Sony enjoyed a record-breaking holiday with PS5, but it believes business could improve even further as it edges towards a new fiscal year.
As part of its financial presentation, it reiterated that major first-party titles Death Stranding 2: On the Beach and Ghost of Yotei are slated to release this year.
You may recall there was a hullaballoo last year when the company said it wasn’t plotting any major exclusives for 2024, which was a little misconstrued. Effectively it meant that it didn’t have anything on the scale of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 or God of War Ragnarok in its roster, despite releasing the critically acclaimed Astro Bot.
Sony does consider the aforementioned sequels from Kojima Productions and Sucker Punch to be massive releases, however, and it’s predicting a monumental year for PS5 with other important third-party titles planned.
Speaking to investors, bigwig Hiroki Totoki said: “As for the next fiscal year (April 2025 to March 2026), first-party [and] third-party, we expect very good titles coming out. So, we have a high expectation for the performance of the next fiscal year.”
It’s possible, with potential price adjustments, Sony could perform even better next Christmas – especially if GTA 6 makes it to market on time. There’ll be other upcoming games we don’t yet know about as well, so a huge year awaits.
[source sony.com]
Comments 70
In that case, I'd much rather see these shown off yesterday, then some cgi trailer for a game coming next year
death stranding 2 isnt first party its second party as they dont own the studio that makes it
I would hope that Sony would become a little more transparent with upcoming releases. I don’t mind knowing a good year ahead about a games launch, having updates and previews really helps build up anticipation!
@carlos82 You're going to see Death Stranding 2 in early March: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2025/02/new-death-stranding-2-updates-and-details-coming-next-month
So we got Death Stranding 2, Ghost of Yotei, Midnight Murder club and Lost Soul Aside so far releasing this year.
Maybe Phantom Blade Zero and Baby Steps with release dates soon.
And hopefully Sony pulls an Astro Bot on us. Maybe this summer a game will get announced that’ll release in Q3/4.
With GTA6 and all the big 3rd party games coming out this seems like a stacked year for gaming
The financials are pretty strong. This is their best Q3 EVER in:
A few other YoY comparisons to Q3 2023 revenue from:
In fact everything is up EXCEPT physical media revenue which is down a whopping 49.23% to 44,350 m Yen YoY. (sigh)
Crisis? what Crisis? I think some people need to learn some patience. The bangers will come don't worry.
Im not sure why people keep calling Death Stranding first party?
@get2sammyb ahh ok, fair enough then
@Oram77 yeah i dont really seen a content issue. It sucks we are lacking games from playstation themselves but just looking at stuff from last night, theres so much 3rd content coming and all the xbox ports just makes it even bigger. 1st party makes defining games but are less needed these days from a content filling point
Other than Ghost Of Yotei (which I'm immeasurably excited for) what? Death Stranding isn't first party they sold they IP to Kojima so what else is there?
@trev666 2nd party isn't a definition that Sony recognizes. As long as their publishing and financing the game, they consider it "1st party"
@RagnarLothbrok I always find it baffling that some people only seem to count 1st party games when it's the minority on most systems, on PlayStation it only makes up about 10% - 12% of total sales. It's the other 90% that matters most and I can't keep up with all the good games being released. (FYI On Nintendo it's more than 50% of sales)
@trev666 I think publishers only use the term first party for titles they publish. Just like many titles for Nintendo aren’t developed in house, but still considered 1st party games, think Pokemon, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and even Mario games like the recently released Mario & Luigi: Brothership which was developed by Acquire. And games like the first Gears of War trilogy which was developed by Epic Games and the Ori series by Moon studios for Xbox for example.
Also, its still an exclusive title published by Playstation. Does it really matter if its 1st party or not? Bloodborne wasn’t 1st party, but it was one of the best Playstation exclusives games on last gen.
Well, their quote says "fiscal year" so calendar Q1 2026 is still a possibility for either title.
Fan the flames Sammy
@Bionic-Spencer hope it's a lot more transparent. Right note their communication sucks
Hopefully it's not just death stranding 2 and ghost 2.
