We all know what police officers are like, don't we? If semi-documentaries like The Wire, CSI, The Shield, and A Touch of Frost are anything to go by, there's barely a person in law enforcement on either side of the pond that isn't addicted to meth and good-hearted hookers. As easy as it is for us to identify with these fictional characters' lives, though, it's all very familiar at this point. These are stories that have been told a million times before – and Battlefield Hardline is just the latest in an ever extending list.
You can almost picture the conversations between the creative folks at EA: "Let's take everything that people loved about Battlefield 4, strip away the launch issues – and add in cops and robbers." It's a no-brainer for so many reasons, not least because it's a criminally underused premise when it comes to video games. Hardline gets a pass on so many of its flaws because there are so few games that give you a badge and a squad car, before setting you loose on dozens of Miami Vice shirt wearing thugs.

The occasional texture not fully loading or the cliché ridden plot – these aren't things that make the game worth avoiding, even if you will need to be careful that you don't bust a retina while heavily rolling your eyes at times. The issues would be annoying as hell in your average army game, but somehow they seem more forgivable when framed in a slightly less familiar background – well, by video game standards at least.
That's not to say that it's a bad game on its own merit, because it's not. It just happens to have a string of annoying flaws that are easier to bear when in a game that feels a little more original, which is surprising considering that it's just Battlefield with a badge. That's an important distinction to make, too. This isn't just a cop game in the Battlefield engine: this is a Battlefield game that also happens to have cops as the main characters. Take away the awesome ability to arrest enemies and it'd just be a warzone story set in a city.

Every box is ticked: maverick police officers too awesome to follow the rules, and slimy drug dealers who you have to team up with for the greater good. If Antonio Fargas wasn't so busy trying to get the CSI people to return his calls, we're sure that Huggy Bear would have made an appearance as well. It's fun to actually play through the story as opposed to just watching it repeatedly, and arresting people is an interesting twist on the run and gun formula usually present in these titles, but it's hardly what you'd call original.
Action set pieces fill every level, or episode, and we had to check to make sure that we weren't playing something developed by Treyarch or Infinity Ward. Battlefield has long gone the way of the explosion-driven narrative, and there's nothing specifically wrong with that, but the intensity is dialled up so frequently that you'll only realise how dull things have gotten when you're "solely" shooting people.
And, again, this won't matter all that much, because you're tackling criminals and not driving a tank through some vaguely Middle-Eastern country. It's the same summer blockbuster action, delivered in a different flavour.

The multiplayer highlights the similarities even more. The cops versus robbers gameplay might as well not matter; one team has to grab some items, the other has to stop them from doing it. It's neat that you can hear sirens, but it's not new to video games, and it's not new to the Battlefield series. The maps are decent, but perhaps not as big as in previous titles. There's also a lack of vehicles in most arenas, and destruction seems fairly light as well, except in very specific places. This is what the Battlefield series was built on, but it's not quite returned to that standard with Hardline.
The online modes also seem dreadfully unbalanced to begin with. Want to compete? Then you'll need to work to unlock the decent guns and accessories. This happens fairly quickly, especially if you're a regular online player, but experimenting will cost quite a lot and finding your perfect loadout could take weeks.
The best thing about Battlefield is that it isn't all about killing enemies online. If you can play your part, you can make it to the top end of the table, and that's true in Hardline as well. Completing objectives or healing allies is much more important than massacring every perp that you see, which is a great equaliser – even if the weaponry adds that gap between beginners and experienced players.

While we didn't encounter any major issues with the quality of the online experience, there's one thing that will make your blood boil with extended play: it's not unusual – it's incredibly common, in fact – to die on spawn. This is more understandable than with, say, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, because you can spawn on your squadmates and they may just be in the heat of battle – but it still isn't really acceptable. If you spawn on a squad mate, you should have more than quarter of a second to react before being blown apart.
This is more a symptom than an underlying cause, though. Visceral has tried to make the online mode quicker than it has been in the past, partly as a result of not having giant canyons or entire war grounds to fight across. There are comparisons to be made to Call of Duty, but the Battlefield engine isn't equipped for the in-your-face, second-to-second twitch arcade gameplay of Activision's franchise. It's not what the fans want either, so where it came from is a bit of a mystery. What this leaves is less focus on tactics and more focus on getting lucky with shots, which won't be to everybody's tastes.

