If you’re one of the millions who redeemed Days Gone as part of your PS Plus subscription all the way back in April 2021, you won’t be eligible for a cheap $10 upgrade to the new PS5 version of the game.
While everyone who purchased Days Gone on the PS4 will be able to upgrade to Days Gone Remastered for the aforementioned price, small print on the PS Blog notes that anyone who claimed the game through Sony’s subscription will be excluded.
As such, you’ll need to pay $49.99 to play this new version of the game, which is its full MSRP on the PS Store.
Personally, we think this is a bit stingy. We can’t imagine many who claimed the game through PS Plus will be willing to stump up $49.99 to play it again, but we bet some of those subscribers would have upgraded for just $10. We’re sure the platform holder’s crunched the numbers, but it feels like there’s more money to be made through the upgrade path.
Either way, it’s not an option, and we can’t see the company changing its stance. Did you claim Days Gone through PS Plus? Will you be getting the remastered version if so? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 123
What an absolute rip off....
Not surprising though.
Ehh, I probably would’ve done the $10 upgrade if they allowed the PS+ copies. But I’m not buying a secondhand copy (despite preferring physical) just to upgrade it to play a second time. It would’ve been cool but I’ll wait until it eventually hits PS+ Extra
@CWill97 Like I said in the article, I'm sure they crunched the numbers, but I feel like there must be more people who'd upgrade their PS Plus copy for $10 than would buy it again for $50.
Damn thats a shame. I got mine through PS Plus and i almost felt shame when i played it cause it was so good!
I will probably play it again some time though, and i can see myself buy the upgraded version if there are any nice upgrades to the game and not just the graphics cause it was already good and ran in 60 fps.
Part of the issue though is noted sometime ago during PSN sales etc ,there was no option to digitally purchase Days Gone if you got it on PS Plus. Ditto several other Sony published titles like Concrete Genie, I think Resogun & (though now fully Quantic Dream),but despite buying the Heavy Rain/Beyond Two Souls compilation,the latter remains 'locked" on my recently lapsed PS Plus Essential subscription.
Realise it was only more recent years that Sony introduced the option to buy PS Plus titles by virtue of being essentially two different SKU's/versions on PSN. But its a shame they never sought to correct fixing some of their own older PS Plus games with versions that could be digitally purchased if you enjoyed their PS Plus release.😕
What if you got it via PS Plus Collection?
I’m not gonna lie Sony,
I’m not spending $50 on a silly little side mode and new photo mode features
Why is Sony so rubbish with this. It’s not the same but I was looking to play Ys IX on plus but they give you the PS4 version and not the PS5 version… like why? Really really thick.
They will cave eventually once they realise nobody's buying it. They've done it before and it won't be long before everybody's upgrading for £10.
@VaultGuy415 I'd imagine it's a no go for that version too.
I just expect these sorts of shenanigans from Sony now, it is never a surprise any more.
I'll just hold out. I have the Plus version to play if I'm feeling a real need to play it, otherwise I'll just wait for a sale on it - plenty more games to play elsewhere.
I can't tell via the PS app, but I'm almost positive I bought Days Gone in a good sale, and then they announced the PS+ collection. As others say, I don't think I will pay the full price just for this upgrade.
Definitely would have upgraded for $10, but only Nintendo can make me pay full price for the same game multiple times.
Sony: heres a title we believe so little in we won’t do a sequel for, but please buy the remaster. Oh and we promise it’s not a money grab or filler cause we have no games in our pipeline.
That's werid, Sony has been so generous and consumer friendly, specially this gen.
What an unlucky coincidence, I guess, that whomever did get the PS Plus "free" version, was blocked from acquiring the digital version or something.... If you think about it, PS Plus is a paid service so you did spend money to be able to get hte "free" license, but that is just me being weird.
I'm sure this is all due to the fact that physical copies holds the market back. Once we are free and all digital, it'll be MUCH MUCH better.
I trust Sony will do what is best for us, no mater what.
In the end, even if I'm wrong, I can still pay for it. So why should I care?
Why am I not surprised in the slightest...not paying full price for a new paint a coat ...I will probably barely notice the difference unless I am actively looking for it
Good old Sony selling patches as £10 upgrades but not if you dare to pay for a subscription as in that case you have to cough up full price.
