Everyone remembers Crysis, of course. But what’s easy to forget is Crytek’s PC shattering behemoth of a technical marvel released 13 years ago. The industry has changed rather a lot in that time. For example, 13 years ago, Crysis was a pretty good game. Now? Well, it’s complicated.
Memes aside, the PS4 can mostly handle Crysis. There are visual modes that prioritize ray tracing and image quality, but we recommend steering clear of both. All these did was add a nauseating texture flicker to almost every surface imaginable, and we had to turn it off after a few minutes. Both are definitely not functioning as intended. The performance mode was a lot more stable, with no flickering and a reasonably stable framerate. The game looked more or less the same, minus some admittedly pretty lighting effects. Honestly, the bigger problem is that none of the textures look good. Everything is murky and muddled, with character models being particularly suspect. Face textures look awful and the lip-sync is brutal. And things look even worse during the cutscenes.
The bigger question is: is this always how the game looked? It’s hard to argue that Crysis was anything other than ahead of its time. The visual presentation set the standard for years, and that’s worth something. This remaster isn’t a good indicator of that legacy. Most of what may have once impressed is either expected or done better elsewhere, with the notable exception of water illumination. That looks puzzlingly incredible. It is worth mentioning that by modern standards, after a few small upgrades, the title looks like a decent mid-budget title. Which given how old the title really is, is still somewhat impressive.
Adding and customizing weapon attachments on the fly is cool, and the game’s approach to level design is still pretty solid. With the exception of an abysmal level late in the game, the breadth and realisation of the environments is quite impressive. The versatility the game offers in how you approach objectives remains superb, as does the environment destructibility. But as mentioned, you can find other titles that do this better.
The shooting still feels decent, particularly when playing with a higher framerate, but the time to kill on even basic soldiers feels ludicrously high. And the “stealth” mechanics are miserable to fight with. You can be unmoving and invisible 50 metres from an enemy, and every now and again the game just decides they see you anyways. It’s impossible to actually rely on stealth for anything other than emergencies. Juggling all the powers of your suit as well as energy consumption remains a bright point, though. Do you want to get somewhere faster or in better health? These split-second decisions were great then, and they are still.
But with all these setbacks, perhaps the age old question of 'Can you run Crysis?' should be refrained. Maybe we should instead be asking, why would you want to?
Comments 47
Crysis gameplay was actually never good, it was all about the visuals at the time. As evidenced by every review of Crysis 2 and 3 gameplay being equally as poor.
Question though, does the PS4 (and by extension Xbox and PC) version of the remaster have the Ascension level? It was cut from Switch because the underpowered console literally could not run it, just like 360 and PS3 back in the day. I assume it's still in the 3 modern versions?
Well, that’s horribly disappointing.
@Menchi Ascension is not included. The remaster is actually based on the console versions, not the original PC version (even on PC).
One of the most overrated games ever. The stealth is absolutely broken and a joke,the actual shooting is decent but unremarkable with like the review stated ludicrous ttk where a headshot isn’t even a guaranteed one hit kill nevermind the aiming is ever so slightly off,movement is clunky and the story is laughable. The world is ok but there’s really no reason for it to be semi open at all and with all that said the only reason this game is remembered is because of its graphics and how it pushed pc’s back in the day
Eurogamer said this version was made using the older console versions as a base, even the remastered PC version, which accounts for several of the problems you described.
Edit: And @GamingFan4Lyf beats me to it while I was typing. But yeah, what an odd call to use the console versions.
@GamingFan4Lyf Big yikes. Thanks for the info.
This and Mafia 2 have burned me this year. I will be waiting on mafia 1 for sure.
I watched the Digital Foundry video and it seems much worse on Xbox at the moment but not exactly great anywhere, weirdly the Switch version seems to be the most promising
If ever there was a studio that needed an arm around it, and guidance, it was Crytek. Outstanding technical team, some truly amazing artists... just lackluster or confusing design... like the bow and arrow in Crysis 3 essentially being a howitzer and all the modern military firearms essentially being pea shooters in comparison. All three Crysis games were on the verge of being very good, with 2 probably being the best from a gameplay / narrative perspective.
Not a fan, if it wasn't for those visuals at the time no one would have gave it the time of day in my opinion. I much prefer Crysis 2 where it has a great sense of scale being ground level in NY and i much prefer the smaller more linear feel then the open feel of Crysis. Crysis 3 i enjoyed but overall its nothing special.
Honestly Crytek just aren't that great, all style and zero substance.
Man what a disappointment, they should made a great remake for ps5 rather mediocre one for ps4 😕
Crysis was more of a benchmark in where games could go if Devs put there mind to it, and it pushed the current hardware back they if I remember the 8800GT was the card at the time when this came out and even 2 in SLi mode still where no match for it. They've only redone this to keep the meme "can it run crysis" going that's it. The actual game has parts cut out of it and it's actually a remaster of the PS3 and Xbox 360 console version not the original PC port.
