Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is billed as a blast from the past when you boot it up, and it's not playing around. Vicarious Visions has done an outstanding job sprucing up Naughty Dog’s iconic 90s adventures, but don’t let the lick of paint deceive you: these are the exact same games that you enjoyed huddled in front of a 14-inch CRT in your brother’s bedroom – down to the very last crate.
Not quite a remake but much more than a remaster, this compilation is an unusual yet excellent proposition: rendered in (not quite native) Fur-K on the PlayStation 4 Pro, the game seriously looks the part – but beneath the high resolution textures and glossy lighting, you’ll find the original level layouts present and correct. It means that, while the package may not look like you remember it, the memories will still come flooding back.

Indeed, this collection makes a mockery out of insinuations that the titular orange tuft starred in some forgettable forays – virtually every single one of the anthology’s 100 or so levels will occupy bytes in your brain’s on-board hard drive. Whether it’s the reverse bolts of Boulders, the bear-back action of Bear Down, or the greased lightning of Hog Wild, there’s a memorable moment waiting beyond each warp window.
There’s no question that Crash Bandicoot is the purest of the trilogy: conceptualised prior to the ground-breaking Super Mario 64 (although released roughly around the same time), Naughty Dog set about re-imagining the classic side-scroller with polygonal visuals. Its solution? To send the hero into the screen, rather than across it. This inaugural platformer provides a sterner test than you may be used to today, and the focus of its design makes for a very traditional experience.
Vicarious Visions has, however, attempted to soften the difficulty somewhat. Additional checkpoints have been placed in the midst of particularly tricky segments, and the insta-Aku Akus that you’re equipped with after multiple attempts can be a God send. Still, the challenge in this first game is a far cry from the hand-holds of more contemporary titles, and even the addition of auto-save is unlikely to quell irritation from those short on patience.

Its successors are much better balanced, with Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back introducing the Warp Rooms that would go on to become a staple of the series – and dialling down the difficulty just a touch. The ambition is greater here, with the sassy star equipped with slide and ground-pound attacks, extending the platforming options. The levels are also much more complicated, with vehicles like jetboards incorporated into the on-foot action.
But as is so often the case with console exclusive trilogies, it’s the final game in the series that brings everything together – and wraps it up in a fantastical time travelling aesthetic. Whether you’re navigating the Arabian monkey bars of Gee Whiz or commandeering Crash’s sibling Coco through tropical climes in Makin’ Waves, the outstanding Crash Bandicoot: Warped never seems to run out of ideas.
Even better, many of the concepts introduced in the all-important third game have been retrofitted into its predecessors with this resurrection. For example, you can now play as Coco in the first two titles, and the time trial-inspired Relics have been incorporated as well. In fact, the latter system has been enhanced furthermore by the introduction of online leaderboards, which not only plot out your position against the best in the world but also your friends.

