Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered releases for both PS5 and PS4 today, bringing back The Last Revelation, Chronicles, and The Angel of Darkness with modern visuals and enhancements. It's another great bundle on the face of it, but potential PS5 buyers should know of a second messy Trophy list, a flaw that also affected the remasters of the first three games.
When Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered came to PS5 last year, we noted how the Trophy list contained almost 300 digital gongs to collect, but unlocking them all wouldn't result in a Platinum Trophy. It simply didn't have one, and all the 269 Trophies were contained to a single list — you couldn't have individual entries for Tomb Raider 2 or Tomb Raider 3 on your PS5 Profile, for example.
This was different to how it was handled on PS4, where each game had its own Trophy list and Platinum Trophy, making the PS5 list inferior. This is a result of how the PS5 handles bundled game collections, where it has to group everything within a release together rather than letting them be spread across different apps on your Profile page.
Well, with the day of release for Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered now here, Exophase has posted the list of 169 Trophies that reveals the issue has been replicated for PS5 purchasers. Luckily, there is one improvement: there is a Platinum Trophy this time. However, it doesn't cover the whole list; you'll unlock it for getting all the Trophies from Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. The lists for Chronicles and The Angel of Darkness are then implemented on top as DLC Trophy lists, so they're counted towards the overall 100 per cent stat but not the Platinum Trophy for the entire collection.
The PS4 Trophy lists for the three games are now live also and confirm they're all split to offer three individual Platinum Trophies. It's a messy implementation on PS5 that doesn't ever look like it's going to be fixed.
Does this affect whether you'll buy the PS5 or PS4 version of Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered? Let us know in the comments below.
[source exophase.com]
Comments 27
A slight improvement, but I'll be getting the PS4 version, for this and the fact that I'll be able to use a dualshock 4 on the PS5, which is my preferred controller - especially for older games.
I mean it's not the end of the world but it doesn't kinda suck. The good news is these games should play pretty much the same on PS4 anyway really.
Doesn't make sense how this stuff gets through when it's fine on PS4 must be a firmware issue maybe not reading the games as separate maybe Sony should or could this issue before it's too late
Doesnt the physical PS4 version give a free upgrade? Digitally you get both versions anyway, so it doesnt matter much that way.
Aspyr just shouldve made them separate titles like Konami did with MGS Master Collection, that way it wouldnt be an issue either. Although the real problem is ofc how Sony handles it, but at least it wouldve been a solution without having to wait for a fix from Sony ( which will never happen ).
@get2sammyb If it doesnt kinda suck then its ok i guess 😛
Yet another thing that’s just worse on PS5 for literally no reason. I don’t see any tangible benefit for enforcing single apps for games.
I wasn't going to play this collection anyway, but this is a pretty stupid problem to have. It's the same issue with all the recent CoD entries, where all the trophies just go towards the MW2 platinum, all because of that idiotic CoD hub/launcher. A truly puzzling and self-inflicted issue for Sony.
Then I’d just play the PS4 version. It’s not really an issue. A bigger problem in the first collection were seriously buggy trophies.
@AK4tywill DS4 > DS5. Sony really peaked with the DS4. Shame Sony won't allow us to use them on every PS5 game.
I won't be playing the PS5 version then.
Classic 90s Resident Evil trilogy done similar like these would be chef's kiss 😘
@sanderson72 @AK4tywill I thought i was the only one who preferred the DS4.
I think the dualsense is fine but the haptics and triggers don't do enough for me and I prefer how the ds4 felt in hand...
The trophy challenges were insane in the first trilogy so it didn’t bother me one bit that there were no platinums for the PS5 version. I was never going to get them all, so I decided to just play the games for fun and not worry about the trophies one bit.
Can they not simply use individual launchers for each game on PS5 if Sony won't change how their end works?
Such a shame. Is there a petition we can do for Sony to reconsider or something? I would love to plat the games
I was expecting this, unfortunately. I don't understand why Sony changed the way trophy lists are handled on PS5. Why can't it be the same as PS4? What reason did they have to change it? How is it better? There are certainly improvements on PS5, such as trophy progress tracking, but this grouping change is a downgrade in every way and seems entirely unnecessary.
I still don’t understand all this “trophy hunting” crap. Can’t we just enjoy a game for what it is? I seriously don’t get why some people throw a fit and refuse to even play a game if they can’t get the throphies.
@Beerheadgamer82 now you're talking my language.
@LavenderShroud because people enjoy the achievement of it. Facts are the PS5 version shouldn't have missing features is the point
@Andy22385 Is that really a missing feature though? It’s just a trophy. This is also on Switch. Which doesn’t have trophies. A missing feature would be like if it had something like a mini-game that was on one version and not the other. Or if the trophies actually unlocked something in the game, then that would be reasonable to be mad about.
@nessisonett @xDD90x Agreed between the trophy lists and not being able to support folders. It feels like such a misstep for the PS5. And I am positive his is something which is just easily fixable too. Considering the older gen console, does both easy enough.
@LavenderShroud to be fair this is an implementation by Sony to add Trophies on their system, as encouragement to engage their games. Which alot of people took to and started collecting as a hobby. Similar to anyone who enjoys collecting other things, like stamps, dvds, coins etc. it's a hobby for them and not for anyone else to knock. But I can understand why they would get frustrated when they are not implemented well.
@JonnyAces I guess when you put it that way, it does make more sense. I collect trading cards that just get stored in binders never to really be seen. I just feel some people blow trophies out of proportion and get mad if it’s not done right. It’d be like me throwing a fit if I didn’t get like a Charizard card in every Pokémon pack I buy…
@LavenderShroud this situation here is basically a trading card that is off-center. Doesn't make the card one bit less playable. But still sucks.
So what you're saying is, don't buy the PS5 version and buy the PS4 version instead?
Messy trophies is just piece of messy PS5 system UI.
@LavenderShroud yes the trophy system is a feature. No reason an inferior version should have it and the main system doesn't. Millions trophy hunt, I understand the not caring about it but it annoys those who do
@THGhost Like a lot of games on PSN, you get both versions with a single purchase, so it's more "Select the PS4 version for download when you buy it rather than the PS5 one."
Given that there's going to be very little difference, if at all, between the two versions, and that you get both anyway, the only issue here is not knowing beforehand which to download based on what you want, if you want platinums, pick PS4, if you don't care, pick PS5.
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