Housemarque is renowned for a couple of things: its consistently brilliant arcade titles with incredibly moreish gameplay, and its gloriously colourful visual effects. The Finnish developer's body of work is a kaleidoscopic tour-de-force, the games as vibrant as they are deceptively deep. It should come as no surprise, then, that Alienation continues this trend – sumptuous shooting and colourful kabooms are its bread and butter – but it's where it differs from its stablemates that ittruly impresses.
Granted, it does bear more than a passing resemblance to Dead Nation, but it's clear from the off that Alienation is a far deeper and more expansive game than Housemarque's zombie shooter. You begin by choosing one of three classes: the Tank is fairly self explanatory, with more HP and dealing the most damage on average; the Bio-Specialist is the healer class, and boasts some important technical abilities; and the Saboteur is the rogue, able to turn invisible and utilise a second melee attack. All three are well thought out and provide unique benefits to combat. Fortunately, they're also all very fun to use, their unique skills all providing fulfilling tactical options.

The moment-to-moment running and gunning, however, is the real star of the show. Shooting everything that moves (and some things that don't) is sumptuously satisfying. The audiovisual feedback marries with the gameplay perfectly; heavy-sounding ammunition cuts through grunts like a hot knife through butter, blood soon decorating the ground in your wake. It's a blessing that your arsenal is so effective, though, as it doesn't take long before your screen is packed with enemies, explosions, and debris. It can occasionally get a little too hectic for its own good, but through clever use of your abilities, the chaos remains surprisingly manageable.
With the amount of activity that can occur at any time, and the focus that it demands, it can be easy to overlook just how good looking Alienation is. The graphics really pop, with highly detailed environments and some wonderful lighting adding depth to the top-down perspective. Perhaps more impressive is that the performance is solid as a rock, no matter how much is going on.
But while the fundamental compulsive carnage is happening, there's a lot going on besides simply blowing up aliens. Optional random events, such as mini-bosses and challenges, are scattered across the environments. You earn XP as you progress to level up your character, each level earning you a point to spend on upgrading one of your active or passive skills. Furthermore, randomly generated weapons can be found in crates strewn around the sizeable levels, or are sometimes dropped by defeated enemies. These weapons each have a level, stats, and rarity, and some less common items can even be augmented with Cores that affect power, fire rate, and the like. Unwanted guns in your inventory can be salvaged, turning them into raw materials which are used as currency in order to re-roll a weapon's stats.

All of this works together to create an incredibly compulsive gameplay loop. The hours slip by as you complete missions, collect loot, upgrade your gear, and dive right back into the action, armed to the teeth with new toys and improved skills to play with. Thankfully, the enemies scale to your stats, meaning that the challenge never lets up. You can make things a little easier by selecting Rookie prior to diving into a mission, but doing this provides slimmer rewards, so there's incentive to play on higher difficulties.
Another more challenging way to play Alienation is to play with others in four player drop-in/drop-out online co-op. Each character class truly comes into its own in this mode. Playing as the Bio-Specialist, we were able to make effective use of our party-healing ability to keep other players alive, while the Saboteur's Artillery Strike is a powerful crowd-clearing manoeuvre that can quickly get everyone out of a hairy situation. The Tank's Shield, meanwhile, provides each player with a forcefield that deflects enemy fire for a short time, a lifesaver when your squad is fighting off aliens from every angle. When everyone is working harmoniously, it's an absolute blast, and while it's completely viable to play Alienation alone, co-op is our preferred option.

No matter how you decide to play, though, this is one meaty arcade shooter with plenty to offer, with new enemy types, weaponry, and gameplay mechanics being introduced even after you've finished the main campaign. Offline co-op would've been nice to have on release, but given how well-supported Resogun was post-launch, we're confident that Housemarque has plans to build upon the very strong foundations that it's laid out.
To describe Alienation as a spiritual successor to Dead Nation is a misnomer – this is a far bigger, deeper game, pulling in elements from RPGs and dungeon crawlers to great effect. The gorgeous visuals and addictive, tactile combat make this a feast for the eyes, with intense action never more than a few seconds away. Grabbing loot and fighting off aliens in co-op is stupendous fun, and the game opens up in meaningful ways the more that you play. If you're looking for some high-octane, arcadey action with a fiendishly gripping gameplay loop, then this comes highly recommended.
Comments 49
Hello! I'll be checking the comments regularly, so if you have any questions, fire away and I'll do my best to answer them
Great review. I really enjoyed Dead Nation, but it was a tad short. I'm glad to hear they squeezed more out of this one! Looks like I'm scheduled for another all nighter coop session this weekend!
