Yooka-Replaylee, the enhanced PS5 remake of Playtonic's throwback platformer, has just unveiled a new trailer that focuses on Rextro's Arcade, which has been reworked for this new version of the game.

Rextro's Arcade is a collection of minigames you can play. Depending on your performance, you can earn medals, which can then be exchanged for Pagies, the all-important collectibles in the main adventure.

Yooka-Replaylee will feature eight brand new arcade machines, and the new minigames they contain will have you playing as a cutesy rendition of Rextro himself, as you can see in the trailer. The minigames look to be fun, short puzzle platforming stages.

There's still no release date in place for Yooka-Replaylee, but hopefully it's not too far off now. Everything we've seen from the remake looks like an improvement on the original, so we're quite looking forward to checking it out.

Are you excited for Yooka-Replaylee on PS5? Tell us in the comments section below.