Credit must be given to how seamlessly these new features have been implemented – as though they were always there. And it also must be mentioned how cohesive the package as a whole is: it’s easy to hop between the three games at will, and the aesthetic is consistent despite the technological evolution that the originals went through. The only major gripe we have is that the loading times err a little too heavily on the long side for our tastes.
You also have to appreciate what you’re buying here: these are 90s games in a new shell. That means that the levels are short and repetition is high: you’ll need to attempt stages multiple times in order to gather all of the MacGuffins required to 100 per cent each title – it can all seem decidedly old-school, but in the collection's defence, that’s kind of the point.
And we daresay for many the rose-tinted glasses will be swatted off immediately, but we found the releases rather refreshing. The reality is that, even in a year of Yooka-Laylee, there’s nothing quite like Crash Bandicoot anymore. From its vibrant environments to its heavily emotive cast of hero characters and pantomime villains, the game has an endearing disposition that’s been lovingly brought back to life here.
Tough as nails but just as tight as you remember, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is tasty trip down memory lane. The visual upgrade is nothing short of spectacular, and while the design of these iconic platformers is firmly fixed in the 90s, they’re surprisingly playable today. This is a comprehensive compendium of a trilogy that set PlayStation on its way, and while not everyone will care for the old-school sensibilities, Vicarious Visions has pitched this package just right – doubters must now dine on Wumpa pie.
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Comments 35
Great!!!! Hope someone gives it to me today but I doubt it xD
Great review. Even push square is related with playstation news same with nintendo life. You' re give a fair score.
I'll try to pick it up soon. Not to thrilled to play the 1st game but 2 and 3 are still my favs.
I've only played the first Crash in this package so far and like practically everyone else on the internet, I'm shocked that I ever managed to beat this as a kid. It's tougher than a Little Chef steak.
I've been living playing this since launch and I wasn't even a fan of Crash first time round having played Mario 64 first, so I don't even have the rose tinted specs on. I only ever played the original and was never that keen but today there is a dearth of 3D platformers and if we're honest all the best ones came in the 90's anyway, with only a couple carrying the torch since.
Back to Crash, yes you will die and yes the game is much better for it, I'm sick of modern games with their regenerating health and if you do manage to die then you simply respawn in the same spot anyway. Games should be challenging and there should be consequences because without that then the highs of completing the level without losing a life to get a gen simply do not exist. The first is brutal but very fun and I've had a quick go at the other 2 which seem more forgiving and a bit quicker but I haven't enjoyed a game this much since the recent Doom or Ratchet and Clank, easily in my top 3 this year so far
"It's tougher than a Little Chef steak."
It IS tough as nails. I started with Crash 1 and knew what hell looked like after just a single hour. I have never tried these games before and know the second and third ones are much more forgiving, but the first one is ridiculous. I beat it still, but going for 100% is suicide for me, so I just moved straight on to 2 instead.
I still have the original trilogy, i'm good with that until this goes on sale like every other Sony first party remaster has.
solid review again sammy!
Told my daughter than games like this taught me how to be good at other games (well, the NES SMB first, obviously), and that is exactly true.
Did you really have to give away the score with the title?
Crate review by the way.
This remaster is probably the best thing I've played on PS4 outside of Bloodborne and the Souls games. In a way, there's something wrong with that. In any case, I'm thrilled to be playing these all over again.
crash bandicoot is back word up.the game is a 10 for me
What I really like about this crash trilogy is although the game is hard, the levels is really brief so when we die in the game we're just replaying another 1-3 minutes of gameplay. It's like hotline miami or spelunky, you just can't put it down.
@johncalmc Lol, man we really had good reflex back then
Great review! I always loved Crash, so it was always going to be a 10 to me, but this is a very honest and fair review.
There's a lot of criticism around the internet about how Crash isn't as good as people say or how outdated it feels; well, this is a game from the 90s and it plays pretty much the same, so here are the news: if you didn't like it then, you won't like it now, and much like Yooka-Laylee, bringing back this style from the 90s is pretty much the entire point.
Looking forward to play it! Thanks for the review, @get2sammyb! How did you feel finally playing Bandicoot again? =)
@renankj Surreal!
Great review Sammy! I missed having these games in my life from my childhood, and it's pretty much exactly as I remember. Sure, it looks prettier, but it still succeeds at making me love hating myself for not being able to do one segment exactly as I wanted. Besides the solution's simple; do it 200 more times! Besides, Warped was one of my favorite games growing up, can't wait to get to that one, I'm fairly in 2 so far.
I'd say this is a fair review. I just 100%'d Crash 2 (still my all time favorite), and this is definitely 8/10 by today's standards so far. There are some minor things I personally think drag it down, but I'm enjoying the heck out of it. But as a religious Crash player, of course I would.
Even in 2017, I still think these are great games that anyone should have a go at.
It's funny this trilogy was released now, as a year ago (on July 1st) I started keeping a log of my games collection and what games I've played/completed as well as giving them all a rating once I've beat them. I gave Crash 1 a 4/5, the sequel a 5/5, and rated Warped as 4/5. I'm interested to see if the remakes change my mind in any way.
As for your review, I haven't played nearly enough to judge properly but 8/10 seems about right from everything I've played/seen/read.
@RedMageLanakyn This game is not first party.
You had me at bear-back action.
So how long will this be an exclusive? Anyone have any ideas? I want this for Switch or PC.
@readyletsgo If this was delivered by Naughty Dog and Sony then it would of been a definite exclusive but seeing as Activision is involved, expect it to be released on Xbox, Switch and PC around the Christmas holidays I reckon.
@Wesker The originals are though.
@RedMageLanakyn Activision aren't so quick to slash prices though.
It's almost half day past of my birthday...still no Crash
@Wesker I think it depends on the franchise, i know the CoD games take awhile. Time will tell, i can wait.
@RedMageLanakyn Yeah me too. Especially as it seems to have hit detection issues that need to be ironed out.
Crash 2 seems to be the weakest game in this pack.
Got it but I won't be playing it until the end of the month I think.
Like the Wipeout remaster it's a fantastic trip down memory lane that'll hopefully have a promising future.
Just got it from amazon today, i didin't remember that the first game was that hard 😑 but loving it so far
For me, this is the game I'm most excited about in years. The 1st game was the first game I ever got, on the first console I ever got when I was 10 y/o. As a 10-11 year old kid, I of course did not have the possibility to buy Crash 2 and later Crash 3. There were kids in primary school that I could borrow it from, but this was always only for like 1 or 2 days tops. So I never got really far, because.. you know, the game is punishing, lol. Crash 1 has been re-released several times more recently (Sony Xperia Play, anyone?). But I never got around to play Crash 2 and 3, and have been wanting to do so for ages ever since I was a kid. And now I finally can. I'm so excited.
Oh and, holy moly, Crash 1 is punishing. It's all coming back to me now. Back in the day it kept me occupied for over a year, haha.
I agree with the review
Spyro Trilogy soon imminent!!!
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