One aspect of collectathon 3D platformers that has remained consistent over time is their unfettered imagination. Whether we’re talking about Spyro the Dragon or Ratchet & Clank, these games have crazy, colourful worlds that fill you with childlike wonder. Serious plots and realism go out the window because fun and “gameyness” are prioritised above all else, and that’s exactly what A Hat in Time aims to establish from the get-go. It’s characterized by a humorous whimsy that’s bound to put a smile on your face, but the game’s appeal doesn’t make up for lacking level design.
The journey begins with Hat Kid being stopped above a strange world by a spacefaring mafia goon, who has come to collect a toll. When our little hero refuses, the moustached grunt punches a hole through her vessel, sending the girl and all her collected Time Pieces careening toward the planet below. Now she must recover the hourglass treasures to fuel her ship so she can go home, which entails meeting more oddballs and their bizarre dwellings along the way.
As we said, A Hat in Time purposefully combines incongruent, weird influences to structure its four main worlds. One moment you’ll find yourself posing as an actress in a movie-making competition between two birds, and then you’ll be forced into contractual obligations (such as delivering mail to ghosts or defeating a toilet boss) with a demonic ghoul to get your soul back.
The story has little rhyme or reason to its own detriment at times, but it possesses a good amount of witty dialogue and humorous descriptions while examining objects. The dialogue in particular isn’t always this way, which frequently dips into drawn-out monologues and exchanges that don’t stick their intended landings. At least the upbeat music and cutesy sound effects do their job consistently well to uplift the game’s undyingly joyful innocence. Hats off to composer Pascal Stiefel for tracks with some clever building transitions and key changes.

Our conflicted thoughts extend to the visual direction. It’s not until the last two worlds where the cel-shaded game starts to carve out a cohesive, attractive style for itself, which is most evident in the gorgeous, Himalayan-inspired world of Alpine Skyline. On the other hand, Mafia Town and Dead Bird Studio feel more like collections of random assets with the level design reflecting a similarly haphazard approach.
Excluding a couple noteworthy bosses, nearly everything’s an absolute breeze with scatter-brained objectives that feel more like fluff and busywork halfway through the game. This is how the missions pad out their poor diversity in the way of platforming and objectives, which we could easily cheese our way through with little setbacks. Despite these issues, we’d be remiss to not admit that some of the game's randomness pleasantly surprised us. There’s a stealth-oriented horror mission that’s unexpectedly tense, a mini-boss fight that adequately tests your mettle, and so forth. If anything, A Hat in Time isn’t afraid to push boundaries with experimentation, even if it isn’t consistently good at it.

That’s not to say the gameplay in itself is bad. Indeed, the core controls are tuned to a tee. You’ll be doing lots of double jumping, wall climbing, and diving to get around, and these three moves alone can be strung together in satisfying ways that exhibit an attention to polish that doesn’t disappoint. Abilities like the Hookshot or Dweller’s Mask flesh out platforming in exciting ways by (respectively) allowing you to swing across chasms or temporarily concretize ethereal objects. Features like these poke at promising implementation, but much of their potential use is limited in moment-to-moment application, leaving us wishing there were more Hats and Badges that meaningfully expand Hat Girl’s moveset.
Besides acquiring Time Pieces with story chapters, you’re given reason to scavenge worlds by finding relics or balls of yarn scattered about to craft new hats. You’ll also come across Time Rifts hidden in obscure locations that bring you to otherworldly obstacle courses, but all these optional assignments lack depth to uncover. Most of the collectables have obnoxiously massive, glowing auras around them that require little effort to spot and obtain. Time Rifts offer somewhat greater platforming challenges, but any incentive to do them dissipates since you’ll have most of the Time Pieces you need by sticking to the main objectives. That is, unless you want to acquire different colour schemes and hat variants to keep Hat Girl fashionable.
A Hat in Time excels with an overwhelming charm in its writing and art direction that overcomes any missteps in these areas. Its core, smooth mechanics also benefit from promising ideas, but none of them prevent the game from being pulled into a wormhole of mediocre level design and objectives. The potential for phenomenal platforming and exploration is here, but for every positive, there seems to be a negative in A Hat in Time.
Comments 19
Sounds like Super Mario Odyssey was the only standout new 3D platformer this year.
Oh well. It still looks cute, and I'm sure I'll pick it up eventually. Yooka-Laylee is higher on my list, though.