I wonder what Sony’s plan is now with SoP’s and Showcases, it really seems their view of them is diverging massively from the enthusiast gamer you’ll find on sites like this. It kind of feels like they’re just going through the motions with them, putting in some effort to meet the advertising needs primarily of third parties that benefit greatly from being in one of these high viewership shows, but I suspect Sony has a lot of data that implies they have almost no effect on hardware sales or on sales of the specific games.
Not putting in games scheduled for this year would have seemed unthinkable a few years ago, then there’s the games that are still likely targeting a 2025(or maybe into 2026 now) releases like Marathon and Venom that haven’t been revealed at all or never had an update past a single teaser trailer with no gameplay(same for Wolverine).
It’s certainly a very different method from Xbox are doing in which they just chuck out anything they have in production into their shows as soon as they have something. I did a google of the Xbox 2020 July show for Xbox Series X big reveal to see what games were in it and how long they took to get out and the results were quite startling. In that show they had Avowed, Fable, Forza Motorsport, State of Decay 3 as reveals and an update on Everwild. Then there’s the other games like Hellblade 2(had already been revealed by that point), Perfect Dark(would be revealed the same year) and games like that Steampunk BioShock game that’s not been seen for years. The weird thing is, I very much get the impression that this is what the majority of people here want Sony to do with its upcoming schedule. Just chuck everything out, no expectations, no structure.
Granted, not showing games that are confirmed to be targeting this year still seems like a big departure, even from it’s previous reticence.
Yes, Sony made some stupid choices going all in on live services which have no doubt impacted their first party output a bit.
But i feel like they are put on too high of a standard nowadays. And are compared too much maybe to the output of Xbox for example.
Just imagine if Xbox hadn’t acquired Activision and Bethesda, two of the biggest publishers in the world. They would hardly even have games coming out. Think about it, there would be almost no Xbox games. Their output is going to be large now, probably the largest of any publisher, but that is what buying the largest videogame publishers will do for ya.
And even still knowing that PS has like 25 less studios, they still managed to have brought us like 11 or 12 exclusives last year alone. That’s pretty impressive i think. Even if not all first party, they at least supplement it with securing good exclusives for their platform.
@themightyant yeah its insane and right there with you in not keeping up lol. Nintendo live or die on their content but now pn ps5/xbox its again about scope of impact given theres less air for games to breathe these days. Its why even with all its acquisitions and supposed lineup, xbox consoles partially fant get traction. established Libraries, impactful timed/permanent console exclusives, and despite what media says the xbox 1st games havent really been more than mediocre to draw people times from the glut of 3rd party games elsewhere
@ChrisDeku yeah i feel the xbox startegy over time has simply frustrated players as well with how long and still waiting for most of these games.
Short marketing burst and associating games with the platforms seems the best. Doesnt hurt to help prop up 3rd party games. They still see 30% of the sales regardless and makes extracting games that much easier from their emerging markets sectors
@ChrisDeku Not quite what Xbox do now, there most recent couple of developer directs were great, and highlighted games coming out in the next quarter, pretty much
So why weren’t they shown yesterday seems sus
@Dimey They've reined it in a bit but their showcase event last July still included State of Decay 3, Fable, Perfect Dark and Gears of War: E day. None of those have release dates except Fables “2025” which I’d take with a few bags of salt.
I’d bet a few of those won’t be released 2 years later in July 2026.
@Dimey This is why i think Playstation is put on a higher standard then others.
The Microsoft Direct showed 4 games, 2 of which were 3rd party games, and 3 of the games were already previously announced, but the show is praised.
The SoP had like 30 games, consisting of new titles like Shinobi, Tides of Annihilation, Directive 8020 and even a full new first party IP announcement, but the show is called bad.
There seems to be a bit of a double standard here
@Oram77 There was never a crisis, just ignore the naysayers and look at the games that we have to come. Between 1st, 2nd and 3rd party there's loads to play on PS5.
