Black Myth: Wukong is easily one of our most anticipated games of the year, and after spending over 10 hours with it, we’re glad to see that our hype is warranted. Game Science’s action RPG, which is steeped in Chinese mythology, is a whirlwind of finely tuned combat and exemplary graphics, but it may have put too many eggs in its boss battle basket. Ultimately we’d be singing its praises had we actually got to play the game on PS5. However, after being provided with a PC code, we can only talk about part of the Wukong experience.
The lack of PS5 press codes does have us wondering about the polish and performance of a graphical heavyweight like Black Myth: Wukong on Sony’s console. This is a fantastic looking game, and a really fast-paced one at that. Frame rates below 60FPS would really impede the experience, so you’ll need to tune into our full PS5 review to see how performance holds up.
In the meantime though, let’s talk about the content of the game itself. Black Myth: Wukong is an adaptation of Journey to the West, meaning it is chock full of Chinese mythological creatures. On top of its gorgeous visuals, you'll be struck by its impeccable enemy designs. Ranging from red-eyed wolves to slippery serpents, there’s an odd groundedness mixed into these fantastical designs, with top of the line animations making each of them feel fresh and different.

There’s not a whole lot of downtime in Wukong. The game likes to ensure there are always bosses just around the corner, and that the levelling system keeps ticking away in the background. We had that dopamine rush as the game kept throwing upgrades, and skill points, and new challenges before us, making our time with it fly by.
While initially appearing quite linear, the areas in Wukong are filled with sneaky little passageways and hidden bosses. Upon reaching a boss in one of the game’s areas, we found two other pathways we could have used to access it. It gave the impression of a winding maze-like design that certainly would reward the nosey explorer. In our 12 hours, we pushed through to the third of five chapters, but we can easily foresee these areas taking as much as double the time to fully explore.

What exactly are you gaining by exploring every nook and cranny though? Well on top of an in-depth levelling system, you’ll find ingredients and collectibles, which can be used to craft armours and weapons, fine tune your build, and even use items to unlock shortcuts or new pathways. The levelling system itself is surprisingly deep, with stamina, attacks, stances, and spells all having their own upgrade trees.
All of these elements will be put to the test when you come into contact with the game’s many bosses. These are easily the best aspect of Wukong, whether those be for their incredible designs, or the combat scenarios you must face. One fight against a half-man-half-serpent will make you feel like you’re in a John Woo Kung-Fu movie as you dance around each other, swishing through the water. Another, saw us fight a blood-soaked tiger wielding a sword. It's very cool stuff.

While the game isn’t as difficult as something like a Souls game - you’ll keep all your XP and items upon death - each of the bosses are challenging in their own way. Through their animalistic inspirations, bosses move, attack, and take damage differently, making each fight feel like a fresh new mechanic being introduced to the game. It forces you to really look at your abilities and your perks to see how you can maximise your build against this particular enemy.
Controlling Wukong is a fairly simple affair from the outset. You have light combos, which expand as you upgrade your character, and heavy attacks which gain power based on a building focus level. There are also stances to choose from but we felt they more or less did the same thing. When out in the battlefield though, combat feels fantastic. The quick swishy perfect dodge is endlessly satisfying, and learning attack patterns feeds into this even further.

It’s not all sunshine and rainbows though. While the game's bosses are excellent, the stuff in between isn’t quite as engaging. It has a lovely look to it all, and areas with Chinese-inspired statues or architecture are always cool to look at. But it lacks that sense of place that a game like Lords of the Fallen has. It’s as if Game Science decided to make a woodland area and then a desert area and then why not throw in some snow? It's setting is more of a greatest hits of environments, rather than any kind of cohesive living location.
There are things to discover that will make your character more powerful, but ultimately we never felt the need to go out and farm XP like we often would in Elden Ring. While the bosses themselves are phenomenal, the connective tissue between them feels quite anaemic. Not to mention the realistic graphical design is often thwarted by invisible walls, which we came into contact with more frequently than we’d like to admit.

