It's been nearly three weeks since Insomniac's excellent Marvel's Spider-Man 2 was released on PC to what might optimistically be described as a lukewarm reception. Well, now that the dust has had time to settle, it's clear that the powers that be at PlayStation need to put on their thinking caps and go back to the drawing board; Spidey's latest adventure is officially among PS Studios' most catastrophic releases on Steam, which is saying something.
Thankfully for this scribe (whose fear of numbers is matched only by his love for words), TheGamer took a long, hard look at the figures, comparing graphs and data, ultimately calculating that Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is the third-worst launch on Steam Sony has endured so far, beaten out by only The Last of Us: Part I and Returnal. The outlet used SteamDB data to examine every PS Studios release so far, excluding remasters, factoring in average player count and positive review score percentages over their respective two-week launch windows.
Spidey 2 averaged around 13,638 players and managed 67 positive reviews, which sounds respectable enough until you consider that Days Gone racked up 20,708 and 93, respectively. For comparison, 2018's God of War leads the pack on PC, with an average player count of 47,142 and 97 positive reviews, which makes it the best-performing PS Studios release on the platform (according to TheGamer's parameters).
What do you think of PlayStation's attempts to break into the traditionally impenetrable PC space? Do these spreadsheet-loving desktop users simply not appreciate great video games, or could it be that the vaunted first-party port team, Nixxes, has simply not been delivering? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source thegamer.com]
Comments 57
Not surprising - Sony has spent over a decade attracting people who like their games to their platform, and even if some of those also game on PC, they may also have a PS5 too.
The guy who did the IGN performance review also gave some pretty detailed info as to why this engine is not easy at all to get to work well on PC, as it is built upon certain strengths of the PS5 architecture.
Hopefully the upcoming Leapfrog Leappad Ultimate version of this game is better optimized and does exponentially better.
I'd love to know what the cost of development is to port it to PC cos I can't imagine Sony has been making much money from these releases outside of Helldivers.
Personally I'd rather they put the likes of Nixxes into remastering some of the PS3 games and do away with the PC ports outside of the live service games.
13k is even worse than what Avowed has achieved (lol) so that's seriously unimpressive considering the relative scale and the fact that Avowed was also on game pass. I know it's more nuanced than that due to release times etc. but it's not good however you look at it.
As @AdamNovice says, Nixxes are surely better suited being put to work elsewhere. Remastering unplayable games (on modern consoles) from older generations would be fantastic. Of course I'm speaking as someone who mostly plays on Playstation so I'm a little biased.
tbh its not that difficult to get accurate sales for PC releases of PlayStation games. You dont need to go TheGamer for that when they didn’t even mention any sales at all. But just random numbers which makes no sense.
Steamdb is very accurate and I found this method im about to disclose when I crunched the numbers when in 2023 Sony revealed the sales of their PC ports Spider-Man remastered and Last of Us Part I remake on PC specifically. You can check them out yourself.
This is how you do it for people interested:
1. Go to steamdb and enter the game name
2. Go to Charts section in bottom left
3. Ctrl + F "Owner estimations" section
4. Take average of Sales figures reported by Gamalytic and PlayTracker
5. Congrats you got the sales figures of a PC game.
Note: Only use this formula AFTER a game has been out for atleast 2 weeks. Accuracy increases as time passes.
Here are the sales for Spider-Man 2 on PC so far its 333,000 copies sold so far after crunching the numbers on steamdb according to the formula above.
If you doubts you can test it with any game. I have used the same formula for Palworld and Hogwarts Legacy when they revealed their sales and it was only a difference of <3% off
Btw I noticed TheGamer article didn’t even mention Sackboy at all. Which is the all time worst selling PlayStation game on Steam so far. It only sold 195,000 copies lifetime so far. And weirdly enough reached its Peak concurrent players 2 days ago at 732 players
Sony kind of hurt its own reputation with the PC community with practices that quite honestly don't go over well with the PC crowd. Sony bit the hand that feeds one too many times. What may work for the console market doesn't work in the PC market.
News flash: PC gamers aren't rushing out to get PlayStations - so stop trying to sell them the PlayStation ecosystem...sell them the great games!
The good thing about PC is that the games will always be there for people to buy.
Plus, it's not as if Sony really bothers to advertise in the PC space. It just announces a game is coming and...yeah...that's about it. Zero fanfare.
