Lost Soul Aside PS5

PC enthusiasts are once again venting their anger at Sony over the restrictions the firm places on the local availability of its games, with the promising Lost Soul Aside the latest victim. While the platform holder does not own UltiZero Games, it is publishing the game on PS5 and PC under the PlayStation Studios banner. As such, it conforms to the same sort of availability restrictions past ports from Sony have shipped with.

The main drawback is Lost Soul Aside won't be able for purchase on Steam on 130 local storefronts, meaning PC users who hold accounts in those countries can't buy the game in their usual manner. Instead, they'd require another account tied to a profile associated with a region where the action title is available in order to buy it.

This restriction didn't go down well with PC owners the first time around, and the same is now happening with Lost Soul Aside. As the game goes live for pre-order on PS5 and PC, a ResetEra thread has been set up detailing the 130 nations where the title can't be bought. You can view the list of restricted countries through the link.

Many users are calling for these region-based restrictions to be lifted, pointing to how Sony recently softened its PSN login requirement to only an option that provides benefits in-game. This change isn't related to the availability of Sony's games; it's about where the hardware manufacturer has a local presence. You are able to buy PC titles from different regions, which would allow those facing the restriction to buy Lost Soul Aside. However, there's some hesitation due to previous comments suggesting fans not to do this.

On the PS5 at least, you can pre-order Lost Soul Aside now for £59.99 / $59.99, with a Digital Deluxe Edition offering further bonuses. Sony is also publishing Stellar Blade on PC, so these same restrictions will likely be replicated as Eve ventures to other platforms.

What do you make of this situation popping up again? Post your thoughts in the comments below.

[source resetera.com]