Did all of that take away from our experience with the game though? Not really. The boss fights and staccato combat always kept us on our toes, and the boss designs were a delight to discover each time. Our chief concern right now is how it all runs on PS5. With an I9, 32B of RAM, and a 3080 graphics card, we easily ran the game on PC at high settings, with a frame rate surpassing 60FPS. However, it’s a meaty game and certainly one that will push the PS5 technically. Hopefully, performance issues can be cleared up when the game launches on the 20th of August, because we can’t wait to check out the full experience on PS5.
Will you pick up Black Myth: Wukong on launch? Or will you hold off to see how it performs on PS5? Let us know down in the comments.
Comments 136
Hey everyone, just to add to Aaron's preview, we'll definitely have a PS5 review once we actually get to play that version. We've got another article that hopefully explains our situation going up this afternoon.
Man, I am so disappointed to hear that the PS5 version was not available earlier. Gives me Cyberpunk vibes. I’ve got PTSD from buying into the hype last minute and playing… that.
Ah, but I hope Wukong is great either way. Can’t wait for it.
Well a Cyberpunk train wreck incoming. If there is no PS5 build around yet it's going to be a mess and after the dirty trick they pulled with Cyberpunk I won't be biting ever again early without a real performance look.
Ohhh a nice LoTF shoutout? Love to see that game finally getting some love.
As for Wukong I've been waiting so long and I guess I can wait a little longer to see how it plays on the PS5.
Without ps5 version for reviewers there is no way I preorder this. We'll see on release
While the game isn’t as difficult as something like a Souls game
Heck yeah. One concern is solved. Im not a fan of soulslike. Maybe because im an impatient person lol.
Now i wait for a review for the ps5 performance. If its acceptable and run on stable 60fps,then this will be an instant purchase
Cyberpunk 2077 PTSD vibes...
So it’s going to be about 8/10 I’d guess.
Sounds a solid first attempt.
@ShogunRok good also I saw hands on and than black and thought I accidentally clicked onto a xxx site lmao 🤣
I have yet to see anyone talk about the story at all.
Is the story that bad? Does the main character talk?
Sorry but I don't think you should've published this preview if A Dedicated Playstation Site didn't get Playstation code.
Or at least Specify this is a PC preview in the title itself. If this leads to a CP 2077 console situation it will make you guys look like silly.
@breakneck it literally explains in the title there are concerns, and in the first paragraph says it was pc version, and lower down they will do a proper ps5 review ?!
@breakneck They state it in the first paragraph thats it was a PC code, if people are to lazy to get to 5 lines down then thats on them and not Aaron's reveiew.
Might be a good ps5 pro game. No wonder the series s/x version got delayed.
Same old story with games at launch. Release now patch later. It's not good enough. There's no good in looking forward to games on release day anymore because the majority are broken at launch.
-The series S can't with the game
-PC code for PS sites
-Bad performance on PC
Yeah hard pass lol at least for now, maybe when they get their sh*t together.
Tbh I’m not surprised there’s no early access review copies for ps5 available. Nvidia have been championing all the rtx and dlss features for wu kong since the game was first revealed - they also released a feature set video the other day.
Game science aren’t a massive studio and I’d imagine Nvidia have been providing them with support to ensure the game is properly optimised for their gpu’s. It’s also being given away free for anyone buying a 40 series card.
I’ll be very surprised if this game launches without performance issues on ps5, especially given how graphically demanding it is.
If you own a ps5 I’d recommend waiting until the game has launched before buying. The lack of ps5 coverage is definitely a concern.
This is 100% going to have performance issues on PS5. Every time a game has had to delay its Xbox launch but launched on PS5 it has come out with terrible performance.
@AaronBayne I'm guessing there are no difficulty settings? You mentioned that the game isn't as difficult as a Souls game, but how does the difficulty compare? Let's say that Elden Ring's difficulty is a 10, what would Black Myth be?
Well now I’ve read this I’m obvs going to wait lol
I forgot about this game's existence to be honest. And it's almost out? Damn. 😂
UE5 games with this level of visuals are not going to play nice on current consoles, that's almost a given. I expect we're going to see ridiculously low internal resolutions to get it close to 60 fps in performance mode, as is the standard for these kinds of games nowadays.
