Yooka-Replaylee, the enhanced PS5 remake of Playtonic's throwback platformer, has just unveiled a new trailer that focuses on Rextro's Arcade, which has been reworked for this new version of the game.
Rextro's Arcade is a collection of minigames you can play. Depending on your performance, you can earn medals, which can then be exchanged for Pagies, the all-important collectibles in the main adventure.
Yooka-Replaylee will feature eight brand new arcade machines, and the new minigames they contain will have you playing as a cutesy rendition of Rextro himself, as you can see in the trailer. The minigames look to be fun, short puzzle platforming stages.

There's still no release date in place for Yooka-Replaylee, but hopefully it's not too far off now. Everything we've seen from the remake looks like an improvement on the original, so we're quite looking forward to checking it out.
Are you excited for Yooka-Replaylee on PS5? Tell us in the comments section below.
Comments 13
I miss Banjo & Kazooie....
Definitely looks like an improvement over what the arcade machines had in the original game.
I'm looking forward to this I absolutely loved the original
@Oram77 ye everyone does the 1st banjo kazooie for me is one of the greatest platform games ever made my favourite anyway
@Dan12836666 I see no lies in your statement.
should be free to those who own original version
The name Yooka-Replaylee is up there with such greats as Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered and Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition. Keep it up games industry!
@Richy2025 It definitely should not be free; the developers are doing a considerable amount of work to create this enhanced version, and they are a small independent developer/publisher, but they should offer a discounted upgrade price to those who purchased the original.
@Hundred_Hand_Slap Deathinitive 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Its not a GaaS, so I don't see why this should be free for owners of the original version?
Don't forget about gems like Bloodrayne: ReVamped, Asterix & Obelix XXL: RoMastered and SpongeBob BfBB: ReHydrated!
Edit: and Forced: Slightly Better Edition!
@Bramble how could I, but I'd run out of characters in my post if I named them all.
This game looks fun and cute! I’m definitely looking forward to it.
Ok features. Not buying it again. Playtonic's supported games sure. Their games being 2 already own, the features don't interest me at all.
Even then I'd rather support actually good old games, not Indies with subpar ideas in them (they don't have to be skilled, just good at presnetation and a mixture of level design and mechanics ideas that are simple but still more compelling then the bland average actions or even AAA games bland abilities/generic human or animal abilities so boring I refuse to even look at them.
Not the most bland thing I've ever seen because they can't make it good enough of their own creation and show their potential hiding enough or a fan game with a purchase)/boring inspiration they pull from and put effort to be comparable to anyway.
As average as Glover is I'd rather buy that, no nostalgia, still more compelling ideas then any other Indies on the market. Let alone other B grade 5/6th gen games these devs take inspiration from the best ones and they still can't even match them even a little bit in quality or execution. They don't get 'why' they are so good. Not really. Their design is obvious yet they can't match them in quality.
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