Ahead of its 23rd August launch, we finally got our hands on Concord, the live service hero shooter from Firewalk Studios. Sony’s big multiplayer gamble was not met with the best of first impressions when it debuted at State of Play, but now that we’ve had some time with the game, is this shaping up to be the next live service hit?
Confidence is the name of the game here, and despite the public’s supposed attitude towards hero shooters, Concord swaggers up with all the graphical and musical bombast you'd expect from a Sony first-party experience. We're a sucker for some good UI and menu design, and Concord has all of that in spades, and there is a certain "big deal" energy about it all that we found infectious.

The beta includes access to three modes, four maps, all 16 characters, and a selection of unlockable cosmetics – none of which will carry over to the full release. What we have here is essentially Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, and a rounds-based Capture the Point mode. It’s nothing you haven’t played before, so where Concord tries to differentiate is in its characters and gameplay.
The first-person shooting is incredibly tight, and in places reminiscent of Destiny 2's floaty gameplay – which is no surprise considering the ex-Bungie talent aboard at Firewalk. Across all 16 characters you have your typical archetypes of tanks, healers, aggressors, and support, but where Concord succeeds is in the gameplay loops you’ll find within each character.

Teo is all about using smoke bombs to reduce visibility and then using his scope to spot enemies and finishing them off with his cluster bomb. 1-Off sends his barrelling trash bombs to disrupt enemies, using his vacuum to protect the squad. Jabali is a frontline healer who can tick away at enemy health with his seeker rifle, heal the team with his healing aura, and deal decent damage with his hunter orbs.
The list goes on, but like any good hero shooter, the fun lies in playing your role and supporting your team – something that was surprisingly present across our randomly matched sessions over the weekend. Of course there will be favourites, like the high-damage Haymar or the self-healing Lennox, but it was nice to see such varied selections across matches, with no obvious frontrunners. Firewalk has seemingly produced a balanced roster of heroes that all have something to offer.

The most surprising aspect of Concord, however, is how it manages to strike a balance between a hero shooter with a long time-to-kill and rotating objectives, and an arena shooter like XDefiant, where you are still able to wrack up impressive kill streaks.
It’s in that fundamental change that we think Concord could thrive, because it’s a defining gameplay loop we just couldn’t get enough of. Abilities recharge quite quickly and can be replenished after kills, so there is a far more dynamic feel to the battlefield. We are incredibly guilty of holding on to our abilities for the “right moment” in hero shooters, but here every moment is the right moment – and even if it isn’t, you won’t be penalised too much for it.

Health too is a big factor in all of this. Your health will not naturally regenerate, so instead you’ll have to visit one of the few health pick-up points, or rely on a healing teammate. It’s not something we were too keen on to start, but eventually it influences how you play, and adds another string of tension to Concord’s bow.
It’s a fantastic start to a game we here at Push Square are incredibly excited for, but after our time with the beta, there are still a number of things we’re unsure of. For one, if you played the beta you’ll have done a lot of levelling up, but it’s not particularly clear what it is that you’re levelling up for. Daily, weekly, and seasonal challenges dole out XP, which increases your profile level, but completing matches increases your specific character level, too. Cosmetics seem to be the focus, but if what we have here is a sign of what’s to come, it’s decidedly sparse. Thankfully there will also be Freegunner challenges, which can unlock character variants with differing passive abilities, which we imagine will be a nice reason to stay on for “one more game”.

Then there are the weekly vignettes. What we’ve witnessed so far are some high quality cutscenes that perhaps lack any defining traits. They are just sort of there at the moment, but we’d hardly expect to fall in love with these characters from day dot. We're immensely interested to see how sustainable and how effective this approach to storytelling is, because from the little titbits we’ve had so far, Firewalk's clearly trying to build an expansive lore.
Truthfully though, our biggest issue with Concord is that its current modes don't last long enough to really get into the action. Both the TDM and Kill Confirmed modes only ask for 30 points on each team, and are often wrapped up within five minutes. Obviously we don't currently have access to the full roster of modes, but we'd hope something more substantial is available upon launch. As it stands, its matches are too bitty, where just as things are really heating up, they're over.

Concord is a delightfully vibrant and robust shooter that just about feels ready to go. Across the beta weekend there were no server crashes, laggy matches, glitches, or really anything of that ilk. It’s a polished experience that feels ready to join the Sony pantheon, and one we think players should give a chance. Is it the most original take on the hero shooter genre? No, but it's a polished and premium product that already has a solid foundation to grow upon. There are some questions we have that we suspect won’t be answered until the full release, and we'd love it to let loose a little more, but as it stands Concord just shot its way up to the top of our most anticipated.