Nice review...I was unsure whether the added complexity of levelling, gear upgrades etc would detract from the core gameplay...but it sounds like it actually enhances it. My wallet won't be happy to hear this!!!
How does this compare to Helldivers?
Does it also have friendly fire & vehicles you can get in?
Also thank you for letting us know there is no Offline co-op (I'm disappointed with this so will wait for a sale & glad I didn't pre-order)
@Quintumply Thanks for the review! Do we have any information about a physical release for this game?
@Malouff To be honest, I haven't played Helldivers, so hopefully someone else will be able to help you there. What I do know, though, is that there's no friendly fire and there are no vehicles.
The lack of offline co-op is a downer, but I think it's relatively likely to appear in a game update later down the line.
@Zukato As far as I know, there are no plans for a retail release. Still, this could change if the game does well enough - look at OlliOlli, Shovel Knight, and Rocket League!
@Zukato Yeah, physical release unlikely right now, but as @Quintumply says, it could happen eventually. Same with Shadow of the Beast.
Did Resogun get a retail release in the end?
+2 points from me for the "Aliens" reference. That is all.
Buying it, it looks awesome. Great review.
Awesome, can't wait.
I know it's entirely subjective but I'm still angry at @get2sammyb for his Dead Nation review. Calling it a tech demo for their lighting engine or something. Why I oughta....
Sound's pretty good might pick this up, enjoyed Dead Nation this sound's and look's better.
@get2sammyb After a cursory Google search, I don't think it did.
@AhabSpampurse Ha, glad someone picked up on it! Thanks for reading.
@kyleforrester87 I really disliked Dead Nation. I've played this one, though, and it's Dead Nation made good.
Can't wait for MatterFall now. Housemarque <3.
@get2sammyb It didn't sadly.
Housemarque have done it again it seems. Glad the game is just as fun solo.
can't wait to play this. although I am a little disappointed it's 30fps not 60
Hope this becomes free on Plus eventually if not I'll probably pick it up when there's a sale.
Hated Dead Nation. Loved resogun. The problen i had with dead nation was that it was too dark and the characters so small that i couldnt see what was going on.
Will i like this?
This game looks pretty cool but I think I'll go for Enter the Gungeon for my fill of dungeon crawler stuff. Sure, this game looks pretty, but Gungeon is so stylized and cute!
Didn't enjoy Deaf Nation either , even when playing it co-op , think I left these games behind with Smash TV , Gauntlet and The Chaos Engine back in the 80s and 90s.
Really liked Resogun and Super Stardust HD but perhaps twin stick scrolling top down shooters are best left in the past for me when they where fresh and new. (Same as 2D games)
Pre ordered it just now to take advantage of the £14.39 price tag, go's up to £20 tomorrow I can play it in five and a half hour's should be more fun than Resogun even though I got it free with PS+ that game sucked.
@Johnnycide Hard to say. The viewpoint is exactly the same, so enemies and player characters are relatively small onscreen. However, I've seen several people say that they love Alienation but hated Dead Nation, so it might be worth a shot!
@Quintumply hmmm... think I might wait for a sale or for it to end up on plus. Thanks for the reply!
Already pre-ordered!
So much wonderful game for so little money. Housemarque can't do no wrong in my book; they always deliver action packed arcadey goodness which is easy to pick up, but so hard to master. Between this, Enter the Gungeon and Salt 'n Sanctuary I don't even have time for Dark Souls.
Housemarque: AAA gaming at an 'A' price
@Quintumply how long is the game, approx?
@xMEADx you sure the price is going up? :s (actually, looks like it does, but only to £15.99, so I can live with that)
Great review sounds like a awesome game will definitely pick this up at some point.... Loves helldivers so this seems like the same sort of thing.
@kyleforrester87 The campaign is 20 missions long, and took me about 6 hours I think. So, not a long campaign, but my playtime across all three character classes has amassed to about 12 hours so far. When you complete the campaign, it unlocks more gameplay mechanics that will encourage you to keep playing (I'm not supposed to go into specifics before the game's release).
If you get really into the loot cycle and enjoy the combat as much as I do, I think the game will last quite a while
Nice review. Best explosion dust effects I've ever seen in a game!
@Quintumply cool, thanks
I want this badly! Looks cool with vibrant bloody mayhem. I wasn't sure about this title but looks too good to miss.
Sounds great, but Im not a huge fan of these types of shooters.
Give me Resogun 2 Housemarque!
I have a question, then, @Quintumply. So, as many people on this site know, I absolutely adore Housemarque - particularly Resogun and Super Stardust. However, I also thought Dead Nation was garbage.
