Ninja Gaiden 4 was the super secret game reveal at the latest Xbox Developer Direct, and it's been confirmed for a PS5 release in fall / autumn 2025. It'll be here before you know it!
Interestingly, this long-awaited sequel is being developed by both Team Ninja of Koei Tecmo, and PlatinumGames — of Bayonetta and NieR: Automata fame. That's some serious action game pedigree right there.

Have you been waiting on the return of Ninja Gaiden? What are your first impressions of Ninja Gaiden 4? Show us your skills with a blade in the comments section below.
Comments 91
Phew, I was a bit worried this was an Xbox exclusive, had to keep checking this site hoping it would pop up as coming to PS5. Looks fun as hell!
Surprised they mentioned the PS5 version during the show.
Action hack-and-slash games in 2025 just got even more interesting.🔥🔥🔥
PEAK has returned
Looks sick, fun that the series is back is more than retro
You had my curiosity. Now you have my attention
Oh. My. God.
Two titans teaming up. This could very well be their DMCV; total vindication and penance for Ninja Gaiden 3!
Took a while but here it is. By platinum too!
I wonder if the Ninja Gaiden 2 game that shadow dropped today will be made available for ps5?
@JaBrony123 Even being published by Xbox Studios but obviously exclusivity isn’t their end game now. Will be on GamePass day one though!
See, now just a few days ago I said Phantom Blade 0's combat looked weightless and not 1:1 with inputs. Ninja Gaiden 4's looks weighty and responsive, by comparison.
The animations making moments of contact clear. The hitstun on enemies (though PB0's footage was seemingly of a boss, so maybe that'll be different with normal enemies). The wind-ups having impactful payoffs. Even screen filling SFX.
A lot of the stuff I thought PB0 was ostensibly lacking is right here in full force.
Very, very excited for this!
YESSS!!! This is the most excited I have felt regarding video games in a while! Let's go!!!
With all the canceled games there is no shortage of time to play this.
Really cool to see Ninja Gaiden make a return. Really excited.
Wow! Looks fantastic! NG4 will definitely be one to watch this year.
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What about Ninja Gaiden II Black? Is that coming to PS5? I cannot face setting up the xbox to play it
Holy ****! Both 2d and 3d Ninja Gaidens being developed is incredible.
@Jay767 You know people can like both Xbox and PlayStation right?
It is allowed.
People should try it more and spend less time measuring the size of their plastic box.
More hack and slash like DMC, Im down!
Ninja Gaiden comeback tour!!!
Nice to see Platinum still doing well too!
@code45709 Best thing I could find was an article stating that NG2 black was “coming to consoles” so fingers crossed that means ps5 later today….
@RoomWithaMoose Completely agree. Something about PB0 felt off, just like Wukong. Then along comes this to remind us how the experts of this genre do it and I'm like... yeah, THAT's what's missing.
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@RoomWithaMoose They look about the same in weight, impact, and hitstop animations.
I had a feeling it wasn't exclusive to Xbox. Given how that audience usually reacts to Japanese games, it needs PS5. And, frankly, Switch 2 if it can handle the game.
Ok this is something to get excited for!
GPU day one and Ninja 2 black remaster using unreal 5 shadow drop on GPU today.
As well the other 3 games on GPU day one from the show, this GPU thing starting to look good value for money and probably another 3 big titles to coming for 2025 including COD.
@Airsqueeble thanks appreciate the reply 👍
Not really a fan of Platinum but I love Ninja Gaiden!
I'm hyped to see this series back. Given Platinum's recent track record, this could go bad but I'm happy Koei Tecmo is trying at least one more time and if Platinum does rediscover its magic, this will be one of the best games of the year.
@Airsqueeble It will be.
This looked absolute amazing. What a visual treat, and what looks to go back to harken back to action games of 2008. I can’t wait.
The show as a whole was great, but Ninja Gaiden is obviously a star. I just hope it's more Team Ninja than Platinum.
Hello there fellow gamers.
It´s very cliché, but Ninja Gaidens Fans rejoice, WE ARE SO BACK!!
All I could think about before the Direct was "If is Ninja Gaiden, I´m gonna lose it."
And it was. Not only we´re getting a brand new NG game with Ninja Gaiden 4 but also Ninja Gaiden " Black...... TODAY!!!!
I´m kinda overwhelmed right now.
This was the BEST Xbox Developer_Direct. I´m Beyond Happy!
This year is going to be insane for gaming all around.
Cheers everyone and happy gaming to us all
Look at the light.
It falls just right.
My shadows they please,
Beneath the trees.
But none of these things happen for free.