Did you check out the Concord beta? What are your thoughts so far? Let us know about your Freegunning activities down in the comments below.
What do you think of the Concord beta? (2,135 votes)
- It's brilliant
- It's good
- It's okay
- It's kinda bad
- It's terrible
- I'm not playing it
Comments 136
If it goes F2P I'll give it a bash, otherwise not paying money for this.
Or you could listen to the haters as well as those who are enjoying it and get a balanced view of the game.
So now you're telling people to ignore me?
Except most of the "haters" haven't actually played it, so there's no balance there.
Looks like the majority of people who've actually played it quite like it - myself included.
Hard pass. Don't want to support Sony going down the games as service route.
@nessisonett You should never listen to ‘haters’.
People who actually played the game and have criticism, definitely.
But a hater that never even played the game will never give you a ‘balanced’ view.
@Atreus97 I've seen the same - People talking about how they haven't played the game and never will in one breath and declaring that it's trash in the next.
Not liking the game is fine and perfecly valid. I didn't think I'd like it, but it's more or less won me over at this point.
I'd like to see more from the other game modes before I'm 100% convinced, especially the solo time trial mode, but for now at least I'll be keeping my pre-order.
@Gelly @Atreus97 I played the beta. It’s not very good in my opinion. Does that make me a hater?
I'll stick with the 3 out of 10 First Descendant.
Someone on Sony payroll
The Duchess all the way. Her Ruinous Blast skill is very, very handy
If it's like Day One Overwatch back in 2016 I would be interested, but the thing is, I genuinely really like Overwatch's art direction, even to this day.
But anyways, enough reminiscing, I don't really have a ton of interest in this game but may give the Open Beta on PC a try just to try it.
Also the headline is weird since "haters" can give genuine criticism and no game is immune to criticism.
@Kidfried yes that is what it is in for.
Average game will get what it deserves.
Nothing inherently bad about it, but there’s nothing really different or substantial to it that isn’t already out there, for free.
This is not a HD2.
@Splat lmao good point ! haha. pushsquare has to take an L on this one; a lot of people aren’t liking the game & it doesn’t help that a playstation-centric site is gaslighting critics about a PS game .
i’m still gonna try it , but i don’t see it being on helldivers level of success
"it wasn't nothing to write home about" - so it is something to write home about?
@Atreus97 except you dont really need to play in order to get a liking/disliking, since theres many places now you can watch gameplay...And also; dont forget first impressions count for a lot 🙂
I played it. Hated it. Guess I’ll just ignore the article.
I haven't played it and so can admit that I have no valid opinion on what the game is like, and I don't subscribe to the idea that someone else's opinion (such as that of a content creator or reviewer) is a suitable stand-in for my own opinion. I have downloaded the beta, but don't know if I'll get time to play it.
But... To those that are playing it, how would you review it when compared to other hero-shooters e.g. Overwatch?
I don’t think many actually hated the game just how it was presented in that State of Play with minutes of cutscene footage before actually showing what the game plays like.
I had a go and it's not for me, but I'm not really into hero shooters. It's very polished and it does what it does well, but I didn't think it was anything special. It's good but is it £35 upfront good? I don't think so. It should be F2P.
I don't play FPS games anyway but even if i was, i really don't want to support games that cost money and contain mtx.
I think it's a solid shooter...but I'm definitely not as hot on it as the author of this article. I disagree with the idea that the characters are all evenly balanced. There are definitely some that felt more powerful than others, and not in a good way.
Overall I'm very back and forth on it. I think the maps are well done but the TDM and Kill Confirmed modes don't fit very well with the pace of the game. I still haven't played the objective based modes to be fair so there is that.
I'm not writing it off completely yet but I can understand how some folks are going to bounce off pretty quickly. It's divisive for a reason.
What an L from Pushsquare
Wasn't sure what to expect but thought why not give it a shot. Absolutely loved my time with it and now have it preordered.
Genuinely excited for full launch
I didn't think it played well, but I hope it's better next week.
It's fine, like Destiny mixed with Overwatch. But there is a noticeable lag/smoothness in inputs which I don't quite like. I play The Finals and XDefiant from time to time and the controls there are very sharp and responsive.
After watching numerous streams and listening to podcasts discuss it, I think I am okay with passing on this one.
I don't care about Concord, not my type of game which is why I don't talk about it. But the people I know who enjoy this type of game say it's generic and forgettable and it shows. The number of people streaming and watching this was abysmal. If it's not interesting to the people who enjoy these types of games then who is it for? I hope it does well at launch but I've got a strong feeling that this will end up with more mass layoffs for the year.
