New information on Digimon Story Time Stranger has been revealed as part of the franchise's annual Digimon Con celebration.

The RPG, which was announced back in February, will feature a record-breaking number of playable monsters, with the base game promising over 450 potential allies in total. That's a lot of digimon to discover.

We've also learned that the title's two protagonists — one male and one female — will both appear in the game regardless of who you choose to play as in the beginning. The character you don't pick will end up being your partner, guiding you through the story.

Speaking of which, the narrative is all about distortions in time — no doubt caused by those pesky 'mon — and it's your job to put things right as a member of a secret peace-keeping organisation called ADAMAS. Sounds good!

Oh, and three starting digimon have been confirmed. You'll be given a choice of Patamon, Gomamon, or DemiDevimon as your initial teammate — and just like in previous Digimon Story games, each creature has its own sprawling tree of possible digivolutions. With so many digimon to wrangle in this instalment, we can see the process of assembling your dream team being a serious time sink.

Digimon Story Time Stranger is still on track for a 2025 release — but the window wasn't narrowed down during the show. Still, we'd expect an announcement in the relatively near future.

Are you looking forward to this new Digimon Story? Try to name more than 450 digimon in the comments section below.

Are you looking forward to Digimon Story Time Stranger?
