Final Fantasy IX is easily one of the most beloved entries in Square Enix's long running series. The game was something of a swansong for the original PlayStation, and it's still consider by many to be one of the greatest role-playing games of all time.
But how well do you know this classic? We've prepared 20 rather difficult questions to test your knowledge.
Comments 37
If @kyleforrester87 doesn't get 20/20, he's banned.
@ShogunRok I got 10, which according to your boss is “outstanding”
12/20. I blame Prima Games for making such a crap strategy guide.
I don't even play Final Fantasy, HOW DID I GET 5/20!?
EDIT: Ok, because people don't realize that this is a joke, the joke is that 5/20 is alot more than I expected, not that I think that I'm really smart of anything. And honestly, I guessed all the answers, so yeah, I know that my joke was garbage, but a certain someone didn't have to say I wasn't special, jeez. I'm going back to making dumb jokes at Nintendo Life and Pure Xbox.
according to the results i'm a "filthy oglop" whatever that is.
@jdv95 it’s.. not great.
For a game that I absolutely loved,I obviously didant take much of it in.7/20.
I managed to get 15/20. @kyleforrester87 should be bloody ashamed <ribbit>.
5/20?! I love this game so your silly questions don't mean anything.
12/20. Not great considering it's tied for my favourite FF game and I only got the Platinum early this year! 😭
12/20, some pretty specific questions, but I guess that's how you differentiate the super fans from just fans.
These were so hard 😂
One completed this game countless times, I thought I'd nail this one, but.... 6/20!
Good quiz. Cheaters.
7/20, lots of guesses
Oh dear. My favourite game ever and i only got 9. Hanging my head in shame. That said this was a solid quiz. Well done @ShogunRok
I got a final fantasy 9 out of 20.
I haven't played this game and got 5/20 by luck
I know its *****
@Rob_230 Thanks! FFIX is one of my favourites too, but I would have seriously struggled with this quiz. Took ages to research some of the questions!
@Crimson_Ridley The Platinum is more impressive than acing this quiz. How did you manage the rope jump trophy?!
It was the 2nd trophy I unlocked! I had to learn the pattern, and where it changed and then pretty much closed my eyes and just kept the rhythm. If I watched the screen, I kept losing focus. 😂 After 300 jumps, it just stays at a constant tempo, so it's just a case of learning those first sections and getting the hang of when they occur. It's a lot easier to explain than actually do, but isn't too bad once you've spent enough time on it.
@jdv95 Another Filthy Oglop here...
9/20... Feels bad man
@HotGoomba 5/20 is 25%. In a multiple choice quiz with 4 answers, picking randomly with no knowledge would give you 25%. Getting this score is statistically expected as average. You are not special.
I got Tantalus Master. Those were some obscure questions. Nice quiz 🙅
@JonTheGod Wow I knew that and I was joking around because it's more than I expected, but thanks for being very inspiring.
5 out of 10 for me but I'm not surprised, I played a lot more of 7 and 8 back then
3/20. They were all guesses. Despite having a physical PS1 copy of the game, I never played FFIX.
8/20. Considering it’s been an age since I played it I’d say i overachieved.
7/20 and I guessed every single one as I know nothing about the game
Wow. That was tough. I love FF9 and got a spectacular 5/20.
2/20, I finished the game on psone but the story and characters are so forgettable 😕
7/20 - And a lot of those were guesses (serving as a reminder to get back to playing it at some point).
Favorite game of all time and got 12. How would anyone know all of these? Lol
Never touched the game once. Somehow guessed my way to 10/20!
6 /20 im surprised i got that many.
@hi_drnick Had the same with FF7 my favorite.
@Wazeddie22 Don't worry, I got 5 myself & it was one of my faves.
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