Just look at Lords of the Fallen, that dropped down to a quite frankly absurd 648p on PS5 at launch. I could see this going a similar route.
I started Dragons Dogma 2 the other day and was wondering if I should wait so I can play this game. Then I heard only PC codes were handed out for review. Now I can play Dragons Dogma 2 in peace and play this once it’s complete and polished.
Are there different difficulty levels and on what level was played?
@FatalBubbles I heard from some reviews that if you aren't familiar with Journy to the west,it can get confusing.
@Tielo @Bentleyma Not sure if Aaron can reply right now, so I'll try to answer.
No difficulty settings, and Aaron was saying to the rest of us that he found it easier than most Souls games overall, but some bosses in particular were really difficult.
If Elden Ring's difficulty is a 10, I think Wukong is like a 7, based on what Aaron told us.
That's good to hear it's not Souls hard. Seems like a rare thing these days.
This is going to be the next Cyberpunk - a good game....on PC. It has every watermark to make that expectation likely. No console codes for PS and an XB delay, on a game that's all about pushing graphics to extremes, is an Nvidia sponsored title pumping money in specifically to highlight NV40 RTX cards and features, and that alone is usually a giveaway that AMD consoles from 4 years ago are gonna' have a rough time.
I imagine even recent AMD cards on PC will have issues.
@Ainu20 Yep ue5 is too demanding for this console gen. Huge cutbacks have to be made to get performance to where it needs to be.
@Bentleyma No difficulty options here, and if I had to put it on a difficulty scale like you say, I'd maybe give it a 6 or 7. Not saying I blasted through every boss first time, but most of the ones I had difficulty with I finished in less than 10 attempts.
There has been the odd difficulty spike here or there, but from what I've played I've not been banging my head of the wall due to its difficulty.
@atthegates Yup. On consoles, where you can't throw a 40 series with DLSS at every problem, the best combination of graphics, image quality and performance is still going to come from bespoke engines. Just a shame there are so few left these days, but I guess games already take long enough to develop as it is.
I mean I've heard that wu Kong was very heavily optimized for PS5 and it was apparently going at 1440p/60fps
When it's fixed, I'll get it. It looks fantastic. No need to get it at launch.
The title is misleading. You say you have PS5 concerns but those are born out of ignorance.
Give the PS5 a fighting chance to show its performance level.
The question of a stable 60fps on PS5 is the difference for me between buying on launch or waiting a couple of weeks with this one.
I'm really excited for this game. I plan on getting it on PC but it's a shame that the PS5 version may have performance issues.
@Ainu20 I know right. If only most of the modern engines were as flexible as something like idtech. Then we'd all be onto a winner.
@ShogunRok @AaronBayne Thanks for the replies, guys. I think I'm going to give it a shot. I fancy playing another game that feels big budget after just finishing the FFXVI DLC.
Thank you for your "policy" on this. I think some other sites would just review based on the PC code and as you say solid 60fps is key (it will probably decide if i buy this game).
The lack of PS5 versions being sent out (or even used in hands on previews) does indeed feel like they are trying to hide something like its a technical disaster, and ride they wave of "how good it looks/performs" on a massively expensive PC - I really hope i am wrong.
I think I am going to hold off the big titles of this generation until I can play them on something that can run them proper. Always hard though as they’re the ones you wanna day 1
I only pre order 1st party Sony now, after issues with 60fps at launch in certain games.
However if i had pre ordered this, there are enough warning bells for me to have cancelled.
Got it pre-ordered but must say i'm really nervous haha.
I'll hold off for the full review. No red flags so far, though deep in my heart I was hoping for perfect 10/10 game. Seems it's not the one, which is okay.
@Neither_scene You payed the game several times with those prices. 😢
80 $: Buggy, incomplete game w/o DLC
39 $: Polished, complete game, with 1-2 years of extra content.
One you can get now, the second will have to wait a year. What does monkey brain choose?
From what i have read, the PS5 version is very optimized
@0niguy Rather a lower resolution, with optimised graphics and framerate then a 4K game that is limping.
