Back in 2014, Gearbox Software head honcho Randy Pitchford incomprehensibly described Battleborn as an "FPS; hobby-grade co-op campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice [plus] epic Battleborn Heroes". While no one could quite decipher just what he was going on about, it was safe to assume that this wouldn't be your usual first-person shooter. While the recent open beta proved – or, more importantly, disproved – certain assumptions made since that infamous tweet, only now can it be judged if the gamble of mashing together an FPS and a MOBA has actually paid off.
The setup in Battleborn is pretty straight forward: the Varelsi, a thoroughly evil race of creatures, has been tootling around snuffing out all of the stars in the universe. This in turn has forced the remaining civilisations to congregate around the last star – Solus – in a last ditch attempt to stop the lights going out forever. With a collection of disparate characters coming together to try and stop the Varelsi, it's the perfect opportunity to offer a varied band of 25 heroes for use in the games different modes, MOBA style.

Whether it's a robotic sniper with a near pathological dislike of the lower classes, a penguin in a mech-suit, or a mushroom man with a skill for healing, the trademark Gearbox humour and stylised, cartoon art-style – honed during years of developing Borderlands games – are both in full effect. As a result, if you have any dislike whatsoever for characters talking like they've spent far too much time on the Internet, then Battleborn will immediately rub you up the wrong way. Fortunately, if you've enjoyed this approach in the past, then you'll find some funny moments here, and while it never manages to be as amusing as Borderlands, it's at least able to raise the occasional smile.
Even with Battleborn's multiplayer focus, there's a story campaign included that can be played either solo or cooperatively. With a prologue and eight missions, it won't take that long to see all it can offer, with each mission running to around 30 to 40 minutes. While these missions are fine when played in a full group of five, they're extremely bland in terms of their encounter design. They rely far too often on having players defend a location against waves of enemies, mainly so that you can engage in the game's light tower defence mechanic, where you spend shards collected during a mission to purchase defences.

For most players, being forced to defend or escort something with limited health almost always guarantees a certain amount of tedium and frustration, but in Battleborn it's even more annoying as it's also coupled with instant mission failure should you be unsuccessful. There are no checkpoints and there's no chance to try a different approach – you're unceremoniously bounced straight back to the mission summary screen where, to add insult to injury, you're given a pathetic amount of experience for your trouble.
At launch this issue was even worse, as even on normal difficulty the objectives would get absolutely mauled by even the weakest of enemies. As a result, if you weren't switched on in terms of how to play your chosen character, or the importance of constructing adequate defences, you'd get very familiar with the failure screen, which only succeeded in leaving a bitter taste in your mouth right from the start. Fortunately, this issue has been resolved in a recent patch by increasing the health of the stationery defence points. So, while the mission objectives are still completely uninspired, at least the chance of losing a mission because of a few seconds of inattention have reduced.

All this is a bit of shame as the combat is actually quite fun, and since each character has their own unique gimmick, it's enjoyable trying them out and learning how to combo their skills with devastating effect. One aspect of Battleborn that also works really well is the character levelling system, as not only do they level-up outside of matches – unlocking new skins, emotes, and lore detailing where they came from – but they also level separately within a match letting you choose between two upgrades each time you level up.
It's great experimenting with new combinations of these upgrades during a mission as you work your way to the level cap, safe in the knowledge that you're not locked into your decisions since it resets at the start of every mission. When this is coupled with the item system that lets you equip three pieces of loot – acquired via missions or from loot packs bought with in-game currency – you can spec your character in a surprising number of ways. So, whether you're stacking attack speed bonuses so that your ranged attacks fire at a blazing pace or bulking up on health buffs so that your resilient character is even harder to take down, you'll find it's an easily understandable and versatile upgrade system.

While the story mode feels a little on the lightweight side, it's the adversarial multiplayer that offers the most interesting gameplay in Battleborn. With three objective based modes available, you'll be scoring points by guiding your AI minions into grinders in Meltdown, taking out the other team's spider bots in Incursion, or battling for control of the map in Capture, and it's in these modes that you'll uncover the Battleborn gameplay that most resembles a MOBA.
While you won't necessarily find the usual three lane layout in the maps, or an established meta-game in terms of team make-up or tactics, there's plenty going on in each match that a coordinated team will be able to use to develop some interesting strategies. Outside of the overarching objective, there are emplacements to be built, shard deposits to be fought over, and powerful AI monsters that can be recruited to your team for a short time – as long as you get to them before your opponents. In fact, it's so mechanically dense that anyone looking for some straight forward run-'n'-gun need not apply.

While there's a good chance Battleborn's multiplayer will have some staying power, there are some speed bumps on the road to longevity. Chief among these is the unfortunate lack of situational awareness the first-person viewpoint brings, especially when all ten players – and the associated AI minions – are duking it out in one area of the map. Too often your screen will be completely filled with animated effects, damage numbers, and characters making it extremely difficult to parse just what the Hell you're looking at.
This is especially problematic for melee characters in the thick of the action who have no choice but to keep swinging in the hope that they connect with someone on the other team. In these moments, you'll struggle to realise you're taking damage at all, and this sensory overload is illustrated perfectly in those instances where you find yourself right behind another player unloading your weapons on them, and they have absolutely no idea you're even there. To make this problem even worse, the framerate at times struggles to keep up with the action, occasionally dipping below 30 frames-per-second, making it even tougher to operate effectively in those more hectic encounters.