Maybe if Sony actually treats the PC platform like a priority, then maybe PC gamers might actually give Sony the time of day. They are smart enough to know they take a backseat to the console in every way. Not a good way to grow a fanbase.
Sony should have never put their games on any other platform period.
Im not saying this horrible ports makes me smile, but it does.
@GamingFan4Lyf Xbox has been placating to the PC community since 2016 but to no avail. PC gamepass $11 gets you what xbox console users need to pay $20 for.
And yet Xbox games on PC are disasters time and again.
The moment xbox is moving into publishing on PlayStation as a full time 3rd party publisher they literally revealed a number that was shocking, which is 64% of xbox sales on PlayStation last quarter when they are available on PC, Switch, mobile, xbox console and cloud too.
News flash: GTA6 is not available to PC and dont know when it will come either. So get off of your high horse, PC is a hand that feeds no one but itself.
Now that most of the big PS4 and PS5 games are on PC, Sony should have Nixxes partner with Bluepoint to remaster stranded PS3 games for PS5 and PC. This makes way more sense than keeping them strictly on PC port duty.
But, knowing modern PlayStation, they probably have Nixxes remastering God of War 2018 for PS5 and PC as I type this.
This game had almost no promotion leading to to the launch of the PC port and, as I recall, wasn't even preorderable on Steam. The port was also kinda botched on release.
I'm truly shocked it's not selling well. 😂
@GamingFan4Lyf PPS: The reason Sony games are not selling well on PC is just purely due to the fact that the Shine has worn off. It was a novelty to see PlayStation games, but now its another day in the sun. Same way Square Enix thinks Final Fantasy sales will go into overdrive if they launched Multiplatform, when the issue is Single player Final Fantasy games as a brand has gone kinda irrelevant in last decade due to the rise of other great RPGs and/or Story Driven games both from West and East.
So yes PC community has had their fill of PlayStation games, they are in the PC community for a reason. If they LOVED PlayStation they would have a PS5 probably in the first 2 years itself. I dont see any future Sony game that will do numbers on PC unless its off the wall unexpected game like Helldivers 2 or even Astro Bot can do well on PC depends on the timing. But if its standard Sony AAA game that many PlayStation gamers love, but it wont do anything much on PC. Even before Spiderman 2 launched there were tons of other AAA Sony games which launched in perfect condition on PC but they all disappeared without a trace as far as PC community is concerned like Horizon Forbidden West, God of War Ragnarok, Returnal, Ratchet and Clank, Miles Morales, Sackboy, Death Stranding etc
If Sony wants to be serious in the PC market, they need to stop releasing half-assed ports and reevaluate when they release these in relation to their PlayStation launch. Look at Helldivers; I wouldn't be surprised if it was more successful on PC than PlayStation. And it launched 1:1 and was actually functional.
It's not like PC gamers aren't interested in AAA single-player games, since they sell well all the time. But the playerbase knows these ports are poorly done, and PlayStation barely even markets them (no word on a PC port until well after the PlayStation release, and often only really advertised during PlayStation events that PC gamers aren't watching).
Like, either try to make these releases successful, or stop devaluing you exclusive lineup (even though I doubt having these games on PC really undermines their presence on PlayStation, regardless of when it releases). As is, though, it just seems like a big waste of money. Maybe there's a lot of discourse in PlayStation over whether they should be porting exclusives in the first place, and, because of it, what we have is a sort of half measure where half the company's trying to show it can be profitable while the other half doesn't want to nurture the initiative to make it profitable.
@Ralizah Nooo don’t make sense, this is a site where you’re supposed to be partisan.
They should give up on these and just put the live services on there. They clearly aren't too interested in these anymore if this is Playstations standard of quality when we know how good they are on Console.
@nessisonett 😂 Careful now, you don't want to make more "unconstructive" comments.
Even if it was a better port and more successful, though, I have noticed a lot of bristling about PC players not 'deserving' Playstation ports or something. I think a lot of hardcore Sony fans get a bit offended that Playstation Studios is just one publisher among many on PC, and that bad releases will be rewarded with low sales.
That said, I don't necessarily disagree that Sony's tentpole sp games should never have launched outside the PS ecosystem. They're devaluing it, frankly. PS5 is very skippable for anyone with a halfway modern gaming PC.