@Ralizah Yooka-Laylee has some big problems: Horrible frame rate (a good platformer should be in 60FPS for exact controls but it is most of the time BELOW 30FPS) and a level design were you just never know where to go next. If you don't play for 2-3 days you are completely lost.
@Sanctanox I'll decide that for myself. If framerate was super important to me, I'd get the PC version that I know for a fact runs at 60fps on my system. Since it's an exploratory game, though, I'd prefer a portable version. So as long as it's consistently targeting 30fps on Switch, I'll be happy.
I played through the first world and enjoyed myself when it first came out, so we'll see if that holds true when I play the rest of the game.
After waiting so much for this, waiting a bit more for the first sale won't hurt.
It's GOOD! Get it! I loved it ...at least. It has issues, but ...still! N- No one else ...?
@Ralizah Of course you decide that for yourself, I am not your father nor will I make it a christmas present for you. The game does not have a constant 30FPS on a PS4 pro, so good look with the switch version.
I started playing it yesterday and I'm having tons of fun with it.
It really reminds me of Super Mario Sunshine and that's a-ok in my book since I love Sunshine.
@Sanctanox From what I understand, the developers worked on the PC and Switch versions directly, whereas Team 17 handled the PS4/Xbone ports. Hopefully that bodes well for the game's performance.
It's too bad the game is dropping frames on a powerful system like PS4 Pro.
Its getting a 8 everywhere im going with those reviews.
I've been giving this a go recently, I'm not too far into it but really enjoying it. It definitely has issues with bugs and the camera in certain areas but I don't find it as bad as Yooka-Laylee in terms of framerate
JonTron was not removed from the game, so I shall be picking it up!
@JoeBlogs Yes, the windmill ...I encountered a bug where the camera got stuck in the ceiling ...and I was at the top too. I also got very irritated that you can't jump down to a lower level without dying and respawning instantly once you've climbed to a certain height. It wasn't enough to ruin the experience though, as the rest of the game was, for the most part, very fun.
This game has gotten great reviews everywhere else, so I'm a bit skeptical of this 6/10.
Also, there's clearly a typo in the review: "That’s not to say the gameplay in itself isn’t bad." From what follows, that's clearly the opposite of what you meant to say.
Seriously a 6/10?! I guess Sony reviewers really don't like platformers because this one is fantastic...
It's a fun game imo, and it oozes charm (if not a bit too much at times, imo). I mean it has notable flaws mainly with its understandable lack of polish and I also feel it's a bit too giving with it's platforming (mainly in that it gives you too much leeway with mobility), but I'd give it a 7 or 8. Probably an 8.
Fun and acceptable, but nothing that I would consider super duper.
I'll wait until it gets on sale
@Sanctanox lol
If you were his father you’d be in a certain black helmet w a deep voice...
@Vix I'm enjoying it very cute on xbox X.
@Deadlyblack It is a lot like Sunshine! More open with its levels, but I just don't think there's anything terribly interesting to do in them that makes me want to come back.
@JoeBlogs OH GOSH. That level was a nightmare. Not only does the camera get all wonky, but it's so darned hard to tell if you'll even land on some of the platforms due to the perspective.
@Simon_Fitzgerald Yeah, the performance is really consistent. Didn't mention it in the review, but it's a solid 30fps...though I have a hard time figuring out why this game was restricted to that instead of 60fps.
@sketchturner Thanks for pointing that out! Double negatives are always a bit tricky. lol
I know! I was going into the game expecting to come out with similar impressions, but I looked up some reviews and some seem to acknowledge the level design is meh, but don't care because the game feels good...like, that doesn't make it automatically good in my eyes. Much like Wolfenstein 2. One of the BEST shooters I've played in terms of controls and feel. Level design? Oh no. Doesn't match the first game.
@ReanSchwarzer7 Oh, trust me, I'm a 3D platformer apologist! Crash, Spyro, Mario...I'm all into those games. Super Mario Galaxy is my favorite game period. With A Hat in Time, it has a lot of potential and a really good base for a sequel, but the creativity and challenge with levels isn't there as a whole. I was honestly confused that I'm an outlier on this one.
@ExsMacaroni You're right on the money with the leeway comment. Like I said, you can just kinda cheese your way through some of the platforming and it all gets repetitive and same-y after a while.
Interesting thing is that I actually didn't encounter any notable bugs or glitches, as some people seem to be pointing out. Noticed the lack of polish but I expected that.
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