Is there a release year already for Intergalactic? I genuinely don't remember.
@LogicStrikesAgain fair, though I'd rather 4 or 5 top titles than a load of whatever they can get their hands on, and most of those (17?) are multi plat are they not? I suppose Xbox excuse for 3rd party games is, they're relevant if coming to gamepass?
@ChrisDeku This will be subjective but personally I can't stand it when so many games are announced so early. I realise there are sometimes valid reasons for this e.g. as a recruitment ad, or for investors. But as a PLAYER I don't want to know about games 3, 4, 5+ years before they release.
Xbox have been particularly guilty at that with their 2020 showcase having many games that aren't even out now 4-5 years later (Fable, State of Decay 3, Everwild, Avowed - although the last finally releases this month). Over time it became clear WHY they had done this because they simply didn't have any first party games in the console's first year and then after a strong second year had very little in year three. It's now clear Xbox were trying to get people to buy their console off the promise of games in 3-5+ years. I don't like that at all. Thankfully they now have a pipeline of games so it's unlikely they will need to rely on this in future.
Sony has been the opposite and have kept their cards perhaps too close to their chest, while i'd prefer this over announcing half your games 3-5 years in advance, there is a probably a happy medium in between.I think it's OK to have perhaps one or two games longer ahead but for everything else I'd say a year and a half MAX but ideally less.
EDIT: additionally re: Venom this has never even been announced, it could have been cancelled or pushed (especially with the sad passing of Venom actor Tony Todd), I wouldn't assume this is even coming, let alone 2025 based on very old outdated information from the Insomniac leak. Plans change.
@LogicStrikesAgain they did a showcase and a direct.showcase would be more like what Sony did I'd guess? Was loads of games on the showcase
One of the games was a remaster of a Xbox 360 game and one was South of Midnight, a game made by a studio whose 2 previous games are rated in the 15th and 20th percentile on OpenCritic I.e. they’ve only ever made utter dreck(both had nice art styles though)
The State of Plat just simply didn’t read the room. People want updates on first party and exclusive games. Xbox started losing its brand appeal for many because they’re de-exclusivizing their line-up. That said though, Xbox just has a Direct that showed they pay attention to what their fanbase likes and wants, leaving the later releases for later. Now, Sony’s in a habit of announcing games in a way that doesn’t make sense for fans of casuals.
I watched SOP with my family, right? I asked my wife if we should buy anything from SOP and she said the PixelJunk game maybe and she liked the PS+ additions like Lost Records and Blue Prince, and admitted she got bored and went scrolling on her phone for most of it after Sonic. My son liked the Ape Escape cameo most and liked Monster Hunter, Sonic, and Lost Soul Aside, but then told me it wasn’t a very good show and that he’s more excited about the Nintendo Direct, saying I should save my money. After the Saros trailer, my wife said “it doesn’t look like anything’s coming out any time soon this year, you should buy KCD2 with your store credit.” These are voices that aren’t corrupted by the gaming media, so I thought I’d share.
DS2 has an upcoming event announced, so that’s ok it wasn’t present, but to appease the fans that are concerned they just should’ve said Ghost will be featured in the future and reiterated it was coming soon and exciting. Just this little blip would’ve gave people more confidence, I think.
@ChrisDeku It is expensive and distracts the teams. Look at the insane pressure Insomniac is constantly under to reveal more of Wolverine because it was announced so early.
@ChrisDeku For myself I am glad that Sony have steered away from announcing years out as its bad for industry imo. You end up with issues like Cyberpunk which ended up being a disaster on launch. Obviously they turned it around and the game eventually was brilliant but the early announcements locked it in to previous gen which was a huge problem.
Not to mention the cycle of hype as you can only maintain interest in a game for so long before people lose interest and the discourse naturally shifts to expectation of a poor game due to extended development. Then when the launch hits the low expectations lead to poor reviews.
We know what game they are working on mostly, but we only need to see them when the are within 12m of release.