The same won't be true for Nintendo. They know better than to sacrifice long term brand integrity for short term gain, which is why you won't be seeing Mario on Steam.
That's ok, the game wasn't that amazing either. I'm a huge Spider-Man fan, even had the comics delivered monthly as a kid, but Spider-Man 2 was not a great game. It was ok but but nowhere near as smooth storywise as the first one.
Anyway, it's astounding Sony doesn't put the property attention into PC. Doesn't matter if it's not your primary platform, you need to release a decent product otherwise people are going to avoid future releases
@kedireturns High horse? I actually support Sony releasing games on PC.
I will actually buy Sony games when they get released. I do eventually plan to get all of Sony's games on PC - but I have pretty much already played all the games it has on PC on PlayStation 4/5, so I am in no hurry to buy them and play them again any time soon - I'll wait for a massive discount for those games I have already played once before.
At the moment, I only have Days Gone, Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition (and Remastered), and God of War.
That being said, PC games have stated exactly the problems they are having with Sony titles. It's no mystery and Sony should actively listen to what people are saying.
Also, what does Microsoft have anything to do with the conversation? There are plenty of developers/publishers that have great success on PC.
@Ralizah That’s the problem imo, Sony’s output is bought by almost all Playstation owners because that’s what you do. Being just one of a million publishers makes things very different and the actual quality of their recent output has been exposed in a way as honestly not fantastic when removed from the PS ecosystem. The same will be true for Xbox games on PS5, the games have to stand on their own two feet instead of being bought en masse/downloaded off Game Pass solely because it’s a first party game. If anything, I’d say it’s not really devalued the brand much at all considering the low sales, clearly people want to play PlayStation games on their PlayStation. Nixxes aren’t exactly doing much else so I don’t see an issue with them being put to work porting these. It’s not new either, FF7 and Metal Gear Solid and the like got PC ports almost 30 years ago and they’re still thought of as PS exclusives.
They destroyed PlayStation and yet make little to no profit. Great job Sony.
With all the time and resources put into these pc releases for little return at this point, I gotta wonder if it's even worth it. Obviously the quality matters but "expanding their audience" through these players doesn't really seem to be much of a thing anymore.
Probably not a coincidence that all of the worst selling Sony games on PC (Spider-Man 2, Last of Us Part 1 and Returnal) all launched with major technical difficulties.
What about Sackboy? It did absymal numbers on pc if I remember correctly...
Ngl I didn't even know they released Spidey 2 on pc.
@kedireturns in fairness to PC, over 70% of Black Myth Wukong was on PC and Hell divers 2 would be a small game if only on PS5. PC carried it to a megastar hit. So PC does line the pockets of dev’s, but Sony is still not quite right with its timing and coding to put massive money in their pocket yet. Keyword is yet cause i think Sony will get better on PC. The money is there and needed when done correctly.
@Darth_Stofi "They destroyed PlayStation and yet make little to no profit. Great job Sony." Really? I don't see any evidence of the PlayStation being destroyed. Microsoft are porting their major titles over to the ps5 (cheerio xbox for now) and sales are increasing world wide. Just because "you" are not chuffed with Sony does not mean its destroyed. And if the PlayStation brand is destroyed why is pushsquare still going strong and why are you even here?
Surely stuff like Sackboy did worse?
I guess they're not counting it for some reason because it's not made by a PS Studios team.
Either way, I will say, it's clear that Helldivers and perhaps Ghost of Tsushima aside these ports aren't really getting the same kind of attention they used to.
I thought the pc was the be all and end all of gaming. The absolute pinnacle of gaming excellence and quality. All this proves to me is that no matter how great the tech is and how advanced the gpu's are blah,blah,blah if people don't know how to fully utilise the platforms they are porting games to then it's a moot point. Now despite my sarcasm I know that a decent rig can really turn on the eye candy and wipe the floor with the humble ps5 but with poorly optimised ports it really makes me ask what the point is. PlayStation are just pc's with custom chipsets so it shouldn't be that hard to get the same game running to the same standard if not better yes? Maybe it needed longer in the oven..
Sony need to give up on they’re pc strategy it’s not really benefit them.
@HonestHick I mean i can give the same cherry picked examples. for Silent Hill 2 Of the 2 million copies sold 1.5 million was on PlayStation. Same with FF16, Spiderman 2, Ghost, God of war or whatever you want basically. COD, FIFA, Madden and literally any other popular multiplayer. Assassins Creed and literally any other popular franchise games all make most money on PlayStation.