@AinsleyE I can absolutely see why hero shooter regulars might not be bothered with this.
Being speculative, I feel like maybe Firewalk are going for the entry level crowd here. Everyone says it's too difficult to pull players away from the established service games, so perhaps they're just making it easier hoping everyone else will give it a go instead.
Again, that's just pure speculation on my part.
Personally I don't go for 5v5 hero shooters because I haven't the skill or the patience to be good at them.
Trying Concord over the weekend, once I got used to it and found a character I liked it felt easy because it's slower than all of the twitch and hero shooters that I suck at.
At times I felt like I was playing Golden Eye.
It's nothing special mind. Just a little bit of fun.
It'll live or die based on the post launch roadmap I feel.
I'm going to try it next weekend. My issue is the price. 50 bucks Cdn is just a bit too much for something like this IMO. I mean like seriously convince me to spend that money or download Valorant for free? They both look very similar but one is free...
Ignore the haters that haven't even played the game, they just want to put the game down because they either don't like Sony's live service push or they just don't like Playstation full stop. Those that have played it though have the right to criticize or praise the game as much as they like.
Personally I found the beta quite fun and put around 6 hours into, so my pre order is getting placed at the end of the month.
I have played it
Its just so meh is it trash no is it in anyway memorable no. its the magnolia of video games dull and inoffensive, anything i would recommend nope. i just didnt find it satisfying at all to play. been done before and better its just so more of the same
I didn't played the beta and don't hate this game. It's just doesn't look like my cup of tea nor it looks interesting enough to gauge my "I don't like hero shooters but i must try it!" hype meter.
Meanwhile, RTS / tower defense are not my cup of tea. But Kunitsu Gami has visuals and gameplay that looks unique and fresh and it got me hook to try the demo which i really like it. Gaming industry needs more games with fresh ideas right now.
Sure, we are starved for live service games, we need much more.
As I put in this weeks WAYP I played the beta and while at first I wasn’t really feeling it as I played more I really did start to enjoy it. I would go so far as to say I think it’ll be a perfect weekly game when it comes out. As in hop on once a week, check the new cinematic, and then play a couple of fun hours to just chill out with.
I dont like shooters or multi-player gamed so this game was never going to appeal to me. But if you say it's good, I'm inclined to believe you.
@Dalamar I mean we definitely are all the current ones are so olddddddddd. Like where’s apex 2? Warzone 3? Me personally I hope P6 pivots in that direction and atlas can finally make some real money.
I tried it but it's just... oh well. It's not that I hate it, it's just that it's yet another run-of-the-mill game. It doesn't show anything new, there's nothing innovative about it. I feel like I played this game several times, just with differently skinned. Okay, I know it's hard to come up with something new these days, but still... I'm glad some people like it, but that's not enough for me.
Destiny crucible is better than this and thats free to play
@Icey664 interesting you don’t want to support Sony in trying to raise capital that will continue to fund first party games long into the future.
Definitely not worth buying my guess it will be free not long after release
PS+ game within 6 months
"...Concord swaggers up with all the graphical and musical bombast you'd expect from a Sony first-party experience."
Ummmmm.... I very respectfully disagree with that after playing the beta.
Who is Ahiro Shuta? I keep hearing that name tossed around in the video.
The more I play, the more I "get" it. I just really wish it had something more unique to say or do. It's not bringing anything remotely new to the table.
If this was never going to get or be a story-focused game (which I think the characters deserve to be a part of), then I almost feel like these characters would have worked well in some sort of extraction shooter, where you'd at least get to spend time with their abilities beyond a few minutes. And yes, even that would be derivative. But it just... doesn't do anything unique and actively does some stuff poorly. Had it been something more like CoD's old DMZ mode, or Hawked, where puzzle solving and little missions and PvPvE was all wrapped together, I would be all over this.
Instead, it's a bog standard arena shooter that's pretty to look at. That's about it.
There is no reason to wish for a game to be bad or to fail so even when I'm not going to buy it I wish (for the devs) that this gets reasonable sells and playerbase.
Not everything can be a hit but not everything has to be an insta failure either.
Man, why do people have to be so sensitive when something they like is disliked? Just play the game, and have fun. Jesus Christ 💀
I have no interest in this whatsoever, but hey. Guess that makes me a hater too.
I have zero interest in this game. It looks just not for me. And that's okay.
I don't understand why these live service mid-priced mp games are not day-and-date with ps plus extra?
First, you already need the normal ps plus to play them, pc port is day-and-date to target max audience, they live and die when the player populations gets too low.
Besides the target for these games is to earn from microtransactions more than base price (which is why they're priced much lower).