No ps5 code for a hands on opinion but you have concerns? All the ps5 footage I've viewed so far looks pretty damn good and to be honest I am not going to be playing the pc version anyway so when I do play the ps5 version it won't matter a jot if it does have a few issues. Elden ring,lords of the fallen and lies of p all had their fair share of issues but that didn't stop me from enjoying the absolute hell out them..pushsquare scare mongering again.
@ShogunRok " No difficulty settings "
Thanks, you know that rules me out. 😂 I'm at 60% in Stellar Blade on easy story mode and the game took me awhile to get used to it before I stopped dying. Octopi still make me pay attention, the bosses and enemy ambush are right where I'd like to be, evenly matched. That section going up and down through the laser maze can bite me though. 😝
Too bad, I would have liked to give this one a play thru, but not if I can't get through it w/o throwing my controller at the TV.
@Northern_munkey There is no PS5 footage. No one's played the game on PS5.
And this isn't scaremongering, it's providing information for people who might be about to drop money on a game that we know nothing about. Would you rather we just say "the game's great on PC, pre-order on PS5 now!"?
@ShogunRok there has been ps5 footage shown. Some of the very early trailers were showing ps5 footage..have a look on YouTube.
@ShogunRok https://youtu.be/gIIgrguA_sU?feature=shared
I was looking forward to playing this day one but happy to wait if it needs optimisation. At least it sounds like the fundamentals are there for the most part!
@ShogunRok "And this isn't scaremongering, it's providing information for people who might be about to drop money on a game that we know nothing about." I'd prefer you wait until you do know before you offer up an opinion that may turn out to be nothing.
@Northern_munkey This isn't on PS5, it's PC footage just labelled as PS5 (you can see the button prompts are for an Xbox layout later in the video).
From what I understand, the game has never been shown running natively on PS5. Is that a reason to worry? No one can say right now. But it's best to be cautious given the initial state of games like Cyberpunk 2077.
I do think it's another huge performance related red flag that the embargo for talking about/playing the Ps5 version is the day before it releases, and is yet far sooner for the pc version. They are basically saying without saying that performance and/or visuals are drastically hindered to get it to run on PS5.
Definitely not good. Also happy to hear the bosses are fun, but pretty letdown to hear the level design is basic, sterile and don't offer much of a reason or ability to explore much unless you want to find the invisible wall barrier surrounding it all in every single area.
Bummer, the previews and showcases really Made it look they may have gone all out in world design.
Not really interested in just a pretty boss rush action game for full price, especially one that likely runs like garbage on console.
Definitely a wait situation and likely a wait for sale situation if it's doesn't get fixed.
Sounds like even on PC it's janky at times and full of bugs.
@ShogunRok that was just a quick video grab. I'm pretty certain that when the game was first announced there was a video accompanying it stating it was running on the ps5. You have just said yourself nobody knows but you are willing to speculate so why pass comment on something you know nothing of? That's a bit strange don't you think?
He makes monkey noises and grunt sounds whilst attacking enemies from what I’ve seen from the trailers and gameplay.
I’m not sure if he actually talks though
@Northern_munkey They have never shown it running on console.
@KeanuReaves It's not borne out of ignorance, it's borne out of the knowledge that they intentionally avoided giving a PS site the PS version. Also, as said right above my post, UE5 games have struggled on PS5. And as said above that, they've never shown this game running on consoles. That said, it's typical that publishers show off the PC version because they want to put their best foot forward; it's not remotely standard to give a PS site access to only the PC version, though.
Can't hurt to wait one more day and be sure
@DennisReynolds I could be mistaken. I could have watched vids that were pc footage labeled as ps5 gameplay. Either way I still think it's a very poor thing for pushsquare to speculate that the ps5 version may have performance issues without actually playing it first. That to me is scare mongering and not something I expect from a PlayStation site.
Barely got a single ps5 only game and here we are with grave concerns. The gen has pushed me to pc. As my concerns with anything console are being met.
@Northern_munkey agreed. Playstation website doubts quality of their review machine. Dubious bunch at Push square.
