The original Tekken was Namco's first attempt at a 3D fighting game, and boy did it show. There was undeniable potential at the 1995 title's core, but the game as a whole was incredibly raw, both on a visual and mechanical level. It wasn't until Tekken 2 that the now record-breaking franchise would find its footing.
The 1996 sequel improved on everything that it possibly could, and instantly became a landmark PS1 release. Having said that, playing Tekken 2 now, over 25 years later at the time of writing, is a poignant reminder of just how far fighting games have come — Tekken especially.
There's still fun to be had with Tekken 2 in this day and age — and having nostalgia for it certainly helps — but there's no denying how wonky it is in terms of mechanical and character balance. Tekken 7 is described as a 'high damage' fighting game, but it's got absolutely nothing on Tekken 2, where certain single-hit moves and simple combos melt health bars in seconds. It's rough, to say the least.
But there's an endearing quality to old school Tekken, a portal to a simpler time for fighting games. Even at this early stage in its evolution, the character roster is full of personality, and attacks have a satisfying smack to them, complete with pixelated blood effects.
Of course, it was Tekken 3 that truly took the series above and beyond, but it's still easy to see why Tekken 2 was a big deal back in 1996. In its visual style and its excellent soundtrack, Namco had established an identity for something quite special.
Comments 32
Still hoping we'll get Tekken 3 soon. Prefer it more over the second game.
@SoulsBourne128 Tekken 3 is by far the better game — it's not even close on a mechanical level — but it is weird that we got Tekken 2 instead of 3 right off the bat for PS Plus.
Can only assume that Tekken 3 will come later. Leaving it out for Tekken 2 would be a crime.
Lol it was always going to feel broken and awkward. Music and movies age well but games...not so much. Maybe games from the PS3 era onwards are going to age well.
The PAL version is borderline unplayable, it feels totally sluggish. That being said, it’s a classic for a reason, even if 3 is much better. The soundtrack for this in particular is brilliant.
It's a great game and still plays great. The moves aren't broken at all if you learn the moves every character has a move that takes most of the opponents health.
Like all these games they were great for the time but extremely poor by todays standards and will be played for 5 minutes to half an hour and forgot about again
I used to play this around my friends house and it was a blast although they were pretty bad at it and I ended up unlocking all of the fighters in the end for them. Pretty sure they only had me around because I was better at games than them and I could unlock stuff they couldn't now I think about it.
@supergurr You're right, doesn't sound broken at all!
I grew up playing Tekken 2. It was my very first PlayStation game and I still have it to this day.
I've heard Tekken 3 might have some licensing issues, because of Gon being included in the game, but no one knows for sure.
First game me and my bro got for the playstation. Need to give this a bash for the nostalgia, can't wait!
@ShogunRok Be happy they didn't give us the original game instead of tekken 2 lol.
King's look in that shirt, tie and braces combo, is still on point.
@MasterVGuides Of course, that does make sense. But then again, they got round the licensing for FF7 Crisis Core.
i have the tekken 3 disc . imagine if i could put it in the ps5 and just play it
It was the first game I downloaded and having had a quick crack at survival it's still really fun to play, hopefully they add Tekken 3 to the line up.
@shonenjump86 Was my first ever PlayStation game as well!
No doubt Tekken 3 will be coming as part of the drip feed of 'new' old games over the coming months and years. It'd be a much more hyped inclusion in an announcement than Tekken 2 and generate bigger headlines as part of a mid-month update.
waiting on soul calibur 2 and 3.
@J2theEzzo right?!
My very first Tekken game, still one of my personal favorites within fighters and gaming in general.
i played this back in the day it was fun and i got lost with the story they were doing i didnt play all of them just 1 and 2 the others could of tried. i was good at these now i get whooped in fighting games. 😂
It's alright, although I do wish 1 and 3 were on PS Plus Premium alongside it, and 4 and 5 as well...
Tekken 3 is better, but man did I love playing as Jun in 2. Love both games so much.
@ShogunRok nice, this game definitely takes me back.
@WadeIsInsane Another fighting game that went through smilar changes as Tekken did was Dead Or Alive the first game still holds up pretty well.
tekken 3 is far superior anyways imo
@jrt87 i know, it's pretty disgusting now with how bad fighting games have got
@nomither6 exactly i also still have all my original ps1 games, around 150 (no need for premium service), but oh no! sony won't allow that.... but there is other ways anyway... 😒😒
7/10? Reviewer must be drunk lmao
@Salt_AU You can get an infinitely better experience on emulators like duckstation, or just a PS3
Character endings in this are so funny and weird.
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