Helldivers 2 has equal number of players on both platforms that was said by the Game Director himself. How can you carry something to a megastar hit when 40-50% of your playerbase is on PS5.
If PC is the golden goose then the biggest gaming disasters of all time, not just in PlayStation history, but Gaming as a whole happened on Day one PC releases. We all know what happened with Concord, Lego Horizon and other Day one games. Not to mention the bloodbath of other PlayStation games on PC. eg: Sackboy, Until Dawn, Returnal, Ratchet and Clank, Spider-Man 2, TLOU2, GOW Ragnarok etc
We all know what happened to xbox, which has been placating PC since 2016 and has been experiencing disasters on PC all the way through. Microsoft literally reported last quarter just when they are about go to full time 3rd party publisher that 64% of xbox sales are on PlayStation.
You might’ve noticed why no 3rd party AAA never skips PlayStation Day One, but many still forego PC Day one launches. GTA6 the biggest game of All Time is doing that.
PC doesnt carry anyone, if it did, GTA6 wouldn’t skip it Day one. PC is just like any other platform its nothing special. Some work, some dont. Biggest disasters of all time in gaming history happened to PC Day 1 releases. Get off your high horse buddy
@GamingFan4Lyf I think you should re-read what I said. I was just responding to you when you were giving excuses about Sony games on PC if only they did that, if only they did that. PC is not a solution for anything. I was giving example of Xbox because they are perfect example of PC not being the solution, and PlayStation is now learning that too. PC was never the solution for anything. It is just like any other platform, nothing special. The biggest disasters in gaming history - not just playstation - happened to Day 1 PC releases Concord and Lego Horizon and more.
And I already gave examples of PERFECT ports like Sackboy, Until Dawn, Returnal, Ratchet and Clank, GOW Ragnarok tanking like a fish out of water on PC.
Also, lastly PC community really doesnt give a fck about broken ports as much as you like to say they do. Cyberpunk 2077 was broken af on 95% of PCs on release and yet it sold millions of copies. Elden Ring was also broken on PC and it sold millions of copies. You are making excuses thats all.
PC gamers are over PlayStation games on PC, thats the facts. Thats what the sales show. Only once in a bluemoon flash in a pan Helldivers 2 games might attract them, but nothing more than that.
@kedireturns lol. Thanks to PC Helldivers 2 is fastest selling PlayStation Studios game of all time. PS players should be thankful, because even thanks to PC players, game has such a substantial support. Fact that Sony squandered goodwill because their dumb decision to push PSN requirements few months after the launch is their problem alone.
Steam had 132 million MAU in 2021 and considering constant growth of the platform, it's way higher now. That's more MAU than PlayStation ever had btw. Games like Black Myth Wukong, Cyberpunk 2077 and Baldur's Gate 3 sold most of their copies on PC and Capcom is selling more PC games then PS+Xbox combined. Shift Up expects more copies sold of Stellar Blade on PC then on PS5. So pretending like PC gaming is nothing is dumb. Plain and simple.
Reason why recent PC ports of PlayStation games are struggling is because Sony is ignoring day one releases. Novelty of PS Studios games waned of after first God of War. And Sony just refuse to market their PC ports. It should be easy, thanks to big marketing spend, but that spend is tied to PlayStation release. Meaning that few people care about game that even PlayStation community forgot about, because it just wasn't that awesome (Spider-Man 2).
Obviously Xbox took most money from PlayStation last quarter because we were talking about quarter when they released Call of Duty Black Ops 6 which is biggest on consoles. Also, they have Minecraft which was best selling PS4 game during 2024. But when Xbox will start supporting Switch 2 with their games, those numbers will sort themselves out.
And which "PC disasters" Xbox had exactly? Last time I checked, their PC ports are usually pretty great. BO6 was fine on PC (cheaters excluded), Indy had awesome PC port and even Avowed is praised as one of the better optimised UE5 game on PC. So I don't know what the hell are you talking about.
Reason why GTA VI skips PC is because Rockstar know, that their game is so big, that many players will double dip.
It's hilarious that every big gaming company is saying same thing: We need to release our games multiplatform. And here we have "analyst" who is pretending otherwise.