@LogicStrikesAgain The double standard on 1st party expectations are ridiculous. MS bought their way straight to the top of biggest publisher and fans are acting like its the result of years of hard work. Sony won't compete on quantity, but for quality they are still right up their holding their own.
EDIT: Not to mention, no one really cares if a game is 2st, 2nd or 3rd party. Its just the current goalpost shifting metric, like engagement vs consoles sold. If a game is good it makes no difference who created it to 99% of consumers.
@KillerBoy nothing really sus about it , death standing is having an info event at south by southwest early march and im sure ghosts will get its own state of play event. No need to go back to back state of plays showing the same game imo.
@twitchtvpat they still could have shown something. We saw a trailer for monster hunter wilds even though we have already seen it in past showcases/ state of play. The fact that they haven’t is a red flag
@KillerBoy Not a red flag at all. Kojima has admitted he is working hard on the editing currently and probably just decided what the point in paying for another 60s trailer when he is already planning a 15m deep dive in a month or 2.
It's funny to look back on that early 2024 statement from Sony that they wouldn't release any major first-party titles, and yet they ended up dominating The Game Awards with the most nominations and awards as publisher and the most nominations and awards for any single game, including the GOTY, for a first-party title.
@trev666 3d party even because that studio also makes games for other platform holders.
@themightyant yet they keep increasing the prices. Sony’s not so much ‘for the players’ anymore.
‘For the payers’ meme makes more sense every fiscal quarter. You could also say ‘for the shareholders’.
Ghost is releasing this year? If only Sony had some kind of game showcase to show it to us. Like a Nintendo Direct. Oh well, too bad they don’t. 😝
@themightyant I'm with you on release dates. We got into a cycle were games were announced before there existed anything to actually show at one point. Then it's years of development before we get them. Id much rather see something and then be told it's coming in a shorter time frame.
On that note, the one thing that stood out to me from the state of play last night was that all games bar one (at least that i can think of) were given 2025 release dates. While I wasn't interested in every game, it was nice to have such a short timeframe consistently before they release.
So 2 new games and 98 remasters🥱
@Weebleman Totally agree. Most games had dates for the next 6 months the rest, bar two I think (Onimusha and Saros), were all 2025. With around 30 announcements, that's a pretty great balance imo of the present, near future, and a couple to look forward to in the more distant future.
@somnambulance My 22yo w/ a BS in game design didn’t know it was on. I showed my wife a few trailers on YouTube then we watched a 7 minute IGN condensed version. We were already planning on getting Split Fiction so didn’t need to see that again. My other kid in college is basically just a PC gamer now, even left their Switch home, but there’s probably a few games they’ll play in it, all the ones that looked like Elden Ring. Some of them seemed a ways off.
They’re currently looking forward to XCX this summer. We’re all looking forward to the April Nintendo Direct, which will probably have a couple of these, surrounded by a whole lot more 1st party stuff we’ll be into.
@rjejr I was sort of surprised that my son wasn’t interested in Split Fiction. We skipped the horror tinged games in the SOP because he’s 8, but I was surprised that he said, “That looks like a game you and Mommy like, but it’s not for me. Maybe I’d watch you play, but it doesn’t look that good.” Tough crowd. Lol. It’s always interesting getting the perspectives of those outside these forums because I always wonder who the glut of Soulslikes are for since I know maybe two people that plays Souls games. Now, I know they’re for your kid too!
For me, my family tends to watch gaming showcases as a family. As of right now, I’d say South of Midnight might be my family’s most anticipated title with a release date as a whole, but I think we’re all sort of happy this State of Play waffled, so we can save money for the Switch 2. My son even said the Sonic game looked great, but he would rather wait to see if there’s a new Mario Kart coming soon instead.
As for me, I think the lack of Ghost of Yotei convinced me that I should probably get Assassin’s Creed Shadows!
It's funny how when people ask where all the first party titles are and someone lists them, the asker then always argues that the listed games don't count. Dishonest interlocutors are everywhere since yesterday's show.
