A Short Hike's title does an awful lot of heavy lifting when it comes to describing this game. It truly conveys the core experience in a way many game titles don't. Playing as Claire, an anthropomorphised bird, you are tasked with, you guessed it, going on a short hike.
You can jump, fly, and climb, all of which you’ll need to reach the mountain peak. However, there are a lot of characters populating the area, with tasks to hand out should you be interested. Many of these reward you with feathers, collectibles that increase your climbing time, something you’ll need for the hike. They’re also very helpful for sussing out the densely packed secrets and hidden areas strewn about.
These smaller excursions borrow heavily from the formula Animal Crossing popularised. Patrons of the island abound, asking you to find items for them, or providing you with new tools to speed up your journey. You can take on all these tasks or turn them down as you see fit. There are enough feathers loose in the environment that you can beat the game without taking on a single extra quest, but that’d be awfully rude, wouldn’t it? Plus, that would mean you’d miss out on the great dialogue. These exchanges are all handled with a sly wit that makes working through the conversations a real treat. The writing deftly balances snark with whimsical innocence, making for many laugh-out-loud moments. This is in stark contrast to the conversation that happens when you reach the mountaintop. While it doesn’t impact the pacing of the title much, it does hurt the mood, as it’s so wildly different in tone from everything else you encounter.
Ultimately, the extra bits draped around the core experience are the real star, offering up a helping of charm and wit that help sell the title as a cosy little experience worth your time, even if you might not have much cause to return to it once you’re done.
Comments 25
I played this when it released on Switch and it's just a joyous little thing. Loved it from start to finish.
A very brief experience is sometimes just what we’re looking for between bigger AAA experiences.
I would check this one out myself, but I have plenty of alternatives sitting in my backlog as it is! It looks and sounds great, so maybe I’ll pick it up at some point in the future.
@Jemusu i can not like anything
Just finished the game and what can I say, wow, what a delightful experience. If you are worried about longevity of the game I'd suggest going for the platinum, which will take between 4-5 hours to complete. My only problem with the game was that if you want to change equipment, you need to manually change it in your inventory, so there's no way to map a specific item to a button. Apart from that, it's a 10/10 for what its' trying to achieve!
@Iver isn't it 4k compatible? I'm sure the video said you could change the graphics to make them more 'next gen'
Great game it is. Animal Crossing-lite it is not. Bizarre headline 🤔
@Iver There's an in game slider option to change the graphics, I changed it to the lowest amount of pixels on the screen and the game looked super smooth, completely removing the pixelated art style.
@The_Pixel_King Can you share some of these short bite size games?
I am doing the same, playing these game between the AAA releases.
Thank you in advance.
@Iver the max setting, it's basically completely devoid of pixelation outside the pause menu! And you can crank it up to be REALLY chunky pixels in the other direction too!
Hello @Dr-M. Sure, from the top of my head, here’s a few short-but-great games:
Hope this helps!
It's a fun little game, but it's nothing like Animal Crossing. It's a short adventure/platformer.
@The_Pixel_King Great list. @Dr-M here's a few more, mostly older classics. Enjoy!
@Iver I'm sure it has to have been a thing before, but I don't think I can think of any. Just the remaster of old game type things where you can toggle between the original and new versions of games. But other than that, I dunno!
Also great list @themightyant (and @The_Pixel_King )
And a few more choice selections from me, for you @Dr-M ! Hope you like 'em!
-Far From Noise
-What Remains of Edith Finch
-The Unfinished Swan (one of my all time favs!)
-Coffee Talk
-Untitled Goose Game
@gbanas92 So many good games!
@gbanas92 @themightyant Between the both of you, you’ve picked some of my favourite indies. Especially Inside, VVVVVV and The Unfinished Swan. Great selection of games, guys!
@The_Pixel_King If you liked VVVVVV and the soundtrack you may like this video. it's an old one but he's the only person i've ever seen attempt to play ALL the notes, even if there are several mistakes its really impressive! He must have a third hand
@The_Pixel_King Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.
@gbanas92 Thank you sooo much.
@ themightyant Thank you.
@The_Pixel_King Inside and Unfinished Swan for me as well big time! Those 2 and Kentucky Route Zero are probably my favorite indies of all time honestly. Great stuff!
@gbanas92 Great minds, right? Man, I’ve wanted to play Kentucky Route Zero for the longest time. Seeing as we have similar tastes and you give it such a high recommendation, maybe I’ll pick it up next time it goes on sale on either PSN or the Switch eShop. Either way, I have it wishlisted on both!
@The_Pixel_King KR0 is my #1 I don't wanna set you up for too high of an expectation, but it's so hard to not to call it the greatest thing I've ever played haha. Never played a game quite like it, and it's just absolutely PERFECT!!!! It's usually a tricky game to recommend because it's so unique, but like you said! Similar taste! Definitely grab it!
@gbanas92 I have a feeling it’ll be right up my street! Thanks for the recommendation 🙂
@The_Pixel_King Tell me when you get it and beat it! I need people to talk about that game with haha
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