@Northern_munkey I mean its rather suspect the Devs haven't shown it running on PS5, won't talk about the PS5 version and didn't give out PS5 review codes despite requests. Giving its an unknown Dev, its an Unreal 5 game and the PC version has issues i can see why there's big concerns over the PS5 version.
Is this the new trend with games on PC and console? To do previews on superior PC builds? Same thing was done with Star wars outlaws and the new Warhammer space marine game
@DennisReynolds OK I can run with that as I usually agree with the majority of your posts. I'll guess we'll find out soon enough.
That's pretty concerning this close to launch and that 3080 is a fair bit beyond what a PS5 is capable of.
At least the game sounds good, let's just hope that console performance isn't an issue
@Northern_munkey oh so you are one of the people falling for those fake declared videos.
Don't believe everything you see on the Internet.
@Northern_munkey To be clear i have the game pre-ordered on PS5 so i'm not trying to put the game down i really hope its great its just i'm getting very concerned over the lack of anything PS5 from the devs.
@ZazClash no I can just admit if I'm wrong..your point is?
I’m interested in the game but am definitely waiting for PS5 reviews. I’m hoping it isn’t another Cyberpunk though. I have a feeling the game won’t be anywhere near the quality of the PC version, otherwise why would the developers not want to show any footage at all. If they had it running on consoles at the same level (or close) to the PC version surely they’d want to show it off as it would be one of the best looking games on PS5.
@somnambulance I was thinking the same exact thing. Although thePC version of CB 2077 wasn't full on broken, but it was also messy.
There's no way I'll have time to play it anytime soon, which may be a blessing in disguise if the concerns about performance actually become true. Regardless, this is something I'll consider down the line given that it's a normal game and not Souls difficult.
Sounds like one for the Pro.
@Flaming_Kaiser Really absolutely no reason at all to buy a game early these days. Bonuses aren't even worth it, and 9 out of 10 times are mostly cosmetic. I'm gonna wait until enough people have beta tested it out in the wild before I plunk down 6 to 7 bills.
If there's no PS5 review codes going out I won't be pre ordering, not falling for the cyberpunk scam again
@Matroska It's borne out of ignorance because they are literally IGNORANT to how it will perform.
They only released PC keys to reviewers because this is their first time EVER as a publisher releasing a AAA video game.
Game Science Interactive Technology Co., Ltd. has never had to send out review copies before so there is a chance its simply because thats all they planned for.
The fact they wouldn’t give you a console code automatically makes me ask,”What are they hiding?”
@KeanuReaves I mean get they might not be able to send out PS5 review copies but why no PS5 footage? Why no info what so ever about the PS5 version? A simple small gameplay vid of it running on PS5 to show its all ok no worries it looks and performs well on PS5 would do wonders.
@Whately86 I’ve had the game preordered for a couple months now, so if I was suckered, it was me being suckered a while ago. I like that nice, shiny new game feeling. What can I say?
But, yes, Cyberpunk was so bizarre… it was like a 95 on Metacritic for a few days then the review score fell of a cliff quick. When I played CP2077, I was surprised it reviewed as well as it did, regardless of performance though. For me, the game reminded me of Far Cry, but janky and with Keanu Reeves. It was like people believed in the Witcher so hard that they willed Cyberpunk into being a dream… and then the collective consciousness woke up! For me, too, I didn’t have a terrible time with CP2077. I played on Stadia, so the bugs weren’t awful. It was just so average though that I really questioned how it reviewed so well with the first batch of reviewers. It made me feel like reviews were bought. I felt the same way when Halo 4 released and got darn near universally positive reviews as well. And I liked Halo 4, but as a supporter of it, even I knew it could’ve been better.
Got the game at no extra cost with my purchase of a RTX 4090.
@FatalBubbles another review mentioned the main character is a silent protagonist. The game seems to be all about bosses.
@ShogunRok congratulations it looks like you've managed to whip a maelstrom of uncertainty without scare mongering. Bravo pushsquare 👍
@Northern_munkey you need to get this idea of scare mongering out of your head. I, like probably most others came to the conclusion that the lack of any console footage throughout development is a worrying sign, long before this preview.