@ButterySmooth30FPS Moving goalposts seem to be a popular hobby nowadays 😉
@KillerBoy no red flags , would you rather they make trailers or games ? We know about both of those games , and like I said death stranding we will see way more of in a few weeks but I don’t want them over showing games either
@Keyblade-Dan the IP always belonged to Kojima?
Death Stranding 2 isn't a first-party PlayStation game. Kojima Productions kind of was and Death Stranding was a PlayStation IP until it was announced for Xbox and then showed up on Xbox the very same day. Kojima isn't really a very smart businessmen. Xbox's hardware is dying just as he decides to support it.
Why do you want an Xbox when you get everything for the competing console, but you can't play everything on an Xbox? People are trying their damnedest to keep the Xbox relevant and pretend nothing is really happening but, some of us were there once and to this day, Sonic still doesn't feel right on a Nintendo console, but Xbots don't have an issue with that, but SEGA fans from that era know and ought to have an issue with that. I still do
@opo02 No, it belonged to Sony and they sold it to Kojima recently, right before it got released on Xbox.
then for the love of all that's holy show them off in the big ol' presentations!!
This is more of a backlog year for me, but I'm fine with that. I will probably pick up Ghost. I expect that next year we will see a lot more first party titles.
Edit: And Switch 2, but we're talking PS.
"Sony Reiterates Major PS5 First-Party Games Will Launch in 2025" Isn't that what the Sate of Play events are for Sony? Good Grief.
I should wait for the PC version of Yotei but I don’t I will have that much self control. Just bought a case for my PC build.
@jorel262 that's why they have multiple state of play events some dedicated towards certain games. but you have to save things for each event , last two events we had gotten a major sony studios announcement assuming we'll get another one in the next event.
@somnambulance ghost's was just announced last state of play they dont' really need to waste more time to show a different trailer and they had enough they don't need filler i'd rather they just do a 20-30 min state of play dedicated to that game , but at the same time not over share on the game as well.
@twitchtvpat I don't understand why some people acting as if there's only one SoP /year. iirc last year we got like 4 SoP at January, February dedicated for Rebirth, May, and September.
We're still early in February 2025 but some people wants Sony to show everything like we're in the summer / holiday 🙄
@PuppetMaster @twitchtvpat By that logic though, Monster Hunter, Hell is Us, Split Fiction, Metal Gear Solid Delta, etc. didn’t need a feature. Ghost just needed a mention. It didn’t need a trailer. Borderlands 4 got a State of Play announced, for crying out loud, and that’s not even a first party title.
The frustration on State of Play likely boils down to the fact that Sony is radio silent for months and then does a State of Play that is made clearly oblivious to what their own fanbase is saying online. And it doesn’t help that Sony has had two years that were quiet on the first party front. Spider-Man 2 and Astro Bot both won GotY titles from several publications, but neither can sustain a whole year’s lineup on their own, you know? People just want validation from the titles they’re anticipating from Sony. I mean, for me personally, most of the games on my current wishlist haven’t been seen in a while. Pragmata is the worst offender and I don’t even know if I expect that game to exist anymore, but I want to see more of Judas, Sword of the Sea, and yes Death Stranding and Ghost of Yotei, which we’ve heard that we’ll get updates from all of them soon, but when is soon? The Astro Bot new levels that got announced today too. Why wasn’t that a State of Play announcement? It just feels like there’s a disconnect between swathes of the fanbase and what is shown off in these presentations and that’s because of the long durations of silence.
@somnambulance "By that logic though, Monster Hunter, Hell is Us, Split Fiction, Metal Gear Solid Delta, etc. didn’t need a feature"
You're acting as if Sony shouldn't care nor support their 3rd party partners. Those games have release date and some even close to release with full marketing. So why Sony shouldn't feature them at SoP???
"Ghost just needed a mention. It didn’t need a trailer"
They already gave the release window. If they didn't say anything that means they're waiting until the game near gold to start full marketing. Big chance it will get it's own SoP just like Tsushima.