Yeah, all that you see, rendered by me.
I synthesise and rasterise immaterial things that I fabricate for you.
For you.
Yeah, I tesselate and animate these dancing sprites and sunlit skies for you.
I do it for you.
I’m your GPU.
Tell me what to do, and I’ll do it for you.
You’ve never wondered why,
I catch your eye?
It’s ‘cos you overlook,
All the choices I took.
I spend all of my time,
Deceiving and misleading you.
I like to surprise, with my virtual lies.
I saw on social media that it'll be on PS5.

Can't say I was expecting a proper follow-up to the 3D Ninja Gaiden games (one made by Platinum at that) but goddamn this looks slick as hell. I've been yearning for proper, over-the-top action games to make a comeback (with the last really notable ones of the past while being mainly DMC5 and Hi-Fi Rush) and this looks like its gonna fill that void perfectly.
I'll tell ya man: from having nothing for the last decade or so to getting three brand new titles basically back-to-back-to-back, 2025 has been one hell of a turnaround for Ninja Gaiden 🤩
@Airsqueeble It’s out right now. Ps5 pro support as well. $66.99 Canadian Dollars
@Nepp67 never got the comparison to dmc, dmc is all about juggling enemies in the air for style points ninja isn't like that at all
Thst developer direct wasn't a bad show for us playstation gamers, pretty much everything coming to playstation. Just need a date for South of Midnight now, probably a year after the xbox release.
So happy! Sick of soul likes!
@Airsqueeble Yeah, it's on PS store now.
@Optimus sweet! Thanks! I had checked the store earlier and nothing was up yet. But yep, it’s up now. 49.99 US. Can’t wait to play on pro too!
Looks utterly fantastic
This has absolutely made my day. The Ninja Gaiden series has been one of my favourites ever since the original Xbox.
This and NG Black 2 will be the highlights of the generation for me.
I was a little disappointed, until I saw Ryu. But... the tone and the art direction seem very off to me. Not as maturely grim/ horror as it used to be?
Between this an dynasty warriors origins there going all in on the twinks
That looks amazing im glad ninja gaiden 4 is the game thats shown.its been a long time.word up son
@HonestHick What do the cancelled games have to do with it? 2025 still packed with games.
@Jay767 Dude, he owns both consoles. As do many of us including myself. What is wrong with him posting here? Do not pray to the plastic god.
Removed - trolling/baiting
Bout damn time.
Hell yes! I'm all in on this one.
@Toot1st I just mean there's another hack and slash game. We haven't had them in a while and devs are focusing more and more in being a souls clone.
You know the game is gonna be good if platinum games is involved
Holy camoly!
Finally a new mainline Ninja Gaiden game and it looks fantastic! 🤩
So there's 3 Ninja Gaiden games for this year; NG 4, NG Ragebound, and NG 2 Black. NG fans are eating good this year 😭
But is it just me the new protag Yakumo english voice sounds like Vergil?
Anyway...Character action games got better this year with 3 NG games and Phantom Blade Zero 🤝
Sweet, downloading from the Gamepass…
Btw, NG4 will be there as well in autumn.
im glad this series didn't get forgotten about.
@Jay767 cause we “Xbox” guys also love our PS5 and Switch. It’s clear on the PS5 we have time for new games from anyone making them seeing as Sony has canceled more games than announced lately. Surely we all know PS5 won’t see many more games from a lot of our favorite PS studios when they got Bluepoint of all studio’s trying to make a GOW live service. I am happy to see some good games at today’s Xbox show. Now let’s hope Sony follows with a good state of play.
@LogicStrikesAgain 3rd party games yeah, sadly might not see too many big Sony 1st party. Hoping they have something tho. Kind of tired of seeing cancelled games tho. Took a little wind out of the sail for me at least.
I just realized that many classic IP's are making a comeback either with new game or remaster:
For KT, i hope they don't forget their niche IP like Deception and Rygar cause i would love to see a new game from both series. And with NG 4 announcement, i got the feeling Team Ninja already working on DoA 7. Maybe we gonna see the reveal at EVO Japan / US.
@HonestHick A quick reminder for you because it seems like you've jumped on this cancellation train to try and suggest Microsoft are keeping Sony in games.
Excellent games you couldn't play on an Xbox in the last 12 months - FF7 Rebirth, Stellar Blade, Rise of the Ronin, Granblue Fantasy Relink, Pacific Drive, Silent Hill 2, Black Myth Wukong, Helldivers 2, Astrobot etc.
