The humble clicker will eventually kill productivity here at Push Square Towers. Following in the free-to-play footsteps of AdVenture Capitalist is the kinda crumby Clicker Heroes, a tap-'em-up in which the primary reward loop involves ever-increasing numbers. Its gameplay loop is about as entertaining as punching numbers into a calculator, but like its brethren it's hard to put down.
As with any title in the "incremental" genre, you start out thwacking the square button in order to do damage on fantasy fiends. In this instance, each kills earns you gold which can then be invested into levelling an army of, well, clicker heroes. These brave souls will each do an increasing amount of damage on your behalf, meaning that you don't necessarily need to do any "clicking" of your own.
The game's set up in stages, with ten consecutive kills opening up the next zone. Each five levels you'll encounter a boss, and this is where Playsaurus' attempt at the clicker starts to lose its lustre. The problem is that you'll find yourself constantly hitting brick walls, where you'll have no choice but to let the game grind out gold until you've got enough to level up your heroes and beat the boss.

While the game isn't designed to take up all of your time – it plays itself while your PlayStation 4 is turned off – it never offers enough alternate tasks to pad out time while you're grinding, and thus the downtime becomes more of a chore than it is in, say, AdVenture Capitalist. Worse still, the microtransactions represent poor value for money and don't really help you to get ahead.
And yet despite these very obvious flaws we're finding ourselves opening Clicker Heroes each time we power up our PS4. Watching the numbers increase is strangely compelling, and because you'll always return to a large stockpile of gold after taking a break, the temptation to spend it is strong. Honestly, closing the client after you've opened it can take real willpower.
Too many brickwalls prevent Clicker Heroes from reaching the "highs" of AdVenture Capitalist, but this is still a frighteningly addictive incremental title. The simplistic gameplay loop means that it's better suited to smartphones, but that doesn't make it any easier to put down once you get started – even on the PS4.
Comments 30
...and now delete it forever Sammy.
@kyleforrester87 I... I can't.
I have no idea why anyone would buy a ps4 and then play this **** on it.
@get2sammyb - the first step is admitting you have a problem. We are all here for you - you are in control and can step away at any time.
@Folderoll Different strokes.
I'm enjoying it. Between playing games I pop it on for a few mins, progress then play a real game
There are bugs though - may just be the pro or just the UK version but once you get past level 100 you get daily gifts - they freeze the game on the pro and you have to close and re open. Also you can't buy gilded heroes as they also freeze the game.
I've emailed the devs and they game me some rubies to try on a regular PS4 - will test today - it's probably just a pro issue like the clockwork game had when that first came out.
@get2sammyb Possibly, but games like this are pretty immoral imo, they appeal to the same addictive tendencies as slot machines and are designed wholly to encourage you to spend more money. The prevalence of them on smart phones is going to kill dedicated consoles if developers can make more peddling this stuff than making proper gaming experiences
@Turniplord For the record, I've been able to spend my rubies on the PS4 Pro. I can't get the Trophy for ascending the world, though, so yeah, it needs a patch.
@Folderoll Eh. You could say the same about FIFA Ultimate Team and a lot of AAA games these days. And they're not even free to begin with.
@Folderoll Doubtful. And anyway, you can't apply that logic to this and then say a game like Grand Theft Auto is acceptable. Immoral, pah!
@kyleforrester87 Grand Theft Auto would be a totally different issue.
@get2sammyb Can't believe you spent real money on this XD
@get2sammyb Yeah, you can apply the logic to any pay to win stuff, but at least FUT contains an element of skill. This stuff just appeals to those with addictive tendencies and some will spend ridiculous amounts as they can't help themselves.
These things are absolute evil, and I'm only slightly joking.
Cookie Clicker almost made me question why I bother playing games at all, and if games are a waste of time so are films, books, music, art, everything... Nothing but a dark path to regret. Luckily I have very strong willpower!
Really useful as a psychological experiment to show how the brain handles reward and motivation, but almost criminal to use as a microtransaction generator.
@get2sammyb yeah, they said that was a known bug - I thought it was because I spent 50 (that I farmed) on ascension before doing it via the level 150 guy - as others seem to have that trophy so I must have done something first that I shouldn't have.