Still, the graphics are decent, although perhaps not as "early-gen" impressive as Battlefield 4 was. Everything looks too clean and shiny, but the characters look fantastic. Compared to the greenery in online maps, which can look minimalistic, the human models are mind-blowing.
The audio is mixed well enough, too, with epic battles sounding as they should, and vehicles screeching around corners. For those that complained about this when Battlefield 3 came out, it's important to note that all of that random bad language is still a key feature to the online modes. We haven't actually heard, "I'm running down the effing road because none of my effing teammates were close enough to the action to be worth effing spawning on them" – but we're sure that it's in there somewhere.
There are people that say that Battlefield Hardline is just a DLC pack disguised as a new release, but that's not quite true. It feels familiar in terms of gameplay, but fresh enough in theme and heavy enough in content that it's worth its own release. It's a decent game that gets points for originality of concept, but how much value it has is down to how much you enjoyed previous entries in the franchise, and how much you'd like to see the Cop FPS genre become a thing.
Comments 20
Best review I have read for BF:H.
Thanks for that. I played it at a friends house and the spawn deaths are indeed the biggest annoyance but the game itself is solid and I enjoy it...not as much as I do BF4 though (mostly due to BF4 having 60% health in Hardcore).
Great review! Don't think I pick this up tho, still into bf4 and am waiting for the much anticipated battlefront and b5.
@sham8nix lol yup
A touch of frost hahahaha, brilliant.
Fair review. This is the first test of my "never buying Battlefield EVER again!!!" resolution (thanks BF4) and it's going to be an easy pass. It's disappointing that this game is basically Battlefield 3 Part 3 and doesn't take any real chances to make something unique from its setting (like an AAA Payday) or trace back the series' former glory (smaller maps and teams and being able to destroy EVERYTHING, i.e. Bad Company 2).
Now...any new news on Rainbox Six: Siege?
This was a really good review, Mat. Sums up my own feelings pretty well!
I wonder how much freedom visceral got to make the game their own...
Its BF 4 dlc
I disagree about having a quarter of a second of invincibility when spawning on squad mates. Getting killed when you spawn, after you've chosen to spawn in the middle of a firefight, is simply the risk you take. If you don't wanna die straight up, wait till it's less 'deathy' where your squad mate is or spawn in Base. It would be unfair to drop invincible (admittedly for only a short time) players into a firefight. Say a guy spawns on his friend just as you killed him and you spend the rest of your clip into him during his invincibility. As you reload, you die. Not fair.
This shouldn't be called "Battlefield". Dice spent a good load of time and effort tacking a certain expectation onto their brand, i.e. large scale battles on a battlefield and for that very reason this interests me the least bit.
@Foxual completely agree with you. you just shouldnt spawn on him. In bf4 they patched in that you can no longer spawn on someone who is being supressed, that helps the problem a bit.
Imo it should be more difficult to spawn on somebody, as in someone has to stop and call in reinforcements or something,,leaving him vulnerable for a few seconds. Same goes for reviving and healing, its pretty ridiculous you can run up to someone and instantly revive him with full health. I know BF isnt meant to be superreleastic but this is the other the end of the scale imo.
Oh and Im a big Battlefield fan but not interested in hardline at all. Seems like a step back for the series to me: less destruction, smaller maps, less vehicles..
Quick tip to avoid spawning on a teammate that is under fire.
When you see a red sign next to their name in your squad list before you respawn, it means that they are in a dangerous situation.
Unlike the last BF4 patch which made it so that you couldn't even spawn on a teammate in certain situations like this, Hardline lets you choose for yourself.
So if there's a red sign next to them, be aware that you'll be spawning right in the middle of a firefight.
Either make sure you are aware of the situation that particular person is in, or choose another spawn point that's safer.
Oh and I have to say that this is the first BF game since Bad Company 2 that I've enjoyed this much in MP.
BF3 was a step forward in many ways, yet a step backwards in others, and BF4 was just a mess all around, even till this day to some point.
I was one of the most sceptical people when it came to Hardline after getting burned on BF4 and even vowed to never buy another BF game again. But I'm weak.
To my surprise none of the issues I had with BF4 show up in this game and now there are actually several game modes worth playing again, instead of just maps built for conquest and all other game modes thrown in just because they have to check the list on features.
The Beta was enough for me to decide not to buy the game yet, I'll be waiting till drops in price. As a long time vet to the series, I found most of the small changes detrimental to the series gameplay. The cops & robbers premise wasn't really enticing either. EA should just get DICE to do another Battlefield 1942 (1943 wasnt too bad) once they've finished with Battlefront.
@Flurpsel It's crazy how the lack of destruction hasn't been pointed out a lot more. I dont even remember there being any at all during the Beta
@MadchesterManc to me that is one of the most important features battlefield has. And not the levolution thing that doesnt change gameplay at all, but actual nonscripted destruction. Im pretty sure Hardline is just a one time thing theyre releasing to cash in on the frostbite engine a bit more, and hopefully future BF will have massive destruction
@Flurpsel @Foxual
I'm not suggesting a quarter second of invincibility. Just some better system than "Probably die." I'd be happy not to be able to spawn on people under fire or, better yet, just out of eye line. It'd add value to squad spawning beyond just quick transportation.
I took it to an extreme, really. I've died just as often spawning on someone who didn't realize he was about to come under fire, or have seen groups get picked off by snipers who watch an entire squad appear out of nowhere.
Understandable why it is the way it is, but not necessarily fun or ideal.
I agree more with Angry Joe's 5/10 review. It's a cash grab, plain and simple, and not something I'm willing to support.
may get it, depends on how good boarderlands/ bloodborne is.
@Crimson_Ridley Too much effort has gone in for it to be a cash grab. It's by no description a bad game, and it's above average on any scale.
It suffers from being the least interesting AAA shooter of the year. It's a bone towards Battlefield fans while everybody else gets excited for Battlefront or Treyarch's new engine CoD. But that's been obvious since announcement.
Battlefield Hardline Angry Review: https://youtu.be/ztZDVr3mZzg
Shocking cash grab....
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