Will I be paying £10 for the privilege of being able to use my controller's functionality (that I've already paid for) and a bit more grass on screen? Absolutely not
Frankly Sony are becoming a bad joke for things like this
From the PS blog: „Days Gone Remastered lands on PlayStation 5 as a digital-only title on April 25, 2025!“
I started it a few years ago and liked it, and I would buy it full price, but PHYSICAL!
Especially with polished remastered versions where you can be certain that all major bugs are patched out before, physical copies are great!
I think people get the subscription because they feel they, on average, get to play games a lot more cheaply than if they bought them individually* let’s not lie about that. So it’s no great surprise the value proposition may be different for games given on Plus. I’m not too mad about it, even though I fall in the camp of someone who would pay £10 for it but not full price, so I guess I should be upset, right?
*apart from those unfortunate multiplayer only types who get it for online functionality.
Free patch wasn’t an option. It is almost always a small fee to cover the costs for the people doing it, or it not getting made at all and those people working on something else that will pay out.
Most games do let you change the settings for free just like that (graphics or performance mode for example). This is a remaster. It has entirely new modes.
I’m not even getting the game, why am I the only one explaining the obvious here?
@thefourfoldroot1 people need their weekly moan for something they probably won't even play
Fret not, it'll be offered as a PS+ Monthly soon enough...
they will remove days gone from ps+ extra soon then
not a problem got ps4 copy for £5 so i can upgrade for £10
Two sides to every story. People like me who supported the game from launch and paid full price, can rightfully ask why should you feel entitled to this if playing the free version?
Furthermore, if you are all that passionate about this title, why didn’t you buy it when it was practically given away in multiple sales?
I am.sure I bought this for under a tenner at some.point so I may upgrade at some point.
With these upgrades do you trade your PS4 licence plus fee for the PS5 version or do you keep the PS4 licence?
If enough people buy this remaster sony might change their mind and make a sequel
@VaultGuy415 If you got it thought the PS5 collection you should be able to use the 10$ upgrade option as you own the game forever. But if you only played it through recent plus catalog you are just in fact "renting" it so the upgrade wont work. I hope that makes sense.
@Randinator123 That's why I will buy the upgrade, just to make DG2 possible one day (I hope!!)
@get2sammyb yeah I was definitely agreeing with that take. It just seems like a no brainer to let previous owners/players upgrade it for $10 and get something for it. Instead, I think a lot will just wait for it to hit PS+ or avoid it altogether which is a shame. I really enjoyed Days Gone and would’ve been pumped to replay it on the Pro tbh
@Enigk "With these upgrades do you trade your PS4 licence plus fee for the PS5 version or do you keep the PS4 licence?"
Just checked Horizon Zero Dawn and I got both "Horizon Zero Dawn" PS4 and now Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered PS5 after I did the $10 upgrade last year.
So you should keep the old game.
Just checked Last Of Us Part 2 also, same thing, got both new PS5 version and my original PS4 version.
All bought digitally by the way
Ill buy it for a tenner and hope we get DG2!
I don't care remastering. Better graphics doesn't affect if the game is fun or not.
> Buy a secondhand copy which is dirt cheap nowadays like 5-10 bucks
> Upgrade $10
> Problem solved.
But i hope this teach people the lesson that you only RENT games from PS+, not own it.
I love sonys games but they are a scummy company when It comes to ripping there players off or should that be payers
@thefourfoldroot1 because some people loves complaining for the sake of complaining
I got it through the PS5 collection, so I’d definitely pay a tenner for an upgrade. But a hard no to a full price one.
I purchased the steelbook version when it came out and i have the game on steam feeling very smug right now
Whoever made this decision needs to be replaced. Was planning on upgrading, even though it's not exactly my cup of tea. Now I won't bother.
I'll definitely upgrade, although I won't be able to get to it anytime soon.
PS4 digital version regularly goes on sale for £13.99, so £24 isn't too bad if you've never played the game before (assuming you can't buy a cheapo physical copy)
Sony stinks now.
If any game doesn't need a remaster - it's this. Days Gone was updated for PS5 consoles and looks incredible on anything you run it on.
Yeah, Sony's lost the plot. So, so, sad what's happening to gaming.
What a ridiculous approach. I might pay a tenner to upgrade, I wont pay 50 for something I already have. They could have had some money, instead they get none.
So many idiotic moves this gen.
@Zeke68 The PS5 Collection games are just rented as well. They stop working when you cancel PS+ You "own them forever" as much as you do any ps+ game you collect every month.