When you say you have spent them - I can do the 50 and 20 tiers and I bought the perm double dps. It's the 30 for random gilded heroes that doesn't work. I've tried twice and about to try a third time on a reg ps4. I've also tried on the US and UK download as they use the same save file.
For the record though - I've not spent a penny so far - I've acquired about 250 rubies in-game so far through those flying bees you hit. This game seems quite generous to those who play it - unlike other clicker games - I've even had rubies added when it's been playing itself while I've been on other games which usually doesn't happen
@Folderoll So they shouldn't make this kind of game because a minority won't be able to control themselves? I get what you're saying, but I aint buying it! (I aint buying this game either, doesn't look like my cup of tea lol)
No, GTA isn't a separate issue. Both are ultimately pressing buttons to make flashy pictures and numbers change, this just boils it down to it's most basic level. Your brain is filling in the blanks and creating enjoyment for itself.
Anyway, as I said above, I don't like this line of thinking....
@kyleforrester87 You, er, don't have to buy it. It's free. Go on, you know you want to...
I'll agree with Sammy on the "different strokes" comment, as it's true... different people like different things, and that's great.
But even so, I'm still at a loss as to how anyone can find these games even remotely entertaining beyond the first 2 minutes. (And I feel I'm being generous with 2 minutes!) It's the gaming equivalent of watching paint dry... only without the lovely smell.
It's the kind of, er, "game" I'd have no interest in even if they were paying me to play it.
@get2sammyb FREE you say?! * downloads *
@kyleforrester87 There's nothing else to it than appealing to addictive tendencies, so yeah they shouldn't make it. Supporting anything pay 2 play is contributing to the death of gaming imo
@CountFunkula78 eyesroll
@Folderoll Well we're moving away from the topic but I do want to say that there is no noticeable "death of gaming". I'm not sure why people say that whenever a practise comes along that they don't approve of. Gaming is stronger than ever, with a huge audience and more variety than ever. And honestly, if the majority of experiances become like Clicker Heroes, I'd stop playing games myself. But if this model IS a sustainable way for the games industry to continue, that must mean the majority want this kind of game. Guess that would then make me and you the minority all of a sudden, so what does our opinion matter on this subject to the developers and publishers? Very little. Fortunately that'll never become the norm, because simply put these kind of games do have a limited audience and that's the way it will stay. Coz people are not that stupid, generally. And yes, people like you complaining does help keep the whole thing in check, as with anything a variety of opinions are important (sometimes even to the extremes) so I'm not knocking you for your comments. It would suck if everyone was passive about this kind of thing like I am Anywhooo!
@TrueAssassin86x Why would I get mad? I agree with you. Any element of an online game, particularly shooters, degenerates into the same mess - run around, shoot anything which moves, lather, rinse, repeat. Battlefield, CoD, Killzone... they're all just the same with different visuals.
That's why I rarely play them. Give me a single-player game with a great story any day. In terms of multi-player, at least there seems to be some change emerging... with games like The Division, Sniper Elite 4, Wildlands, etc. there's co-op, giving you the chance to play with rather than against people. I've long been tired of online PvP; if you're going to insist on an online mode, give me co-op PvE and something other than 'headless chicken' run-and-gun.
I went to your sister site, Nintendolife, the other day and laughed when I saw they were reviewing Othello. I now think they got the better end of the deal...
Am I the only one who actually loses interest in a game if I hear it's free to play? I don't there's a bigger red flag out there.
To be clear the microtransactions in this are pretty ignorable. I spent £15 on it and wished I hadn't — purely because they didn't really enhance my experience at all.
You can play the game without spending a penny and you won't miss anything.
I had this open in my browser for a month or so ages ago. I'm not getting sucked in again. Having it in a tab in the background is one thing, I can't imagine it being the only thing going on in my life. No thanks.
My wife and I enjoy this...I also enjoy the other that Sammy likes too, but still...for my free game fit, Gems Of War is the better of all three!!! Don't mind the free games though, it's nice to have something free, and since this game is free, it shouldn't get bad reviews (If you don't like it, delete it...you didn't pay for it). The mayonnaise game should have been free.
1. It's free
2. Takes up minimal space
3. Easy to pick and learn
4. Can play it quickly
5. Fun to build up stats
6. Play for a couple of minutes, go back to big games
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