With Project CARS already in the wild and Gran Turismo Sport on the way later this year, as well as other realistic and excellent racers of their own kind in DiRT Rally and F1 2016 already out, there's plenty of variation and choice in the racing simulator market on the PlayStation 4 right now. But having garnered a hefty following with the modding community on PC, Assetto Corsa finally makes its way to Sony's platform – albeit without the community of tinkerers that perhaps made the game really stand out in the first place.
That's not to say that Assetto Corsa lacks appeal by itself, but upon starting it up there's so little on offer here in terms of content that it's hard to find a place to fit it in alongside everything else. There are over 20 car manufacturers to choose from, but the number of cars from each is limited, with different versions of the same car making up the count. Likewise, we're told there are 26 different track variations included, but many of these are the same courses with slightly different layouts – or are simply reversed.

But where other racers might dazzle with their numbers, Assetto Corsa aims to deliver solely on the track. There may not be the embarrassment of riches regarding variation that you'll get from a Gran Turismo title, but what's included is relatively well optimised and individually tailored. This is evident in how each and every car feels and sounds entirely different from the last, lending a unique identity to each. Likewise, tracks are so accurately reproduced that even the bumps and dips in the road are felt in the shake of the controller as you gather speed – forcing you to adjust to accommodate them.
It's this sense of realism that the game is striving for – it wants to be a celebration of cars by putting them through their paces in a series of realistic scenarios. But while it strives to reach these ends, it also flounders. It fails to present the joy of cars or to put them on display in the way Gran Turismo does with its garage and showroom system. Here, the cars are designed with such attention to detail that you really want to just look at them and admire their beauty, but there's simply no way to do this away from the track.
And then, if you're one to watch replays and admire them as they thrash around a course at high speed, you're again let down by some poor graphical presentation. Sure, the tracks and cars look superb, but the buildings, trees, and onlookers by the side of the road are hideous and are made up of what appears to be two pieces of flat, blurry texture put together to make something akin to a 3D model. Y'know, like they used to do on the PlayStation 2! This is often so visibly poor – and in complete antithesis to the detailed, textured, and almost palpable car models – that you'll even notice it as you race by at 200mph, and it never fails to be an ugly distraction.

Away from the graphical presentation, however, Assetto Corsa also disappoints. This game is hard. Really hard. It's the kind of game that punishes you so severely that mistiming a corner by even a split second is enough to wreck an entire championship weekend – and this applies even to the slower starting cars which seem to take an age to come to a stop. While this kind of punishing gameplay is nothing new and has been well-implemented elsewhere (we're looking at you, DiRT Rally), it's made infuriating here because there are no tutorials whatsoever; you're simply plonked onto the track and away you go.
Couple this with the useless driving assists such as a non-dynamic driving line that seems to have been optimised for a Lamborghini and not a Fiat 500, and you're left wondering how the hell you're supposed to learn to play this game. Even the automatic gearbox is somehow awkward to use, making it so that you have to switch manually into reverse should you have an accident – a detail that's at no point explained, you're just left to figure it out. This is where mods might come in handy and make the game a little more palatable, but there's no word yet and whether this feature will make it to the PS4.

And since the game is so unforgiving, and it has no way of teaching you how to play effectively, it's also not a fulfilling experience. We never felt entirely comfortable with it, no matter how much we practised and played. Maybe a licensing system akin to Gran Turismo would have benefited the title here; it could even have been implemented within the game's career mode, which would have certainly fleshed out what is, in all honesty, a rather tedious main event.
Working your way through pre-made events to gather trophies to unlock new ones is nothing new (DriveClub did this relatively well), but it's the game's insistence – through both the career and special events modes – on forcing you through long, dull events in cars you couldn't care less about. Online modes seem to be just as limiting, although we had a hard time getting online for review because of the servers, so it's hard to really take this into account.
Assetto Corsa is a frustrating drive with a punishing learning curve that never truly pays you back for your time investment. It fails to provide an effective way to learn its complicated intricacies and lacks features that a game of its ilk requires. It's also simultaneously the best and worst presented racing game of the past few years, with superbly detailed cars and tracks hampered by awful long-distance scenery and ugly roadside textures. Ultimately, this is a disappointment that lacks the heart required to truly celebrate the cars it has so lovingly recreated.
Comments 112
Shame. Meanwhile I eagerly await a cool new arcade racer for PS4...
Wow, 5/10 ? I considered this before gt sport comes out. But will stay with project caars and driveclub until november.
@SegaBlueSky Yes, I also so much want an arcade racer for PS4.
Any recomedations on older games? I only have DriveClub and it not purely arcade.
Along with iRacing, Asseto Corsa has the most highly acclaimed physics and track modelling in sim racing. Driving a car is not difficult, but driving one quickly requires time, patience and skill.
The criticisms on this review have no relevance to a simulation. The entire point of the game is to deliver a realistic experience, not be guided around with driving lines, assists (that aren't on the real car), and generally driving without consequence.
Sims are an acquired taste. A review from someone who doesn't enjoy them is pretty pointless.
@Poweruser88 I love racing sims. I've been playing racing games for the best part of 20 years. And my point about assists and driving lines is in relation to learning the game. They've put them in there to help you learn, but they're done badly; without them working properly the game is immensely hard to learn. They should have been better implemented to teach you the game so that you can gradually turn them off as you get better.
Also waiting on a new arcade racer. Burn Out, Ridge Racer where are you?
