Dragon's Dogma 2 launched one year ago today, on the 22nd March 2024. And while Capcom has acknowledged the one-year anniversary, there's still no sign of an expansion.
In truth, it's been a fairly frustrating 12 months for fans of the open world RPG. While its core gameplay is, in our humble opinion, something really special, the title released in a dodgy technical state, and infrequent updates haven't necessarily added anything to the adventure.
The first Dragon's Dogma got its all-important Dark Arisen DLC and re-release roughly 11 months after its debut — and fans had been hoping that the sequel would follow a similar plan. Unfortunately, Capcom has yet to hint at any additional content — and this is despite the general consensus being that the game needs something more in order to be considered a giant of its genre.
Still, we suppose there's a glimmer of hope. Capcom was always going to ignore its other properties in favour of pushing Monster Hunter Wilds — and now that the best-selling franchise has returned, there's a chance that Dragon's Dogma will be placed back into the spotlight at some point in the relatively near future. Or at least, we can dream...
But for now, series enthusiasts will just have to be happy with, er... social media art that they can use to spruce up their accounts. Way to read the room, Capcom.
Will Dragon's Dogma 2 ever make a comeback, or are hopeful fans simply living in a dream world? Repeat the cycle in the comments section below.
[source dragonsdogma.com]
Comments 31
I do hope for an expansion buy I enjoyed the game no matter what. Need to do another play through at some point.
Like the Black Myth expansion
Wasted potential - the video game series...
The gameplay systems in these are so f***ing good, if you're into that you can EASILY get a hundred hours out of both games (and I sure as heck did), but it sucks how hard they fumbled both games' stories when the settings, or rather the mythology, of both is so damn interesting. On paper.
This game is definitely a big loss for Capcom imo even though I still had fun with the game. The bad launch, lacking enemy variety, game becoming a pushover half way through, and story and characters being so lackluster. Makes me wonder if Capcom screwed the devs over with this game.
My wife bought me Dragon’s Dogma II a few months back, but I still haven’t gotten around to starting it. From a technical perspective, the game seems unlikely to get any better than it is currently, so I hope to finally jump in soon.
I think it'll have one considering that Capcom was pretty open about it being very successful, I'm wondering if it's taking time because of MH yes but also because they're doing a rather large expansion. Maybe that's wishful thinking but given the success of Dark Arisen and the amount of time and money spent developing DD2 they'd be silly not to release an awesome expansion.
@The_Pixel_King it's got issues for sure but it's a great game and one I keep going back to when I need a break from the usual games I play. I've enjoyed it immensely even though performance wise it's not brilliant but it's never made the game unplayable. It's not for everyone but I love it.
I still play it regularly. It’s one of my favorites by a large margin. That being said I’m not hopeful for a big expansion, leaks or not. Capcom’s recent games have had a big issue with content as well, Wilds included. So whatever is going on, it’s more than just a matter of adding more.
@Northern_munkey Thanks for taking the time to reply my friend. I think DD2 is something I’ll really enjoy. Plus I’m not particularly sensitive to frame rate dips (unless they’re massive), so I’ll definitely try and start it soon. Thanks again man and have a great weekend.
@The_Pixel_King no worries. Have a great weekend too.
They really need to fix the performance before they worry about an expansion, as it is still unplayable for some.
(And ideally reset the 2hr demo timer, as I previously used it checking out whether the fps was bearable a while back).
it's only sold roughly 3.5m copies... is that really enough for a game of this scale and in development for 5 years? probably not. they will need to release several expansions (and hope people return) to turn a decent profit all things considered... or... just stop investing in the game altogether if they deem this franchise to be too niche. sometimes it's best to cut your losses.
The game "everyone" said they wanted and at release it felt like most of em forgot that they wanted it... just weird
One of my favorite games of last year. I’m definitely up for an expansion… if that ever happens.
Itsuno left Capcom. Chances are slim.
