Even if you're in the middle of a scorching summer, there are games that remind you of other seasons, and with a story that follows Cotton as a broomstick riding witch, PS4 Cotton Reboot! conjures up images of moonlit autumn nights. It's Cotton's sweet tooth, and love of candy wrapped WILLOW, which persuades her over seven stages to awaken the morning light from demons who've created eternal darkness — with a setting in this horizontal shmup that'll be magic during Halloween.
This retro remake's entrancing Arrange Mode's 2D visual style is like a cross between the anime charm of Kiki's Delivery Service with the monster design in Hotel Transylvania, so its kooky spookiness does for cute-'em-ups what Kid Dracula did for cutesy platformers.
An elaborate scoring system means this single player horizontal shmup has risk-and-reward gameplay as you either collect crystals to gain EXP and magic levels, or shoot through them for more powerful diffused shots — although picking up a black crystal is worth a whopping 10,000 points. There's subtlety in defending with the fairy Silk's support satellites, which feels like carefully positioning to block attacks with the Multiple power-ups in Gradius.
Yet, even without save states, progression in Cotton Reboot! is accessible to shmup newcomers due to approachable difficulty options, and once you've beaten the 35-minute main game, there's replay value in unlocking new characters, and practicing techniques in two or five minute Time Attack modes to strive for online rankings.
Pleasingly, developer Rocket Engine also included the 1993 X68000 Japanese computer port of the original 1991 Cotton coin-op for retro and pixel art fans who want to return to the classic game by Success. The spellbinding arranged soundtrack is also a truly Fantastic Night Dreams collection of talented all-star Japanese composers, and you can unlock listening to the altered tunes and a demo of the story in the Visual & Sound menu option. Even if Fantasy Zone was released earlier than Cotton, and if Parodius is arguably better known in the cute-'em-up subgenre, Cotton Reboot! is a Success-ful retro remake to bewitch you into being sweet on the Cotton series.
Comments 25
I'm going to check in on the comments here for a little bit, because I always like to hear what Push Square's community thinks about retro games and remakes like Cotton Reboot!, but I'm heading out to visit family for a few days, so I won't be as active as normal discussing the comments about my review.
I'm especially curious to hear what people think about the Japanese composers who worked on the remixed music, though, as to me Cotton Reboot!'s soundtrack represents a long history of game music talent.
Also, I'm interested in other people's thoughts about the intricacies of Cotton Reboot!'s shmup mechanics. For example, just as a quick list, this includes aspects like: bomb levels, collecting black crystals for points, different coloured crystals as sources of magic, EXP gauge, fairy attack special move, magic levels increasing, middle bosses, shots through crystals diffusing to become more powerful, six support fairies, and your score rising by avoiding hits with a level counter on the lower left.
I'll post comments over the next few hours, but I'll also check back here to read people's thoughts when I get home on Sunday.
Cheers everyone.
I first played the original Cotton game on the Sega Astro City Mini. Really liked this cute shoot em up. So I’m definitely picking up the remake.
I picked this up as soon as it popped up on the Japanese PS Store a few months ago because I wasn’t sure it would see a western release, and it’s great. It definitely feels much more forgiving than some of the earlier incarnations of Cotton. Also, I think the trophy list is well thought out and adds to the replayability. I still haven’t run across “special strong enemies” so there’s definitely more for me to uncover.
Also, thanks for pointing out the soundtrack’s pedigree. Speaking of great shooter tunes, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that Dariusburst AC EX + quietly launched this week and the music is absolutely stunning.
As I've mentioned, I love the upbeat and chirpy remixed soundtrack in Cotton Reboot!, so here's a list of the Japanese composers who I reference as being an all-star group in this Mini Review. Also, note that the original composer of 1991's Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams was Kenichi Hirata.
It looks like a lot of fun. Unfortunately it's $55 in Australia which is too pricey for me for this kind of game. Maybe on deep discount.
