Trails in the Sky Remake Release Date Leak

The fantastic looking Trails in the Sky 1st Chapter may have just had its release date leaked.

According to Canadian retailer VGP, the ground-up remake arrives on the 25th September — which is an oddly specific date that's unlike your usual placeholders. The store even had social media posts lined up to announce said date, again suggesting that someone's in the know.

And for what it's worth, developer Falcom typically targets September launch dates when it comes to Trails, which adds a little more weight to this supposed leak.

Officially, 1st Chapter is pencilled in for a global autumn / fall release window — the title having been announced near the end of last year. As such, there's reason to believe that an announcement is coming our way soon; it could just be that this leaked listing was pushed out too early.

Does a September release date for Trails in the Sky 1st Chapter sound good to you? Catch a glimpse of an airship in the comments section below.

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