@TrickyDicky99 what's this got to do with Sony? I'm criticising pushsquare here for making assumptions on something they have already said they know nothing about. Nothing to do with Sony pal..try again.
@Kiefer-Sutherland OK maybe scare mongering is a bit harsh but why is it OK to pass on an opinion to the gamers who are looking forwards to this without having any evidence to back it up? OK maybe the devs should have provided preview code for pushsquare but they didn't and that's disappointing but to pass on information that may be inaccurate is not very professional which is something pushsquare pride themselves upon being. Are we not allowed our opinions now? At least my opinion on this topic is grounded in fact and not assumption.
Dumbest character design ever, literally copied the kid in Jumanji when he was turning into an ape lol
@TrickyDicky99 maybe read the article again.
@ShogunRok so is it basically a boss rush game? Reads alot like Shadow of the colossus to me, which i wouldn't call a bad thing.
People getting oddly defensive over this one 🤔
It’s simple.
Just bring on Astro Bot, and get us back to true AAA quality on release from Sony Studios.
I so miss their big AAA first party games.
Hopefully more to come in 2025.
@Kidfunkadelic83 Boss battles are definitely the crux of the experience — and there are a lot of them — but there are also smaller fights and some exploration in between, so it's not strictly boss rush.
I guess it's like a kind of... more linear Souls game? If that makes sense.
@CrashBandicoat in my world it does 😂 PC is awesome
This reminds me of Cyberpunks launch. They witheld the console version because they knew it was completely broken.
Might get the PC version, that download size is a bit of a put off though.
@0niguy if true, fantastic. But also, if true, why not provide ps5 copies for reviewers that specifically cover consoles? Push square being one example that would have benefited hugely from having access to the ps5 version.
@caiol92 Nah from what I understand it's not very heavy on story or story-driven cinematics. Much greater focus on the action and making big, crazy-looking boss fights.
Also worth noting though, that the review embargo had a lot of restrictions on what could be shown, including cutscenes. So that'll be partly why there's a lack of footage.
@Loamy If any settings on PS5 are medium I'd be shocked. Most of it will be low. Hopefully it's TSR as TSR vs FSR3 is night and day better looking much less shinny/artifacts in the benchmark tool.
My guess on PS5 is all setting low, 720p TSR upscaled to 1440p, low 40fps to rarely 60fps in performance mode. Quality mix of low and a few medium settings upscaled 1080p to 1600-1800p forced 4k with a decently solid 25-30fps.
Only way to get solid fps is if they opt for frame generation on PS5. Hopefully that does happen but that also means FSR upscaled instead of FSR as that wasn't available on PC. TSR + frame generation was greyed out/unavailable.
@DennisReynolds well I guess they didn't think of preparing that deliverable in time for the reviews to come out. They did show the game now 3 days pre-release but yeah they should have done so earlier and I feel like it looks a bit stuttery on PS5 at times.
@kuu_nousee It looks like its mostly hitting 60fps until effects cover the screen and it'll drop a bit. I highly doubt these are low settings. Looks like 1440p and at least med-high.
@KeanuReaves well sounds way too optimistic. Yeah don't believe actually good looking and performance on consoles for a second.
Also even on PC '1440p' is forcefully auto upscaled. So it's 720p internally it looks bad even on PC.
I moved it to PC once I knew it was getting FSR Frame Generation. The benchmark runs fantastic on my PC.
If they had an actual physical edition I would rent it on GameFly first like StellarBlade and then keep it if everything runs ok.
But not on Gamefly because of the coupon nonsense.
PC it is, Not risking it.
@kuu_nousee You can go look at the footage yourself chief. Thats where I got it from.
@jrt87 Because on the low settings in the benchmark test I could see the textures being EXTREMELY soupy beyond what you'd see in most games and that is simply not how it looks on PS5.
Not at launch, no.
But I will certainly pick this one up, soon after.
Just too much else to do right now. Too many other expenses.
Have to leave this one until the end of September. Which also means delaying my purchase of Star Wars Outlaws (Aug 27th), too.
But I have waited already, can wait a little longer.
And when people mention “Boss Battles”, I am getting God Of War vibes. Does that sound like a good comparison?
