Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind was a perfectly fine retro-style beat-'em-up when it launched back in December, but developer Digital Eclipse has just released a game-changing update that fundamentally changes how it plays.

Available now as a free patch for the game, the update introduces various new features that fill out the overall experience.

First up, in a standard playthrough, you can now give permanent stat boosts to your selected ranger. Once a stage is cleared, your points score goes into a meter, and each time it fills, you gain a skill point. These points can then be assigned to Strength, Defence, or Speed.

It means that rangers can gradually become stronger, incentivising players to get good scores in each level rather than just mindlessly blasting through.

Secondly, there are now gameplay modifiers called Morphers you can select when starting a new game. These can drastically alter the difficulty or add some fun layers; you can enable one-hit enemies, moon gravity, infinite lives, and even disable the upgradeable stats mentioned above.

Third, a new move called Power Blast allows you to knock back enemies surrounding you in exchange for some health. This is appreciated, as the number of enemies can be a lot to deal with at times.

Finally, a ground recovery mechanic allows you to instantly get up from being knocked down — if you time a dodge just as you land.

That's all been added via the latest update, but it's not the only one planned for Rita's Rewind.

Digital Eclipse is also updating online multiplayer. As of now, the game supports six co-op players, with three players each on two consoles. With the impending update, the game will allow six co-op players, all of whom can be playing on a machine each, via peer-to-peer connection. This online update is coming out in Spring 2025.

It's all positive news for the beat-'em-up, then; if you liked it before, it's now become even better with this range of gameplay enhancements.

What are your thoughts on this update for Rita's Rewind? Morph into the comments section below.