Will I like this one? The impression I got from the demo I played was that it's Dead Nation with ADD. Curious what you think having played the full thing.
@get2sammyb I honestly think this is way better than Dead Nation. On a fundamental level, this does play basically the same, but the extra layers of gameplay that Housemarque has folded in make it a richer experience all-round. Alienation has the visual splendour of Super Stardust or Resogun, which suits the sci-fi scenario very well, and the satisfying combat and addictive looting and upgrading make this a cut above Dead Nation.
Of course, if you just don't get along with how it feels to play, Alienation might not change your mind. But I still think you'll like it better than Dead Nation.
@Bliquid To be honest, I've not played Diablo, but character customisation is probably less in-depth here, I would say. Each of the three classes has three unique abilities which you can upgrade however you like, and weapons can be upgraded (stat boosts, mostly) or you can re-roll them to get better base stats. Some legendary items have unique abilities once fully upgraded. That's roughly the extent of character building - class, abilities, weaponry. The loot cycle is definitely here, so if you're into that you'll like Alienation.
Could you clarify what you mean by a paragon system?
And if you're talking about whether the appearance of your character changes - it doesn't.
Hope this is helpful!
Awsome game, great loot system, load's of upgrade's not only abilitie's there's perk's as well making the customization massive altogether with the upgrade's on the perk's and abilitie's there's at least 40+ thing's to unlock on your character with 3 very differn't character's to play. There's even PvP and you can invade other people's world's to screw up their day! (this is easily enabled and disabled before a mission). Paragon level's mean that even after you hit 30 you enter hero level's so every time you level past the cap you get more bonus's like extra HP etc. Best £14 i've spent in a long time. Standard (white) common (green) rare (blue) legendary (purple) loot all add to the depth. you have Primary, secondary and heavy weapon and equipment (mine's and grenade's are all I found for equipment up to now) slot's as well and all weapon's (past white) have a big but easy to follow upgrade system also add to depth. It's Diablo in space on crack, great game. I'm not sure what "ark" is but it say's once you hit 30 you can compete with other player's there. Edited to add legendary gear is infact orange..
@quintumply @malouff Local coop has been officially announced and will get patched in later!
@Bliquid Ah, then yes, that's in here! @xMEADx has explained the character building stuff pretty well a couple of comments above
Downloading it now. Can't wait. Housemarque <3
@Comrade44 A mixture of both. I left my game open so that people could join in, and I hopped into other sessions every now and then. I preferred playing with others, but going solo is still a lot of fun. The challenge scales depending on your level and how many players there are, so it's always engaging and demands your attention, co-op or alone.
Really looking forward to this game, but I'm loving Dark Souls at the moment so I'm going to struggle to put that down!
@Johnnycide This is miles above dead nation
I really want to play this game but none of my friends want to! Not sure I'd be as interested playing it solo...I like to run around with someone lol
@Quintumply I'm assuming co-op can be with your friends too, not just pulled from a pool of online players? Thank you!
@Quintumply how do you invade another persons game can't seem to be able to do it,maybe I'm just being a bit thick
@vapidwolf The host of the game needs to have enabled invasions. They're disabled by default, so unless the host changes it, you're not able to invade their game.
@starhops I wasn't able to check this when I was playing for review (no one on my friends list had the game, obviously) so I'll look into it properly and get back to you. I'm sure it's easy enough to play with friends
Edit: When you're in the mission select screen you can press triangle to invite friends to your game, and then you can set your session to friends only or invite only, so random people won't pop in and out
@get2sammyb I liked Dead Nation but almost put myself off it when completing the hardcore more, so much so that I was initially a little disinterested in Alienation...after all its just Dead Nation with aliens right?
Then I saw there was a loot system, looked more into the game and decided I was going to buy it. All I can say is that was a great decision and this is easily set apart from Dead Nation. Alienation requires a lot more thought and doesn't merely rely on overloading you with massive hoards; it's more multifaceted and I haven't even got to understand some things yet, like the hero levels, invasions, UFO and Ark keys....more fun to come.
I'd say it is definitely better as a co-op game but, given that you can have 10 separate characters saved, I will be covering a lot of ground in both solo and co-op modes.
Finally, remember how incredible the support was for Resogun, well Housemarque have already said that they'll be following up with plenty of additional content for Alienation in the same way and that's great news for its longevity.
@Quintumply whats better this or Helldivers? Helldivers has a ton of content
Great game bought it a couple of days ago and actually enjoying it
Yeah it is repetive but its also meant to play with more
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