I think the ray tracing on PS4 is a thing that shouldn't even be bothered with, ps5 yes but this current gen no.
@Menchi I remember finally getting the 360 version when it launched and thinking "why were people raving about this game?". Which in retrospect is kinda funny considering it's more or less how they'd respond about Halo games hitting PC.
I think other PC franchises like Far Cry and FEAR were much more interesting.
I never thought the Crysis games were “fun” per se. They were gorgeous compared to the competition, but the actual game wasn’t buoyant for my boat. I just didn’t dig ‘em. I should go back and pull out Crysis 2 for my PS3 and see if my opinion has changed. I mean, I need to dust and vacuum the house, anyway.
"Can PS4/Pro run Crysis?"
"Not by the time we're through with porting it!"
"Ah,okay,I might pass then"
"Hey! We made a great Switch port,buy that!"
Never played Crysis and I don't understand what is supposed to be special about it.
@carlos82 Its like they worked around the lack of power instead of trying too force it too work.
5/10 shame as I was looking forward to this having missed the Crysis hype back in the day.
Surprises me that they used the PS3 version rather than PC but also skipped the expansion pack. YouTube reviews have also pointed out that certain features haven’t been ported and that individuals have created better mods than this ‘remaster’.
Not only is it very dated, the enemy ai is just dumb. Surely they could've improved it? Lazy port of a dated game.
That is shame how this port turned out. I said port because that is what it sounds like.
I still remember the hype job this game got and my roommate trying to run the game on high setting was insane until his PC couldn't do it haha.
Still a cool video game memory/moment.
@carlos82 I bet 13 years ago, people wouldn't have been thinking "one day, the most stable version of this game is gonna be on a Nintendo platform!" hahahaha
@dark_knightmare2 the performance option absolutely impacted shooting best. it felt a lot more...contemporary. Certainly over the previous versions haha
@Menchi Nope still absent. Given how this game looks, I don't think it'd have been able to handle it still haha. Plus this is almost certainly a port of the PS3 version.
@gbanas92 and a handheld too, I certainly wasn't when it was destroying my PC 😂
@SirAngry DEfinitely agreed. I played Crysis 1 out of curiosity and was kinda underwhelmed (I should note I played the 360 version as my first time though haha) and 2 I was pretty excited about and playing it was....pretty fun! 3 was dreadful though! Crysis has put out so many titles are "almost" really good. Hunt: Showdown's probably the closest they've come? And boy does that have some issues!
@carlos82 Surely it's only stable when in docked mode right? There's nooooooo way the handheld ones runs well. I refuse to believe it! 😂
@wiiware Crysis: Remastered: Remastered, now the visuals work as intended! Exclusively on the PS5, only $59.99 if you have the PS4 version! What a deal!
@gbanas92 well the game is CPU limited and the Switch CPU runs the same docked or handheld, the GPU actually scales very well to the screen resolution so performance is usually equal
@Richnj Hahahha hey same, I played the 360 one first. "What's so special about this? It's a perfectly fine shooter, well. It was. I remember liking Crysis 2 more. I think?
@710King It's visuals were a solid decade ahead of their time, which has allowed it to age "gracefully." Or it should have. But it's pretty much only the visuals lol.
@Deadcow Yeah the two modes that emphasize visuals are giant messes! It's absolutely crazy. Much less functional than I was expecting!
@carlos82 That is a very good point haha. Plus I'd imagine if they needed to, they could whip out the dynamic resolution scaling, which works incredibly well on the switch from examples I've seen. Alien: Isolation being the first one that comes to mind!
@Thelegend159 That is absolutely true. You can 100% look up some youtube footage of modded version of this game and see better looking versions. I did that a couple times, and I don't think I found inferior versions once!
@CieloAzure The legacy of the game would honestly be much healthier if they took their time on this one. This game is the opposite of what people should think of when they think of that first game!
@Dan_ozzzy189 Yeah, especially when they're on "alert" they have 1 line that they walk back and forth on, and then if they see they might move one additional time
A better review than I expected given all the problems. No idea why anyone would support this. Vote with your wallets people!!
@710King it’s a long running joke “can your rig run crisis?” Because it was so ahead of its time graphically.
Wish they made a new one instead
crytek is a trash developer. always has been. it is a miracle they are still around. valuing graphics over gameplay clearly did not work in their favour.
@710King As I recall, it was all about the graphics. It was right at the beginning of all this nonsense about higher resolutions and frame rates supposedly being what makes a 'good' game - the start of the dumb PCMR "ooh, shiny!" mentality. Even back then, graphics aside, many saw it as being a distinctly average game.