Three of those were shortlisted for game of the year and a Sony first party game won it, but I'm sure PlayStation gamers are incredibly thankful that Microsoft has been providing them with things to play.
Love both devs of the game, can’t wait for this!
Nice, xbox ninja gaiden 1 is too hard for me but with platinum games co-developing it maybe the gameplay and difficulty will become more like bayonetta 2 and nier automata, can't wait 😃
@Intr1n5ic i have no disagreement with anything you listed there. ONLY that 30% of what you listed one being a GOY title didn’t crack 2 million in sales!!! Great games and I LOVED Astro Bot. But for a platform that claims they “buy” games, how did a game of the year sell 1.5, rise of the Ronin sold like a tuna fish and 2 year old spoiled mayonnaise sandwich. Stellar Blade for all its T & A sold like trash. I mean look i get your point, we have gone rounds on here in the past, but if you are looking at those games with 9 cancelled games as a success for the most popular brand in the world of video games, then you lowered your standards and i think even you would admit that. As for GOY, 2024 was a weak year but i will take nothing away from those games, the sales yes. Art form no i won’t slander that. But as for PS gamers being thankful for MS games to play that i find odd as the most successful selling game of that first 4 was a Xbox One game that was called Trash on here 2 million times. Don’t get me started on halo sucks and now MCC and infinite on PS5 would be SO WELCOMED. For a brand that made a living on the internet bashing other platforms titles and praising theirs to go to when is this or that MS game coming to our platform and watching 9 cancelled games. Can you give me a break here buddy? Please and thank you!
Finally! Glad to have Ninja Gaiden back.
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If sales numbers are the only thing you care about then you’re going to be really disappointed when you find out that a game being published by Xbox is basically a death sentence.
Steam sales estimates from PlayTracker:
Ara: History retold - 29.2k
Forza Motorsport - 103.3k
Microsoft Flight Sim 2024 - 63.6k
Hellblade 2 - 119.8k
Indiana Jones - 261.5k
Bear in mind that on PC there is only around 7M GamePass subscribers and Steam has around 150m monthly users. On Xbox some of these games potentially might have done better but GamePass is much much more prevalent on Xbox.
It’s estimated that Rise of the Ronin sold 1M+ copies at launch(KOEI Tecmo announced it was their fastest selling game after 1 quarter, better than both Nioh games). That’s significantly better than games like Hellblade 2.
@HonestHick Death Stranding and Wolverine coming, plus all the XGS games too 😎
@HonestHick while there certainly hasn’t been a shortage of games on PS5 (I can’t even keep up) I would love a first party banger sometime soon. Seems like Ghost of Yotei in less than a year and then Intergalactic I predict in 2026. Wolverine in 2027?
@HonestHick You highlight a big issue. Single player games cannot get people off their live service dopamine drips. I heard an interesting stat recently that said more people are playing old games than ever.
@Intr1n5ic What does sales have to do with quality? Is that what you're hanging on to dismiss their worth?
I;ve been asking myself and others online this very question. But when i ask questions or try and make points about the industry on Sony lead sites i have to use their metrics, i have to mention sales cause thats all that get thrown back in my face.
@IamJT i think older games are doing well cause retro is always a cool thing. However the top played games on consoles are largely the same month in and month out. COD, Minecraft, Fortnite etc etc.
@NattyKing Not sure when Wolverine is coming, that could be 2026. I am not a huge marvel fan, but Wolverine was my favorite x men when i was younger so maybe i will give that one a try.
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Removed - flaming/arguing
@HonestHick I've replied to you many times on various comments. I don't believe you're calling Sony out here. I think you saw an opportunity with the unfortunate cancellation of several games to let everyone know how great you think Microsoft are doing. In your own words, imagine if Microsoft weren't bringing games to PlayStation, it would be a little dry over there. I simply chose to provide you with a list that negates that statement.
@HonestHick Yeah hopefully it's good. Also don't forget Ghost of Yotei and Marathon.
@Intr1n5ic thats mostly true. However i don’t think MS is doing great per se. Certainly not on the hardware side at least. However on the software side MS does seem to have it going now. Hence every week there is articles on here getting excited about those games maybe being port over. I mean last June MS had a great software showing and this month that was excellent, and they will have even more of the roadmap of games to show this June. What has the month looked like from Sony, 3 canceled games, very very questionable decision to ask Bluepoint to make a live service GOW. Who wants that? While MS is showing games gamers want. I mean at the end of the day gamers want games right? Sure Sony had a few titles that they paid for that didn’t interest me, which is fine. But they sold like a can of trash. So excuse me that i took a shot at the people on here that claim PS gamers buy games. Well you could have fooled me with the numbers those games did. NOW had those games not been tied to a PS deal. They would have seen more money from PC, Xbox and PS all combined. Square Enix got the memo. It’s ok to take a shot at dumb stuff, i do it to Xbox all the time, they are the king of making dumb decisions normally. Now you be a good gamer and buy those remasters and remakes so you can get new single player games. Cause that too was told to us this month. I mean come on man that is not a good look for them. Seeing as the PS4 ran smooth as butter all last gen. You think i need 4 games from yesterdays MS event to knock the idiotic choices at PS right now? I thought you knew me better.