@crankcaller No "claim the games from ps5 collection and own them forever."
That was the original collection when PS5 launched we are talking about right??!
Im not talking about any current collection...
I've literally only just platted it took ages to get round to it, so although I thoroughly enjoyed it, I wouldn't pay for either. I thought it was pretty enough as it was
I had it on the disk at first, then claimed it on ps plus, but because upgrades from disk requires game disks to be in console to play it I eventually just sold them all to CEX and usually go with upgrade path. I am in no rush, will just play this in a year from release when it will be given on ps plus once again
@Robinsad they don't deserve any money for pulling stunts like this
@VaultGuy415 I think the £10 upgrade will apply to that because I can upgrade Horizon Zero Dawn and I’m pretty sure I got it the same way.
@Max_the_German it will be a £10 upgrade for the physical version and you'll use the disc as a key same as all the other ps5 remasters
People who are really fan of the game, presumably paid full price anyway. All the others won't get a cheap upgrade for a game they are not going to play again.
@Zeke68 nah you need ps plus for the ps 'plus' collection....without it no dice....its not the ps5 collection
What if you have a physical copy also? I redeemed it on ps plus is well. I'm guessing still won't count for the 10 upgrade. That's the case then I won't be paying the 50 ether
Seems like they are missing out on a lot of 10 dollar customers, but hey what do I know. I'll wait for the game to end up for free on PS Plus.
That sucks. I honestly can't remember if I bought this in a sale, or got it as part of PS+. Does anyone know how to check that out?
UPDATE: It seems I bought this in a sale in 2020, I checked my 'recently purchased' list, and while it doesn't give dates it was easy enough to sleuth out approximately when it was
@ROTTIEMAN16 I understand, but I am oldfashioned and like a physical version of a definitive version of a big game. I also bought a physical copy of Animal Well for Switch (and played it), because of my appreciation for a great game, despite its 60 EUR price tag (digitally only 25 EUR).
I'm currently playing Days Gone for the first time on PS5 and it runs and plays really well, so I'm not convinced a 'remaster' that's just the same code with the graphics settings turned up is strictly necessary but I would have gone for it for £10. But I won't pay £50 so they can forget it.
Meanwhile anyone who got HZD when it was given away for free was able to get the Remastered edition for the same upgrade price.
It’s a bit odd.
I really liked the game and even got the platinum trophy, but this remaster makes absolutely no sense. Ps3 games deserve remasters nowadays, ps4 games dont. Theres so much strandes on the ps3 that deserves to be brought over.
@Zeke68 Thanks for the info.
Sony can either get €10 or nothing at all when theres no upgrade path for the PS5 Plus collection. I can play the game either way.
They've missed out on a load of easy money and players then. I got this on PS+ when they gave it away, not the Extra version, and still haven't got round to playing it. As others have said, I too would have paid the tenner for the upgrade, zero chance I'm gonna pay full price for a free game I've already got sitting there unplayed.
I suspect this will be reversed, as we had the same thing with death stranding, ghosts of tsushima etc
@Enigk Your welcome ✌️🤗
For anyone else wondering if you can update it for ten bucks, if you have a PSplus subscription, use PC, go to your Profile picture and click on "gamelibrary" in the dropdown menu.
Here you can see all the games you own and the ones with a PS + is claimed monthly games and/or PS plus subscription games.
All games without the +sign is considered owned and and can be upgraded with $10 upgradepath if available.
I hope that helps.
Edit* LOL was typing this in a car and the word on Playstation Store was deleted somehow
@ROTTIEMAN16 Yes, they called it PS5 Collection,my bad. Those games, if claimed, is owned forever.
New PS plus collection, no clue, I buy all my games, even in 2025 😉
Bigger question will it have an autopop platinum?
People who have a PS4 can play the game - you have to have some games for those who sub with only a PS4.
If I recall correctly the games are very clunky, old gen and not pretty to start with.
Bought it on one of the numerous times it was on sale however many years ago.
Not sure why people think there shouldn't be a charge then, in the same breath, get bothered by studio job cuts.
Deciding to keep all the PlayStation exclusives physically since the middle of the PS3 gen has been really helpful, especially keeping the PS4 exclusives for these PS5 upgrades. Still have my physical Days Gone on PS4 and many of the others for these PS5 upgrades
I would have replayed the PS5 version again.......... BUT I am not paying full price for a remaster, it's a joke that there's no reduced price if you have the licence for the PS4 version
I already beat days gone on my ps4 pro.im not that again.word up son
I’ve never played Days Gone, and have my PS+ copy ready to go, was planning to get to it this year.