I've always heard from PC users that this is the king of sims whilst also pouring scorn on Gran Turismo. I've played a few other sim racers like the Forza games and Project Cars but for me, nothing compares to the handling, physics and feel like the GT series. I'd still like to try this out, though.
You say its hard but this is meant to be a hard game. Lots of racing games hold your hands way too much. True Sims should be hard to master

@dryrain To be fair, he doesn't really have a problem with the difficulty on its own, but he feels the game should do more to get you up to speed (hurrr-durrr) especially when the pay off isn't really there for learning it all on your own.
@dryrain Nothing wrong with it being hard, it just needs to find a way of teaching you to play. Putting assists and a driving line in the game is a cheap way of doing this, but even that is done badly. That's why I said a license system like Gran Turismo would have been nice. Better yet, why not have a career mode that actually teaches you from the beginning and allows you to get better? No such thing here, though, it just expects you to plug away without any guidance whatsoever. Imagine doing that for learner drivers in real life? That doesn't seem realistic to me. If this game is supposed to be a simulator, how about teaching new drivers how to drive?
@get2sammyb Yes! What a great game. Port coming soon?
@get2sammyb My favorite racing of all time!! I still play the PS3 port sometimes. Also the PSP version was never released for the Vita due to some licence expiring...
I'll wait for GT me thinks.
@belmont @Elodin WE CAN BUT DREAM!
Sammy, don't tease with that Outrun pic - I bought the original on C64 with the audio tape, AND this on Xbox 360, would love to see Outrun on PS4 - Magical Sound Shower new remixes and the classic Sid-chip version also 👌👌👌
@Galvatron Get one of these in your living room:
(Sorry for sending the thread off-topic!)
@get2sammyb - ha ha, very cool....
But with Driveclub VR, my pre-ordered VR headset and an incoming Thrustmaster T300R force feedback wheel, I'll have grown-up Outrun in my living room 😎
And become the Lawnmower Man that my existing walking tech (Bluetooth headphones, smartphone, smartwatch etc) has always suggested I'll become 😏😁😝
I am browsing ebay now. I need PC and Game Gear versions of outrun!
Sorry for being off-topic but SEGA surely has no idea that some of its games (not only Sonic) still have a fan-base.
@belmont - I loved Coast2Coast and desperately wanted it for my Vita, which for 2 years became my go-to games machine.....
Here's hoping an Outrun VR is a twinkle in Sega's eye 😜
I dunno, of course since I'm in N. America I haven't played the game on console yet. That said, this is the first poor review I've read of this racing sim.
DiRT Rally was mentioned, and there's no instruction to learn that game either. The learning curve was steep...but when it clicks and you get it right...so rewarding. Up to now, it's the best racing sim available on console.
I've also heard that this is very bare bones game and that it's all about the handling physics, which I think is where the priority should be. Yes, I appreciate the attention to detail in the graphics of sims like Project CARS...but who really cares when you're trying keep an angry Ferrari, with over 600 HP on the road?
@Jake3103 - do you enjoy DiRT?
@Dice73AF yes, I love DiRT Rally - but that gave you videos introducing you to different concepts. It also had assists that helped out quite a lot in getting to understand the game and its handling model. Also, I always felt that mastering a rally on DiRT was incredibly rewarding, aided by the fact that it just felt good and fun to play. Assetto Corsa, on the other hand, does not. It never felt quite right, no matter how much time I put in. And I could never escape the reality that it just wasn't fun to play at all. I love racing games, and I love simulators; I like difficulty, and I love mastering a game. But I never felt like this game gave anything back for my investment. And, yes, this is an incredibly barebones game. If you don't like the gameplay, there's not a lot else here.
Good review! Surprised to see an average score for this, as I remember reading a glowing review on Eurogamer for the PC version back when that released. Your criticisms sound perfectly reasonable to me, though. It's a shame that there's no way to learn how the game handles, that seems like a strange oversight.
I've never been that into sim racers though; much prefer my Burnouts and my Ridge Racers
@Quintumply Thanks! Yeah, I also saw the Eurogamer review a couple of years ago, and it's hard to escape that when I'm reviewing it now. That said, there's clearly a difference of opinion here, and we don't have the mods that they have on PC which may or may not enhance the game.
If you're not into sims, you absolutely definitely won't like this
Went to eat in Pizza parlour. The steaks weren't up to par: 5/10!
@Jake3103 Haha, noted!
@Jake3103 - yeah, I'm addicted to DiRT.
My fascination with Assetto Corsa is really what I consider a tune-up to get ready for Gran Tursimo Sport. So I can get used to circuit racing again, as seriously, I haven't played anything BUT DiRT since April 5th For GT Sport, I intend on being the fastest in Canada...ya heard it here first. (I joke...)
Did you test AC with a wheel? I imagine that would make a difference.
Anyway, I appreciate the review. We're all entitled to our opinions...and I can't knock yours as I haven't played it yet. I'll let you know next week...
@misterdog Maybe go to a place that specialises in steak next time? If you're making a slight at the review, make sure you read the review properly before deciding on its validity. Walking in half way though an operation would look like murder, which is why context is really important, right?
