Capcom is preparing a native PS5 version of Resident Evil 6 if new ESRB age ratings are to be believed. The outlet has a new listing for an "Xbox Series" version of the game (spotted by VGC), suggesting current-gen ports are on the way, with a PS5 port almost certainly included.
Following efforts in recent years, much of the mainline Resident Evil series is available to play natively on PS5. Capcom ported Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3, and Resident Evil 7: Biohazard to the system a few years ago, and Resident Evil Village and Resident Evil 4 were on PS5 from day one.
Besides the very first game and Resident Evil Zero, it's just Resident Evil 5 and the Resident Evil 6 in question that aren't on the hardware natively — they can all still be played via backwards compatibility, however.
When Resident Evil 2, 3, and 7 were all brought to PS5, they received very basic remasters that included support for the PS5 DualSense controller, 120 frames-per-second, faster load times, and ray tracing support. It's possible Resident Evil 6 will receive the same sort of treatment.
Widely regarded as the worst mainline entry in the Resident Evil franchise, we gave Resident Evil 6 a 3/10 rating when it was ported to PS4 in early 2016. "You can't polish a turd, and Resident Evil 6 is proof. This remaster may look the part at points, but its limp collection of lacklustre campaigns will leave you feeling dead inside," we concluded. It hasn't gotten any better since then.
Would you be willing to give Resident Evil 6 yet another shot, this time on PS5? Share your other torture methods in the comments below.
[source esrb.org]
Comments 102
Thanks but no thanks.
Give us RE9.
A 3/10 score is very disingenuous, basically saying it's unplayable which is not true, don't get me wrong it's not my favourite either. It's major flaw was it tried to be too many play styles. Oh and Chris' campaign is pure torture.
If there's going to be a remaster I'd rather see Survivor or Outbreak. RE 6 was my least favourite game in the entire franchise.
Capcom should just pretend that RE6 never happened. Instead thay are reminding people that it exists.
I know people hate 6 yes it has it flaws it was ok game not best re.
I don't understand the hate. I LOVED this one because of all the Hollywood-like story, visual and gameplay direction.
I think most fans would consider Code: Veronica a mainline entry, which is missing in you list.
Resident Evil is my favorite video game franchise and even I can say RE6 is crap.
It’s the only RE game I quit playing and sold. 😂
I will always stand up for RE6. Is it a great RE horror game? Probably not, but it is a banger TPS action game and has the best version of Mercenaries ever made. I'm in. Again!
why? its awful
CAPCOM.......The f**k are you doing?
Re-release the worst garbage mainline entry none scary over the top nonsense for a 3rd time, while ignoring the RE 90s masterpiece trilogy classics for almost 30 years
RE6 already had a remaster of sorts on PS4 and it made the game look even uglier somehow. I can't see how a PS5 version would look any better.
Oh also, as a fan of the series since 1996, the game is TOTAL RUBBISH.
Waste of a port ... terrible RE game!
BUT I think at least is 6/10 on PS4?
Why not RE5? Strange.
Definitely the weakest entry in the mainline RE games but RE6 has been kind of a guilty pleasure for me to play. I end up playing it from time to time, ngl.
@Shigurui 100% agree that it has the best mercenaries mode, followed by RE5.
I don’t like this game very much at all. It’s boring.
Weird... I'm not at all sure why this is a thing other than to put current gen versions of all the games out without much effort in the hope that collectors will pick them up.
I guess if they are dropping 6 like this it probably takes it off the table for a potential remake - probably a good thing as pretty much everyone would rather see Code Veronica and Dino Crisis get the treatment.
Ray tracing, 120 fps, or 8K can't fix this very mediocre RE game.
What this game needs is a remake focus on Leon / Chris campaign. But i heard the next remake will be RE 0 for RE 30th anniversary.
TR: AoD, Days Gone, and RE6 on the front page. Hey is it January already?
@Shigurui It should be shot behind a barn. I never thought i would have a laugh at Zombies and there we had it the Chris campaign. 😆
If its a free upgrade i shell bite because its Mercenaries mode is best in series and the Leon campaign is pretty fun.
I will also say the hate is overblown. Yeah at the time it was not what we wanted but moving forward we did get what we wanted so i think if you take RE6 for what it is you can have some solid fun with it.
Another day another remaster of a remaster lmao
@ApostateMage https://www.ign.com/articles/the-resident-evil-game-that-cant-be-remade
The main (rather predictable) issue arrives nearer the end of the article. Numerous western outlets didn't like it upon it's release and i'd probably bet it's something Capcom will just want to avoid.
Bad or good. They need to stop with remasters and remakes and come up with something original. Why do people keep spending more money on games they already played
Not just a bad game but a reminder of Capcoms demise.