Obviously single-player premium is different but it seems they're painting all of their rules with the same brush.
I don't hate it but I won't support it either. It's just two steps backwards in gaming with some fresh paint.
I think there's a misunderstanding here - The article is not declaring that anyone who doesn't like the game is a hater.
It's a reference to legit haters who say the game is terrible without trying it or checking gameplay. There's a lot of that going around for Concord atm.
@neon-xxiv standard disney tatic dont like our stuff? youre a racist
The issue is that it's just ok with a $40 price tag and plans for tons of battlepasses and MTX when all of their main competitors offer a similar experience with no $40 paywall.
This game needed to be better than just ok or good because otherwise it offers nothing that consumers can't go download and try for free right now.
It's not bad. I played the beta for a bit, but it's not something I see myself spending money on to play again or recommending to my friends.
It just doesn't do anything different, unique, or even good enough in this genre to justify it's price tag versus it's FtP peers.
I think the cut scene at the beginning where the forgettable character states set your expectations low and prepare to be disappointed summed up the game pretty well.
it was fine. Had some fun for about an hour, but then got bored. Since leaving, have had no desire to get back in.
@nessisonett the only hate I'm seeing or hearing is people don't want to pay for it
@Jacko11 I'm just speaking with my wallet buddy
Ignore The Haters, The First Decedent Is a Good PS5 Shooter We Can't Wait to Play More Of
@Icey664 So you didn't buy Helldivers 2 either? Or Gran Turismo? Or MLB? It'd be a shame to miss out on some awesome games for literally no reason lol.
Multiplayer shooters are just over-saturated as a genre. How many more do we need?
@ironcrow86 How can you know if you like something or not without playing it? That's like saying you don't like a certain food by looking at it. You don't really know unless you try it for yourself.
@Icey664 well hopefully these games succeed for Sony so you can continue using your wallet for first party games 🙏🏻
@YoureTooSlowBro nah, I've zero interest in those
@Icey664 Fair enough. It's a good thing most people do though since those are the games that actually make money.
@GilgaMax96 I don't think people are being sensitive about it it's just that the people who hate the game never shuts up about it like we get it you don't like the game that's fine move on to something you do like. instead you find those same people in the comment section of every article or tweet the game is mentioned in saying how much they hate and have no interest in the game.
I went in with an open mind but left sorely disappointed. There was a well-polished cutscene but no onboarding to learn the basic controls, mechanics, and different player types. Matchmaking was also nonexistent, as the opposing team in the games I played were ranked far higher, leading to inevitable one-sided victories. Not fun, and certainly not something I would pay for to experience again.
No hating here. Played the game over the weekend and found myself bored from the repetitive gameplay loop. Hard pass.
I don’t think it’s a question of quality, it’s a question of frequency- it’s aping a lot of other games that people are a little tired of.
It’s fine, idk about great. Some characters feel good to play but others just seem off. Clear that this is more in the vein of Halo but in terms of controls it feels way to stiff vs say halo infinite. It has potential but it’s gonna get eaten alive when looking at other PvP shooters.
Tried it, very meh, characters extremely unappealing for me. Not interested in paying for it or very much for Supporting Sony’s live service push as thats not what im here for. Additionally wouldnt be able to convince friend group to buy it when there are so many free games andfortnite still exist
Its okay, played a few matches. It's
Not for me,I prefer co-op multiplayer like helldivers 2. Curious to see how the open beta next week goes.
Do you always have to experience something yourself in order to tell that you don't like it? Do you have to put your hand on the stove first before warning people you're going to get burned?! I've watched someone stream this game and didn't come away impressed. It does absolutely nothing special to differentiate itself and the changes it does make are to its detriment.
But I'll go ahead and put my hand on the stove next week. Just so I won't have my opinion ignored... though I'm sure I'll still be criticized for it.
@Shepherd_Tallon i call bs everyone knows playstation and nintendo don't get real "haters"
LMAO now not enjoying a game makes you a hater?
For the record, I actually enjoyed some of the matches I played and I could go at length on which aspects I liked about the game and what I didn’t, but what the hell is this advertisement covered as an opinion article!?
I share the praises to the technical side of the game, it looks and runs impressively well, but that’s it, how can you praise that UI and soundtrack when one is atrocious and the other one barely exists? In fact I’d say the lack of a good soundtrack plus the slow gameplay is what causes the game to feel boring after some matches.
Even some questionable gameplay decisions like the health recovery (which is mayhem as your entire team scrambles for the pick-up points) are being mentioned as positives here, I understand this is a PlayStation centric blog but you ARE allowed to not like things and make some criticisms you know….
