With the death of his mother burning in his veins, you'll embark on a one-man crusade for revenge, with the narrative flitting between the past and present.
Wanted: Weapons Of Fate consists of a 6-hour single campaign with three varying difficulty levels.
One of the hooks of the Wanted movie was the way in which the characters could dramatically curve their bullets. This is present in the video game. And it's awesome. Wanted: Weapons Of Fate is a third-person shooter, allowing you to lock to cover behind a variety of different objects scattered throughout the levels. By killing enemies, you obtain the ability to curve your bullets. Hitting R1 will automatically select the nearest enemy. From here you are able to dictate a "curve-line" with the right analogue stick. Release R1 and the bullet emphatically curls it's way around the battlefield, dropping your enemy with ease. The mechanic is super satisfying, and never gets old throughout the entire game. Later levels allow you to curve a slew of bullets into the opponent, causing a minor explosion and major damage. There are also some excellent slow down mechanics, allowing you to pick off enemies as you slip from cover to cover.
Throughout the single-player campaign, Wanted offers some interesting on-rails shooting sequences that are presented in slow-motion. The objective is to take out the enemy (and any fired bullets) within a short reaction time. These sequences are highly cinematic and give you a good impression of the skills of your protagonist.
From the get-go Wanted: Weapons Of Fate has a really slick look to it. The menus are well designed and eye-catching, the narrative is upfront and the in-game graphics are mildly impressive.The game has personality in abundance, be it the great voice acting or the names of the difficulty settings. Sadly, some of the game's cutscenes let the side down.
Some of the cut-scenes in Weapons Of Fate look excellent, the character models well detailed and animated. Sadly, others look like they have been taken from YouTube and upscaled to a higher quality. We can't imagine how the developers managed to make a cut-scene look substantially worse than the in-game graphics, but it's present here. Most worryingly, we can only consider they compressed the cut-scenes to enable more disc space — space which the Playstation 3's blu-ray has in abundance.
It's almost with regret that we can't really recommend Wanted: Weapons Of Fate. We managed to blast through the game in approximately 4 and a half hours, which is unforgivable for a game with an asking price of £40. As a £20 PSN release, Wanted would come with a glowing endorsement, and if you find it in the shops at that price, you should definitely give it a go. But with just a few collectables and a harder difficulty to keep you playing, paying the full asking price will leave a bitter taste.
There's nothing inherently wrong with Wanted: Weapons Of Fate, in fact the innovative shooting mechanics it provides are great fun throughout. Indeed, the only problem with Wanted is that it's criminally short considering its asking price.
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