One other point I'd like to discuss before I head off is how retro games often have a number of different developers and publishers involved to get them to market nowadays, and how release dates vary between digital and limited physical versions. More companies working together hopefully means more money to invest in development and promotion, so quality retro games get more exposure, but finding a game at launch can be a bit confusing as a result.
Obviously, the main developer of the Cotton games is Success, but a Japanese video game store called BEEP was also an important part of the release of Cotton Reboot!. BEEP also worked with a developer called Rocket Engine, who I believe was involved in the 1993 X68000 Cotton port.
I had my eye on the October release of the physical version of Cotton Reboot! from Strictly Limited Games for a while, but I missed the PS Store's PS4 digital release of Cotton Reboot!, which is listed as coming out a month ago for £34.99 on Friday 25th June 2021, under the publisher name United Games Entertainment GmbH.
Therefore, I was chuffed Push Square contacted me about this Mini Review, because I think there was an impetus for ININ Games to promote the widespread 20th July 2021 release date of the PS4 physical version of Cotton Reboot!, and the western release on Switch. I think it's cool if retro games get more publicity through releases being shared between different publishers and limited editions — especially when indie games don't always appear in PS Store sales, or when quality, but niche digital releases disappear amongst the PS Store's plethora of cheap retro-style games in its constantly updating storefront — so physical versions can result in a game getting more promotion.
It's a shame when retro releases become lost, though, for example Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol has released on Switch, but the planned PS4 release of this collection is nowhere to be found on the PS Store.
I'll check back here on Sunday. Thanks again, everyone.
Nice to see this reviewed, I'll probably get this when it's on sale.
@JamieO I enjoy your reviews, have you played Jamestown?
@JamieO Thanks for another great review. That soundtrack sounds amazing. I’ve got my copy pre-ordered. Looking forward to it.
I’m in the mood for a run on Cotton 2 now.
This is the kind of game which will have a very limited print run, I don't see this going on sale personally, I think this will get snapped up quite quickly.
Got my copy ordered last week and am very excited to play it.
@Lovespuds I only buy off psn, I'm not into collecting boxes that take up space on my admittedly very small triple shelf rack tbf.
I'll keep an eye on this though as it looks lovely.
Ahh, fair enough chief, I am very much an old fart who still prefers physical media over digital.
Have a cracking weekend mate.
@JamieO Yep,Zombies Ate My Neighbours/ Ghoul Patrol has been a real mystery!😕 Lucasfilm Games rather sporadic tweets simply allude to it being "soon",Dotemu have said they were only involved in the development & were awaiting news from the publisher.
Seen a couple of tweets that Disney Interactive had responded to emails saying it was still awaiting approval from Sony. (In contrast to Ask Playstation's unhelpful twitter replies to ask the publisher!🙄).
Seen mixed reports about it missing music from the original version & being bit of a mixed bag in quality. At least this looks pretty cool,but much like ININ's Darius collections,will have to cross fingers it eventually hits a sale. 🤞
@JamieO I like these small Japanese games and i know they dont do English voices to save money and with subs ill manage with most of the games. If this is the worst thing. Singleplayer only isnt always issue for me personally, savestates would be nice but no deal breaker. Zombies ate my Neighbours i love LRG i have almost zero digital games and as long as thats possible i will keep doing that.
Im hoping that soon to be released Cotton Guardian Force Saturn tribute also makes it way to the west.
Not played this one but it's sequel is one of my favourite Sega Saturn games so I'll definitely be taking this one for a spin
Is this the same game as Panorama Cotton?
@Dan_ozzzy189 I remember looking at Jamestown+ when I saw it on the PS Store, but I haven't bought it yet.
I've just read Push Square's Jamestown+ review by Ryan Oehrli, and I watched its trailer again, so I like its visual style – which has an imaginative sci-fi setting of historical figures fighting a war on a New World colony on Mars — plus it looks like it has the possibility of four player co-op, which is an interesting mix for a shoot-'em-up.