Sure, Sackboy did worse. But don't forget Concord.
TLOUP1 was a disaster it should have been pulled off Steam all together and delayed and properly fixed by Nixxies are looked at by them. To this day it still doesn't play well at all and you seriously have issues with mid range rigs trying to get a stable 60fps, it also still sends your hardware skyrocketing in temps if you load it up for the first time because it's shader compilation before you start
@Loamy Thats average player count, Avowed is nowhere near that number.
Spider-man 2 massively undrrperformed due to the terrible port but it still had a peak player count of 28k. Avowed is around 17k and western RPGs are massive on PC(games like spiderman are not) and it launched day one.
Avowed did considerably better than Indiana Jones, Hellblade 2 and Forza Motorsport yet I don't see articles on Pure Xbox about how poor all the Xbox games do on Steam and that gamepass is destroying software sales of first party games.
Simply put, PC players have a lot more choice of what to play and those who really want to play Playstation's games have already bought the console.
For me personally, I did get Spider-Man and Horizon Zero Dawn on PC but none since as either performance is truly dreadful (TLOU) or I just don't find the games that interesting
@ChrisDeku That's probably because relying on Steam numbers only when talking about XGS releases is dumb, because of Game Pass. Especially when talking about Avowed, which is available not only on Steam, but also on Xbox PC launcher (Game Pass players are playing through that) and even on Battle.net.
Meanwhile Sony's games are available only on Steam and EGS. And since EGS had revenue of 290 million $ for whole 2024 for third-party games, we probably know how (un)popular EGS really is so it's basically a non-factor.
Also, Spider-Man 2 flopped on PC compared to Spider-Man 1 which had 3x higher Steam CCU. Avowed is comparatively +- same as Obsidian's previous production. The Outer Worlds had 20k CCU on Steam which Avowed will easily surpass today.
@Godot25 Gamepass has around 5-7m subscribers on PC, Steam has around 150m monthly active users. Gamepass is basically tiny on PC .
EGS might be a small part of the market but it’s much larger than the MS PC store, which basically no one in the entire world ever uses unless they also have an Xbox console and want the cross buy version.
@ChrisDeku 5-7 million subscribers is pretty good number, if you ask me. Especially in context of talking about Steam CCU. Also, you forgot about Battle.net, which is pretty huge on PC. Although primarly for Blizzard games, so I don't know how many people would be keen to buy "third-party" games on that store.
So overall, game will reach higher CCU on Steam than previous game of same studio, despite being in Game Pass day one (which obviously lowers CCU on Steam) and also on Battle.net (which we can't track). Doesn't sound terrible to me. Obviously it could be better. But to reach any final-ish conclusion it's better to wait after first weekend because Steam CCU for new releases tend to peak during that time.
Ignoring the fact that the Outer Worlds was a one year EGS exclusive. Pillars of eternity was over 40k peak concurrent users and that’s a niche old school isometric RPG.
Dragon Age: The Veilguard is a reasonable comparison, being that it’s the same genre and from a similar studio that’s now under the umbrella of a massive publisher. That game hit 89k concurrent users.
@ChrisDeku Arguing with The Outer Worlds EGS exclusivity is funny considering we just talked about how irrelevant EGS is in PC gaming space. I would give you PoE though.
I think Avowed will clear 30k this weekend which is fine. Comparision with Dragon Age is maybe okayish in terms of genre (even if I don't agree exactly) but it's flawed especially since Obsidian had way smaller team on Avowed, since they simultaneously developed Pentiment, Grounded and The Outer Worlds 2, so budget for Avowed obviously didn't come anywhere near Dragon Age: The Veilguard. I think Obsidian mentioned that they had around 120 people on Avowed. Which is miniscule considering today's AAA game development.
But that's outside of main point. Which was that SM2 on PC isn't "failure" because it had 27k CCU. It's a failure because first game had 3x higher CCU. Which is common theme lately for PS releases on PC.
God of War - 73k - Ragnarok - 35k
Horizon Zero Dawn - 56k - Forbidden West - 40k
Spider-Man - 66k - Spider-Man 2 - 28k
I wonder how big TLOU 2 release will be considering first game hit 36k on Steam.
Is it perhaps that the PC strategy is more about avoiding monopoly concerns from regulators at this point? So like the PS6 ends up having no disc drive (not even optional add-on) but regulators consider that acceptable because they sell their games on Steam/EGS as alternate options.