Here's what someone else wrote on the forums with regards to this review:
Is this guy serious? Assetto Corsa is trying it's hardest to make physics, force feedback, tires and the car's look and components they "build" as realistic as possible. This game is hard? Umm....Driving a car at 100+ MPH is really :censored: hard in real life. This is NOT Forza or Driveclub. AC is trying to simulate real life as much as they can with today's hardware and the limits of their knowledge and programming ability. Mistime a corner in real life and yes, you may have just blown your chances at winning the race. The AI drivers are not just moving road blocks. They are to be considered as having skills equal to yours, or maybe even better, or worse, depending on how you set it. Older, slower cars seem to take ages to stop? Wait a minute. Are you telling me that the 1965 Alfa Romeo GTA that you're pushing hard around Brands Hatch doesn't stop on a dime like the Huracan GT3 you just drove? KUNOS SUCKS!!! :rolleyes: Then he criticizes Assetto Corsa for not providing tutorials on how to drive a car! :rolleyes: I also love how he says that not having absolutely beautifully created 'people' in the crowd is distracting at 200mph. Oh well... I actually did expect this, to some degree.
push square team is really weak when it comes to racing games,zero expertise
@Jake3103, you caused quite a stir in our little sim racing community. You are obviously reviewing this game comparing it to casual mainstream racing 'games' like F1, GT or FM, whilst AC is in a totally different ballpark. I haven't read it here but did you use a wheel and pedals to review this game? Did you take your time to properly get to know the cars you were driving? It certainly doesn't seem so. This is the closest thing to a virtual representation of real life cars you will ever encounter on consoles, and that is exactly the aim of this game. So in general for console users that are not used to this but want to experience how it is, buy yourself a wheel and take your time to get to know the game and upgrade your skills. You basically scared everyone away that had an interest in experiencing this and doesn't know yet of this game @Jake3103
@Jake3103 did you review that game?dude,you better stick to table top racing,you have no idea what simulation racing game means.
Haven't played this yet of course but this review screams. "I'm not good at racing Sims" The comment about fluffing it and no idea why is laughable.
It's a sim racer.. it's meant to be hard. In fairness I could have saved self reading the review at the start when it's mentioned the review was done with a controller.
Oh and brakes on an old/slow car taking ages.. have you ever driven a real car??
It might not be good in the end although I'm skeptical of that given the PC version but the review stinks of someone who doesn't know or like sim racing very much.
Really not trying to sound harsh but this doesn't appear to be reviewed from an objective perspective and sounds like its came from someone who plays nfs and driveclub. The comments about the details and lack of photo mode are fine but to complain about spinning out etc are telling.
@solocapers Actually, I love racing sims and I'm very good at them usually. It's a shame that my writing doesn't get my points across better, or maybe there's a bit of both my writing and people's reading here. Also, at no point does my review say that I fluffed up and I don't know why – I think you must have misread. Nothing wrong with playing with a controller, either, it's how most people will play this game, in which case you're obviously free to disregard what I say should you wish, but others might find it helpful.
@Jake3103 "Maybe go to a place that specialises in steak next time?"
Not sure what to take from this.
Do you mean that PushSquare is like a fast food place that targets the lowest common denominator?
If so, o...k.... I guess. lol
With regards to the controller, many are satisfied with it and say they get good feedback from the car. Did you tweak your controller settings? And in any case, a driving sim (with the emphasis on sim), requires a wheel to encounter it's full potential. You basically missed out on all the detailed FFB effects which translate the physics by reviewing it in this way. Controller is find but you can't say you know how a game really drives up until you hook up a wheel. I'm sure you got a T300 or something laying at the office? Maybe give it a shot at least?
@misterdog If we had a wheel I would have tried this, of course. And you're right – the wheel is the best way to play the game. But at the end of the day, most people will play it with a controller, so if it doesn't stack up well enough in that department, then that's still a negative. Other games, such as DiRT Rally, have managed to get both working just right, and since the game is very light on content and purports to focus on control, should it not be good enough to be played with a controller?
Despite not being a pure sim fan (i don t have money and space to waste on a proper seat / wheel), I have to agree with the @Poweruser88 comment.
Assetto corsa is the most accurate simulation on the market, just look on the web.
A review from someone who is clearly not good/involved/experienced in such type of games is pretty pointless. I would also find a jet fighter too complicate and full of controls if I only pilot gliders....
Yes indeed @Jake3103. But it would be like doing a review of a proper flight simulator and not using a flight stick but a keyboard. Sure most people own keyboards, and it should deliver a proper experience on those too, but you can't expect to know a game of this kind fully without trying it like it was meant to play. This is especially true if one wants to review a product. You don't review a genuine Porsche driving with beach slippers neither haha (or at least you could but you won't be taken seriously).
@misterdog Like I said, you're welcome to ignore my review since it doesn't answer what you wanted from a review, then, but that doesn't mean it's not good for others. Remember, not every review needs to support what you personally think it deserves.
@Jake3103 have you seriously reviewed Assetto Corsa using ps4 controller???
@Jake3103 bring down your review,its not fair on the developer,you are the problem not the game,sim games need professionals to review them
" since the game is very light on content and purports to focus on control, should it not be good enough to be played with a controller"
It's a pretty low budget game made from a very small team that's focused on simulating car physics accurately. If you love sim racers normally you should know this and base your review on those merits and state that clearly for more casual players to base their opinion on that.
Controllers don't have the range of movement to accomplish this properly and it's probably a wasted effort for the most part to release it on console as that point will be missed on most as its not a mainstream game by any means.
Project cars takes a huge amount of tinkering to get controller settings anywhere near suitable and I'm guessing this won't be any different. P cars and this are wholly designed with wheels in mind.
Gran turismo and forza are the opposite, that's not knocking them by any stretch as the overall package is better but they know their target audience and the driving physics tell this.