"The frustration on State of Play likely boils down to the fact that Sony is radio silent for months and then does a State of Play that is made clearly oblivious to what their own fanbase is saying online"
Some fans needs to stop acting as if PS5 doesn't have games for years. Let Sony devs do their job instead of keeps pressuring them over and over to show their unfinished game 🙄
@PuppetMaster Hell is Us, MGS Delta and Borderlands 4 are all late summer/early fall releases, so they’re not exactly right down the pipeline. I, personally, think it makes total sense to show off Wilds and Split Fiction because they are so close to release. I added them as a comparison point to someone saying “Ghost received a trailer, so we don’t need more.”
I get that it will have its own SOP. I just think Sony should have awareness that a lot of people tuned in expecting something with reference to Ghost, so they’ve should mention that details will come in the future. A “you may be here for this, but today is about other things, just wait til you see what’s up in the future!” They had to be aware that large swathes of their fanbase was literally waiting for that. I’d just like to see Sony address what their fanbase says because it’d help keep the rumor mill in check. Transparency helps us all. There are lots of games released now, more than ever before, but in the same breath, for some, there’s certainly genres that have gotten little love the past few years, and I can see why some may be frustrated with gaming right now. It’s a great time to be a gamer, for sure, but people just want the games they want. In past eras, we’d get yearly updates on a Bioshock or whatever. Now, there’s less certainty on if projects are cancelled after a trailer releases at a Summer Games Fest type of thing. I think gamers don’t necessarily want that much more to be made, but want more certainty in what is releasing. For me, I like to budget, so I want to get my preorders out of the way. For others, they may be worried about delays. Every person is different, but we used to have release dates far earlier.
@somnambulance We used to watch more stuff together before college. I don't think I would have let my 8yo watch anything Sony, they were probably playing Wii Sports and Dora Saves the Purple Planet at that age.😂 Actually my kids may have been 2 or 3 playing that stuff, times flies.
Is your kart kid playing Disney Speedstorm? It's sort of free to play like a demo is a free to play game. If they like to buy everything better keep them away. Might only be on PS5. It's a tight little kart racer though.
I got 1 Soulslike kid and 1 card based game kid, but they'll play Split Fiction together b/c they realize decent couch co-op games are few and far between. It's a win.
South of Midnight rings no bells for me, at all. I've never played the AC games b/c stealth, even though the newer open world ones have looked kind of fun. I'll probably keep that going and play Ghost. And hopefully Super Mario Galaxy 3. Yes I specifically need that sequel, wasn't a huge fan of Odyssey, seemed less fun than the 2 Galaxy games. But I'll play any Mario platformer they offer us. Unless it's Odyssey HD Complete Director's Cut DX, once was enough. Is it April yet?😁
@rjejr With Sony presentations my wife and I watch them twice basically to censor it basically for my son since he wants to watch all the showcases. Lol. We only watch Nintendo Direct and sometimes the summer showcases with the kids. My son tends to lean toward mascot platformers for taste.
None of us have played Disney Speedstorm. Maybe I’ll give it a spin this weekend.
I have a feeling the wife and I will play Split Fiction together. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, if I remember correctly, was the first game I bought with my wife, so I try to support Josef Fares. I appreciate his no compromise approach to making couch co-op titles.
South of Midnight is the second Xbox first party game this year, comes out in April. I know it’s rated M, but sometimes it’s hard to gauge how appropriate games are based on ratings these days. The game looks like a Deep South video game Coraline.
I’ve played Assassin’s Creed since the beginning. It’s weird to think that, at one point, they (and Ubisoft) seemed so innovative in gameplay and scope. I’ve stuck with the series through its highs and lows. It’s never a GotY tier series, but it’s usually consistently just good. Assassin’s Creed is basically now the cheese pizza of video games, if that makes sense.
Man, I love Galaxy. I loved Mario Odyssey. Might be my favorite 3D platformer ever, but Galaxy was wonderfully strange. I think I’d rather have Galaxy 3 as well.