Uff... surely not being interested in what is essentially a scam to slowly drain my time and wallet with a genre i don't enjoy is not being a "hater".
Also, the problem is the market is saturated. A new game doesn't need to just be good, it has to be able to compete with the established and well supported giants of the scene.
So... good luck.
@YoureTooSlowBro Apples and oranges....you cant really use that analogy to compare food and a game 🙂
@YoureTooSlowBro "That's like saying you don't like a certain food by looking at it. You don't really know unless you try it for yourself."
You don't need to get a punch in the gut to understand it's painful and you don't like it right?
Imho some people who say they dislike Concord without playing the beta, at least already has experiences of playing a couple of hero shooter games. So they has some knowledge to understand enough that Concord isn't their cup of tea without playing it.
Like me for example. I already tried "food" that looks quite similar like Concord such as Overwatch & Destiny and i don't like them. I've also played a lot of other FPS multiplayer games, from SW: Battlefront, Battlefield, COD, Titanfall 2, L4D, etc.
So another food that looks similar but could taste a bit different because they used different toppings or sauce are not enough to change my mind if i don't like that type of food in the first place. If you already tried a burger and dislike how it taste then you wouldn't want to try burger B, C, D, E, X, Y, Z. But again, just because you don't like it doesn't mean you hate it.
@DrClayman Yoi know the beta is free on PS Plus, and free for all Friday.
@ironcrow86 Of course you can. You don't know for certain if you like something or not unless you try it. It's completely fair to say you don't think you'd like it, but it's impossible to know for certain.
@PuppetMaster You can't truthfully say you dislike something without trying it. You can say you don't like the looks of it, or you don't like other things like it.. but it's disingenuous and disrespectful to say you don't like something you haven't tried. You can do all the mental gymnastics you want, but without trying it you don't really know.
@YoureTooSlowBro im certain I wouldn’t like being kicked in the di**. Dont need to try it to dislike it.
Many people know what they like from videos, watching others play etc. everyone has different tastes on what games they enjoy.
@YoureTooSlowBro think this is definitely one of those agree to disagree moments 🙂
It’s fine IMO. The TTK seems way too high and characters aren’t balanced well. It’s something I’d definitely play if it was F2P but no way for $40.
I don't hate it, I am past games being trend chasers I know what games I am interested in, I see potential in multiplayer games IF they are interesting enough but I don't find they are as they trend chase but have really uncompelling aspects to the gameplay/level design part and more to the characters/abilities/business model part and more typical stuff.
People playing, I get, playing or footage first. Balance is fair but quality of life/gap closing it's very minor. Fighting games level design is boring to me, the rest is fine design.
Like racing, oh the licenses, yet the same safe modes. Give more exciting modes/mechanics not sell cars/same tracks/core game. Concord has 3 familiar modes, besides the story aspect or how the maps/core gameplay are it might be good, regardless of $40. If it does good I'll praise it, right now don't think much of it. Also 1 platform is hard ask for live service games.
Problem I feel is it trying to compete & how. I mean Foamstars I made up a bunch of solution game modes/aspects for mechanics, I didn't care for it, but I still gave my IF I did what it could do to be more interesting suggestions response. I watched footage, wasn't going to play it anyway but I thought it had a chance then went nah it's not that great.
It was business model first, 2 samey minor tweak modes live service. It could have stood out but was too lazy, too boring/safe on seasonal content (doesn't need crossovers but still something exciting to start off) & awkward use cases of mechanics with not that great of modes/maps. That's it's problem.
Splatoon is close to it but yet it's mechanics & the 'territories' focus not only pushed such a niche mode in other games more forward but it also has fair other modes, the core is fun to stealth, to reload & to fire. Simple as that. That & the solo mode for 2 was excellent.
It's not like I don't think Biomutant wasn't too safe for a AA, gas immunity cool, fair animal apocalypse, but animal moveset so basic making navigation boring (even besides ok missions/story), swap it for a human, sprinting/peeing on signs is nothing exciting of an animal character to play as. N64 games have better movesets. That & Little Kitty Big City and it's more about cat cuteness and Stray/Goose inspiration. Indie trend following, HMM.
Thought Titanfall 1 was a fair idea but like Anthem was it a good idea to mix story/multiplayer when some multiplayer gamers have a focus on the other aspects, not story in their multiplayer or boss introduction cutscenes happen instead but that's about it not really breaking the flow that much.
Those that want a story co-op experience I assume enjoy something like the Uncharted 3 the 5 co-op chapters or any other co-op type campaign game or something not typical multiplayer that's not the best flow for a game to have interruptions. Like sure you can have a story in an arcade game but some people want just a high score, short sessions mode type of flow to things.