To review it without a wheel given the type of game it is is like reviewing a supercar on a dirt road.
I would like to state that I've no intention of buying the game regardless as project cars is enough for me as it is.
@Jake3103, the review is just totally unbalanced this way. It's basically written only for someone that is interested in a generic 'racing game'. And you are right AC does not provide the bells and whistles in that departement. But i'm sure a big chunk of your readers would be interested in hearing if this game is worth it, when what they are looking for is the ultimate driving simulation on PS4, or they do happen to own a wheel to fully enjoy the experience. The review and the 5/10 score will scare all those people away if they wouldn't know any better.
@solocapers To review this game without a wheel is like reviewing a game for a console and how people on that console will, more often than not, play it. A lot of people will claim that playing a shooter with a controller is also a big no, but alas most people do. And this is nothing like Project CARS on a controller – that game actually works right, whereas Assetto Corsa just doesn't feel good to play, regardless of how "realistic" that may be.
@Jake3103 that is pretty much why I said it probably shouldn't be released on console as the point of it will be missed on most.
Regarding your point about pcars on controller, Project cars is twitchy as hell on controller unless the settings are tweaked to the high heavens so that makes me think you haven't really played it tbh.
A good review would be able to point out the flaws and problems for the casual racing fan, keeping them well aware it's not for most whilst keeping point to the strengths which, other than car and track models you completely ignore.
Most reviews already up on the web about the ps4 and Xbox one version manage to do this.
Fair enough each to their own.. I just don't feel it's a good/fair review from the get go.
@solocapers So you're saying I should review it with a scenario by which I can never relate in mind, and to always remember a scenario by which I will never play it to make it fairer? Does that not sound disingenuous? A review is, at the end of the day, an opinion. If we were to keep in mind every scenario by which others might play the game, you would never have an honest review. Is that really what you want? Does it not make more sense that we have a wide breadth of reviews for people of different situations? Or do you think all reviewers should have the same opinion?
The review is completely fair because it describes exactly what problems I had with the game. If you then read that and think they're not an issue to you, that's fine, but that doesn't make the review unfair – it just means it doesn't align with your priorities.
@Jake3103 that first paragraph really is a bit of a vent isn't it.. jeez take a breath pal.
Back to the point.. no I'm not saying you should review it based on a single scenario, that would of course be silly. The review I feel just misses the point of the game and who it's actually aimed at and a good review would be able to point that out.
Yes casual racing fans should probably stay away and no one in here has said otherwise it's just that to have a fair review of it it should have been done with a wheel imo. Are you really telling me you don't have one at push square?
Lastly, I'm not buying it, I was just a little surprised with the review and the tone and felt it was worth commenting on. :thumbup:
@Jake3103 the highest rated pc sim of all time and one that i play nearly everyday in iracing has no assists or lines.. True hardcore racers dont expect stuff like that. This game isnt meant to be a simcade like forza or gran turismo or project cars. I have this game on pc and assetto corsas racing physics which is what sim racing is all about blows away forza project cars ect. A 5 out of 10 just means this guy reviewing it isnt a true sim racer. He expected simcade like forza.
@Iconr6racer Or the reviewer was expecting a sim, got a sim, and simply didn't like it? That's also a possible scenario. The review tries to keep in mind all of the potential players. If you're a sim fan, you don't even need this review – as is evident in all of the comments. Those people are just unhappy with the score because they disagree, but that's fine – it doesn't mean the review or the points it makes are unfair or irrelevant. As for those who might think they want to play a sim, this review might actually be very useful. We can't possibly review this for everyone; it's impossible to keep everyone happy.
@Solocapers As above, really, if you're a sim fan then you don't need this review anyway, right? You know if it's for you based on other reviews and based on what I've written in here. We don't have a wheel to review it on, and I'm not about to be provided with one for free, so it can't be used for the review. I've been upfront about that by mentioning the controller in the review and again in the comments. The game certainly doesn't come with a wheel, so as far as I'm concerned reviewing the product without one – again, as most people will play it – is not unfair.
I'm very surprised to see this get such a low score. I love racers, from Mario Kart, to Forza, to Need for Speed and Gran Turismo. I wasn't planning on getting this right away, but I'll have to read more into it for the future.
@Jake3103 half baked driving lines, pro driving skill needed and crap scenery - sounds rubbish. Lets hope GT delivers!
@Jake3103 you seem rather rattled. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree and kudos for you sticking to your views.
Again like I said, I've no intention of buying the game, I was just curious to see how it was reviewed/scored and to me anyway, it didn't appear to have been reviewed from a fan of sim racing genre and thus..miss the point of it and reviewing it without a wheel is criminal.
@Jake3103 you expected a sim yet played with a controller?? Ahahahaha. I would never, ever, play iracing w a controller as im sure it would be impossible.. Same with this game. It's a sim sims require a wheel yet you reviewed it w a controller. Youre not fooling anybody here. Youre no sim junky.
@Iconr6racer I never claimed to be a "sim junky", so I'm not sure how you think I'm even TRYING to fool anyone. But I do like racing simulators. Believe it or not, there are people who like racing simulators and play with a controller. Sure, they're not as "hardcore", but they're by no means irrelevant, and they make up the majority of the racing community. I think a good racing sim works well with a controller as well as a wheel, though.
Lets try to keep on topic guys, Sims is a game about building houses, this is a completely seperate genre. Thanks.