Despite these issues, though, you'll find yourself coming back to the multiplayer long after you've had your fill of the story missions. This is mainly because it successfully captures those magical MOBA moments where your team dominates the battlefield and you get to use your character's skills in expert fashion to run rings around the opposition.
With issues peppering its campaign as well as its multiplayer, Battleborn's fusion of first-person shooter and MOBA is far from a complete success. A lengthy list of complaints comes perilously close to overshadowing proceedings, so it's fortunate that its engaging upgrade system and varied roster of characters end up being the true stars keeping you invested in the multiplayer.
Comments 19
Well, at least Sammy didn't review this game. Who knows how scathing it could have been.
@wariowarewolf Without going off-topic, if I'd have reviewed it, I would have done so like any other game. Always best to find the right reviewer for the right game, though.
Alex has been pretty active on the console MOBA scene with Smite and Paragon, so he was the perfect fit for this game.
I'm not a MOBA player, but I enjoy FPS and I love character development so I've always been on the fence about Battleborn since it was first announced. Now that it has dropped below £30 in the UK, though, I decided to risk it, figured it was worth a punt. TheGameCollection are doing it for £27.95 if anyone else is having the same quandry, hope that helps.
Shame about the difficulty. Found same issue in the beta. Think I'll leave this for a year and hopefully they patch it somewhat lol
Looks like quite a fun game, to be honest. I'd sorta rather play this than Overwatch, I just hate that game's aesthetic.
I played the closed and open betas for this, desperately wanting to like it. And while I had some fun in the story missions, the multiplayer just felt way too much of a clusterf***. No idea what was going on half the time, coupled with terrible map layouts that don't really make it clear where to go, TTK being insanely high (in my opinion), and as stated in the review, the unclear and busy screen just gets in the way.
I might pick it up if it ever goes on sale and still has a community at that time, but just not into it for now. As for Overwatch, I can't wait for that. A lot of people weren't really impressed by it, but I've had more fun with that than any other shooter for a couple of years so definitely jumping on that at release.
Don't like online only games. I like epic single player campaigns.
I was considering this had its single player campaign not forced online, but it does. And the developer is being real smug about it just like MS was with the X1 reveal.
How many funny internet jokes does it have? If a game doesn't have a joke about arrows in knees and a reference to minecraft I'm just not going too bother.
I am glad they chose to do a campaign unlike Overwatch.
Worst impulse-buy ever. The splitscreen is a joke, with 1/4th of the screen taken up by ginormous double mini-maps. These guys made Borderlands, there's no reason for the splitscreen to be this bad. What a let down.
As for the content, story mode is weak and the missions are a bore. Everything is server-side so expect hiccups and long waits for one-sided 30min matches.
It should be compared to Overwatch. Not in genre (one is MOBA, the other is a team shooter) but in multiplayer options, ease of use, responsiveness....you know, important things. I could play an Overwatch match in the time it takes 10 players just to pick their characters in battleborn. Despite Overwatch having less team interaction, they have better call out options for healing/defense, which boggles my mind that Battleborn has none of...just taunts.....
Dont mean to poop on this review, I agree with a few points and dont deny his opinion is just as valid. Just felt like dropping my 2cents.
@get2sammyb At least you've got more integrity than Polygon ;p
It's nice to see the game is decent. Honestly if it wasn't launched around Over watch, made by genre veterans, and didn't rely so much on borderlands comedy, it'd be even better. But for a first go? Hell I'll give em props. Gotta start somewhere
@BertoFlyingFox I like your review, I play a lot games splitscreen with my kids.
My son was really looking forward to this one, but I think I'll talk him into PvZ GW2 instead. Online may be dead by now, but it seems to have adequate offline. I know they aren't the same, but he just likes shooting things with crazy characters.
The biggest problem I have purchasing this is because of how many other great games are releasing right now. Uncharted, Doom, Overwatch, and even some on the Indy front i.e. Shadow Complex. I give gearbox props for trying something new, but another mainline Borderlands would be much more appreciated. Seems like every developer is jumping on the "let's make a game where people will continue to buy cosmetic items and ridiculous in game bonuses" train.
My thoughts precisely on all you said... I actually thought of the same exact word when I picked it up to try again the other day. Multiplayer felt like a massive Clusterf#@k.
Shame, as it has potential. I will check back on it down the track...Unfortunately, they may have to relaunch it to get players back
How's the performance? Locked 30fps?
As much as I love this game (an 8 or a 9 for my personal score), a 7 is very fair/accurate. Great review!
@slampog It's usually 30fps, but it's not a lock. There are times where it drops a little. Frankly, I think the performance is this games biggest weakness. I'm HOPING we'll eventually get a performance patch to either boost FPS or (at least) lock at 30.
@get2sammyb I do think there is an argument to be made that using a reviewer who is 'not' the obvious choice can yield a better and more objective review although can give a less balanced and potentially lower than deserved score. I can also see that using a reviewer more familiar with the genre and most likely to buy can give a much more balanced review because they are familiar with the other games they are competing with and know how it 'compares' to those but can be a bit bias and give a higher score.
Personally I think it would be interesting to have a PushSquare team discussion - a post review informal discussion - where everyone gets a chance to discuss what they think about the game, their personal score etc. Maybe once a month PushSquare could do a discussion video talking about their reviews and how other team members feel about the game - I would be interested to watch that.
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