I don’t like games without any tangible story.
@KeanuReaves Yeah no way this runs on "low" settings at 40 fps.
@jrt87 Okay, fair enough; I can live with medium-ish at 60 fps with dips... if I have to, I guess I could wait for the Pro.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner don't bombard him/her. There are people who read the title and subtitle and jump to comments. The most liked comments usually wrap up the article and its nessage
IGN China released yesterday a PS5 gameplay boss fight footage: https://youtu.be/4bnKS1scCBE?si=e0HH5IzCSGHHs7S-
Seems to be fine..
@Fatewalker no buddy..the games going to run like dog poop on the ps5..everybody says so..have you not read the comments?
@Northern_munkey (",) Well, I can understand the alarm of the people when there is no info about PS5, no footage and only PC copies being distributed. We've been experienced several cases on the past.
However, at the same time the devs released a benchmark tool which is very nice to see and automatically providing a lot of transparency from them. Tools like this and demos should be a standard!
There are a ton of benchs out there which proves the game to be very scalable, running on lower end GPUs, even lower than the PS5 itself.
So it's expected a performance mode on PS5 to run fine, of course without any form of RT, with probably a dynamic res of 1440p or 1080p, with a mix preset of medium / high settings - PC equivalent
As an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSArXBbbdwY
@Fatewalker I'm not the one that needs convincing as I'm sure it's going to be a great game. Even if it turns out to be rock solid there are those amongst us that will find almost anything no matter how small to justify their negativity.
Im going to wait for a few patches/updates and to see if it gets released on disc.
@Northern_munkey Sure, just post this info here, so others here can relax a little bit more!
The game should look still very good on PS5 and run fine, only negative thing that seems to be present are the bloody traversal stutters of unreal engine, but this should be less relevant on consoles, as is just one set of HW to optimize
Comparing it, negatively, to Lords of the Fallen concerns me, since that game was a stinker, hell both versions of LOTF are stinkers. So yeah, I'll probably wait for a deep sale.
@Loamy yep I'd say your on the right path of thinking. I think a more acceptable version of this game will only be on PS5 Pro this gen sadly.
And by the time PS6 is out just BC will iron out some of the flaws for this game if the graphics mode has texture/setting issues and performance mode if frame drops are still present.
@jrt87 Had I not watched the video I'd have chalked that up to being an intended slow motion type of effect. Not saying that it doesn't happen more often, but it only occurs once in the video despite all of the action going on. It's also pre any performance patches. And like I'm sure many others, my PS5 is more powerful than my PC. We can't all afford to build an entire new PC. With my old i5 2500k and GTX 1060, I can't just upgrade the gpu. I need to replace the entire thing from the mb and up and PS5 was the cheaper option for me. A PC built for the same price as a PS5 and with very similar specs will not play PS5 games better than a PS5. Imo it's only worth building a new PC if a person is going to spend top $ to run 100% of current gpu and/or cpu heavy games at max settings and most future ones for the next couple of years with either all max or slightly lowered settings. The price to get a significantly better experience on PC is too costly for some people. And imo spending the $ on a new pc or upgrading an existing pc to be only slightly better than the PS5 is a waste of $.
@jrt87 Lumen is one of the features of UE5, it can be used or not. In some games it turns on as you increase individual settings (i.e. from high to ultra), in others is simply not used. So a UE5 game doesn't necessary means that has built-in software ray tracing aka Lumen.
Regarding the performance the benchmark tool results from a PC - Console like HW were overall positive by the DF on that same video.
This is one heavy game - no doubt, but it's also a very scalable game where you can tweak many stuff!
We shall see next week..
@tselliot I'll buy indies early atleast they try new stuff. And Sony with their firstparty titles releasing €200/300 editions with steelcases and no disc makes it easier I buy their games at a later date.
@KeanuReaves Still waiting for the reviews im not falling for this again.
@somnambulance I bought the game on PS4, pre ordered. Managed to finish the game and get a refund. Now I own a physical copy I snatched for super cheap with al the contents.
I hope Wukong is a good game, really planning on getting this one soon. I never preorder anymore.