@Jake3103 "The review tries to keep in mind all of the potential players." No it doesn't, that's the point we are making here.
@Jake3103 point is most hardcore racers use wheels, you stating most people play with a controller on consoles is true, for arcade or simcades.. Sims are not designed with controllers im mind and personally if you werent willing to dial in a nice wheel with this game which is how it's meant to be played then you shouldnt have done this review. Majority of people will want to play this with a wheel and you offered nothing for those individuals by reviewing it w a controller.
@misterdog It might not be mentioned to your liking in the writing, but it was kept in mind as much as possible. I can't just mark a game up based on a scenario that I'll never play, though. To be honest, I was considering giving it a 4, so take that as you will. A lot of thought went in to putting this review up with this score because I knew there would be a backlash, but it's an honest review that doesn't bend to what others think I should give it – which is a good thing for the sake of the industry, believe me.
Maybe is just the fact that what someone believe is a Sim, for other ones is just a Sim-cade.
Reading the review looks like this is just a bad sim-cade (like GT, Forza and Project Cars).
Problem is that Assetto Corsa is the only one Simulator (not Simulation) available on the Market.
The physics have been developed (and tested) with the real drivers who drove the cars (i.e. Nicola Larini helped with testing the Alfa 155, with which he raced in the 90s).
@misterdog exactly. It completely miss that if you have a good wheel and you are looking fir a real simulator, Assetto is the only one you can get on Console, and is actually a great one
@Jake3103 i believe no one is saying you have been not honest in your review.
We are just saying that this review, as it was made, is extremely weak. You set a wrong standard at the beginning (comparing the game with others which are not in the same range), and you didn't use the tool necessary to really get what this game is aimed for.
To make an example, is like bashing Need For Speed because cars are "on rails" in respect of Project Cars, or reviewing PES playing with a keyboard, saying that the players are badly controlled and faints andbdribblings are impossible...
@Jake3103 "I can't just mark a game up based on a scenario that I'll never play, " But that scenario (playing with an actual wheel and pedals), is what many fans of racing games will utilize, so you are basically dropping all of them out of the equation here by not bothering to hook one up.
"but it's an honest review that doesn't bend to what others think I should give it – which is a good thing for the sake of the industry, believe me."
We don't want to bend your opinion, we'd just like you to not try it for a day or two with a controller, and pass it off as bad just because it didn't float your boat. Like i said before next time you review a racing game, please do play it with a wheel otherwise you are in no position to review the physics nor the driving experience. Also having bad controller settings (like i suspect you had from reading your review) can destroy the whole experience as well, did you spend time optimizing your pad in the option menu at least?
I am frankly astonished that you guys don't have a racing set up to review racing games. Jesus, even the best is only a couple of K.
@misterdog Totally agreed, wtf is a reviewer doing reviewing a racing game without the optimum controls? The review should have a caveat for a pad, not the other way around.
@arnoldlayne83 @misterdog Like I said, we don't have a wheel to review it on, and neither is Push Square making enough money to buy one to review it with, so we can't review it with a wheel. I'm sorry that this is the case, and believe me I would love to play this with a wheel, but we can't.
So, we can either not put a review up, or we can put a review up for the majority – those who play with a controller. We decided to put one up for most people. If that review isn't for you, that's fine, you can move on. But that doesn't nullify the points of the review for those who will play with a pad. I'm not going to spend any more time responding to this now because we're going in circles.
@Jake3103 "we're going in circles." well, isn't that what racing is all about? Look I'm sure you are capable of making good honest reviews I just feel this was one you shouldn't have done. It's not fair to the developers who busted their tail to make an extremely realistic racing game and to sim racers who plan to play this with a wheel and see your 5 out of 10 and assume it's junk when for them it could have been amazing. Your job is to review a game on how it's meant to be played and you absolutely failed on that. It's not need for speed or forza or even dirt rally which gets away with using a controller because dirt is much more forgiving to drive on and doesn't penalize you if you get the car out of shape a bit vs asphalt which you have to be absolutely on point to correct the car if it steps out on you at 125mph or you will over correct putting you in the wall head on in a split second something that flat out can't accurately be done with a controller. for 350 bucks you could get a tx 458 thrustmaster which I use and it's a fantastic wheel that will allow you to accurately review games like this going forward and avoid all this crap you are getting. Thanks for the replies.
A new wheel and pedal set for PS4 costs less than 300 bucks. For a site that reviews games this really is a necessity. Or taking some time to adjust your controller settings for that matter
Sorry, but the argument that a reviewer needs a wheel in order to provide an accurate review for a game is preposterous. Are you telling me everyone who buys this game will play it with a wheel? Besides, you shouldn't need an optional peripheral to enjoy a game, that's an utterly ridiculous assumption as well. Perhaps a wheel can enhance the experience, not questioning that, but to say it's necessary for the game to get a positive score is crazy.
If you don't agree with the review, fair enough, but let's put this particular point to bed, please.
I'm pretty set with F1 2016 and Project CARS right now. I really hope to see some Legendary track and drivers dlc on PS4 later on for F1.
@ShogunRok i wonder why push square racing game reviews are not accurate?this review is a disaster,please do something about it,hire some professional racing gamer with a proper wheel for simulating games,racing simulations are harsh games that need lot of time to review them,its not need for speed or drive club,admit it
@ShogunRok except he does need a wheel to make an accurate review.. the game was designed to be played with a wheel where are you confused here? sure use a controller which isn't how it's meant to be played and have an awful experience doing so which is what you should expect if you choose to be cheap and play a sim with a 60 dollar controller. if you are intending to play this game with a controller then this game isn't for you it's that simple. so why review it with a controller when that's not the crowd it is catering too? It's like reviewing a flight simulator on PC without a joystick.. you wouldn't do it though i'm sure an xbox controller could be used.