@SoulChimera Thanks right back at you!
I've been fortunate with my Push Square reviews this year, because just like with the Cotton Reboot! OST, I've been able to review retro games that involve legendary composers.
For example, Turrican Flashback had really cracking tunes by Chris Huelsbeck, and Battle Axe had an ace soundtrack by Manami Matsumae, who composed music for retro Capcom games.
Lucky me, eh!
I hope you enjoy Cotton Reboot!, and that you got the chance to play Cotton 2 this weekend, like you mentioned.
@Robocod Yet again you have a reply with quality retro knowledge, which I always appreciate, bud!
A mystery is a good way to describe the lack of Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol on the PS4's PS Store. As you've suggested, I think that a digital version of this collection will still turn up on PS4 eventually.
I've pre-ordered a transparent green cartridge of the Genesis version of Zombies Ate My Neighbors from Limited Run Games – some people prefer the SNES version, but I quite like always being able to clearly look at things like health, ammo and the radar on the side of the screen in the Genesis/Mega Drive game, even if it necessitates a black border at the side of the screen.
I wonder if I'll be playing my Genesis version before it turns up on PS4.
@Flaming_Kaiser I like the Japanese voices, and I'm fine with Cotton Reboot! being limited to single player, especially since both of these things are rooted in its origins as a Japanese game, and link to Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams being a one player only arcade game in 1991.
I try to think about what readers may expect when they spend their money on games, so I aim to provide the information they'll need before a purchase, but everyone has such individual tastes that I have to consider Cons that don't particularly niggle me personally.
I actually had extra points in this review, where I explained that it was nit-picking to discourage people from trying Cotton Reboot! just because it doesn't have English voices, or for only being 35 minutes long, but I cut those sentences out to keep my Mini Review more concise and snappy.
I would've preferred Cotton Reboot! to have included save states or an unlockable stage select, though, because I really enjoy practicing specific stages in a shmup, and learning enemy patterns in later levels, one stage at a time.
Also, I love retro games getting a physical release on PS4, as well — so I enjoyed the 'LRG3 2021: Announcing Thirty Physical Games' presentation as a part of E3 this year – and I've ordered a physical version of Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol from Limited Run Games, too.
@JamieO Thanks mate! Largely missed most of the MD/SNES era games sadly,(given its relative expense),but had seen bits of Zombies Ate My Neighbours through the years & looked pretty good. Will be curious to see if the ps4 port is built off the MD Version or Snes one here.
Obviously different IP owners,but would be interesting if there'd ever be any more remasters of the era eg: Earthworm Jim,& heck would still like to see the rest of Turrican Flasback Pt2 get its digital release!
@JamieO I bought the LRG release of Zombies ate my Neighbours i still remember not finishing it because i was stuck at LVL 50 with no weapons left and my best friend said #### this im not starting over. 😂
@Arnna I'm pleased that you asked this question, because you've highlighted an interesting transition in the development of the Cotton series in the 1990s.
Cotton Reboot! is not the same game as Panorama Cotton.
Cotton Reboot! contains two horizontal scrolling shoot-'em-up games, which are both based upon Success' original, single player 1991 Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams coin-op. The first is an Arrange Mode game that is a remake of the original, and the second is the X68000 Mode game, which was a 1993 conversion of the original arcade machine on a Japanese home computer called the Sharp X68000. These are strictly side-scrolling shmups.
Panorama Cotton, however, was a 1994 Japanese Mega Drive game, which was still developed by Success. It's interesting, because it's a pseudo-3D, on-rails shooter, in a similar vein to SEGA's Space Harrier. Panorama Cotton was praised for its use of sprite-scaling and 3D effects on SEGA's 16-bit console.
@JamieO thanks for the detailed information/explanation!! Super interesting stuff. I remember the megadrive game but haven’t played the others.
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