The first look at Sony's upcoming Until Dawn movie adaptation has been revealed, sharing and backing up how the flick isn't a direct translation of the PS5, PS4 game. A full trailer is coming soon, but for now, we have the above to watch.

What's most notable about the first look video is confirmation of how the film will handle the game's choice-based gameplay in a movie setting. According to director David Sandberg, the characters in the film are stuck in a sort of time loop where their actions are reset when they die. "Every time they come back to life, it's like they're in a new horror genre. To survive, they have to make it until dawn." This separates the Until Dawn film as very much its own thing, but appears to smartly emulate the mechanics of the game to create something fans will still enjoy.

Until Dawn will be available to watch in theatres from 25th April 2025. Do you like the direction the movie adaptation is going on? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