I can't believe the review wasn't conducted by someone in a crash helmet. If the reviewer was wearing a crash helmet and a 5 point harness he would see this game for the 10 out of 10 masterpiece it is.
Also I doubt it says forced feedback steering wheel required on the box unlike PSVR titles which declare the additional £400 spend.
@Jake3103 Your review was quite helpful thank you. I for one do not and will not own a wheel, so this was was helpful in deciding whether or not to get this game. This one seems out of my league so thanks for the heads up.
@kyleforrester87 no that's sim city, you actually need a civil engineering degree a bulldozer and a couple of cranes to enjoy that game properly.
All joking aside, I'm happy with the review - heavy sim racing games are super frustrating for me, I use braking only driving lines when offered as I dont play often enough to study all the tracks - I use some assists like auto gears and having the option to rewind if I really screw up a turn and I care that the game looks good. So for me I'm avoiding this game. But I do understand the above commenters viewpoints. If its heavily focused on the sim community Its like playing dance dance revolution without a dance mat.
@Galvatron well, you are a sentient robot(albeit a very evil one) so it makes sense
@Major-Zero I've got a degree in professional racing gaming as it happens, my thesis was based on the classic Master System simulator 'Chase HQ'. After Pushsquare blow a few g's on the proper racing set up they so clearly need to review this game I might offer my services, if the price is right, of course...
@kyleforrester87 i think push square already hired you to troll comments section,and dude,you are not funny at all,pfffffffff
@Major-Zero it's true, I'm on the payroll eating into the steering wheel budget!
@Neolit fair enough,you know,i read about the studio before the game release and many positive reviews and feedbacks from pc gamers and as you know pc gamers are so harsh,you know,people behind the game are a bunch of hardworking enthusiastic guys that done a lot for that game,its not fair on them at all
I take all of your feedback on board, and think you've all raised some very valid points. However, it's probably worth mentioning that Jacob's criticism of the game was never aimed at the physics or the way the cars handle.
Perhaps, in hindsight, the physics should have taken a greater precedent in the review, and that's something we need to learn from. But it's clear to me from re-reading the text that his main concern is that he didn't feel there was much payoff to what he was doing beyond the core racing itself.
Now I know for petrol heads the act of driving the car is the sole appeal, but Jacob's review is looking at it as a racing game, and he clearly felt that it fell short in regards to progression, content, and gameplay options. An area which, as he mentions in the review, many other simulation racers excel in.
Maybe you should cross us off your list when it comes to our reviews of simulation games; maybe we need to reconsider our stance. But at the end of the day, we pride ourselves in reviewing games — and not software.
I'll listen to what you've said and I'll ruminate on it. Thanks for all your comments.
Get a cheap steering wheel for this game. i am very sorry for pad users..There is a reason why Ferrari use AC on their pro simulator and Porsche had an exclusive deal with Kunos not with the mighty Polyphony GTsport.!! AC is a real sim..On Steam AC has the highest players from the rest so called sim racing games.
@Neolit I sadly don't agree - that's like telling someone they need a fighting stick to review a fighting game, which simply isn't the case. I get where people are coming from in the sense that Assetto is obviously a very realistic racer and a wheel only emphasises that fact, but I think that discounting a review and a reviewer's opinion based on that alone is a mistake.
Like Sammy says, we'll take the criticism on board - we always do - but in this case, I can't help but think that many of these comments are off the back of scrolling down, seeing a 5, and jumping the gun to a large degree.
Am I always going to try and defend something that we publish? Of course, but if I ever thought that we were genuinely at fault for something I'd take a step back. In this case, I think Jacob's criticisms are on point and for that reason I'm not going to sit and watch people try to pick holes in his work - even if they're complete strangers on the internet.
It's all going round in circles a little, but I found this (roughly-translated) quote in hobbyconsolas review interesting:
"Assetto Corsa is a very particular game. You can play it with a controller, as you would expect, but to really enjoy it, it is almost mandatory to play using a wheel with force feedback. This may seem a fantasy - as I myself thought when reading user's PC reviews - but it's a reality"
They gave it 90/100.
Edit: It goes on to say that other titles such as F12016 and Project CARS both play fine with a controller, but in AC, the balance is very much in favour of a wheel.
@ShogunRok Simulation games have only in recent years gotten to the point that they are almost like real life. they laser scan tracks and cars today something never done in the past. to use a controller that has the same basic function as a controller did 15 to 20 years ago and use that to review a sim that uses 2014 technology is just wrong. that's why we have 3rd party developers constantly improving wheel technology and accuracy which includes force feedback and latency all of which is insanely above what we had even 7-8 years ago.. that's what has allowed sim's like assetto to evolve because of the great tech today in sim wheels to experience realism never possible before.. yet here we review a game with a primitive dual shock controller that uses the same basic design from 1994 which never had the intent to be used for a sim racer like assetto and you want to defend that?? Sims have outgrown controllers people. you cant have both in the equation and call it a sim experience. This isn't a hard concept to digest.