@AndyKazama exactly this. Itsuno is gone and during this exit there were rumors of a troubled development and lack of prioritization on anything other than the tent pole sequels/remake factory on aging tech that Capcom has largely become.
There won't be an expansion or dlc for this.
DD2 was OK but if you set aside nostalgia and hype it was clearly unfinished in so many aspects which resulted in a good foundation especially with combat, yet populated by a small few enemy types, terrible story and quests, and a lot of empty space. Not to mention subpar performance, but that has been getting a pass with Capcom for some time, so they know they don't need to do much until the sales figures wane (just like Fromsoft).
I thought DD2 was OK, but a similar slogfest set in just like it does in a modern day Ubisoft game. Unfortunately because the game relied on repetition due to so much being unfinished/fleshed out.
@Dom_31 I feel like this is Capcom in a nutshell. They have the characters that are iconic, monsters that are iconic, gameplay systems that are legendary but they just really suck at making a good story out of all of their franchises.
@ItsAlwaysSunnyyy It launched well but it also dropped off really fast and by the the time GOTY season came, was almost entirely forgotten (goty nominations boost sales). The other issue is how quickly opinion turned on the game after 2 weeks (we are even seeing it with MHW right now).
Another issue is the creator leaving Capcom so shortly after release.
You do know that MH never stops yes? Wilds is out... work shifts to the major expansion to come out in a year on top of the title updates during this year and the year after the expansion is out.
If DD2 expansion depends on MH being done, it's not coming. There is no way they will prioritise it over the MHW expansion.
Such a huge let down
@Nepp67 Is it loss? It sold very well and its biggest crime really is just being a redo of the first game.
@Nem Different Devs dude. The MH team doesn't make Dragon's Dogma just like how the RE team aren't making Street Fighter. In fact MH has two teams that are exclusively MH based with one making the mainline entries like Worlds and Wilds and the other doing "portable" entries like GU and Rise. The issue DD2 faces is the main creative lead behind DD left Capcom last year.
This is the most unique medieval RPG that I've played in years. I really hope Capcom doesn't give up this series.
At least give the story a proper ending please.
Dark Arisen came out some length of time after DD, iirc
We need more! Although, at this rate... I don't expect them to drop dlc.
It's sad because there is so many games I'm behind r own and haven't got a chance to play so I usually only play a game once. I own dragon dogma 2 it's still in its wrapper I was waiting for a DLC release. I hate when they release single player games dlc a year r 2 later. Very few players r playing a game like that after a year r 2. Dlc should be in development by the time the game releases and should be releasing parts of it 3 to 6 months after release. Just knowing there is no new game plus with harder enemies r after game content with harder enemies is a huge disappointment for dragon dogma 2. After game was always the best part of the original. Guess I will have to play it without the dlc
I don’t think it will even get an expansion. Its reputation is not good,it had absolutely no legs and the dude who’s baby it was is im pretty sure gone from Capcom
I'm still playing this surprisingly. It keeps pulling me back.
It has many great parts, but is equally frustrating and annoying.
It could be up there with the biggest RPG's going, but I fear the series will always be an also-ran as they didn't resolve the issues that annoyed me about the first game.
@Makeshift Black Myth hasn't even been out for a year yet. It makes sense that there's no expansion yet.
I've been playing RPGs for 35 years, and this game has THE BEST party-based action combat of anything I've ever seen. It is so well done, and the physics of the character models - how size and shape truly effects how they play and move, is something I've never seen elsewhere. On a basic technical level, its one of the best games ever made.
Unfortunately, the story and characters are paper thin, and feel like they were written by teenagers, or perhaps children, and that's really what holds it back. The quest system and most other RPG aspects are also bare bones and horribly out dated.
@DennisReynolds I mean less about its sales. I grateful that it succeeded and that Capcom is treating it as an important IP but it was just disappointing in a lot of aspects even though its gameplay was a lot of fun.
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