@somnambulance "Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons"
Not sure I knew that was co-op. Played it by myself what feels like a decade ago, PS3 on PS+ maybe? I think my wife watched a little, nice graphics for the time. Didn't know it was the same guy, makes sense, thanks.
"Assassin’s Creed is basically now the cheese pizza of video games, if that makes sense."
Nothing wrong with having a little fun, not everything needs to be new and different, I get it. 😁
"South of Midnight"
So I finally just looked up that one and it being an Xbox exclusive is probably why I didn't know about it. My 10yo PC doesn't game. Does look good. Reminded me a lot of Keena: Bridge of Spirits if that game was made by the same people who made the Fallout TV show. My brain just thinks things sometimes. 😂 Will play it when it eventually gets ported to Switch 2. I still can't believe Ori 1 & 2 made it to Switch but not PS4/5 so I'm guessing this one follows. Unless Nintendo doesn't want that big ole Rated M on there.
Oh, and when I said Keena it was after the gameplay trailer w/ the fish, the bell, and the gator, the story trailer is a whole other game. Actually looks better. Feels more New Orleans than deep south to me but that could just be a NYC viewpoint.
@rjejr Lol. I almost feel that way about Xbox stuff now too, but I got a Gamepass sub again after all the big releases in the fall, so I’ll play South of Midnight and Doom at release til my yearly runs out.
Speaking of Switch 2 though, the State of Play sort of convinced me it’s probably better to save up for Switch 2 than buy things on PS5 for most of the year? Man, do I wonder what Nintendo’s cooking!
@somnambulance For a few years now I had been thinking I was too old to get a Switch 2 b/c the kids would be moved out by then but after that last State of Play I think I'll need one even if I only game on it occasionally over the next few years. And my wife and I were discussing FF 7 part 3 and how we really hope it releases on PS5 b/c I don't think we'll be getting a PS6, certainly not just to play that.
Really, I'm more than fine w/ everything on PS5 - Switch does need a massive upgrade though - and the only reason I could even imagine for a PS6 is the full deployment of 8k tvs, but I'm probably never getting one of those, so I'm good.
@rjejr I was feeling the same way about the Switch 2 for a while last year, but I dunno… last year just wasn’t really clicking for me with the new games I was getting, so by the end of the year, I didn’t really have much of a backlog, and I just played Roller Coaster Tycoon on Switch more than anything else and it sort of made me miss the Switch being my dominant console.
I’m feeling sort of similar about the PS6. I dunno when the next generation will be, but PlayStation isn’t the PlayStation I want it to be anymore, I think. This generation, the first party stuff just hasn’t been what I want. Sure, Returnal is alright, and Gran Turismo is Gran Turismo, but Rift Apart and Astro Bot are probably the only two first party games that have wowed me yet and it feels to me like Playstation is coasting on Final Fantasy, which is going to PC now. I know Ghost and Death Stranding will do the trick, but I dunno.
@somnambulance Most of my gaming on PS5 right now is free - Fortnite, Disney Speedstorm and Infinity Nikki - which I either can't play on Switch or don't want to b/c I'm too hung up on graphics and Switch really isn't cutting it on my 75" 4k TV. And to be fait to Switch it was never meant for that. Though the 2 BotW games looked good. Switch 2 should at least have HDR and 1080p, good enough. But I'll still probably play 3rd party Squenix stuff on PS5.
The thing I miss most about Sony is the lack of Uncharted games, I really enjoyed that franchise. I suppose I'll miss Spiderman 3 on PS6 but maybe that can get dual released. If we can get like 2 years of dual releases, Horizon most importantly, I'll probably be good.
Never played Returnal, nor Death stranding, nor GT. I'm really a JRPG - but no kids in high school weird looking stuff - and 3D platform gamer. It's a very small selection. And I may be getting bored. And my skills are slipping. 🤷♂️
But that's the future, back to GoW:R now. 😎
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