People may mostly play this game with controller, i´ve tried also on PC...its playable but really you just need to forget that crap and test it with a steering wheel, its just useless to play a simulation with a controller, of course it results in a very hard and annoying experience as you just cant get proper throttle, steering and clean braking control with a gamepad which is just a useless peripheral for a real simulator game, make a step up trow your gamepad out of the window and connect a steering wheel, else doesnt count
Language -Tasuki-
Poor review. You obviously did not get it. This is a racing sim with highly accurate physics. The joy in playing it is mastering the cars on different tracks, having them in control at the limit and improving lap times (or make it on top of leaderboards - needs add-on I know).
But this also means to own the proper equipment to achieve this:
If you are not a fairly skilled sim driver already, don't buy it, your frustration level will be too high.
If you are not a petrol head, that has pleasure in driving sports car IRL and rather blocks the fast lane, don't buy the game.
If you are more into arcade stuff, go on playing Mario Karts and don't buy this game. Or you want surrealistics graphics and nice physics? Go on playing Driveclub.
Language -Tasuki-
@Tasuki Yeah, that seems reasonable. /s
@ShogunRok fighting games are not simulation,for your info,they are actually fantasy,you always been rational Ramsey!
Bloodborne 5/10
@Tasuki Thats such a white knight comment..PushSquare and its owning company make money from adverts. Do you think this website is a charity and do it out of the goodness of their hearts?
If they cant review the game properly then there's no point reviewing it at all. I think that's the point most are trying to make.
@Tasuki Sorry, but that sounds a bit unprofessional... I read many reviews and all of them explain that a wheel is a must to play this game as intended, while using the pad gamers have to activate all the driving aids if they don't want to go mad. I wouldn't complain about an MMO game because all the internet I have is a slow 3GB-per-month plan sent from my smartphone...
@solocapers Exactly. The only three negative reviews as of writing that are up on Metacritic have not used a wheel in their review (despite not explicitly saying so, the PSLS one has a video of him playing, it's definitely not a wheel). ALL other reviews (which are 70% and up) mention that the game really needs a wheel to be appreciated. (EDIT, the godisageek review used a wheel, but moaned about the lack of adjustment yet other reviews said the features were comprehensive. I'm downloading it now anyway...)
That said, on AC's own site, it says that the console releases have been tweaked for pad use.
@Tasuki Now I've seen it all!
What the hell is going on here lately? :-/
What's the next step? We have to buy you guys games as well so that they don't get reviewed months after the fact or not at all?
Comment section on this is brilliant. I love how angry people get about game reviews sometimes.
@kyleforrester87 Sims isn't about building houses? It's a game about finding the most interesting way to kill your Sims isn't it? Oh...maybe that was just me.
@mrobinson91 Unless you've drowned someone in real life and are currently wearing their skin you have absolutely NO right to form an opinion of The Sims.
Do your homework, go out and murder a few people then come back to me.
@mrobinson91 I think users are upset because of the laziness showed by the review. I've read very long and accurate reviews explaining the incredible work the devs did with the tracks and the car physics, the compromises with the gamepad, the joy of playing it with a wheel... This is a simulation, aimed to a niche, that deserves high scores because it's a great simulation. This review sounds like "AC is a driving simulation and we don't have a wheel to play it, nor even the time or will to play it with a gamepad, therefore it sucks."
I'm not even part of this niche and I'm not sure if and when I'll buy this game, but it still deserves high scores.
@andreoni79 It's a shame all the great reviews PS do don't get this much attention, such is the internet
@get2sammyb Hell yeah! Outrun would be great in 2-4 player couch coop !!!
@kyleforrester87 Yes, it is a shame. I will go on the record and say that this is my go-to English PS4 site, and normally I have very few qualms about any of the content.
I've been playing the game for the past half an hour or so and have re-read the review. Whilst it is finicky on a DS4, with assists on it's eminently playable and I would say, albeit at a very early point with the game, not too difficult.
Whilst the review mentions the poor scenery vs high-spec car models, I'm getting a lot of screen tear and shimmering, especially during replays which isn't great (and I can't seem to find a way to turn off the racing line during replays) so that's something else against I guess. But that said I still think 5, without a wheel is overly-harsh, more so since it nearly only got 4...
Anyway, I need to give it more than 30 minutes and get my wheel hooked up, but for £40 it seems OK to me.
The last time I seen outrage like this was for the No Man's Sky review last week lol. That is a niche game also but ppl believed it to be for the masses. B*tchers will B*tch, forget about them and move on Jacob.
Good review btw it clearly pointed out that this game is a simulation. It is trying to break it's way into a market where it most likely will struggle esp. since buying the game is useless unless I buy a full FFB steering wheel and pedals to play it.
It could deserves a 5 in my opinion if it's trying to sell itself without clearly advertising on the box that you totally need a steering wheel to play the thing. Being totally honest I don't think it deserves a 5 on PS4. Fine it might be the dawg's proverbials on PC but this is a PS4 site with PS4 reviews and I'd be sickened to pay full price for this only to be informed that I need a further bigger investment to actually play it completely. Go back to PC with your unplayable game in the current form (i.e without a wheel) and give our heads peace or even better sell it with a wheel and stop trying to con the console market.
Mightn't have said this very effectively but the intent stands.
@andreoni79 hat off,respect dude,i wish i could like your comments,another weird flaw only find here on push square these days along moaning that they do not have wheel to review the most accurate simulation racing game therefore its rubbish
Bloody hell children!
I appreciate the advantage of using a wheel when playing games, but this is ridiculous! Such vile comments made to the reviewer because of a low score, have you heard yourselves?!