It’s been a great success in turning around its fortunes
@DennisReynolds you’re saying it can go toe to toe with the first Revelations game. That’s a bold move, Cotton…
Now we can hammer the buttons and wiggle the sticks on PS5
@Oram77 Agreed, it's the worst mainline Resi but it's nowhere close to 3/10 bad. The game actually has it's fans, and i found it to be enjoyable for the most part.
RE4, 5 & 6 should get the 4K + 120fps treatment for PS5, and support Gyro aiming with a depth slider to mess with the sensitivity.
Capcom royally messed up the gyro aiming in RE4 Remake and Village unfortunately.
And I wouldn't revisit 5 and especially 6 even if the following above happened. 4? Maybe... But as is, RE4 imo, is best played on Quest 3, by a land slide. And Actually, why hasn't Capcom ported over RE1 Remake & Zero over to PS5 running at 60-120fps with the option for doors opening in real time instead of having to wait like 6 seconds?
3/10 suggests an almost broken, barely playable game. That score is so weirdly off the mark it's sort of funny.
It was good as an action game but we've had so many better RE games since then. Let's move on people. YMCA stylee!
@MaelysLeFleau I know this game need a lower rate then a 3/10. This is one if not the worst around. Oh its better then that Umbrella shooter nobody ever wanted.
Even after all the years, I can't un-see what the logo for RE6 looked like
I honestly didn't mind RE6 when I first played it. My only real nitpicks were the fact that you had to re-play entire sections of the game when switching characters, which felt a bit redundant, and that it's just straight-up overshadowed by better entries in the series, but as a standlone game I had a decent time with it.
@GlasgowGuy Aw, giraffe to remind us?
Amazingly fun game. But stop with the remakes, remasters and ports.
Can't really see the point - how much better is it going to be than the PS4 version?
Also 3/10 was a bit harsh - it's at least worth a 6/10, if for the main menu music alone.
Easily the biggest POS of the series and the game that's needs to be remade from scratch. It has more in common with Gears of War than RE, at least you could run faster than Flash that's something!
@BusyOlf Where did i say that?
I remember trying to play this years ago and good god Chris’ campaign to this day is the most boring tripe I’ve ever played. I simply couldn’t finish, and this is from someone sad enough to get all the achievements in Sonic 2006. Sorriest excuse for a Gears of War clone I’ve seen. I don’t follow the series much but this game wasn’t received well, thus 7 and 8 being more like the original, right? So why would they bother with this…
@DennisReynolds I don't feel it's overblown at all. Even if you take the game at face value, and don't see it as a mainline entry, you're still left with a mediocre action game at best: with dreadful level design and dumbfounding bullet sponge bosses that never end. Having your aim be purposely be all over the place (with very little meaningful upgrades); being constantly knocked on your arse; QTEs that made me want to rip my hair out. The fish boss and snow mobile sections can seriously do one.
Thing is it positioned itself as a sort of DMC with guns, but you're so woefully understocked with ammo that it just isn't fun at all. It just sort of limps along. The campaign is almost a challenge in of itself - just getting to the end without giving up due to sheer boredom and exhaustion.
I am glad for one thing; its existence meant that Capcom pivoted and we have the RE we do now.
I actually really enjoyed RE6.
>it's just Resident Evil 5 and the Resident Evil 6 in question that aren't on the hardware natively
And again everyone's forgetting about RE: Revelations 1&2, as if it doesn't exist at all...
Hahahah !!!! I’d play this again
@Spartan48 "They need to stop with remasters and remakes and come up with something original"
They did came up with something original but the majority of people didn't buy it or doesn't care.
Meanwhile the remakes and remaster are filling up Capcom banks account and they have plenty to choose based on the fanbase request like Dino Crisis remake, Code Veronica remake, BOF remake, and Onimusha remake (which we finally get a sequel / reboot).
Remakes and remaster are Capcom gold mine so they're not gonna stop just because some people didn't like it.
@PuppetMaster Exoprimal's server was never shut down, all they did was end seasonal updates.
What if Capcom remakes RE6 to make it a better game?
@charbtronic so RE9 then, that's the only way RE6 is a better game
giving 3/10 to RE6 is very weird
@Spartan48 remasters make money so they have new projects Capcom give me a remake to mega Man legends
3/10 is the most accurate rating I've seen for this game. The engine was not suited for what they wanted to do with the game - a hallway simulator with a smattering of action shooting, terrible melee, and obnoxious QTEs.
I was so disappointed in this game that I didn't touch Resident Evil for years after this - and it's my favorite game franchise. I remember taking the day off work just to play it, beating the Leon campaign, playing 10 minutes of the Chris campaign, and taking it to my local game store to sell it. It's the only mainline RE game I don't have a physical copy of, and I'm kind of OK with that.