Count me as one who was ready to plop down $10, but isn’t going to $50. Especially based on what I saw in the trailer yesterday. It didn’t look as impressive as the Horizon Remake. Unless the reviews come out with some surprise enhancements that blow our minds, I’ll just stick with the patched PS4 version, which I hear is quite nice already at 60 fps.
Oh yeah I would've absolutely dropped $10 on the upgrade. No way I'm paying full price for a game I already "own"
Just play the original PS4 version. Stop Sony getting away with making a ps5 remaster machine that you suckers pay for. Send them a msg: what's the point of PS4 backwards compatibility if you remastering the games at full price and make new ps5 game. Like that will ever happen, sony tell you what to play and you all obey to justify buying a next gen consoles that's not being used for next gen games
Typical Sony, giving with one hand and taking away with the other. They’ve become really greedy and anti-consumer this generation. Easy skip. Plus there’s a decent PS5 patch if I want to play this again.
@HonestHick gamers: here's a game that we weren't bothered about and so chose not to buy. We only have it because we got it free. Even though we didn't support the game originally we now want a cheap upgrade.
I am one of the few people who actually bought the game and so will happily take the cheap upgrade. All these people complaining didn't support the game first time around.
Kind of devalues their own service when they're basically saying that hey if you got this game through our subscription, which is a PAID service, you're a second class customer
@EfYI oh of course they need to accommodate PS4 players but… just give both (PS4 and PS5 versions)? Unless its a Falcom thing…
Wow! Was really excited at the announcement but now..? Bleep you sony..
You couldn't pay me to play that game again.
Didn't even redeem it on PS+ just to show how much I don't wanna play this xD
I dont care will be the same game. Will not have big changes. At all!
I thought I got it via either PS Plus or the PS Plus Collection. Turns out I must have bought it since I have the option to upgrade for a tenner!
You could always grab a copy off eBay for 10 or whatever as a cheaper way to upgrade if needed.
@magera no kidding right! I wasn’t to to surprised to see it. It’s been rumored for quite a while. I must say for all the flack leakers get for supposedly, not knowing anything , they sure do get a lot right in the end. I never played Day’s Gone and i am not sure i will bother. But for those that do i hope they enjoy it. Yeah more PS remasters!!
If you didn't spend the money on it why should you get the upgrade path?
I wouldn't bother paying the upgrade PS+ or not. The fact that the game leaves it open for a sequel that's not going to happen, I'm not going to bother with it.
Would've paid $10 but will now just stick with my PS Plus copy.
@CreepingShadow Most of us who got it free are not gonna pay full price for a six year old game with a new coat of paint on it. £10...probably. And some money for them is better than no money?
I'm not bothered, I'll just play other stuff - they can sing for their £50/£60 quid all day long if they want.
I own it on PS4 physically and it's been a while since I subscribed to PS+ so excuse the stupid question here.
Is Days Gone still available to you if you stop your PS+ subscription?
This game was like visiting scenic country side with your smoking, out of touch uncle or something. Everyone just enjoying the view from the gondola and he rips a giant fart while laughing and wafting it around.
@Whately86 "That's werid, Sony has been so generous and consumer friendly, specially this gen." Whilst I agree with you to a certain extent its this kind of comment that's likely to get you tarred and featherd for daring to speak honestly and openly by those (in their multitudes) who will now believe you to be a SONY shill or the antichrist.
@SMJ "Is Days Gone still available to you if you stop your PS+ subscription?"
Yes. Days Gone and all PS+ monthly games will be locked once people stop their subs aka those games are just rent. It's been like that since the service started.
@PuppetMaster You didn't need to be rude. But thanks.
I had my physical copy back in ps4 day, but then we got lots of games with PS5 digitally as part of subscription... and I sold all my physical copies of the games I received with this enchanced PS plus upgrade for ps5 owners.
and now I have to buy it again. how ironical.
@SMJ Rude? I don't know which part from my comment that offense you but forgive me if my comment makes you uncomfortable 🙏
Days Gone is a title I wouldn’t have ever purchased or played, had it not been on plus/collection, and I absolutely LOVED it!! So I will gladly support the developers and Sony on this one 👍
@CreepingShadow uhm, nobody got it for free as you did need to have a playstation plus subscription to receive it. Just because someone gets games via a paid subscription service doesn't mean they should be seen as freeloaders.