You may have a fancy 3K wheel, but are you sat in a replica car chasis that's been placed on actual tarmac for that true authentic driving feel? of course not, no game can ever be a truly realistic driving experience, so just enjoy them for the entertainment that they are.
I love a good sim as much as the next man but saying you're a 'hardcore gamer' because you play a game with a wheel? gimmie a break!
There's some reviews I don't agree with on this site, but it's all about opinions as has been stated. Some of the comments I've read on here have been bang out of order and written by children it seems.
I'll give this game a go because I'm looking for a new sim racer after DIRT and it seems more authentic than Project Cars, so I'll judge for myself if a 5 is the right score in my opinion.
Why was the youtube vid link I posted deleted?
@morrisseymuse I don't think anyone was vile? I was shocked only to the fact that PS dont have access to a wheel set-up, and I think the review should have reflected that. I just posted a link to a wheel-based review and it's been deleted. It didn't slag off this review, unless 'a second opinion' contravenes something, but surely after the demise of PX... oh I can't be bothered. There's staff asking the users of the site to buy them a wheel and here I go again getting annoyed about it. Life's too short.
@Drawfull no links to other reviews allowed i suppose, but if there's one complete one that covers it the best, it's the one of inside sim racing which was released today.
You are hurting a small and very talented 30-man studio with this lousy excuse of a review, putting a bad score in Metacritic for no reason. Shamefully unprofessional review. Why didn't you review it as what it is, a hardcore sim that won't hold your hand? They never promised anything else. Forza and GT aren't even comparable, not in the same league in terms of physics accuracy. They aren't even sims, even if you consider them as ones.
This exact same physics engine is used by Porsche and Ferrari in their professional simulators, just look it up in the web. And you playtest it with a gamepad? Calling the game "Ass-etto Corsa"? Is the reviewer aged 13? Even if it wasn't delivering what it promised (hardcore sim that won't hold your hand) that wouldn't be called for.
And this is the first (and possible last) serious driving sim that has been released on console, Forza and pCars aren't sims. iRacing, rFactor 2, Assetto Corsa and Automobilista are sims. Which of Assetto Corsa has the most polished visuals, they aren't really focus in this genre.
Why not review it as what it is? You don't complain about Dark Souls being difficult. This is the Dark Souls of driving, because guess what, driving real cars at 200 mph isn't easy. It's aimed at petrolheads, car enthusiasts, wheel owners. People who might even go for trackdays at their local circuit to shave off seconds from their laptime, people who know cars.
Gamepad support is just a tacked-on thing. And gamepad isn't supported well at all in Project Cars (while pCars is far less realistic game), every review stressed back then that pCars needs a wheel. Assetto has a lot better gamepad support, although without Stability Control (which is completely artificial aid, not simulated aid like ABS and TC) it will be very hard. Because driving a real car with a gamepad would be hard too, if it was possible.
Seriously, this review is worst I've seen in a good while, and very unfair. It's not his "personal opinion" like something normal guy can say on forum and nobody will care, it's affecting the sales of an underdog studio, with an impact on Metacritic. So it should be done professionally, by person who understands the genre, not by some gamepad noob who thinks arcade racer like Forza or GT is a sim.
Assetto Corsa is extremely highly acclaimed sim on PC, with massive fanbase of hardcore simmers. Industry leading simulator, even. Just look it up. PC version has 85 in Metacritic, despite most of those reviews being of version which had barely left Early Access, VERY rough in some things like the AI, and with maybe 50% of cars/tracks console owners now get. Barely more than Alpha. And it still blew the competition out of the water on PC... and you give it 5/10? Seriously?
@misterdog Yep, that's the one I linked.
@vveyro +1, especially for your second paragraph.
All you need to know:
Kunos ain't even a game company for starters. They provide solutions for racing teams. It's natural for them to try and make a few bucks and please some racing fans whether it be pc master race or us console peasants.
No matter if you're a petrol head or not, go get a copy of this 'game', sure there is a steep learning curve and it really is unforgiving but it is a damn rewarding racer.
If you don't own a ffb steering wheel just crank down the steering sensitivity and steering speed to 0% and you'll have a blast. I you own a TX or a Fanatec wheel you're in heaven.
Those guy don't have the game industry expertise so they just added in a subpar game layout on their sim code but who cares. You won't have glorious celebrations once you cross the finish line and yes the public is madeout of cardboard boxes but who cares, at the end of the day the only thing that matters is gameplay.
I read we were vile or childish to rant because AC got 5 out of 10 but what about the average reader who ain't got time to read the comments and will miss the opportunity to experience a great racing sim ?
There is nothing personal against the reviewer here, just some guys upset to read trash about a product made by passionate people for passionate people.
@mbr6300 Lemmie guess, you're an Audi driver IRL..? 😁
The simple fact is 99% of console owners will never even touch an expensive racing wheel and the devs have made the game compatible with a controller first and foremost so why review the game with a wheel for a target audience of about 100 people of that?
Of course it's the best way to play, but it should also be perfectly playable on a joypad. I've got the game and have to say a 5 is very harsh as it controls ok on a pad, but it's not a game for the faint of heart granted. A wheel is an enhancement but not a necessity.
@Poweruser88 You said it, bud! I reviewed this game myself, and even though I barely was able to get around the track I didn't trash the game. Its THE best racing simulator ever made, and just because it is hard to master doesn't mean its bad. It has its faults, but doesnt every game? Solid 8/10, almost a 9.
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