I have massive hatred for remasters as I just class it as pure laziness to make some quick cash because game companies cant be bothered creating new material so the fact that they failed to even remaster this game is hilarious 🤣🤣🤣 I mean how do you even mess a remaster up it's already been made it only needs some slight improvements and Crysis wasn't even that good anyway another over rated title
I get that this is a PS4 review and it obviously hasn't handled the remaster as well as PCs have are arguably even the switch, but I feel the need to point out that the original game was made for PC. A lot of the issues you describe having with the gameplay don't surprise me, because Crysis was a rare game that, only when running as intended, actually feels almost as realistic as it looks: In the PC version you can manually swap between all the different suit modes, giving you incredible control over the sandbox aspects to an even hilarious degree... and the distance to which the game draws assets is easily more than twice that of other big shooter franchises, such as Halo or call of duty, which gives you the ability to actually snipe from a quarter mile away, IF you're good enough, but that sort of aiming is much more easily accomplished with a mouse than a thumbstick. (And it's also why the AI still realistically notices you if you're close enough while cloaked. But when you have full control over suit modes, you can pop over to speed mode and dash over them in a flash, or switch to strength for a heavy melee that's as lightning-quick as your normal one.)
The interactivity level was beyond even many games today, so I respectfully disagree that the gameplay was somehow lackluster. I think many ppl just tried to play it like a regular shooter, and then were disappointed because it felt like a regular shooter. It has so many unique aspects that you may not even notice if you don't take advantage of them. Granted Crysis 2 and 3 dumbed everything down so much, the series became complete garbage immediately apart from technical achievements. And also granted that the console versions' need to simplify the controls reduces the versatility of the nanosuit.
Oddly enough, the VTOL level is still missing from all versions. (I've personally played it on PC and Switch)
@Ace_4225 To be fair the framework of this remaster isn't the PC one (at least not as far as I know). It's a rework of the PS3/360 version of the game.
Environment destruction is indeed impressive, but that's at the cost of lots of asset reuse (well for the jungle levels earlier anyways). And other series were able to either come close or surpass it (naturally at the cost of other areas of the games) like Red Faction or probably a better comparison, the Battlefield games. Being able to destroy stuff on it's own isn't enough to make gameplay good. Well not in my opinion at least haha.
Are that many people playing a game with certain expectations only to be disappointed a failure on the player's part though? Or is that more on the developer? If the majority (hypothetically at least) of people are playing the game wrong, that seems more like the idea of the game wasn't conveyed properly.
When I played it for the first time (the 360 version, not the PC one) I wasn't really disappointed in any specific way with the title, but honestly I think my biggest gripe with the title is not so much that it's bad (I think specific remaster is a poor representation of the game, but the original Crysis is a very important title), but that when it launched apart from it's graphics, I don't think of it as one of the best of any one mechanic. Shooting, environment destruction, narrative, you name it. Even just looking at 2007 itself, I don't even know if I could reasonably put it in top 10 for the year, given the titles it launched alongside. Half-Life 2 Ep 2, Bioshock, Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, and then games that are harder to compare but are still very important, Uncharted, Mass Effect, Rock Band, Portal, Assassin's Creed. Did Crysis look better than those games when running properly? Absolutely! But that's the only area probably (Well maybe the soundtrack. Crysis' score is excellent!)
None of which I say to devalue your opinion of course! Crysis is a pretty significant title, and it's not hard to see why it would appeal to someone, I just find it difficult to look at the title alongside some of the other titles I mentioned that did more for me. Although who knows how this conversation could have gone if the Remaster was given proper time to work on? Or if it were a port of the original version of the title rather than the PS3 version of the title! I'd have loved to have seen that VTOL level haha
Dead space remaster please
I loved the original game and wars. The graphics looked good but why did they take gun modification off the suite and use separate control. Also under power instead of just jumping you have to use a different key. Took away from the game play.
@bbauer36 oh god i wish! day 1!!!
@gbanas92 i still play dead space regularly, its the only ps3 games i play 1,2, and 3. I would ***** myself if they did that. With visceral being shut down i heard its probably not gonna happen😭
@bbauer36 well visceral themselves sure won't do it but someone else (say a dev like Bluepoint?) sure could! I don't really have any need to play 3 ever again lol, but 1 and 2 are both some of my favorites of all time! At least (maybe both?) would be in my top 10! I'd play the hell out of remasters of those! And Extraction actually. That was a surprisingly fun game too!
Well we all know this needed a decent remake, not a remaster.
Boo hiss!
Never found Crysis fun at all. I know it's important for benchmarks but that's about it. I play shooters for fun and if it has a great story.
Superhot is more fun than crysis.
Gameplay over graphics.
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