PS5 Pro not having a disc drive in the box, the standalone disc drive being hard to get and Days Gone Remastered being digital only does seem like Sony's heading more towards a digital only future.
"Helldivers fastest selling PS Players should be thankful" … cos half of those players are on PS5 according to Game Director?
Should PS players be thankful for the biggest gaming disasters of ALL TIME for Sony Concord and Lego Horizon Day 1 PC releases too? yeah I bet you wouldnt take that upon yourself would you. You sound pathetic.
PlayStation just had all time record of 129MAU what are you on about. They had their 2nd best Q3 of console sales in HISTORY as well. PC has 1.5 billion gamers and Steam just has 132 MAU in 2021 that is pathetic. Also where did you even get that number, cos Valve never disclosed MAU they only disclose peak concurrent users. You just pulled up a Google search, literally. Anyway PS has 129 MAU do with that what you will. So Idk why are you boasting a 1.5billion PC gamer platform has just 132 MAU which is just marginally above 129MAU of Playstation.
PS is still actively working on entering China so Black Myth Wukong selling more there is nothing noteworthy. Same with Cyberpunk 2077 it was literally UNPLAYABLE on consoles to the point Sony REFUNDED the game, so obviously PC was the only option. BG3 is literally a CRPG a PC based game what the hell did you expect. You pretending PC is the Holy Grail is whats dumb and simple.
I mean i can give the same cherry picked examples. for Silent Hill 2 Of the 2 million copies sold 1.5 million was on PlayStation. Same with FF16, Spiderman 2, Ghost, God of war or whatever you want basically. COD, FIFA, Madden and literally any other popular multiplayer. Assassins Creed and literally any other popular franchise games all make most money on PlayStation not PC.
Not it isn’t cos of Day 1 releases. If that was why Sony games were struggling on PC, then GOW 1, Days Gone, Detroit Become Human, Horizon Zero dawn etc wouldn’t sell Millions. They came YEARS after their launch. What happened to Day one releases Concord and Lego Horizon ? Thanks to PC community you made them the ALL TIME Biggest disasters in gaming history for Sony.
Sony games shine wore off Plain and Simple. Horizon Forbidden West, GOW Ragnarok, Spiderman 2 have the quickest turn around times from PlayStation to PC and they were flops like hell too compared to what their predecesdors who launched YEARS later did. Not to mention the other flops Sackboy, Until Dawn, Returnal, Ratchet and Clank, TLOU2 etc
Minecraft wasn’t the Top selling of PS4 it wasnt even in the Top 20. Before regurgitating talking points do some basic research. Minecraft was the most DOWNLOADED Game on PS4 in 2024 you literally talking about a game thats last generation. Ofcourse PS4 players will downloaded a game from last generation when none of the current gen are available. Look at PS5 chart and come back you’ll not find Minecraft not even in the Top 20 of PS5. Also you do realise that Counter Strike 2, PUBG, Dota 2 which are decades old games are the Top 3 most popular and played games concurrent games on Steam right? Just checking.
Xbox didn’t take most money from PlayStation, you seem to not have basic reading skills. Xbox made 64% of their sales on PlayStation. That doesnt mean PlayStation got 64% of their sales from Xbox, those 2 are entirely seperate things. Xbox made most money BECAUSE of PlayStation not PC. 3/4th of their income BECAUSE of PlayStation not PC. Thats the point. These same games are on PC too for YEARS/DECADE. But Microsoft never ever revealed any Stat saying most money coming from PC. Cos it wasn’t. They disclosed 64% of sales are from PlayStation even though these sames are on PC, Cloud, Mobile, Switch and more. This just shows the strength of PlayStation not PC as the Holy Grail.