@IntrepidWombat Clearly never played a game that is a legit 3/10.
I'm all for it my dad loved this cheesey game when I played it on ps4
The one game that should get a remake to fix how crap it is.
Makes no sense when it can be played on PS5 already at 60fps. I mean sure okay you can increase that to 120fps and 4K, but who cares about that for RE6? And I say that as someone who actually likes the game.
I’ll play it, I only got a few hours into it the first time, kinda regret not finishing
@Oram77 I'm almost 40, and I've been playing games for most of those years. I most certainly have.
@IntrepidWombat Apparently not.
@Beerheadgamer82 - What? How are the original trilogy being ignored? RE 1, 2 and 3 all got remastered/remade already.
This game is an embarrassment to the series. I didn't even make it through one of the stories. Even forgetting the terrible gameplay, the presentation was shocking: the main numbered Resi games have always looked great for their generation, but I couldn't believe I was looking at a AAA Capcom game.
@Brundleflies21 I had a feeling that it might have been because of something like that. Ridiculous really.
@Max_the_German You actually aren't wrong though.
What alot of people today don't realise is Code Veronica was ment to be the 3rd entry in the series!!
But due to the success of Resident Evil 2. PlayStation was quite forceful on capcom to deliver another game in quick succession.
With Code Veronica not ready and some cutting board stories which were short enough to get it done with resi 2 graphics.
They switched it up and made resi 3 Nemsis. Which as you know is kinda of thr shortest resi game they have made. That's due to it not being a full game.
But this sort of made Code Veronica fall by the way side as a spin off, when in fact that was the actual sequel to resi 2.
Claire Redfield was the more liked character in 2 so she was going first and then 4 was always going to be Leon.
Just PlayStation was so eager they couldn't wait.
I had a dumb fun time with this game and look back to it fondly. Definitely not a highpoint in the series however.
@Nepp67 "The one game that should get a remake to fix how crap it is."
I don't they will ever remake it, there's nothing redeeming about it. RE5 was also a big departure but at least it had a good story with great characters (Sheva!!) and a completely fresh setting, with a remake they can make 5 scarier 🤞🏼
@MaelysLeFleau Very cool. I wasn't aware that you were either the arbiter of objective game review scoring or that you somehow know the entirely of my gaming history. That's fascinating. Tell me more.
@Shigurui a classic collection of sorts of the 90s originals themselves. Didn't mention anything about the remakes. I get they've put a lot of love into the remakes these past half a dozen years and I've enjoyed the 1, 2, 3? and 4 remakes but I'm specifically on about the 90s originals being completely ignored. Next week we probably get another street fighter 2 turbo collection or something
@Oram77 3 is harsh for sure. It's the worst mainline Resi game for sure though.
@Max_the_German code Veronica was meant to be 3 but a Sony deal meant the numbered entries had to be on playstation so nemesis was turned from a spin off into resi 3
@Bez87 I didn't see this. You put it in more detail than I did 🤣
@rusty82 Not denying it's the worst in the main line series, but a 3/10 is just ridiculous.
@Shigurui RE6 is great if you can accept it for what it is, shame that most still can't after 13 years and a return to the horror roots in more recent entries.
I gave RE6 another go recently with a friend, and actually it’s a lot better than I thought it was! Not quite as fun as 5, but not that much worse, really.
You can’t play the Jake campaign with a friend and give it a 3 😖
I’ll tell you what the Mercenaries Mode on 6, for split screen coop, something that is severely lacking these days, is an absolute slammer. My wife and I used to play the hell out of it.
I want CV and not 0 although they could infinitely improve that game by merely popping item boxes back in. Dropping shizzle on the floor and constantly going back to get it was awful game design.
Worst mainline Rez game and the only Rez game that I bought and never finished.
If Capcom is going to just ignore Rez 5
because of that deranged IGN article then I guess I'm just going to have to ignore Capcom games going forward.
@MrMagic This maybe a hot take to you... But I really don't think RE5 needs a remake right now, the game looks and plays extremely even to this day.
6 was the worst in the series for me. I played and returned it on the same day.
@MaelysLeFleau I guess i read it wrong. But with no new update, i guess it's just a matter of time for Capcom to shut down the server.
@Bez87 "But due to the success of Resident Evil 2, PlayStation was quite forceful on capcom to deliver another game in quick succession"
This is what happened according to RE 3 scenario writer
After RE 2, Capcom already had multiple RE projects in the works; Code Veronica exclusives for Dreamcast, Zero for GC, a Gaiden / spin off, and main RE title for PS1 with Kamiya directing.