It's like having story in a puzzle game you can but people usually want the more curated levels or a high score or just to play. Unless good balance of level gimmicks.
A fair attempt and I welcome them being a thing to try but they just don't fit in some cases. If Concord was more of a Diablo or others with a flow for co-op I'd say sure but it being more 5-5 and other multiplayer trends to me is just strange. Overwatch has it's story/ads separated from them the combined breaking the flow of the game sessions.
Part 2:
I don't think the Guardians style is a bad thing, it's a bit annoying at this point the safeness creatively, but I think it offered an interesting ad, even if like many the gameplay ideas make me go uh just put it in a singleplayer game or a co-op game not a typical multiplayer game and not be that intriguing at all in the level design with bland map layouts or terrain to utilise them.
It has potential I just don't know how long it will have or if people are that interested in it. People can jump into story based stuff in Destiny as a group or typical multiplayer in the Crucible as well.
Like Destruction Allstars I didn't hate the idea, I just didn't think it would sell knowing the audience, and it was obvious why it wouldn't. I mean what audience cares about a vehicle arena game for teens? Even besides the price tag being low.
With the gap of many vehicle games and more realism and many of us racing gamers wanting more of the variety we used to get but people go what smoke trails in NFS as well as cell shaded characters as if 8th gen just went too safe and people forgot what creativity was like, what made them think a younger audience cares about a vehicle arena game not just because of exposure to games of those types but just the approach in general let alone skins, battles or general flow of gameplay. It was just obvious.
That's without going into me just being more gameplay focused and well audiences want other stuff, if the games flop I still buy them, did Balan, did Forspoken, Aveum, Babylon's Fall, Battleborn, probably others forgetting.
To me story/themes can be one thing but if gameplay sucks I'm going to dislike it. Resistance 2 I think is pretty average, it like Spiderman was to Sunset Overdrive made more safer gameplay decisions,
Resistance 2 is very COD like of gameplay so seeing a Dualshockers writer say they like it I was like sure they are open to their opinions but I was also thinking what makes that game good really? Other than maybe story if a particular angle, gameplay wise it's so trend following I didn't care for it (played & bought many 7th gen shooters on mechanics alone), still beat it but not my favourite, fair set pieces, but no weapon wheel.
Not as heightened fun as the others. 3 went as much Insomniac as they would a Ratchet, even if it was Ratchet like mechanics I'd still think yeah that's an Insomniac game if they added something else, but the weapon wheel like 1 was back & weapon leveling like Ratchet, made it a much more fun game.
Sunset had tower defence or particular challenges I felt more interested to master the mechanics. Spiderman had moments of that but to me while story was fine to me ground pound in 1 mission, the laser one was good and the lab puzzles were fun, the task master ones used things well.
To me it was a fine game but to me it wasn't really that fun to me. Infamous Second Son while the decision making part I felt was more gamey and dumbed down then the original with more interaction timed events for good/bad so kind of like the Mass Effect moments to either do good/bad and you either do it on accident as it shows up thinking a QTE attack prompt or know the game well enough to go yeah I want to do this and be this type of character. But the minigame like missions were fun to me, I didn't care it was yet in Seattle I had fun with the missions and that's what I bought it for. I didn't play Spiderman because it was Spiderman I'm not that simple.
Can I just ignore everything about this game and go back to playing Game Dev Tycoon?
Removed - flaming/arguing
This is such an irrelevant example.
See, this game is like a neon pink, wooly, turtleneck vest that says "❤️ Taylor Swift".
It isn't my style, i don't like how it looks nor what it represents by just looking at it and i don't need to wear it to know that.
@Icey664 some one needs to say this , but sony is going to make games you that aren't for you. and that's okay.
The hate bandwagon is beyond cringy. It's just lame at this point.
I've put a few hours into the beta. Loving Lennox and his gunplay. Feels great. Even managed to get his variant which is probably the better version.
It's all good hating if you've played it and despise it but hating without giving it a go makes your opinion irrelevant.
Check must have not bounced.
Microsoft is giving us a new Doom game....Sony is giving us...this monstrosity....I think this really shows how lacking Sony first party quality is when it comes to anything that isn't an over the shoulder walking dad simulator
Removed - flaming/arguing
Removed - flaming/arguing
@YoureTooSlowBro There are a good amount of people on here that speak a different language.
I don't play online MP games, or FTP games that are somehow also $40. Have a grand time if you do!
The hero shooter thing is especially odd to me, as a big fan of classic fps. You...you just want to play an fps with like one weapon? It's always seemed like a model that would make more sense as a co-op campaign where you switch characters or something. Look at Jericho! Or Brute Force! Did they not print money?!? Anyway, I'm probably just out of touch, and I'm okay with that.