@Whately86 Lol, with Stadia closing down, I got a refund on Cyberpunk twice somehow. I’ve never experienced such glorious jank. The jank was my favorite part about Cyberpunk.
@jrt87 "That aside, there have been number of posters on this story that seem adamant that nothing will be amiss with this game's performance on PS5 despite several suggestions to the contrary (including the withholding of console review code)." I myself think it will be a damn fine game. Will it be perfect and run superbly probably not as no game ever does but if its of the same quality as lords of the fallen,lies of p and elden ring I'll be more than happy. Why is it wrong to be excited about something and be upset when the usual naysayers are out rubbishing it before they've even seen it or played it?
It was a title I was looking forward to until I heard it was very difficult to beat the bosses which put me off a bit. I think I will hold off on this until maybe January sales time to give opportunity for the patches and proper reviews to be done and hopefully the price will be slashed by then!
@Loamy I think "well" isn't going to be the right term for the version of the game (PS5).
What it will be is "acceptable" performance and IQ for many people, but doesn't mean it will run well on PS5. Pretty huge difference.
Yeah I think PS5 'Pro' and PS6 will eventually clean up this games glaring problems.
@Flaming_Kaiser great idea
@kuu_nousee It runs well from what i've played on performance mode, not perfect mind you it does drop but far better then say Elden Ring or Jedi Survivor at launch.
My friend pre ordered it. Just got to the main title, and things are looking pretty good so far. Not much to judge yet, but if it was anything near CP2077, I think it'd show.
Seems we're safe.
@Whately86 Definitely safe. I put a good 2 or so hours into it already and I’m enjoying it so far. The game runs very well and looks fantastic. It’s definitely a contender for best visuals yet this generation.
@DennisReynolds I've watched the Digital Foundry review and it looks really bad even in quality mode. Like worse than most medium settings on PC, which is unfortunate.
Though playing the game it seems doesn't have as many problems. Which is great, glad it works at least at an "acceptable level" due to an almost always 60fps but looks very blocky and pixelated in performance mode with frame generation. The input latency was said to be VERY poor on performance mode and is much better on balanced mode.
I doubt I could play at this on PS5 in this state but good luck if you do.
But think about this. Performance mode isn't on high/very high/ cinematic likely for any settings, ray tracing isn't on its off, it isn't a perfect 60fps AND REQUIRES frame generation to get close to 60fps. When you think about it that way those issues are written you'd think I was talking about how a game was downgraded from PS4/XB1 consoles to run on Switch as a impossible port situation.
@KeanuReaves The sad point in gaming that as a early buyer you get less and it's more expensive than waiting.
The move from Sony with selling a expensive CE with a steelcase with disc really rubbed me the wrong way no problem I'll just get something else first instead.
The Sony games are fantastic but the disregard/respect towards their early gamers is really annoying.
@Flaming_Kaiser Personally I like getting the limited edition with a steelbook and usually also an art book. I think buying the standard version feels like more of a rip-off as it's just a plastic case with no guide or manual and just a disc. The collector's edition nowadays doesn't even come with a disc I think. And I don't like collecting figures and knick-knacks so obviously the $200-300 pricetag on those will never happen.
So as an early buyer I usually get a version I like that isn't too expensive for my sensibilities. I also believe I have to support the types of games I like early on and that includes certain indies.
@KeanuReaves The funny thing is I had all the PlayStation CE games until they stopped including the disc. Giving me a steelcase without a disc is like spitting in my face.
And the funny thing is when people say it's a less plastic. If thats your problem why buy A CE game at all. Give me a steelcase /Artbook/CD yes I know I'm old.😆
I liked what they did with Wipeout with the PlayStation 1 sleeve around the case that one was awsome.
@Flaming_Kaiser yeah they also used to do that for a lot of PS3 games. I know I have Uncharted 2 and LBP2 steelbooks with a plastic slip.
Square Enix is luckily still doing it the way I like.
The deluxe edition of FF7 Remake and Rebirth are my prized possessions lol.
@KeanuReaves FF7R is one game I would love to see as full package release that would be awsome. 😁
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