@HonestHick Which game from the list I provided was a remaster or remake from Sony, and which of those two does their first party 2024 game off the year fall in to?
It's comments like this that get called out by people. What was the figure Microsoft spent to put their label on "games gamers want"?
certainly a surprise, but why does this look like a budget game and not the big blockbuster that it deserved to be? environments look bland and barren. this doesn't seem like the type of game that should have been outsourced to platinum in my opinion and deserved the time and care of a proper AAA release. looks fine and all, but not mindblowing like some people are making it out to be. funny enough, at the moment, i'm looking forward to seeing more of ninja gaiden ragebound over this one.
@Intr1n5ic which game from the list I provided was a remaster or remake from Sony, None, i never said they were. I said in an interview with a Ex PS leader he said we should buy remasters and remakes if we want new games. Thats not a comment to the list you gave.
I don’t get called out by people cause i said Sony paid for some exclusive deals on games that i didn’t want to play to fill out their year cause they had a light 1st party offering. Those games didn’t interest me or i would have bought and played them on my PS5. But i find it odd that PS gamers didn’t buy those games in bigger than 2 million or less in sales. There’s 70 MILLION PS5’s out there. The reason some may call me out is there way of coping with me having an opinion on the industry that don’t aline with theirs. Which is also more than fine. But don’t come on here week after week after week and say PS gamers buy and support games. When a GOTY amazing game couldn’t hit big numbers. I loved Astro Bot and bought it day one digital. I think it’s the best all around use of the PS5 and controller we have seen yet. My opinion of course. As for what MS spent on their games. A huge amount we all know that. But that is allowing them to have these big successful shows , it’s allowing them to not have to chase live service games, they have built and established ip’s that gamers want to play on whatever platform they choose. Right now that is more exciting than hearing canceled, canceled, canceled! I see a lot more complaining on here about Sony’s choices this gen than i ever had before. I think Sony needs a massive reset. I only buy a PS console for it’s exclusives. That i have said on here for years, most people that chat with me know that. So when all i see is studios that i enjoy and buy a platform for have canceled canceled canceled, then yeah i am about to starting barking about it bud. In closing between the PS5, Edge controller, Sony Headphones and the yearly online fee i have around $1000 dollars invested into the PS5, i don’t want to see their studios not having games. Bluepoint and Sony Bend are likely now to be PS6 games. Have to wait and see what the state of play looks like and hopefully they have a June showcase that will be killer.
@HonestHick It's okay to be disappointed in cancellations, just don't be surprised when you get called out on comments suggesting there would be nothing to play on PS without Microsoft.
@Intr1n5ic well yeah if i said it like that HAHA. Which i didn’t i am just saying there is a gap now for sure without any games coming from Sony. Not to mention 3rd party games have been a little dicey here lately. I just seen Dragon Age sold 50% less than EA wanted. But MS is cooking over there. I thought South of Midnight looked awesome from Compulsion games. MS would be smart to bring that over to PS at some point. It’s a single player game. Could do well. Doom really impressed me also. The Shadow Drop of Ninja Gaiden was a nice surprise also. Like i said i am looking forward to the State of Play. Let’s hope they have something cooking.
@Intr1n5ic to that point people shouldn’t have been surprised to see me say i had games to play on Xbox One with a weak MS 1st party outage. Goes both ways right ?
@HonestHick That's not going both ways. Both ways is if you went to an Xbox centric website to inform them during said drought how much you have to play on PlayStation. I would hope people got called out for that as well.
@HonestHick those are actually the older games I was referring to 🤣
@Intr1n5ic i openly discuss what game i am playing on what platform. Every one on Pure knows i was having a blast with Astro Bot. Still a little mad that didn’t hit 5 million in sales or more, but is what it is. I hope Sony gives us a Jak and Dexter on that scale. I would eat that up as well. Imagine how good that would look? There was an article on here saying Sony is revisiting idea’s from legacy games. That could be good.
Looks fantastic but im happy its not another Japanese i thought a big Japanese IP that would be exclusieve.
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