Eeh, I din't like online shooter, it's not why I bought playstation console, and even I like the genre, there's no way I'll buy this esg/dei infested game where's even the robot has pronoun lol.
And the monetization is you can buy the characters a clothes or accessories? Really? Who even want to buy accessories for characters like "granny" or that "really need to work out" ladies? My prediction is this game will be dead within 6 months
If this was an EA or Ubi game this preview wouldn't be positive. Sony exclusives naturally get free passes on here even if they're not good.
@Zriggin1 How many "over the shoulder dad" games have Sony made? Returnal, Helldivers 2, Spider-Man, GoT, Death Stranding, R&C, Demons Souls Remake, Astro Bot, Days Gone and Horizon are not the games you describe. Literally only the last two GoW games and the first TLoU game are like that.
Never said they couldn't, but they won't be seeing any of my money
Spent over 10hours on it over the weekend. Gonna get it had a lot of fun.
Hard pass, I only play single-player games on my PS5 and never sub to the PS+. This seems like a generic, uninspired Overwatch, at least Overwatch has better character design and gave us some corn, lol and is also f2p now. Make no mistake, this Concord will have f2p level of MACROtrasactions, despite being buy to play.
Like others have said, I will never support Sony's live service push.
Gotta love the attitude that everybody who is pointing out flaws of this game is "hater"
I'm not playing it because I just don't like hero shooters. Could never really get into them.
@Godot25 who said that? Seriously. The argument is against people who haven't even played it and are actively hating on it, not anyone who gave it a try and for whatever reason didn't enjoy it.
@DennisReynolds I see this argument all the time, yet plenty of first party games haven't received good scores here. It's like selective memory.
@Zriggin1 !"Microsoft is giving us a new Doom game....Sony is giving us...this monstrosity....I think this really shows how lacking Sony first party quality is when it comes to anything that isn't an over the shoulder walking dad simulator"
You make a strong point here. You should ask Sony to spend 69 billion USD to buy a publisher so that they can "make" a game like Doom.
@nessisonett I also played the Beta. I didn't hate it but I don't love it either. And I can't see myself paying for this. If it was FTP I probably would give it some more time, but as it is now, no way.
I’ve played enough over the weekend to know I am getting it day one. It’s not perfect but it is a beta missing quite alot of content and probably in need of some balancing updates. Most importantly for me it’s fun and a game I can dip in and out of!
I gave it a go this weekend and was surprised by how good it was! It feels very solid and a good cross between what I missed from the heyday of Overwatch 1 and what I hoped for from Destiny's PVP.
I think it's a game that once people actually play they will have fun with but as to whether it'll capture the zeitgeist like Helldivers 2 did I'm less sure.
It's a first-party exclusive. Gotta defend it no matter how bad it is.
@DennisReynolds "Sony exclusives naturally get free passes on here even if they're not good"
I don't think that always happen since this site gave Medievil remake and Shadow of the Beast remake a 6/10 and 7/10, which i thought both are good games and deserve at least an 8/10. Oh and they also gave:
@Lup yes, because all the first party games are defended by push square staff and people commenting here.
R.I.P., facts.
@PuppetMaster also Firewall Ultra (5/10) https://www.pushsquare.com/reviews/psvr2/firewall-ultra
I played it quite a lot over the weekend and really quite enjoyed it. It's a good solid shooter, however I feel that it doesn't really do anything different from anything that's already out there that will make it stand out and appeal to the masses so I fear for it's long term future. I do think it would benefit from being added to PS Plus a few months down the line.
I really enjoyed the game it surprised me BUT I'm thinking it should be F2P
As someone who actually played 2 hours of this, yeah… nah.
Worst hero shooter I’ve played, nice levels of polish when it comes to presentation and the cutscenes are nice but that’s about it, gameplay is slow and clunky, aiming is not intuitive, map design is poor and the game is lacking the basics of a MP title,
Should’ve been F2P or a PS Plus day one title.
It's actually pretty polished. Loved the fungus guy. Don't think I'll be playing though. There are plenty of black hole games in my life already, don't need one more
Seems cool but doesn't justify wasting cash over any other game I'm aiming to play
Removed - inappropriate
Ngl...I'm so tired of this genre, Concord could be revolutionary and amazing, but I still won't even breathe on it.
@Icey664 sadly your sentiment is outnumbered by the general market. If you want to prevent Sony from going down this route you have to publicly shame people who play GAAS games. May god have mercy on your soul.