Literally every single Xbox game is a disaster on PC. Go and look at the sales of Indiana jones, Hellblade, Avowed, Redfall, Starfield, Halo Infinite, and ltierally any game. And 'Fine' is not good enough when you proclaim PC is the holy grail when it absolutely isnt. None of them even crossed Astro Bot 1.5 million copies sold numbers, forget FFXVI on PS5 ~ 4million copies. Thats why Xbox 64% on PlayStation metric is critical. because they are reliant on PlayStation, thats why they are going full 3rd party and putting all their games on PlayStation after looking at COD and Sea of thieves success. They had 10 years on PC and saw NOTHING in ROI. If PC was actually giving them money they literally wouldn’t put all their best games on PlayStation which they literally spent $100billion to buy 3rd party publishers.. only to keep them 3rd party.. LOL nah we know from FTC case that wasnt their plan. They wanted to make COD exclusive and Bethesda acuisition was about exclusives and putting games where gamepass exists as told by Phil. Starfield and Redfall got PS5 ports cancelled. Now they are all coming running back to PlayStation because PC gave them 0 in ROI. 64% is just the start too
Switch 2 wont do anything, we have seen in this Wii era and Nintendo Switch era no matter how popular Nintendo systems get, its a 1st party box. 22/26 1 million selling Switch titles are from 1st party alone as Nintendo IR report. You can literally look this up. Thats why 60% of Nintendo Switch users have a secondary console PS5 or Xbox.
'"Reason why GTA VI skips PC is because Rockstar know, that their game is so big, that many players will double dip"" — No GTA 6 skips PC because PC players will just pirate the game. Just look at Spiderman 2, or any non-DRM game (i have no idea why Sony is way too nice about having no DRM for their games for PC players) and you’ll see downloads in the 100,000s . I literally counted SM2 downloads are in 200k range across websites. Imagine GTA 6.
You also literally contradicted yourself in the next sentence
"""It's hilarious that every big gaming company is saying same thing: We need to release our games multiplatform. And here we have "analyst" who is pretending otherwise.""" Again GTA 6 just disproves your point, PC is NEVER the final stop or the end point or the Holy grail. That is my entire argument here. Your whole point about players double dipping just shows ignorance. If that was the case that should mean EVERY AAA 3rd party game would follow the pattern. Which 3rd party AAA company WOULDN’T want to double dip. and yet GTA6 the biggest game of all time isn’t releasing Day one on PC. That literally contradicts your point.
And I know You will reply with "Well DUH thats GTA6 its the biggest game of ALL TIME".
EXACTLY. You FAIL to SEE GTA 6 being the biggest game of ALL TIME has no FEAR of skipping PC or Nintendo Switch ONLY due to 1 factor, and that is PLAYSTATION.
If PlayStation didn’t exist you BET your bottom dollar GTA6 would be launching Day 1 on PC and/or Switch too. Thats the FACTS.
So again get off your high horse, PC ain’t special. It saves no one. It is just a platform like any other.
Day 1 PC brought the biggest disasters in Gaming History for Sony - Concord and lego Horizon.
It gave biggest disasters in Xbox history since 2016 all games on Day 1 PC but 0 sales updates. And the only time they actually gave an update on sales is to say "64% of Xbox sales because of PlayStation" just when they are going full 3rd party on PlayStation. Go figure.
@ChrisDeku first time I've ever quoted steam metrics. Damn 😂 regardless, it clearly shows that having PC ports isnt some surefire way to increase your audience to a huge degree, unless maybe if it's on something like Game Pass.
@kedireturns mate. What a useless rampage. Steam is hitting 38 million daily CCU. PlayStation can just hide behind those numbers with their 128 million monthly MAU. Also, those 128 million monthly MAU include PC players of PlayStation games because it's 128 million PlayStation Network MAU users and not 128 million PlayStation console MAU users Also, if I remember correctly, you need to sign into PSN account if you are playing MLB on Xbox and Switch (could be wrong though) so even those numbers are counting.
To show, how useless this number is, Xbox had 300+ million MAU throughout their games last quarter.
Minecraft was best selling game on PS4 in 2024. Or you want to deny chart that PLAYSTATION published? https://blog.playstation.com/2025/01/23/playstation-stores-top-downloads-of-2024/
You are cherry-picking examples of franchises that earn more on consoles, while blaming me that I'm cherry-picking examples? Way to go my boy . You are literally ignoring huge developers and publishers who are ignoring consoles and are extremely successful. Riot, until they released Valorant on consoles, never made a console game and they are one of the biggest game developer on the planet. Valve? enough said. PUBG was so big on PC, that consoles can't stand a chance. Stardew Valley, Warframe, Rust, Palworld, Civilization, DayZ etc. All huge successful games that are either miniscule on consoles or aren't even available there.
Of course I know what 64% of Xbox revenue coming from PlayStation means. And I gave you reasons. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Minecraft. Duh?
