his voice). In all seriousness, this finale is going to be epic. I’m really curious about playable characters this go around. Surely Cid and Vincent will be active, and I’ll be most curious how they handle Vince’s combat style.
@JB_Whiting Nomura wasn't the one who wrote the story / scenario but it's Kazushige Nojima. Nomura actually doesn't want to change remake story but Kitase as the producer says otherwise.
I have never played any FF title so I‘m super confused: Why does a remake of FF7 needs 3 parts?! What‘s this Intergrade, Remake, Rebirth stuff? I don‘t get it. Is this a massive cash grab, one old game remaked into three titles or what?
I will simply say that after the story of Rebirth, Kitase having confidence in what they've written doesn't give me any. I may pick it up for other reasons still, but for all of the extra plot macguffins, rugpulls, and attempts at plot-twists, the changes to the plot in Rebirth were a hot mess of wasted potential.
Im going to guess that the title will be Final Fantasy 7: Reunion
@PuppetMaster Ohhh my bad thanks. Shows you how little I know of who does what lol.
Can we asset flip a faithful remake when this is all over? That way everyone wins
There start to be chaos in that... I thought that Rebirth, or what, is the last part.
Anyway it is not worth buying until whole trilogy is in one box.
@Oram77 well we know se and Sony have a contract in place for ff7 as we know those terms have not changed so it probably be on ps first
The mind numbing ending of Rebirth was the nail in the coffin in terms of my anticipation for the third game. It was so poorly written, tone deaf and over the top that I've no hope that they can salvage the narrative arc in the finale.
@AdamNovice I'm certain it will as Playstation have a contract with them for the trilogy. If the games were coming to xbox it would have been announced by now, especially the first game.
@Cerny FF7 remake is in 3 parts to massively expand on the original. Remake is part 1 and Rebirth is part 2. Intergrade is just the ps5 upgrade for the first part because it was originally only on the PS4. Both parts are massive games and have proper endings to them.
@UltimateOtaku91 Well there is an Xbox direct today I'm pretty sure so it might
@Slayer25c No I meant, FF7 remake was on PS4 and PS5 while Rebirth was only on PS5, which surely cut their sales by half.
@Nepp67 Maybe but isn't it meant to be a "new" game from a legendary Japanese series. I think maybe Playstations contract is to exclude Xbox until a certain period of time after the trilogy is complete, but nothing is stopping it coming to the Switch 2 which I think might happen this year.
I think the end of this was written in 1997. 😂
@rjejr It was but Square want to make multiverse fan fic instead
Cannot wait for this!
And it's gonna sell even less than the second one.
I absolutely cannot wait. I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up being the best in a truly remarkable trilogy too. Can’t believe how much better Rebirth was over Remake and I thought Remake was a 10.
@Mattock1987 they already used Reunion for the Crisis Core remaster
Wish I could say I'm excited for part three, but Rebirth really kind of killed my anticipation for it. I didn't hate the game at all, but I sure didn't love it either.
Rebirth killed my hype a bit. I was originally pretty excited, now I'm just waiting for it to be over. Don't get me wrong, Rebirth was pretty good, enjoyable for the most part. But I'm not really expecting any crazy changes. They would like us to think it'll be different, but as Barret would say, "There ain't no getting off of this train we on." They've just re-routed us on a different, and longer, train to get to the same destination.
I've played every FF game from the beginning to now, and even though these remakes have nice graphics etc, it's taken away what made the original FF7 great, the story is daft, the final battle of the last one didn't make sense, and I don't even recall fighting a weapon yet. The main bugbear is regardless of what you had from completing the previous game, it doesn't carry over, you get a random summon for having a previous save file, it sucks. That kid with the VR is the equivalent of the annoying kid from Lightning Returns, and they should have not included him to begin with, and let us just do those battles at the Gold Saucer. For the final game it would be nice if you were given 2 options to play, 1 the original story... Or 2, the new version that is obviously going to somehow have Aeris there for the final battle. And I'd do both, but favouring the original storyline. If Aeris doesn't die, then what does Aeris and Cloud end up hooking up? I hope not. To me the original story was so much better than all the remakes they have brought out so far. If they don't include KOTR, Counter, Mime, and Phoenix as materia in the final version, I'm going to be disappointed.
Considering Rebirth was the best FF and arguably the greatest jrpg of all time, and THAT cliffhanger, they haven’t half put themselves under pressure to keep the momentum going. Fingers crossed they nail it for the third time in a row.
@Lightworker It's not that die hard fans want it to play exactly like the original in terms of plot beats but nearly everything new they've added is either superfluous or in some cases outright bad. Many sections are unnecessarily padded out and characters like Chadley or Roche feel like they've jumped in from a different dimension thematically (Roche utterly sucks)
I hope after the trilogy the team stays together because these have been some of my favorite games in recent memories
Oh look, a FF7R post, half the comments is again full of ff7 'purists' who still don't understand they can just go and replay the original ff7, if they want exactly the original ff7.
I'm hyped for the 3rd installment. Longtime FF player and FF7Remake and Rebirth are both firmly in my top5 FF games.
Probably going to wait for this one to hit PC. Just for the love of all that is Holy, please ultrawide this time. I ain't holding my breath though.
Still a huge mistake to release this in three parts. And let’s hope after this we’ll be done with FF7 for a LONG time.
FF7 Rebirth was my favourite game of 2024.
This is an easy day 1 purchase.
Queen's Blood!
The FFVII remake project isn't for everyone. Particularly the old-school-diehard FFVII fans (like myself) seem divided between loving it for what it is, and hating it for not just being a prettier version of the 1997 game. I'm fortunately in the former category, and I'll be there day 1 to see how it all wraps up.
But I with Rebirth and FFXVI apparently not doing the numbers they hoped (it's Square-Enix so I take that with a grain of salt), I wish they would allocate a bit more money to less grandiose projects like a third Octopath Traveler before taking on a new large project where every single frame looks like it cost more than my monthly wage.
@Keyblade-Dan " multiverse fan fic"
You're not wrong.
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