Very immature Click bait article from PS. I like this site because even though it's PlayStation centric, it doesn't ignore clear problems with a game and just calls criticisms 'haters'. Hopefully this isn't the path you as a company decide to go down. I think you will lose all credibility and if you don't have that you're just another kotaku/polygon
I haven't said anything about it at all but I think a lot of the negativity is from people who are just bored of this genre. I've played many team based FPS I don't need to play this game to get an idea of what I'm getting myself into.
I don’t get the hate from people who come in here saying they hate multiplayer/team shooters. That’s the problem. This game wasn’t made for you so just move on and maybe the next Sony game will be something you enjoy. I hate sports games yet I didn’t go into every article about MLB The Show and say how bad the game will be and how I hate it. I just avoided anything written about the game.
Just the fact that this article was published alongside a glut of other Concord-centric articles all at the same time here on PS speaks volumes.
Attempting to dismiss genuine and constructive feedback as 'haters' is something I'd have thought was beneath this site.
@Atreus97 a person doesn't have to experience something to know if it's a bad or good experience. For instance, I don't have to be homeless to know that being homeless is a bad thing, I don't have to get my amputated to know that it's painful to get my limb amputated. Therefore it doesn't make sense to dismiss the ceriticism of people who haven't played purely because they haven't.
@Atreus97 Is that a fact, or an assumption?
I think it's a solid shooter. I enjoyed it. Give me a story mode too and I'm in
@PuppetMaster How many of them are actual 1st party games made by Sony owned studios?
I'm really glad the beta went available for non pre-order PSN members as I was curious about the game. Having played it, it's better than I thought however you could have told me this was a special event or DLC for Overwatch 2 with new characters and I would have believed you. There were some characters I enjoyed using (I don't recall names, I just selected their picture) while others, based on their abilities or weapons, I stayed away from. The characters seemed like they were ripped from the Guardians Of The Galaxy game (maybe the movie too). I'm eager to see how this game does with the price tag though as I had fun with the beta, I don't think I'd shell out money for it.
@DennisReynolds The fact most of those games are published, funded, and the IP's owned by Sony are not enough for you. So now you're moving goal post from "Sony exclusives" to "made by Sony 1st party studios" because you can't admit what you wrote isn't true. What's next, you gonna ask me which games developed by old Jimbo himself?
You didn't even fact check about this site also gave good reviews for some EA and Ubisoft games before you accused them always has agenda against both companies.
I'm sure there's more EA and Ubisoft games that got good reviews by PS. But hey, you already made up your mind so eh whatever 🤷♂️
@PuppetMaster Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it? I said Sony exclusive its pretty clear i meant 1st party and not 2nd and 3rd party deals. I'm not moving goal posts i'm just making it clear i meant actual 1st party games.
As for EA and Ubi yeah funny you list the single player games barring one. Some advice cherry picking rarely helps so don't do it.
@DennisReynolds Literally everything you listed is a 3rd person action adventure game, maybe I should be more broad in my description with the sad dad simulator,
What I will say is that shooters and Sony mix together like coffee and water, and that they should probably stop at this point
@naruball Not really but I think Sony should stick to what they do well, new Astro Bot game looks neat at least but shooters, specifically FPS ...that ain't it chief
@DennisReynolds "Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it?"
So moving goal post and insulting people are your strong suit when you can't admit that you're wrong. Gatcha.
"I'm not moving goal posts i'm just making it clear i meant actual 1st party games"
This is like saying Smash Bros isn't actual Nintendo 1st party games just because they hired 3rd party Bamco and Sora to developed the series. Or saying Bloodborne and Death Stranding aren't Sony 1st party games just because Sony funded From Soft or KojiPro to developed the game and they got helped by Japan Studio or Guerilla Games.
"As for EA and Ubi yeah funny you list the single player games barring one."
Another moving goal post and cherry picking. So now what, it should be all multiplayer games? Lol.
People are forgetting if it's free2play......... then it doesn't need a basic PS Plus subscription to play.
@PuppetMaster I'm not insulting you i'm just stating how it is. Ignoring context, whataboutism and false equivalences yeah you're really ticking them all off here.
Smash Bros is a 1st party game made by a 1st party dev. Forspoken and Predator are 3rd party deals made by 3rd party devs. The Order? Made by a 3rd party dev but sure Sony own the IP but the fact you went far back means yeah cherry picking. Ronin? A 3rd party deal like Nioh right? Its not really a true exclusive like the way God of War is. You get my point?
Look clearly you're getting all antsy because people don't care about the latest live service flop you seem to like. I call out PQ because this preview has an antagonist tone and is easily one of the most positive pieces on it what's somewhat sketchy giving what this site is. Now instead of ticking off the internet argument checklist just play the game 🙄
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