And don't get me started on comparing Starfield on PC (Which hit 330k CCU on Steam despite being on Game Pass) with Astro Bot measly 1,5 million copies sold. Like...lol
Helldivers 2 have similar numbers of active players on PC and PS5, but it doesn't mean that game sold same amount of copies on both platforms. It just mean that PC players moved on because they have more games and more choices.
It must hurt when Square Enix told that going PS exclusive was a mistake and future is in multiplatform releases right? But what to expect from buthurt fanboy lol
@Loamy PC ports make money over time, the peak numbers are generally quite unimpressive for a lot of games, especially games ported over later. RDR2 only peaked at around 55k player at launch but sold 10m+ on Steam. It has a big multiplayer component to make it more attractive though. Steam is big into games with co-op play and certain genres are popular like RPGs, strategy games, simulation, survival craft etc. Single player Story driven games are still a growing market and a lot of people don’t buy day one and wait for a sale.
An alternative argument is - that outside the Sony ecosystem - a lot of gamers just didn't like the game. Or they had had enough of SM (first time around). To be honest, I personally think the reception of SM2, HFW and GoWR reflect the games that were produced. Somewhat uninspired sequels that don't really have meaning outside of their originals. And I'm a Sony fan, not a PC fan (and I loved SM, HZD and GoW2018). I just think there's a lot of cope going on in the Sony community trying to blame PC gamers (and yes - they are an entitled bunch of gamers... but so are us Sony gamers). Especially if you release a game that runs like dog-crap on PC... for a game built on 2020 tech. Edit - that and the fact that it wasn't promoted AT ALL... likely because they knew it was a turd.
The question is - what did Sony expect? And why didn't they let it cook longer? Clearly that's why they relaxed the PSN requirement, because they knew how bad it was going to be... and even that didn't work.
@AdamNovice so most (ie all) of these games are developed on PCs... it's just that their tech/performance envelopes are capped by PS5 specs. PC releases often come with some extras - and especially Ultra Wide screens create a lot of work, becuause they need to check for unexpected glitches arising from the extra FoV. They will also add extra features in, but they're often part of the development suite already - once again, it's about ensuring that the performance doesn't get hit too much. Generally... however, in SM2's case, it seemed they weren't able to do that last step.
Son'y PC plans (edit - based on ports) are on life support now... and no - I don't think Nixxes porting 15 year old games to PC is going to move the needle either. There's too much quality gaming coming to PC already. That and most PC gamers just hate console - and in particular Sony - with a passion.
@ChrisDeku Some good points there. I'm usually one to refrain on commenting about release numbers of these ports on PC as there's always more nuance in the market. In this case the combination of quality issues and online discourse about the game's content and PSN requirements have all contributed to the loss in immediate interest compared to earlier ports.
PC is a different beast and I'm still not convinced it's the best use of Nixxes as a studio, especially when first party output on the console is lacking at the moment. Again, I'm talking from a primarily Playstation players perspective.
While we are talking about PC ports and the value they bring to Sony it’s worth pointing out that in 2 of the last 4 quarters Sony got more revenue from “Other Software”(games on platforms other than PS) than from Physical Software(which includes royalties from all third party physical games sold on PlayStation).
@kedireturns Astro Bot the best game in a long time from Sony only selling 2 million copies tells me all i need to know about PS gamers buying games. Apparently not the good ones. Rockstar for optimization time never releases day and date on PC. But the PC is the better version not that translate to better sales. Cause normally it doesn’t and that part i agree with you on.
This is my only issue with Sony on PC. Since I only buy PS systems to play exclusives on I want sony to invest in the PC ecosystem as that means one less box to buy (slowly trying to go back to Nintendo/PC instead of buy everything). However hearing the ports are bad is disheartening. I haven’t bought spiderman 2 because I wanted to get it on PC but I don’t know if I should wait for more patches or not. I feel like sony will begin to use their poor ports as an excuse to say the PC market doesn’t want PlayStation games.
@JAMes-BroWWWn totally agree!!! I buy a system for exclusives and always will do but this current one is getting stale already. Nintendo are the only ones who actually has true exclusives now . And personally I'm more hyped for switch 2 than anything on my playstation 5 and series x .
@AdamNovice significantly cheaper than u think it's only a few million dollars which is incredibly low compared to initial budgets
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