Capcom spread their resources too thin and with PS2 set to release in 2000, they realized the RE project under Kamiya will finished too late for a PS1 release nor enough time to upgrade as a PS2 game. So they shelved that project with Kamiya moved on to RE 4 prototype that eventually became DMC 1.
But Capcom higher ups doesn't want fans on PS1 waiting for years for a sequel. That's when they repurposed the Gaiden game as RE 3.
@Oram77 I'd rather they remake Code Veronica then do anything with 5 or 6 but they shouldn't skip it.
5 is okay, especially if you play it co-op with a friend but it should be easy enough to improve it and the story quite a bit so I'd prefer they do that instead of acting like it doesn't exist.
@MrMagic 100% with you on the CVX remake, also the "story" for RE5 is...... something, but if I could change one thing it would be not kill Wesker.
@Vanta it was weird back in 2012 when this game released, it was the climate of 'everything should be action focused' then this game released and a lot hated it, some liked it, even Gametrailers awarded it an 8.8 lol
I don't know if its just me but could it be because of 'trends'?
Resident Evil is one of my all-time favorite gaming series. I even preorder RE releases. But Capcom really should pretend RE6 doesn’t exist…
It’s like this: you’ve got genre-defining games, great games, good games, bad games, awful games and then RE6. To put things into perspective, Capcom almost ceased to exist after this game (see RE7 production videos).
They could instead make Code Veronica the new RE5 and improve the original RE5 as RE6.
@Juanalf 5 getting a remake would be pretty great! Although it's gonna suck not having Roger Craig Smith as the VA for Chris
I'm a huge RE fan and I have a mate that's just getting into the series (finished 2 and 3 Remakes now) and he bought the 4,5,6 pack on sale. We were gonna play 6 soon because I adore how utterly stupid and ridiculous it is so if this PS5 rumour turns out to be true then that's perfect timing! Hopefully 5 also gets a PS5 version and also a Remake as its one of my favourites in the series
@Neverwild it sounds like an announcement is coming soon for the next re if its even called re9
@Oram77 i still think they'll remake 5 though , i mean they made sure to tease re5 after re4 remake. and there is a lot of things to make and look better like they did with re4.
I’m well aware I’m in the minority here but I actually really enjoyed 6. In fact it’s in my top 5 RE games.
I don’t see the point of these native ports. We are talking about minor graphical improvements at best. No one in their right mind would dish out the cash for these when the PS4 versions run fine and look pretty much as good as they are going to look.
@The_Decline_99 More power to ya! My favourite Dark Souls game by some margin is the much maligned Dark Souls 2. We don’t all have to engage in group-think ☺️
@Arnna I love DS2. Maybe we are the normal ones and everyone else is weird 😂
@The_Decline_99 bahahahaha let’s go with that thinking!
@ApostateMage There's a sinister whiff of intellectual dishonesty which I find thoroughly distasteful.
I don’t know where it stands now, but at one point RE6 was the best selling game in the franchise, if I’m not mistaken
I'm just about to log on to RE6, for fun. The servers are still up and there's still a lot of players engagement on it.
The math counts 😀
@PuppetMaster what i read was years ago. I believe around the time of resi 4 and was a history of resident evil.
I do believe that it was also PlayStation truly pushing capcom for a sequel quicker aswel due to the success they had with both resi 1 and 2.
Spin off sounds right though for nemesis it's such a short game.
Code Veronica is a pretty substantial full game.
But thankyou for a detailed article from them. Good find.
I will see if I can find the article I read all those years ago regarding it.
@rusty82 code Veronica is a great game. More inline with the slower pace of 1 than the more action of 2.
Nemesis definitely feels more like a spin off of 2 than a true sequel.
I always questioned it when it came out.
Until I read an article or maybe even a indepth video of resident evil history decades ago it feels like now.
Someone quoted myself and gave an even more indepth view of it and a link to a great article about it.
@Bez87 This is something I keep seeing repeated on the internet. There is no confirmation CV was originally intended to be a numbered title and it makes sense it wasn't. Nemesis may have started off as a spin off itself but it was a much more substantial game as it actually added new gameplay ideas one of which, the Live Selection mechanic, added a decent amount of reply value. Also the story of Nemesis, unlike Code Veronica's, wasn't superfluous and fleshed out the most important event in Resident Evil lore - the destruction of Raccoon City. Outside Wesker making a return and dual weiding weapons CV did nothing to earn a numbered title.
I'd rather eat cactus needles
@Orpheus79V - I couldn't agree more, imho its far better than RE5 which always seems to get a pass while having less of a horror element than RE6 and the worst partner AI of all time.
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