I'll wait until it's a free PS Plus game again in 2 years
@Cornpop76 well said
PS4 = 4 the players
PS5 = for the payers
Can't wait to play again on the pro 👍
I wouldn’t want to spend £10 to upgrade even if the ups path was available for plus subscribers as you’ll lose access to the game either way if you choose to end subscription.
We all know this is the norm. No surprises here.
Bought this for a fiver on my Steam Deck a few months ago, I'm sure these extra bits will come over to that version for no extra cost and when I eventually cave and buy a proper gaming PC I'll be able to enjoy the graphical upgrades as well. As consoles get more expensive and PCs get cheaper and more consumer friendly, SONY really needs to be careful about the value divide between the two platforms...
Replayed the game a few weeks back and it looks and runs great on ps5 as it is. No way worth paying £50 for this upgrade
If Sony do not want my money....
Am I the only one who doesn't see a whit of difference graphically on this upgrade? I loved Days Gone, despite the flaws. But this upgrade isn't doing much for me.
I bought it digital on PS4 years ago for like £9 or was it £12 either way I don't see the need for me to upgrade because it runs fine on PS5 does the PS4 version
classic sony
@PuppetMaster Now, your poor spelling OFFENDS me.
Guess I'm not playing it…
What a weird decision. This was not the case with another games (like Horizon Zero Dawn)
Such a scummy money grab but like others have said this is the norm for Sony.
I assume the PS6 Remaster prices will be $20 each when they start to roll out? I mean, why mess with a formula that seems to be working.
Kidding. Mostly.
I loved Days Gone and bought it on disc I think. I must have ended up with the PS Plus version of it because my PS5 wants to sell me the upgrade for $49.99. Despite my love for the game–it was my favorite PS4 game that wasn't TLOU2 or Ghost of Tsushima–there's no way I'm paying fifty bucks for "better draw distances" or whatever. Sorry not sorry.
Get a real biz plan, Sony. One that actually innovates for a change and brings in new games. I love a lot of your games but this is starting to get REALLY old REALLY fast.
A shame? this has always been the case, they might as well give it away for free. Nice for sites to get clicks again. No, Sony is simply right. If you bought the game before, it is only fair that you can buy it for ten bucks. If you got it "for free" with PS Plus, you simply pay for it.
@TommyNL But you didn't get it for free with PS Plus. PS Plus costs money. More and more all the time it seems. $50 seems a bit much in this case.
Yes of course Ps Plus costs money. Netflix too, Gamepass too. But you do get a choice of different games to play every month, whether it's your taste or not. A service always costs money. But then you don't have to offer a game for ten bucks. There are enough people who bought the game for the full price or in a sale. So they have much more right. You are not obliged to take ps plus extra or premium. Essential is also mandatory, unless you want to play online. But there are enough great games (certainly on Playstation) that don't need that. Yes, of course €50 is way too much money. But it will naturally become a lot cheaper. Not that suddenly everyone wants and needs to play Days Gone.
Its fair and i agree, but any way i have the game sealed and played the redeemed on PS PLUS.
Loved Days Gone but not paying £50 to play it again.
@tameshiyaku @HappyGamerGirl the subscription to PlayStation plus is 1st and foremost for online service. Getting free games as a bonus perk is not a contribution to buying the games we get. If someone gets days gone through it that's great for player counts and perhaps keeping a game relevant in the minds of gamers. I amoung many who bought and supported the devs as directly as we can should get this benefit to the upgrade (not that I think the model for £10 upgrades is a good one). As for a 6 year old game being resold as a 50-60 quid game is also abit of a joke. £30 or so doesn't feel like as much of a kick in the teeth but this imo is far too late if this was released along side the pc release it might have made more sense.
Cash grab. They have to pay for all their very, very expensive mistakes. Not only did this game not need a face lift, but the comparison of OG to remaster is a joke.
Nah, this actually makes sense. Horizon was a special case since they genuinely gave it to everyone for free.
Lets not get carried away here. They're simply avoiding double charging people who actually supported the game specifically at a higher price. Nothing shady about that at all.
I don't know why people don't think of the possibility of these remasters appearing on one of tiers of plus later too. Happened with the director cuts and TLOU.
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